doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.

Position: head
Research topics: molecular ecology
Department: External research facility Studenec
Phone: +420 568 422 387

Research interests

  • molecular ecology of vertebrates (interactions between neutral and adaptive genetic variation, immunogenetics, sexual selection, conservation genetics, immunogenetics),
  • ecology of mammals, especially rodents (sex ratio, population dynamics, structure of communities),
  • phylogeography, phylogeny and systematics of small mammals, especially in Africa.

    Running projects

    Comparative phylogeography of Zambezian region in Southeastern Africa using small mammals as a model

    Next-generation technologies in evolutionary genetics

    PROVAZ: PROpojení Vzdělávání A nových přístupů v Zoologicko-ekologickém výzkumu - od teorie k praxi

    Toll-like receptors in passerine birds: description, characterization of polymorphism and evolutionary consequences of allelic variation

    Finished projects


  • 1992-1997: undergraduate study in Systematic Zoology and Ecology - Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Science. Diploma thesis: Structure of communities of small terrestrial mammals in various habitats of the Protected Landscape Area of Poodří. (MSc.=Mgr.).
  • 1993-1998: undergraduate study in Molecular Biology and Genetics - Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Science. Diploma thesis: Preparation of truncated variant of gene coding for RXR alpha and its transfer to monoblast cell line BM2. (MSc.=Mgr.).
  • 1997-2000: Ph.D. study in Zoology - Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Science. Ph.D. thesis: Demographic characteristics of the common vole (Microtus arvalis) population in southern Moravia. (PhD.).


    Institute of Vertebrate Biology, ASCR, Brno (IVB):
  • 1997-1998: research assistant, Brno
  • 1998-2009: junior researcher, Department of Population Biology of IVB, Brno and Studenec (responsible for the running of the Laboratory of molecular genetics in Studenec)
  • 2010-present: senior researcher, head of the Research Facility of IVB in Studenec
  • 2011-present: scientific secretary of IVB
  • 2012-present: Head of the IVB´s Board

    Department of Zoology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno:
  • 2003-2009: research assistant (part-time)
  • 2009-present: Associate Professor (part-time), Lectures: Molecular ecology, Genetic methods in zoology, Advances in zoology of vertebrates, Evolutionary analyses), supervising of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students.

    International experience

  • 2004-2006: postdoctoral fellow, Centre de Biologie et Gestion des Populations, Montferriez sur Lez, France (projects on wildlife immunogenetics).
  • 2004-2009: Member of the International steering committee for the European Science Foundation scientific program "Integrating population genetics and conservation biology: Merging theoretical, experimental and applied approaches".
  • short visits at European research institutes (e.g. France - CBGP, Université Montpellier, Musée National d´Histoire Naturelle, Université de Rennes; Denmark - University of Aarhus; Belgium - University of Antwerps; Italy - Centre for Research and Innovation, S. Michele all’Adige).
  • fieldwork in Africa (Senegal, Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia) - collaboration with numerous African and European colleagues.
  • 2009-present: Member of Consortium CONGRESS (Conservation of Genetic Resources for Effective Species Survival), 7th Framework Programme of EC; 2012 - organization of two international workshops on conservation genetics (Slovakia, Hungary).

    Actual Ph.D. students

  • Barbora Zemanová: Conservation genetics of chamois in Central Europe.
  • Dagmar Čížková: Major histocompatibility complex variation in the house mice hybrid zone.
  • Alena Fornůsková: The role of innate immunity genes in evolutionary ecology of rodents.
  • Wasimuddin: Genetic variation of pathogens in the house mice hybrid zone (co-supervised by J.Gouy de Bellocq and J.Piálek).
  • Tereza Králová: The effect of life histories on the variation of immune genes in passerines - a comparative approach (co-supervised by T. Albrecht and M. Vinkler).
  • Tatiana Aghová: Comparative phylogeography of the Somali-Maasai region in eastern Africa using selected rodent species as a model (co-supervised by R. Šumbera).
  • Veronika Bartáková: The effects of non-native species on host-parasite relationships (co-supervised by M. Reichard).

    Former Ph.D. students

  • Hájková Petra, 2008: Conservation genetics of the Eurasian otter. Masaryk University, Brno. (co-superviser, supervisor P.Jurajda).
  • Konečný Adam, 2009: Consequences of anthropogenic changes on rodent communities and populations: study cases on native and introduced species in Eastern Senegal. Masaryk University, Brno and Université Montpellier II. (supervisors J.M. Duplantier and J.F. Cosson - Centre de Biologie pour Gestion des Populations, Montpellier, France).
  • Promerová Marta, 2011: Major histocompatibility complex genes: their variation and impact on fitness in a socially monogamous passerine. Masaryk University, Brno. (superviser, co-supervisor T.Albrecht).
  • Poláková Radka, 2011: The effect of genetic factors on reproductive success in a socially monogamous songbird. Masaryk University, Brno. (superviser, co-supervisor T.Albrecht).
  • Říčanová Štěpánka, 2011: Phylogeography and conservation genetics of the European ground squirrel. South Bohemian University, České Budějovice. (co-superviser, supervisor F.Sedláček).
  • Patzenhauerová-Konvičková Hana, 2013: Bathyergid rodents of mesic tropical regions: Phylogeography, kinship structure and mating systems. Masaryk University, Brno. (supervisor) .



    J. BRYJA, O. MIKULA, H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, N. O. OGUGE, R. ŠUMBERA, E. VERHEYEN: The role of dispersal and vicariance in the Pleistocene history of an East African mountain rodent, Praomys delectorum, Journal of Biogeography (2013) .

    E. V. BUZAN, J. BRYJA, B. ZEMANOVÁ, B. KRYŠTUFEK: Population genetics of chamois in the contact zone between the Alps and the Dinaric Mountains: uncovering the role of habitat fragmentation and past management, Conservation Genetics 14 (2013) 401-412.

    N. ĆOSIć, Š. ŘÍČANOVÁ, J. BRYJA, A. PENEZIć, D. ĆIROVIć: Do rivers and human-induced habitat fragmentation affect genetic diversity and population structure of the European ground squirrel at the edge of its Pannonian range?, Conservation Genetics 14 (2013) 345-354.

    S. M. HOBAN, H. C. HAUFFE, S. PÉREZ-ESPONA, J. W. ARNTZEN, G. BERTORELLE, J. BRYJA, K. FRITH, O. E. GAGGIOTTI, P. GALBUSERA, J. A. GODOY, A. R. HOELZEL, R. A. NICHOLS, C. R. PRIMMER, I.-R. RUSSO, G. SEGELBACHER, H. R. SIEGISMUND, M. SIHVONEN, C. VERNESI, C. VILA, M. W. BRUFORD: Bringing genetic diversity to the forefront of conservation policy and management, Conservation genetics resources 5 (2013) 593-598.

    A. KONEČNÝ, A. ESTOUP, J.-M. DUPLANTIER, J. BRYJA, K. BA, M. GALAN, C. TATARD, J.-F. COSSON: Invasion genetics of the introduced black rat (Rattus rattus) in Senegal, West Africa, Molecular Ecology 22 (2013) 286-300.

    M. PROMEROVÁ, T. KRÁLOVÁ, A. BRYJOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, J. BRYJA: MHC class IIB Exon 2 Polymorphism in the Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix) is shaped by selection, recombination and gene conversion, PLoS ONE 8 (2013) .

    Š. ŘÍČANOVÁ, Y. KOSHEV, O. ŘÍČAN, N. ĆOSIć, D. ĆIROVIć, F. SEDLÁČEK, J. BRYJA: Multilocus phylogeography of the European ground squirrel: cryptic interglacial refugia of continental climate in Europe, Molecular Ecology (2013) .


    J. BRYJA, V. MAZOCH, H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, C. MATEKE, J. ZIMA JR., J. ŠKLÍBA, R. ŠUMBERA: Revised occurrence of rodents from the tribe Praomyini (Muridae) in Zambia based on mitochondrial DNA analyses: implications for biogeography and conservation, Folia zoologica 61 (2012) 268-283.

    M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. BRYJA, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, M. HOMOLKA: Rodent damage to natural and replanted mountain forest regeneration, TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 2012 (2012) 872536.

    P.-J, G. MALÉ, J.-F. MARTIN, M. GALAN, V. DEFFONTAINE, J. BRYJA, J.-F. COSSON, J. MICHAUX, N. CHARBONNEL: Discongruence of Mhc and cytochrome b phylogeographical patterns in Myodes glareolus (Rodentia: Cricetidae), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105 (2012) 881-899.

    Y. MEHERETU, D. ČÍŽKOVÁ, J. TĚŠÍKOVÁ, K. WELEGERIMA, Z. TOMAS, D. KIDANE, K. GIRMAY, J. SCHMIDT-CHANASIT, J. BRYJA, S. GÜNTHER, A. BRYJOVÁ, H. LEIRS, J. GOÜY DE BELLOCQ: High diversity of RNA viruses in rodents, Ethiopia, Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 (2012) 2047-2050.

    R. POLÁKOVÁ, J. SCHNITZER, M. VINKLER, J. BRYJA, P. MUNCLINGER, T. ALBRECHT: Effect of extra-pair paternity and parental quality on brood sex ratio in the scarlet rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus, Folia zoologica 61 (2012) 225-232.

    M. PROMEROVÁ, W. BABIK, J. BRYJA, T. ALBRECHT, M. STUGLIK, J. RADWAN: Evaluation of two approaches to genotyping major histocompatibility complex class I in a passerine—CE-SSCP and 454 pyrosequencing, Molecular Ecology Resources 12 (2012) 285-292.

    M. REICHARD, R. SPENCE, A. BRYJOVÁ, J. BRYJA, C. SMITH: Female rose bitterling prefer MHC-dissimilar males: experimental evidence, PLoS ONE 7 (2012) .

    M. SEIFERTOVÁ, J. BRYJA, M. VYSKOČILOVÁ, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, A. ŠIMKOVÁ: Multiple Pleistocene refugia and postglacial colonization in the European chub (Squalius cephalus) revealed by combined use of nuclear and mitochondrial markers, Journal of Biogeography 39 (2012) 1024-1040.

    R. ŠUMBERA, V. MAZOCH, H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, M. LÖVY, J. ŠKLÍBA, J. BRYJA, H. BURDA: Burrow architecture, family composition and habitat characteristics of the largest social African mole-rat: the giant mole-rat constructs really giant burrow systems, Acta Theriologica 57 (2012) 121-130.

    W. WASIMUDDIN, D. ČÍŽKOVÁ, J. BRYJA, J. ALBRECHTOVÁ, H. C. HAUFFE, J. PIÁLEK: High prevalence and species diversity of Helicobacter spp. detected in wild house mice, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78 (2012) 8158-8160.

    W. WASIMUDDIN, D. ČÍŽKOVÁ, A. RIBAS, J. PIÁLEK, J. GOÜY DE BELLOCQ, J. BRYJA: Development and characterization of multiplex panels of microsatellite markers for Syphacia obvelata, a parasite of the house mouse (Mus musculus), using a high throughput DNA sequencing approach, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 185 (2012) 154-156.


    D. ČÍŽKOVÁ, J. GOÜY DE BELLOCQ, S. J. E. BAIRD, J. PIÁLEK, J. BRYJA: Genetic structure and contrasting selection pattern at two major histocompatibility complex genes in wild house mouse populations, Heredity 106 (2011) 727-740.

    D. DEMONTIS, S. D. CZARNOMSKA, P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, J. BRYJA, V. LOESCHCKE, C. PERTOLDI: Characterization of 151 SNPs for population structure analysis of the endangered Tatra chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica) and its relative, the Alpine chamois (R. r. rupicapra), Mammalian Biology 76 (2011) 644-645.

    E. JÁNOVÁ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, A. KONEČNÝ, J. BRYJA: Traditional and diversified crops in South Moravia (Czech Republic): Habitat preferences of common vole and mice species, Mammalian Biology 76 (2011) 570-576.

    P. PROCHÁZKA, B. G. STOKKE, H. JENSEN, D. FAINOVÁ, E. BELLINVIA, F. FOSSOY, J. R. VIKAN, J. BRYJA, M. SOLER: Low genetic differentiation among reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus populations across Europe, Journal of avian biology 42 (2011) 103-113.

    M. PROMEROVÁ, M. VINKLER, J. BRYJA, R. POLÁKOVÁ, J. SCHNITZER, P. MUNCLINGER, T. ALBRECHT: Occurrence of extra-pair paternity is connected to social male’s MHC-variability in the scarlet rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus, Journal of avian biology 42 (2011) 5-10.

    M. REICHARD, J. BRYJA, M. POLAČIK, C. SMITH: No evidence for host specialization or host-race formation in the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), a fish that parasitizes freshwater mussels, Molecular Ecology 20 (2011) 3631-3643.

    Š. ŘÍČANOVÁ, J. BRYJA, J.-F. COSSON, C. GEDEON, L. CHOLEVA, M. AMBROS, F. SEDLÁČEK: Depleted genetic variation of the European ground squirrel in Central Europe in both microsatellites and the major histocompatibility complex gene: implications for conservation, Conservation Genetics 12 (2011) 1115-1129.

    B. ZEMANOVÁ, P. HÁJKOVÁ, J. BRYJA, J. ZIMA JR., A. HÁJKOVÁ, J. ZIMA: Development of multiplex microsatellite sets for noninvasive population genetic study of the endangered Tatra chamois, Folia zoologica 60 (2011) 70-80.


    M. AGBALI, M. REICHARD, A. BRYJOVÁ, J. BRYJA, C. SMITH: Mate choice for nonadditive genetic benefits correlate with MHC dissimilarity in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus), Evolution 64 (2010) 1683-1696.

    T. BARTONIČKA, P. KAŇUCH, B. BÍMOVÁ, J. BRYJA: Olfactory discrimination between two cryptic species of bats Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus, Folia zoologica 59 (2010) 175-182.

    J. BRYJA, C. SMITH, A. KONEČNÝ, M. REICHARD: Range-wide population genetic structure of the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus) based on microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analysis, Molecular Ecology 19 (2010) 4708-4722.

    J. BRYJA, L. GRANJON, G. DOBIGNY, H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, A. KONEČNÝ, J.-M. DUPLANTIER, P. GAUTHIER, M. COLYN, L. DURNEZ, A. LALIS, V. NICOLAS: Plio-Pleistocene history of West African Sudanian savanna and the phylogeography of the Praomys daltoni complex (Rodentia): the environment/geography/genetic interplay, Molecular Ecology 19 (2010) 4783-4799.

    J. BRYJA, M. UHRIN, P. KAŇUCH, P. BÉMOVÁ, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, J. ZUKAL: Mitochondrial DNA confirms low genetic variation of the greater mouse-eared bats, Myotis myotis, in Central Europe, Acta Chiropterologica 12 (2010) 73-81.

    E. V. BUŽAN, B. KRYŠTUFEK, J. BRYJA: Microsatellite markers confirm extensive population fragmentation of the endangered Balkan palaeoendemic Martino’s vole (Dinaromys bogdanovi), Conservation Genetics 11 (2010) 1783-1794.

    M. HEROLDOVÁ, M. PEJČOCH, J. BRYJA, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, E. TKADLEC: Tula virus in populations of small terrestrial mammals in a rural landscape, Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 10 (2010) 599-603.

    P. HULVA, A. FORNŮSKOVÁ, A. CHUDÁRKOVÁ, A. EVIN, B. ALLEGRINI, P. BENDA, J. BRYJA: Mechanisms of radiation in a bat group from the genus Pipistrellus inferred by phylogeography, demography and population genetics, Molecular Ecology 19 (2010) 5417-5431.

    N. CHARBONNEL, J. BRYJA, M. GALAN, J. DETER, C. TOLLENAERE, Y. CHAVAL, S. MORAND, J.-F. COSSON: Negative relationships between cellular immune response, Mhc class II heterozygosity and secondary sexual trait in the montane water vole, Evolutionary Applications 3 (2010) 279-290.

    E. JÁNOVÁ, J. NESVADBOVÁ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. BRYJA: Effectiveness of two trapping protocols for studying the demography of common voles, Hystrix 21 (2010) 189-193.

    P. KAŇUCH, A. FORNŮSKOVÁ, T. BARTONIČKA, J. BRYJA, Z. ŘEHÁK: Do two cryptic pipistrelle bat species differ in their autumn and winter roosting strategies within the range of sympatry?, Folia zoologica 59 (2010) 102-107.

    A. KONEČNÝ, P. KOUBEK, J. BRYJA: Indications of higher diversity and abundance of small rodents in human-influenced Sudanian savannah than in the Niokolo Koba National Park (Senegal), African Journal of Ecology 48 (2010) 718-726.

    H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, J. BRYJA, R. ŠUMBERA: Kinship structure and mating system in a solitary subterranean rodent, the silvery mole-rat, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64 (2010) 757-767.


    T. ALBRECHT, M. VINKLER, J. SCHNITZER, R. POLÁKOVÁ, P. MUNCLINGER, J. BRYJA: Extra-pair fertilizations contribute to selection on secondary male ornamentation in a socially monogamous passerine, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (2009) 2020-2030.

    J. BRYJA, P. KAŇUCH, A. FORNŮSKOVÁ, T. BARTONIČKA, Z. ŘEHÁK: Low population genetic structuring of two cryptic bat species suggests their migratory behaviour in continental Europe, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 96 (2009) 103-114.

    L. E. CLIFT, P. ANDRLÍKOVÁ, M. FROLÍKOVÁ, P. STOPKA, J. BRYJA, B. F. FLANAGAN, P. M. JOHNSON, K. DVOŘÁKOVÁ-HORTOVÁ: Absence of spermatozoal CD46 protein expression and associated rapid acrosome reaction rate in striped field mice (Apodemus agrarius), Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 7 (2009) 1-9.

    B. KRYŠTUFEK, J. BRYJA, E. V. BUŽAN: Mitochondrial phylogeography of the European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus, yields evidence on refugia for steppic taxa in the southern Balkans, Heredity 103 (2009) 129-135.

    M. PROMEROVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, J. BRYJA: Extremely high MHC class I variation in a population of a long-distance migrant, the Scarlet Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus), Immunogenetics 61 (2009) 451-461.

    M. REICHARD, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, A. BRYJOVÁ, C. SMITH, J. BRYJA: Breeding resource distribution affects selection gradients on male phenotypic traits: experimental study on lifetime reproductive success in the bitterling fish (Rhodeus amarus), Evolution 63 (2009) 377-390.

    M. VINKLER, A. BRYJOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, J. BRYJA: Identification of the first toll-like receptor gene in passerine birds: TLR4 orthologue in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), Tissue Antigens 74 (2009) 32-41.


    J. BRYJA, H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, L. MOŠANSKÝ, M. STANKO, P. STOPKA: Varying levels of female promiscuity in four Apodemus mice species, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63 (2008) 251-260.

    J. DETER, J. BRYJA, Y. CHAVAL, M. GALAN, H. HENTTONEN, J. LAAKKONEN, L. VOUTILAINEN, O. VAPALAHTI, A. VAHERI, A. R. SALVADOR, S. MORAND, J.-F. COSSON, N. CHARBONNEL: Association between the DQA MHC class II gene and Puumala virus infection in Myodes glareolus, the bank vole, Infection, Genetics and Evolution (2008) 450-458.

    M. HEROLDOVÁ, E. TKADLEC, J. BRYJA, J. ZEJDA: Wheat or barley? Feeding preferences affect distribution of three rodent species in agricultural landscape, Applied Animal Behaviour Science 110 (2008) 354-362.

    E. JÁNOVÁ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. BRYJA: Conspicuous demographic and individual changes in a population of the common vole in a set-aside alfalfa field, Annales Zoologici Fennici 45 (2008) 39-54.

    V. NICOLAS, J. BRYJA, B. AKPATOU, A. KONEČNÝ, E. LECOMPTE, M. COLYN, A. LALIS, A. COULOUX, C. DENYS, L. GRANJON: Comparative phylogeography of two sibling species of forest-dwelling rodent (Praomys rostratus and P. tullbergi) in West Africa: different reactions to past forest fragmentation, Molecular Ecology 17 (2008) 5118-5134.

    M. REICHARD, C. SMITH, J. BRYJA: Seasonal change in the opportunity for sexual selection, Molecular Ecology 17 (2008) 642-651.

    Z. ŘEHÁK, T. BARTONIČKA, J. BRYJA, J. GAISLER: New records of the Alcathoe bat, Myotis alcathoe in Moravia (Czech Republic), Folia zoologica 57 (2008) 465-469.

    C. TOLLENAERE, J. BRYJA, M. GALAN, P. CADET, J. DETER, Y. CHAVAL, K. BERTHIER, A. RIBAS SALVADOR, L. VOUTILAINEN, J. LAAKKONEN, H. HENTTONEN, J.-F. COSSON, N. CHARBONNEL: Multiple parasites mediate balancing selection at two MHC class II genes in the fossorial water vole: insights from multivariate analyses and population genetics, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21 (2008) 1307-1320.

    A. TÓTHOVÁ, J. KNOZ, R. SONNEK, J. BRYJA, J. VAŇHARA: Taxonomic problems in the subgenus Meloehelea Wirth of the genus Atrichopogon Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) inferred from both morphological and molecular characters, Entomologica Fennica 19 (2008) 1-12.


    T. ALBRECHT, J. SCHNITZER, J. KREISINGER, A. EXNEROVÁ, J. BRYJA, P. MUNCLINGER: Extrapair paternity and the opportunity for sexual selection in long-distant migratory passerines, Behavioral Ecology 18 (2007) 477-486.

    J. BRYJA, P. KMENT: True bugs (Heteroptera) of the Bukovské vrchy Hills (Poloniny National Park, Slovakia), Acta Musei Moraviae. Scientiae biologicae = Časopis Moravského muzea. Vědy biologické - Scientiae biologicae 92 (2007) 1-51.

    J. BRYJA, N. CHARBONNEL, K. BERTHIER, M. GALAN, J.-F. COSSON: Density-related changes in selection pattern for major histocompatibility complex genes in fluctuating populations of voles, Molecular Ecology 16 (2007) 5084-5097.

    P. HÁJKOVÁ, C. PERTOLDI, B. ZEMANOVÁ, K. ROCHE, B. HÁJEK, J. BRYJA, J. ZIMA: Genetic structure and evidence for recent population decline in Eurasian otter populations in the Czech and Slovak Republics: implications for conservation, Journal of Zoology 272 (2007) 1-9.

    M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. BRYJA, J. ZEJDA, E. TKADLEC: Structure and diversity of small mammal communities in agriculture landscape, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (2007) 206-210.

    P. KAŇUCH, A. FORNŮSKOVÁ, T. BARTONIČKA, J. BRYJA: Multiplex panels of polymorphic microsatellite loci for two cryptic bat species of the genus cross-species amplification within the family Vespertilionidae, Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (2007) 871-873.

    P. KAŇUCH, P. HÁJKOVÁ, Z. ŘEHÁK, J. BRYJA: A rapid PCR-based test for species identification of two cryptic bats Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus and its application on museum and dropping samples, Acta Chiropterologica 9 (2007) 277-282.

    P. KMENT, J. BRYJA: Description of Nasocoris lautereri sp. nov. from the Balkan peninsula, with a review of the genus Nasocoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae), Zootaxa 1633 (2007) 39-61.

    A. LOISEAU, A. KONEČNÝ, M. GALAN, J. BRYJA, J.-F. COSSON, C. BROUAT: New polymorphic microsatellite loci for rodents of the genus Mastomys using PCR multiplexing, and cross-species amplification in Myomys and Praomys, Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (2007) 684-687.

    R. POLÁKOVÁ, M. VYSKOČILOVÁ, J.-F. MARTIN, H. L. MAYS JR., G. E. HILL, J. BRYJA, T. ALBRECHT: A multiplex set of microsatellite markers for the scarlet rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus), Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (2007) 1375-1378.


    V. BENCOVÁ, T. KAŠPAR, J. BRYJA: Sezónní a meziroční změny skladby potravy kalouse ušatého (Asio otus) na jižní Moravě, Tichodroma 18 (2006) 65-71.

    J. BRYJA, P. KMENT: Ploštice (Heteroptera) Chráněné krajinné oblasti Kokořínsko, Bohemia centralis 27 (2006) 267-294.

    J. BRYJA, M. GALAN, N. CHARBONNEL, J.-F. COSSON: Duplication, balancing selection and trans-species evolution explain the high levels of polymorphism of the DQA MHC class II gene in voles (Arvicolinae), Immunogenetics 58 (2006) 191-202.

    P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, J. BRYJA, B. HÁJEK, K. ROCHE, E. TKADLEC, J. ZIMA: Factors affecting success of PCR amplification of microsatellite loci from otter faeces, Molecular Ecology Notes 6 (2006) 559-562.

    P. KMENT, J. BRYJA: Revised occurrence of Heterotoma species (Heteroptera: Miridae) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with remarks on nomenclature, diagnostic characters and ecology, Acta Musei Moraviae. Scientiae biologicae = Časopis Moravského muzea. Vědy biologické - Scientiae biologicae 91 (2006) 7-52.

    A. TÓTHOVÁ, J. BRYJA, P. BEJDÁK, J. VAŇHARA: Molecular markers used in phylogenetic studies of Diptera with a methodological overview, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Biologica (2006) 125-133.


    J. BRYJA, P. STOPKA: Facultative promiscuity in a presumably monogamous mouse Apodemus microps, Acta Theriologica 50 (2005) 189-196.

    J. BRYJA, J. NESVADBOVÁ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. LOSÍK, L. TREBATICKÁ, E. TKADLEC: Common vole (Microtus arvalis) population sex ratio: biases and process variation, Canadian Journal of Zoology - Revue Canadienne de Zoologie 83 (2005) 1391-1399.

    J. BRYJA, M. GALAN, N. CHARBONNEL, J.-F. COSSON: Analysis of major histocompatibility complex class II gene in water voles using capillary electrophoresis-single stranded conformation polymorphism, Molecular Ecology Notes 5 (2005) 173-176.

    M. HEROLDOVÁ, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. BRYJA, E. TKADLEC: Set-aside plots - source of small mammal pests?, Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 337-350.

    P. KMENT, J. BRYJA, K. HRADIL, Z. JINDRA: New and interesting records of true bugs (Heteroptera) from the Czech Republic and Slovakia 3, Klapalekiana 41 (2005) 157-213.

    P. KMENT, J. BRYJA, Z. JINDRA: New records of true bugs (Heteroptera) of the Balkan peninsula, Acta entomologica slovenica 13 (2005) 9-20.

    M. REICHARD, J. BRYJA, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, M. DÁVIDOVÁ, P. KANIEWSKA, C. SMITH: Sexual selection for male dominance reduces opportunities for female mate choice in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus), Molecular Ecology 14 (2005) 1533-1542.


    J. BRYJA, P. KMENT: Ploštice (Heteroptera) Bukovských vrchů (NP Poloniny), Folia faunistica Slovaca 9 (2004) 31-41.

    P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. HÁJEK, B. ZEMANOVÁ, K. ROCHE, A. TOMAN, J. BRYJA: Genetická variabilita a populačno-genetická štruktúra subpopulácií vydry riečnej (Lutra lutra) v výskumnom projekte Českej a Slovenskej republike, Bulletin Vydra (2004) 19-23.

    P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, B. HÁJEK, K. ROCHE, M. KUČEROVÁ, J. BRYJA, J. ZIMA: Stanovenie početnosti a štruktúry populácie vydry riečnej (Lutra lutra) neinvazívnou genetickou metódou - správa o prebiehajúcom výskumnom projekte, Bulletin Vydra (2004) 15-18.

    M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. ZEJDA, M. ZAPLETAL, D. OBDRŽÁLKOVÁ, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. BRYJA, E. TKADLEC: Importance of winter rape for small rodents, Rostlinná  výroba 50 (2004) 175-181.


    J. BRYJA, A. KONEČNÝ: Fast sex identification in wild mammals using PCR amplification of the Sry gene, Folia zoologica 52 (2003) 269-274.

    E. JÁNOVÁ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. NESVADBOVÁ, J. BRYJA, E. TKADLEC: Age variation in a fluctuating population of the common vole, Oecologia 137 (2003) 527-532.

    E. JÁNOVÁ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. BRYJA, E. TKADLEC: Metodické problémy při určování stáří hlodavců na základě hmotnosti očních čoček, Lynx 34 (2003) 29-38.

    P. KMENT, J. BRYJA, Z. JINDRA, K. HRADIL, P. BAŇAŘ: New and interesting records of true bugs (Heteroptera) from the Czech Republic and Slovakia 2, Klapalekiana 39 (2003) 257-306.