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Confocal Microscope MicroTime 200


Hi-res Pics


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Confocal microscope MicroTime 200 (PicoQuant, Berlin) for time resolved fluorescence microscopy (FLIM, FCS, FLCS), combined with confocal laser scanning microscope FluoView 1000 (Olympus) for confocal imaging and raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS).

Excitation sources available: pulsed laser diodes (405 nm, 440 nm, 470 nm, 532 nm, 640 nm)

The microscope is equipped with a chamber with controlled atmosphere (CO2 concentration).

Time and Spectral Resolved Microscope (T&SRM)


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Confocal fluorescence microscope for time (FLIM, FCS, FLCS) and spectrally (spectral imaging, spectral FCS) resolved fluorescence microscopy. The setup is also designed to perform super-resolution imaging by DSOM technique.

System is equipped with TCSPC card HydraHarp (PicoQuant, Berlin) and an imaging spectrograph based on Andor iXon EMCCD camera. Sample stage with a piezo actuator (PI, Karlsruhe) is used for scanning the sample.

Excitation sources available: pulsed laser diodes (405 nm, 440 nm, 470 nm, 640 nm) and continuous wave He-Ne lasers (633 nm, 543 nm)

Super Resolution Microscope (SRM)


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Microscopic setup for super-resolution imaging by PALM or STORM techniques equipped with TIRF objective.

Time Resolved Fluorescence Spectrometer - IBH 5000U


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Time resolved fluorescence spectrometer IBH 5000U (TCSPC) used mainly for measurement of time resolved emission spectra (TRES) and time resolved fluorescence anisotropy.

Excitation sources available: pulsed laser diodes (370 nm, 440 nm, 470 nm, 640 nm), 280 nm LED diode.

Steady State Florescence Spectrometer FluoroLog 3


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Modular steady state florescence spectrometer FluoroLog 3 (Horiba).

Light trace: Lamp Housing -> Double Monochromator -> Sample Compartment -> Double Monochromator -> Detector

Confocal Microscope ConfoCor 2

Confocal microscope ConfoCor 2 (Carl Zeiss, Jena) for Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) equipped with time resolved fluorescence detection via TimeHarp 200 (PicoQuant, Berlin) data acquisition card enabling FLCS experiments.

The instrument is on a long-term loan in the laboratory of XUV spectroscopy at Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of Czech Technical University.


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Other Laboratory Equipment

Absorption spectrophotometer Helios (Unicam Instruments).

Equipment for sample preparation includes equipment for liposome preparation: rotary evaporator, sonicator for SUVs preparation, membrane extruders (Avestin) for LUVs preparation and chambers for electroformation of GUVs.

Furthermore, columns for gel chromatography, pH meter and analytic balance and other basic laboratory equipment are available.

A cell culture room with an incubator and a laminar box is available.