- P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, H. Lipavská: Phytoremediation of toxic metals by plant cultures., in COST 837 Working group 2 – Toxic metals (Herzig, R., Schwitzguébel, J.-P., eds.), Lausanne, Schwitzerland, (18.-19. February 1999), p. 25
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Study of 137Cs radiophytoremediation., in COST 837 Working group 4 - Cultivation and Utilization (Martins Dias, S., Haberl, R., eds.), Lisbon, Portugal, (18.-20. November 1999), p. 27
- P. Soudek, T. Vaněk, R. Tykva: Study of radiophytoremediation of 137Cs and 125I on the laboratory scale., in COST 837 Working group 2 – Toxic metals (Marmiroli, N., Baker, A., Herzig, R., eds.), Parma, Italy, (13.-15. January 2000), p. 41
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Basic requirements for radiophytoremediation and radiophytomonitoring, in COST 837 International meeting „Wastewater treatment and plants as a „green liver“: The European approach, experience and trends“, Larnaca, Cyprus, (18.-19. May 2001), p.25
- P. Soudek, P. Maršík, T. Vaněk: Biotransformation and degradation of dyes precursors by callus cultures of Strombocactus disciformis and Epithelantha micromeris, in InterCOST Action 831 WG1 and 837, WG1+4, Workshop on „Soil-microbe-root interactions: Maximizing phytoremediation / bioremediation“, (Schröder, P., ed.), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, (23.-25. May 2002), p. 10
- P. Soudek, R. Tykva, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, A. Golan-Goldhirsh, T. Vaněk: Radiophytoremediation – potential method for clean-up of environment., in 1st ASEM conference on bioremediation, (Ladel, J., ed.) Hanoi, Vietnam, (24.-27. September 2002), p. 86-88
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva: Radiophytoremediation and its potential application, in ISEB 2002 meeting “Phytoremediation”, (Olguin,E., ed.), Veracruz, México, (9.-12. June 2002), CD-ROM
- R. Tykva, P. Soudek, E. Podracká, T. Vaněk: Translocation studies of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in plant, in 7th International conference on Nuclear Analytical methods in the Life Science, (Aras, N.K., ed.), Antalya, Turkey, (16.-21. June 2002), p.158
- P. Soudek: Radiophytoremediation and radionuclide contaminated soil management, in COST Action 837 Workshop on “Phytoremediation of toxic metals” (Greger, M., ed.), Stockholm, Sweden, (12-15 June 2003),
- P. Soudek, R. Tykva, I. Kališová, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation of heavy metals by sunflower and corn plants, Proceedings of the Second Bioremediation Conference (Kalogerakis, N., ed.), Chania, Crete, Greece, (30. June - 4. July 2003), p. 353-356
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, M. Vágner, M. Bjelková, M. Griga, R. Tykva: Phytoremediation and land management of radionuclide contaminated soil, in Achievements and Prospects of Phytoremediation in Europe, Final Workshop and Management Committee Meeting, Vienna, (Haberl, R., Langergraber, G., eds.), Austria, (15-18 October 2003), p.17
- P. Soudek, R. Tykva, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, E. Podracká, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation and land management of uranium decay range contaminated area in South Bohemia., in 9th FECS conference and 2nd SFC meeting on Chemistry and the Environment (Garrigues, P. Donard, O., eds.), Bordeaux, France, (29. August - 1. September 2004), p.105-106
- P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Plant uptake of heavy metal and radionuclides – summary of results, in COST 859 Working group 1 – Plant uptake/exclusion and translocation of nutriens and contaminants (Sirko, A., Antosiewicz, D.M., Gawronski, S., eds.), Warsaw, Poland, (18.-19. October 2004), p. 50
- P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, E. Podracká, R. Tykva, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation and land management of real contaminated area – example from South Bohemia, in COST 859 Working group 4 – Integration and application of phytotechnologies (Gerth, A., Kuschk, P., eds.), Leipzig, Germany, (28.-29. October 2004), p. 18
- P. Soudek, M. Makhmudova, O. Barazani, T. Vaněk, A. Golan-Goldhirsh: Plant response on heavy metal contamination – summary of results, in COST 859 Working group 2 – Exploing “-omics” approaches in phytotechnologies (Marmiroli, N., Maestri, E., Marmiroli, M., Visioli, G., eds.), Parma, Italy, (4.-6. November 2004), p. 41
- T. Vaněk, A. Nepovim, P. Soudek: Short overwiev of present a planned phytoremediation research in DPCC, in COST 859 Working group 1 – Plant uptake/exclusion and translocation of nutriens and contaminants (Sirko, A., Antosiewicz, D.M., Gawronski, S., eds.), Warsaw, Poland, (18.-19. October 2004), p. 54
- I. Kališová, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Study of heavy metals by plants in field conditions, in COST 859 Working group 4 – Integration and application of phytotechnologies (Gerth, A., Kuschk, P., eds.), Leipzig, Germany, (28.-29. October 2004), p. 21
- A. Nepovím, R. Podlipná, P. Soudek, A. Gerth, S. Smrček, T. Vaněk: Compartmentalization of TNT degradation products in plants, in COST 859 Working group 3 - Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use and improve food safety (Harvey, P., ed.), Greenwich, Great Britain, (11.-13. November 2004), p. 30
- P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, P. Petřík, M. Vágner, E. Podracká, R. Tykva, T. Vaněk : Phytoremediation and land management of uranium decay range polluted area., in 3rd European Bioremediation Conference, (Kalogerakis, N., ed.) Chania, Crete, Greece, (4.-7. July 2005), p. 102
- P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, T. Vaněk: Study of radiophytoremediation on heavily polluted area in South Bohemia., in Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology IV, (Merkel, B.J. and Hasche-Berger, A., eds.), Freiberg, Germany, (11.-16. September 2005), p.519-524, CD-ROM
- P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Remediation of radionuclide contaminated sites using phytotechnologies., in International Workshop “Current developments in remediation of contaminated sites”, (Siebielec, G., Stuczyński, T., eds) Puławy, Poland (27.-29. October 2005), p. 27
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek: Phytoremediation of radionuclides and it’s utilization for land management of radionuclide contaminated areas, in EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, (24.-29. April 2005), Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 7, 2005, EGU05-A-10703
- T. Vaněk, A. Nepovím, A. Hebner, P. Soudek, A Gerth, H. Thomas. S. Smrček: Phytoremediation of explosives, in 1st Scientific Workshop and Management Committee Meeting - “Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use and improve foot safety” (Barbafieri, M., Tassi, E., eds.), Pisa, Italy, (13.-16. June 2005), p. 137
- T. Barth, J. Barthová, T. Vaněk, L. Hauzerová, P. Kozák, P. Soudek, J. Hamáčková, J. Kouřil, L. Lepša: Synthetic analogues of GnRH in fish reproduction, in 4ti Balgarski peptiden simpozium, Dolna Baňa, Bulgaria, (19.-21. September 2005), L4
- P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Study of uranium and 226Ra uptake by higher plants., in 1st scientific meeting of Working Group 1, COST Action 859 – „Root to shoot translocation of pollutants and nutrients“., (Kidd, P.S., eds.), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (22.-24. June 2006), p. 33
- P. Soudek, Š. Valenová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: From laboratory experiments to large scale application – example of radionuclides phytoremediation from Czech republic., in Brownfield Asia 2006, (eds.), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (5.-7. September 2006), p. 146-159
- T. Vaněk, Š. Valenová, P. Soudek: Phytoremediation and land management of radionuclide contaminated areas., in Proceedings of the twenty-ninth arctic and marine oilspill program (AMOP) technical seminar – Volume 1, (eds.), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, (6.-8. June 2006), p. 315-329
- M. Makhmudova, P. Soudek, L. Ljubenova, E. Ostrojeakova, T. Vaněk, P. Schröder, W. Eisenreich, A. Bacher, A. Golan-Goldhirsh: Shoot and root profile of metabolites, enzymes and anatomy of Allium schoenoprasum grown in heavy metal contaminated solution., (Kidd, P.S., eds.), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (22.-24. June 2006), p. 38
- T. Vaněk, Š. Valenová, J. Malá, P. Soudek: Study translocation of toxic metals in woody plants., (Kidd, P.S., eds.), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (22.-24. June 2006), p. 37
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Accumulation study of 226Ra by different plant species., in 9th ICOBTE, (Zhu, Y., Lepp, N., Naidu, R., eds.), Peking, China, (15.-19. July 2007), p. 435-436
- Š. Petrová, P. Soudek, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Uptake and distribution of uranium in Armoracia rusticana. in Meeting of WG1 - COST Action 859 – Contaminants and Nutrients: Availability, Accumulation/Exclusion and Plant-Microbia-Soil Interactions, (Lišková, D., Lux, A., Martinka, M., ed.), Smolenice, Slovakia, (22.-24. May 2008), p. 21.
- Ch. Huber, R. Harpaintner, P. Soudek, P. Schröder: Using Armoracia rusticana root cell culture as a model system for studying the fate of N-acetyl-4-aminophenol in plant tissues., in Workshop of WG2 - COST 859 – Genes and proteins involved in step sof phytoextraction and degradation of pollutants, (Schröder, P., eds.), Verona, Italy, (5.-6. June 2008), p.31-32 (O3-3)
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, D. Benešová, J. Kotyza, T. Vaněk: Phytoextraction of toxic metals by sunflower and corn plants., in Challenges on improving quality and safety of food crops - Workshop of WG3 - COST 859 – Improving nutritional quality and safety of food crops, (Singh, B. R., eds.), Lillehammer, Norway, (1.-4. September 2008), p.18
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná, J. Kotyza, D. Benešová, T. Vaněk: Phytoremediation possible solution for environment decontamination., in Brownfield Asia 2008, (eds.), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (21.-23. October 2008), p. 14 (CD-ROM)
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná: Phytoremediation in Europe – Contamination problems and potential solution., in Proceedings of the 5th International Phytotechnologies Conference, (eds.), Nanjing, China, (22.-25. October 2008), pp. 3-4
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná: Pharmaceuticals – environmental problem and its potential solution., in Proceedings of SoilRem 2008, (eds.), Nanjing, China, (18.-21. October 2008), p. 15
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná: Green technologies for wastewaters cleaning. in International Cnference on Xenbiotics in the Urban Water Cycle – XENOWAC 2009, (Kassinos, D., Ledin, A., eds.), Paphos, Cyprus, (11.-13. March 2009), p. (CD-ROM)
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, M. Vágner, P. Landa, R. Vaňková: Nanoparticles., in CleanUp 09 Conference, (eds.), Adelaide, Australia, (25. September - 2. October 2009), p.
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, Z. Fialová, R. Podlipná: Plant biotechnology for removal of organic pollutants and toxic metals from wastewaters and contaminated sites., in Fifth EPSO Conference – Plants for Life, (Metzlaff, K., Oksman-Caldentey, K.-M., eds.), Olos, Finland, (18.-22. April 2010), p. 57 (S 31)
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Podlipná, M. Vágner, P. Landa, R. Vaňková: Nanoparticles and plants – What is new., in 7th International Conference on Phytotechnologies – Phytechnologies in the 21st century: Remediation-Energy-Health-Sustainability, (Marmiroli, N., Maestri, E., Agrimonti, C., Marmiroli, M., Imperiale, D., Urbana, B., eds.), Parma, Italy, (26.-29. September 2010), p. 55
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, P. Kinderman, P. Maršík: Air phytotremediation – Experience from the Czech Republic., in 7th International Conference on Phytotechnologies – Phytechnologies in the 21st century: Remediation-Energy-Health-Sustainability, (Marmiroli, N., Maestri, E., Agrimonti, C., Marmiroli, M., Imperiale, D., Urbana, B., eds.), Parma, Italy, (26.-29. September 2010), p. 113
- Š. Petrová, K. Jusková, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Phytoextraction of heavy metals by Sorghum bicolor., in 5th European Bioremediation Conference, (eds.), Kalogerakis, N., Fava, F., eds.) Chania, Crete, Greece, (4.-7. July 2011), p. 17, (CD ROM)
- P. Soudek, M. Hubálek, T. Vaněk: Biodegradace a bioremediace látek znečišťujících životní prostředí pomocí kultur vyšších rostlin., in Od laboratorních experimentů k bioremediačním technologiím (Damborský, J., ed.), Seč u Chrudimi, (8.-11. March 1999), p. 16
- I. Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Kumulace těžkých kovů v rostlinách rostoucích na kontaminované lokalitě, in Bioderadace V. (Halousková, O., ed.), Seč u Chrudimi, (7.-8. March 2001), p. 10
- I. Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Kumulace těžkých kovů v rostlinách rostoucích na kontaminované lokalitě, in Studentská vědecká konference PriF UK Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia, (22.-26. April 2001), p. 35
- I. Špirochová, J. Punčochářová, Z. Kafka, M. Kubal, P. Soudek, T. Vaněk: Studium kumulace těžkých kovů v rostlinách rostoucích na kontaminované lokalitě, in Setkání mladých chemiků a biochemiků organizované firmou Sigma - Aldrich, Křivoklát, (17.-19. May 2001), p. 25
- T. Vaněk, P. Soudek, R. Tykva, I. Kališová: Možnosti využití fytoremediace pro odstranění kontaminace způsobené toxickými kovy a radionuklidy. Hornická Příbram ve vědě a technice, Příbram, (15.-17. October.2002), CD ROM
- P. Soudek, L. Víchová, A. Nepovím, T. Vaněk: Využití ekotoxikologických dat pro zefektivnění fytoremediačních technologií, in Ekotoxikologické biotesty IV (Halousková, O., ed.), Chrudim-Píšťovy, Czech Republic, (15. - 17. September 2004)
- D. Benešová, P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, J. Malá, M. Najman, P. Najmanová, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Studium akumulace a transportu těžkých kovů kulturami rostlin Populus tremula x tremuloides a Cannabis sativa v laboratorních podmínkách a na reálné lokalitě, in Inovativní sanační technologie ve výzkumu a praxi (Halousková, O., ed.), Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic, (8. - 9. October 2008), pp. 55-59
- J. Kotyza, P. Soudek, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Léčiva v odpadních vodách a možnosti jejich odstranění rostlinami, in Inovativní sanační technologie ve výzkumu a praxi (Halousková, O., ed.), Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic, (8. - 9. October 2008), pp. 68-72
- P. Soudek, Š. Petrová, R. Podlipná, Z. Fialová, J. Malá, D. Benešová, V. Kočí, Z. Kafka, T. Vaněk: Hodnocení účinnosti fytoremediačních metod, in Inovativní sanační technologie ve výzkumu a praxi (Halousková, O., ed.), Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic, (8. - 9. October 2008), pp. 114-119
- T. Vaněk, P.Soudek, P. Maršík, R. Podlipná, J. Petráková, P. Landa, R. Vaňková: Rostliny a nanočástice – přátelé či nepřátelé ?, in Průmyslová ekologie ( Kočí, V., Havlová, J., Halousková, O., eds.), Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic, (24. - 26. March 2010), pp.117-118
- T. Vaněk, P. Maršík, P. Soudek: Fytoremediace vzduchu – plány a realita, in Inovativní sanační technologie ve výzkumu a praxi III., (Halousková, O., ed.), Beroun, Czech Republic, (13.-14. October 2010), p.75-77