Ing. Martin Šálek, Ph.D.
Position: post-doc
Research topics: ecology of birds and mammals
Department: Working place Brno
Phone: +420 387 775 621
E-mail: martin.sali post.cz
Research interests
ecology of birds and mammals in fragmented agricultural landscape,
behavioural ecology and population genetic variability of the Little Owl,
spatial and roosting ecology of bats,
return of large herbivores: a high priority in biodiversity conservation (rewilding projects).
Web presentation
Current students
Monika Chrenková
Jaroslav Červinka
Lucie Drahníková
Iveta Bartůšková
M. ŠÁLEK, M. BEREC: Rozšíření a biotopové preference sýčka obecného (Athene noctua) ve vybraných oblastech jižních Čech. Buteo 12 (2001): 127-134.
M. ŠÁLEK, P. SÍČOVÁ, F. SEDLÁČEK: Kuna skalní (Martes foina) v městském prostředí: početnost a rozšíření. Lynx 36 (2005): 111–116.
M. ŠÁLEK, L. SCHRÖPFER: Recent decline of the Little Owl (Athene noctua) in the Czech Republic. Polish Journal of Ecology 56 (2008): 527-534.
D. FISCHER, P. PAVLUVČÍK, F. SEDLÁČEK, M. ŠÁLEK: Predation of the alien American mink (Mustela vison) on native crayfish populations in middle-sized streams in central and western Bohemia. Folia Zoologica 58 (2009): 45-56.
R. K. LUČAN, M. ANDREAS, P. BENDA, T. BARTONIČKA, T. BŘEZINOVÁ, A. HOFFMANNOVÁ, Š. HULOVÁ, P. HULVA, J. NECKÁŘOVÁ, A. REITER, T. SVAČINA, M. ŠÁLEK, I. HORÁČEK: Alcathoe bat (Myotis alcathoe) in the Czech Republic: distributional status, roosting and feeding ecology. Acta Chiropterologica 11 (2009): 61-69.
M. ŠÁLEK, J. RIEGERT, V. KŘIVAN: The impact of vegetation characteristics and prey availability on breeding habitat use and diet of Little Owl (Athene noctua) in Central European farmland. Bird Study 57 (2010): 495-503.
DOSTÁL D., JIRKŮ M., KONVIČKA M., ČÍŽEK L., ŠÁLEK M. 2012: Návrat zubra evropského (Bison bonasus) do České republiky: Potenciální přínosy a perspektivní lokality. Česká krajina, Kutná Hora, 119 pp.
J. ČERVINKA, M. ŠÁLEK, E. PADYŠÁKOVÁ, P. ŠMILAUER: The effects of local and landscape-scale habitat characteristics and prey availability on corridor use by carnivores: A comparison of two contrasting farmlands, Journal for Nature Conservation 21 (2013) 105-113. R. K. LUČAN, M. ŠÁLEK: Observation of successful mobbing of an insectivorous bat, Taphozous nudiventris (Emballonuridae), on an avian predator, Tyto alba (Tytonidae), Mammalia 77 (2013) 235-236. M. ŠÁLEK, J. ČERVINKA, O. C. BANEA, M. KROFEL, D. ĆIROVIć, I. SELANEC, A. PENEZIć, S. GRILL, J. RIEGERT: Population densities and habitat use of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in farmlands across the Balkan Peninsula, European Journal of Wildlife Research (2013) . M. ŠÁLEK, J. ČERVINKA, P. PAVLUVČÍK, S. POLÁKOVÁ, E. TKADLEC: Forest-edge utilization by carnivores in relation to local and landscape habitat characteristics in central European farmland, Mammalian Biology (2013) . M. ŠÁLEK, J. ČERVINKA, E. PADYŠÁKOVÁ, J. KREISINGER: Does spatial co-occurrence of carnivores in a Central European agricultural landscape follow the null model?, European Journal of Wildlife Research (2013) . M. ŠÁLEK, M. CHRENKOVÁ, M. KIPSON: High population density of Little Owl (Athene noctua) in Hortobagy National Park, Hungary, Central Europe, Polish Journal of Ecology 61 (2013) 165-169. M. ŠÁLEK, N. SPASSOV, M. ANDĚRA, K. ENZINGER, B. OTTLECZ, Z. HEGYELI: Population status, habitat associations, and distribution of the steppe polecat Mustela eversmanii in Europe, Acta Theriologica 58 (2013) 233-244. 2012
M. ŠÁLEK, M. LÖVY: Spatial ecology and habitat selection of Little Owl Athene noctua during the breeding season in Central European farmland, Bird Conservation International 22 (2012) 328-338. 2011
J. ČERVINKA, M. ŠÁLEK, P. PAVLUVČÍK, J. KREISINGER: The fine-scale utilization of forest edges by mammalian mesopredators related to patch size and conservation issues in Central European farmland, Biodiversity and Conservation 20 (2011) 3459-3475. J. SVOBODOVÁ, J. KREISINGER, M. ŠÁLEK, M. KOUBOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT: Testing mechanistic explanations for mammalian predator responses to habitat edges, European Journal of Wildlife Research 57 (2011) 467-474. 2010
E. PADYŠÁKOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, L. POLEDNÍK, F. SEDLÁČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Predation on simulated duck nests in relation to nest density and landscape structure, Wildlife Research 37 (2010) 597-603. M. ŠÁLEK, J. KREISINGER, F. SEDLÁČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Do prey densities determine preferences of mammalian predators for habitat edges in an agricultural landscape?, Landscape and Urban Planning 98 (2010) 86-91. 2009
E. PADYŠÁKOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, L. POLEDNÍK, F. SEDLÁČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Removal of American mink increases the success of simulated nests in linear habitat, Wildlife Research 36 (2009) 225-230. M. ŠÁLEK, J. KREISINGER, F. SEDLÁČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Corridor vs. hayfield matrix use by mammalian predators in an agricultural landscape, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (2009) 8-13.