MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA, Vol. 138, No. 3, pp. 289-297, 2013

On the class of order Dunford-Pettis operators

Khalid Bouras, Abdelmonaim El Kaddouri, Jawad H'michane, Mohammed Moussa

Khalid Bouras, Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, Faculté polydisciplinaire, B.P. 745, Larache, Morocco, e-mail:; Abdelmonaim El Kaddouri, Jawad H'michane, Mohammed Moussa, Ibn Tofail University, P.B. 133, Kénitra, Morocco, e-mail:,,

Abstract: We characterize Banach lattices $E$ and $F$ on which the adjoint of each operator from $E$ into $F$ which is order Dunford-Pettis and weak Dunford-Pettis, is Dunford-Pettis. More precisely, we show that if $E$ and $F$ are two Banach lattices then each order Dunford-Pettis and weak Dunford-Pettis operator $T$ from $E$ into $F$ has an adjoint Dunford-Pettis operator $T'$ from $F'$ into $E'$ if, and only if, the norm of $E'$ is order continuous or $F'$ has the Schur property. As a consequence we show that, if $E$ and $F$ are two Banach lattices such that $E$ or $F$ has the Dunford-Pettis property, then each order Dunford-Pettis operator $T$ from $E$ into $F$ has an adjoint $T'\colon F'\longrightarrow E'$ which is Dunford-Pettis if, and only if, the norm of $E'$ is order continuous or $F'$ has the Schur property.

Keywords: Dunford-Pettis operator, weak Dunford-Pettis operator, order Dunford-Pettis operator, order continuous norm, Schur property

Classification (MSC 2010): 46B40, 46B42, 47B60

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