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Drdácký Miloš, Fratini F., Frankeová Dita, Slížková Zuzana
The Roman mortars used in the construction of the Ponte di Augusto (Narni, Italy), Construction and Building Materials, 2013, Roč. 38, č. 1, s. 1117-1128, 2013,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel, Zlámal Petr, Fíla Tomáš, Koudelka Petr, Jandejsek Ivan, Vavřík Daniel
X-ray and finite element analysis of deformation response of closed-cell metal foam subjected to compressive loading, Journal of Instrumentation, 2013, Roč. 8, č. 2, s. 2012-2016, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Analytic model of a ball rolling on a spherical surface under harmonic kinematic excitation, In Pešek, Luděk (ed.). Dynamika strojů 2013. Praha : Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v.v.i, 2013, S. 47-54, 2013,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel, Zlámal Petr
Instrumentation for Micromechanics Research in Trabecular Bone, In Boccaccini, A. R. (ed.). Proceedings of the 10th IASTED international conference on Biomedical Engineering. Calgary : ACTA Press, 2013, S. 120-124, 2013,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš, Dammer J., Krejčí F.
Displacement Tracking in Single Human Trabecula with Metal-plated Micro-spheres using X-ray Radiography Imaging, Journal of Instrumentation, 2013, Roč. 8, č. 2, C02041-C02047, 2013,
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Koudelka Petr, Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej
Effective Elastic Moduli of Closed-cell Aluminium Foams - Homogenization Method, UPB Scientific Bulletin, 2013, Roč. 75, č. 1, s. 161-170, 2013,
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Coufalová L., Kučková Štěpánka, Zeman Antonín, Šmíd M., Velčovská M., Hynek R.
Biomineralizace srdečních chlopní, Biomineralization of aortic valves, Chemické listy, 2013, Roč. 107, č. 1, s. 54-57, 2013
Křivánková Dana, Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana
Mrazuvzdornost vápenných omítek, Frost resistance of lime-based mortars, In Rovnaník, P.; Rovnaníková, P. (ed.). Metakaolin 2013. Brno : Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2013, S. 23-32, 2013,
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Lahodný J., Janata V., Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Král Radomil
Využití měření vlastností větru a odezvy pro navrhování a posuzování konstrukcí, Use of measured wind and response characteristics for design and assessment of structures, Konstrukce, 2013, Roč. 2013, č. 1, s. 71-74, 2013
Fischer Cyril
Massive parallel implementation of ODE solvers, In Chleboun, J.; Segeth, K.; Šístek, J.; Vejchodský, T. (ed.). Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Matematics 16. Prague : Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2013, S. 75-80, 2013,
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Fischer Cyril, Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
Experimental verification of resonance behaviour of a damped spherical pendulum, In Zolotarev, I. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2013. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2013, S. 96-106, 2013,
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Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Brůna Tomáš
Modal analysis of tall slender structures using software GMAST, In Zolotarev, I. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2013. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2013, S. 197-203, 2013,
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Koudelka Petr, Bryscejn Jan
Experiment E5/0,1 with lateral passive pressure during rotation about the toe - granular mass deformations, In Zolotarev, I. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2013. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2013, S. 300-305, 2013,
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Král Radomil, Pospíšil Stanislav
Climatic wind tunnel for material and structures investigation, In Zolotarev, I. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2013. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2013, S. 316-322, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Dynamic response of a heavy ball rolling inside a spherical dish under external excitation, In Zolotarev, I. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2013. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2013, S. 390-398, 2013,
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Kytýř Daniel, Fíla Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Šperl Martin
Evaluation of impact damage effect on fatigue life of carbon fibre composites, UPB Scientific Bulletin, 2013, Roč. 75, č. 2, s. 157-164, 2013,
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Pospíšil Stanislav, Hračov Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Jermoljev D.
Analysis and mitigation of vibration of steel footbridge with excessive amplitudes, In Cunha, A. (ed.). Topics in Dynamics of Bridges 3.. New York : Springer, 2013, S. 27-35, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Limit cycle stability of multi-degree of freedom dynamic non-linear systems, In Lenci, S.; Warminski, J. (ed.). New advances in the nonlinear dynamics and control of composites for smart engineering design, proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium n. 541. Ancona : Clua Edizioni, 2013, 2013,
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Suchý V., Sýkorová I., Havelcová Martina, Machovič Vladimír, Zeman Antonín, Trejtnarová Hana
Cementation and blackening of Holocene sands by peat-derived humates: A case study from the Great Dune of Pilat, Landes des Gascogne, Southwestern France, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2013, Roč. 114, č. 7, s. 19-32, 2013,
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Tannert T., Anthony R., Kasal Bohumil , Kloiber Michal, Piazza M., Riggio M., Rinn F., Widmann R., Yamaguchi N.
In-situ assessment of structural timber using semi-destructive techniques, Materials and Structures, 2013, Roč. 46, č. 7, 2013,
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Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Hrivnák J.
Mechanical properties of wood examined by semi-destructive devices, Materials and Structures, 2013, Roč. 46, č. 2, 2013,
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Kloiber Michal, Bláha Jiří, Kunecký Jiří, Hasníková Hana, Tippner J., Sebera V.
Navrhování celodřevěných spojů na příkladu opravy krovu kostela Nanebevzetí Panny Marie ve Vranově nad Dyjí, Designs of wood joints on an example of the truss reconstruction in the Church of the Virgin Mary in Vranov nad Dyjí, Zprávy památkové péče = Journal of Historical Heritage Preservation : časopis státní památkové péče, 2013, Roč. 73, č. 2, s. 132-139, 2013,
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Bláha Jiří
Historic traceology as a complex tool for rediscovery of lost construction skills and techniques, In Brebia, Carlos (ed.). Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XIII. Ashurst : WIT Press, 2013, S. 3-13, 2013,
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Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš, Fischer Ondřej
Detecting of the aging of reinforced concrete chimney by dynamic response, In Maia, N.M.M.; Neves, M.M.; Sampaio, R.P.C. (ed.). International conference of Structural engineering dynamics. Sesimbra : IST/IDMEC, 2013, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Compressional wave features propagating in a two dimensional domain with randomly imperfect material density, In Rustighi, E. (ed.). RASD 2013, Recent advances in structural dynamics. Pisa : University of Southampton, University of Pisa, 2013, 2013,
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Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš
Indirect determination of material model parameters for single trabecula based on nanoindentation and three point bending test, Acta Technica CSAV, 2013, Roč. 58, č. 2, s. 157-171, 2013,
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Vácha J., Král Radomil
Rekonstrukce technologické věže s ohledem na změněné zatížení větrem podle evropských norem, Reconstruction of technological towers with regard to altered wind load according to European standards, All for power, 2013, Roč. 7, č. 3, xv-xviii, 2013,
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Cacciotti Riccardo, Valach Jaroslav, Kuneš Petr, Čerňanský Martin
Knowledge-based system for documentation and mitigation of damages in historical structures, In Hájek, P.; Tywoniak, J.; Lupíšek, A.; Sojková, K. (ed.). CESB13 - Central Europe towards sustainable building 2013. Decision-support tools and assessment methods.. Prague : Grada, 2013, S. 629-632, 2013,
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Nedvědová Klára, Schneiderová Heralová R.
Sustainable management of church property, In Hájek, P.; Tywoniak, J.; Lupíšek, A.; Sojková, K. (ed.). CESB13 - Central Europe towards sustainable building 2013. Decision-support tools and assessment methods.. Prague : Grada, 2013, S. 741-744, 2013,
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Nedvědová Klára, Pergl R.
Cultural heritage and flood, In Hájek, P.; Tywoniak, J.; Lupíšek, A.; Sojková, K. (ed.). CESB13 - Central Europe towards sustainable building 2013. Decision-support tools and assessment methods.. Prague : Grada, 2013, S. 737-740, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Types and stability of quasi-periodic response of a spherical pendulum, Computers and Structures, 2013, Roč. 124, August, s. 74-87, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril, Pirner Miroš, Fischer Ondřej
Non-linear model of a ball vibration absorber, In Papadrakakis, M.; Fragiadakis, M.; Plevris, V. (ed.). Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering 2.. Dordrecht : Springer, 2013. S. 381-396, 2013
Drdácký Miloš, Kloiber Michal
In-situ compression stress-deformation measurements along the timber depth profile, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, Roč. 778, č. 9, s. 209-216, 2013,
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Vaněček Václav, Klíma K., Kohout A., Foltán R., Jiroušek Ondřej, Šedý J., Štulík J., Syková Eva, Jendelová P.
The combination of mesenchymal stem cells and a bone scaffold in the treatment of vertebral body defects, European Spine Journal, 2013, Roč. 22, č. 9, 2013,
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Kafka Vratislav, Vokoun David
Causality in the Bauschinger effect generation and in other deformation processes in metals, European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids, 2013, Roč. 42, November-December, s. 395-401, 2013,
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Hrivnák J., Kloiber Michal, Reinprecht L., Tippner J.
Skúmanie kvality a poškodenia ihličnatého dreva akustickými a mechanicko-odporovými metódami, Searching of quality and damage of structural coniferous wood with acoustic and mechanical-resistance methods, 2013,
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Nedvědová Klára, Pergl R.
Cultural heritage and floods risk preparedness, In Grussenmeyer, P. (ed.). International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-5/W2.. Göttingen : Copernicus Publications, 2013, S. 449-451, 2013,
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Hauková Petra, Frankeová Dita, Slížková Zuzana
Characterisation of historic mortars for conversation diagnosis, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Křivánková Dana, Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita, Niedoba Krzysztof
High-performance repair mortars for application in severe weathering environments: frost resistance assessment, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Matas Tomáš, Válek Jan, Machová Dita, Petráňová Veronika, Fabeš Roman
Characterisation of lime putties made of quicklime calcined under different conditions, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita, Drdácký Miloš
Strengthening of poor lime mortar with consolidation agents, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Válek Jan, Matas Tomáš, Machová Dita, Petráňová Veronika, Frankeová Dita, Zeman Antonín
Assessment of properties of lump lime produced in a ?traditional? flare kiln, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Válek Jan, Matas Tomáš, Jiroušek Josef
Design and development of a small scale lime kiln for production of custom-made lime binder, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Major Štěpán, Hubálovský Š., Šedivý J.
Combined corrosion and fatigue degradation of Nitinol implants, AMR - Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 712-715, č. 2, s. 474-477, 2013
Major Štěpán, Hubálovský Š.
Life of nitinol drawn filed wires with Ag or Au core for medical application, International Journal of Mechanics, 2013, Roč. 7, č. 2, s. 73-80, 2013,
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Major Štěpán, Hubálovský Š.
Roughness analysis of local fatigue fracture surface, International Journal of Mechanics, 2013, Roč. 7, č. 2, s. 65-72, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří
Dynamic stability, post-critical behavior and recovery of systems in engineering, In 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013). Lisbon : Portuguese Association of Theoretical, Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2013, 2013,
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Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Fíla Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel
Compressive behaviour of trabecular tissue: finite element modelling and comparison using digital volume correlation, In Topping, B. H. V.; Iványi, P. (ed.). Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2013, 2013,
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Sklodowski R., Drdácký Miloš, Sklodowski M.
Identifying subsurface detachment defects by acoustic tracing, NDT & E International, 2013, Roč. 56, č. 1, s. 56-64, 2013,
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Ivanova B., Ganev R., Drdácký Miloš
Historical and Condition Survey of the St. Stefan Bulgarian Metal Church in Istanbul, International journal of architectural heritage, 2013, Roč. 7, č. 6, s. 693-714, 2013,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Pařízek P.
Rozvoj plastických deformací v oceli při konstantním zatížení a jejich význam pro plynárenskou praxi, Development of plastic deformations in steel under constant load and their importance for practice in the gas industry, Plyn : odborný měsíčník pro plynárenství, 2013, Roč. 93, č. 9, s. 198-203, 2013,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Kaiser J., Mentl V.
Variation of microplastic limit during cyclic loading, In Alfirević, I.; Semenski, D. (ed.). 30th Danubia-Adria, Symposium on advances in experimental mechanics, proceedings. Zagreb : Croatian society of mechanics, 2013, S. 179-180, 2013
Vaněček Václav, Klíma K., Kohout A., Foltán R., Jiroušek Ondřej, Šedý J., Štulík J., Syková Eva, Jendelová P.
The combination of mesenchymal stem cells and a bone scaffold in the treatment of vertebral body defects, European Spine Journal, 2013, Roč. 22, č. 12, s. 2777-2786, 2013
Hračov Stanislav
Dynamic analysis of tall slender structure equipped with passive absorber and founded on various subsoils using simplified model, In Petrenko, A.; Svoboda, M. (ed.). 11th international conference Dynamics of rigid and deformable bodies 2013. Ústí nad labem : Fakulta výrobních technologií a managementu Universita J.E. Purkyně v Ústí nad labem, 2013, 2013,
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Kloiber Michal, Drdácký Miloš, Tippner J., Sebera V.
New construction NDT device for in situ evaluation of wood using compression stress-deformation measurements parallel to grain, In Ross, R. J.; Wang, X. (ed.). Proceedings 18th international nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood symposium. Madison : United States Department of Agriculture, Forest service, Forest product laboratory, 2013, S. 585-592, 2013
Zeman Antonín, Šmíd M., Havelcová Martina, Coufalová L., Kučková Štěpánka, Velčovská M., Hynek R.
The structure and material composition of ossified aortic valves identified using a set of scientific methods, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013, Roč. 77, č. 11, s. 311-317, 2013,
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Urushadze Shota, Frýba Ladislav
Stress investigations of orthotropic decks, In Jendželovský, N.; Grmanová, A. (ed.). Proceedings of 11th international conference on new trends in statics and dynamics of buildings. Bratislava : Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2013, 2013,
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Bláha Jiří, Dohnalová P.
Nové poznatky ke stavebnímu vývoji kostela sv. Jana Křtitele v Kurdějově, New findings on the architectural development of the church of John the Baptist in Kurdejov, Průzkumy památek, 2013, Roč. 20, č. 1, s. 237-256, 2013
Bláha Jiří, Chamra S., Panáček M., Rafl T.
Repair of the ashlar masony battlements of Kost Castle within the Lapidarius Project, In Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining. volume II.. Sofia : STEF92 Technology, Ltd, 2013, S. 325-332, 2013
Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Hrivnák J.
Nově vyvinutý přístroj pro diagnostiku zabudovaného dřeva ve stavbách, The newly developed device for diagnostics built of wood in buildings, TZB-info, 2013, Roč. 2, č. 3, 2013
Kloiber Michal, Drdácký Miloš
Nový přístroj pro stanovení mechanických vlastností dřeva, A new device for determining the mechanical properties of wood, In Křížová, K. (ed.). Sanace a rekonstrukce staveb 2013. Sanace dřeva.. Blansko : WTA - CZ, 2013, S. 14-21, 2013
Vavřík Daniel, Jandejsek Ivan, Slížková Zuzana
Observation of lime nanoparticles distribution during evaporation of transportation media, In Tomography of materials and structures. Ghent : University press, 2013, S. 285-287, 2013
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Kaiser J., Volák J., Mentl V.
Detection of microplastic limit in a structural steel by the measurement of electrical impendance, In World academy of science, engineering and technology 77.. Amsterdam : Waset, 2013, S. 779-782, 2013
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Kaiser J., Mentl V.
Micro-plastic limit of low-carbon steel CSN 41 1375 as determined by the measurement of electrical impedance, In Zvyšování životnosti komponent energetických zařízení v elektrárnách. Sborník z 8. konference. Plzeň : Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013, S. 185-194, 2013
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril, Yau J. D.
Harmonic wave diminution and energy scatter in a planar domain with randomly inhomogeneous material density, In Gao, G. Y.; Tutumluer, E.; Chen, Y. M. (ed.). Recent advances in environmental vibration. Proceedings of 6th international symposium on environmental vibration. Shanghai : Tongji University Press, 2013, S. 94-101, 2013,
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Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana
Linseed oil for durability improvement of lime-metakaolin mortar, In Proceedings of the first international conference on concrete sustainability. Tokyo : Japan Concrete Institute, 2013, S. 351-358, 2013
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
Enhanced affordable methods for assessing material characteristics and consolidation effects on stone and mortar, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2013, Roč. 10, č. 6, 2013
Vavřík Daniel, Jandejsek Ivan, Fíla Tomáš, Veselý V.
Radiographic observation and semi-analytical reconstruction of fracture process zone silicate composite specimen, Acta Technica CSAV, 2013, Roč. 58, č. 3, s. 315-326, 2013
Vavřík Daniel, Fauler A., Fiederle M., Jandejsek Ivan, Jakubek J., Tureček D., Zwerger A.
Dynamic defectoscopy with flat panel and CdTe Timepix X-ray detectors combined with an optical camera, Journal of Instrumentation, 2013, Roč. 8, C04009, 2013
Nedvědová Klára, Pergl R.
Cultural heritage and floods, In Boriani, M.; Gabaglio, R.; Gulotta, D. (ed.). Online Proceedings of the Conference.Built heritage 2013 - Monitoring Conservation and Management. Milano : Politecnico di Milano, Centro per la Conservazione e Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali, 2013, S. 858-863, 2013
Pasek J., Tribulova T., Frankl Jiří
Interior environment of the buildings hit by floods, In Hanuliak, Peter; Minarovicova, Katarina (ed.). enviBUILD ? Buildings and Environment 2013. Proceedings of the International Scientifical Conference.. Bratislava : STU ? Nakladateľstvo STU, 2013, S. 196-201, 2013
Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita, Rovnaníková P.
Materiálová analýza vzorků zálivkových malt použitých na opravu pískovcových kvádrů na Karlově mostě. Expertízní zpráva, Material characteristics of the grouts used for Charles Bridge sandstone blocks reparation. Technical report, 2013
Slížková Zuzana, Niedoba Krzysztof
Kompozitní gely na bázi ethylsilikátu se zlepšenými mechanickými vlastnostmi. Výzkumná zpráva k projektu MK NAKI DF11P01OVV012, Composite, ethylsilicate-based gels with improved mechanical properties, Final report NAKI DF11P01OVV012, 2013,
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Beran Pavel
Thermal Fatigue: the Impact of the Length of Time Step on the Amount of Stress Cycles, In Simos, Theodore (ed.). AIP Conf. Proc. 1558.. United States of America : AIP Publishing LLC, 2013, S. 996-999, 2013
Beran Pavel
Thermal Fatigue: the Impact of the Length of Time Step on the Amount of Stress Cycles, International Congress on Plasma Physics:ICPP2002 /11./, 2013, Roč. 1558, č. 3, s. 996-999, 2013
Beran Pavel
The Impact of the Coefficient of Absorption of Solar Radiation on the State of Stress in Heterogeneous Masonry, International Congress on Plasma Physics:ICPP2002 /11./, 2013, Roč. 1558, č. 3, s. 992-995, 2013
Beran Pavel
The Impact of the Type of Bond on the Thermal Stress of Historic Masonry, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and EnvironmentalEngineering Computing, 2013, Roč. 102, č. 3, 2013
Drdácký Miloš, Fabeš Roman, Kuznetsov Sergeii, Majtás Dušan, Šašek Petr, Valach Jaroslav
Stav a další životnost glazované krytiny kostela sv. Jakuba Většího v Jihlavě. Zpráva k hospodářské smlouvě s MK ČR, Status and other durability glazed roofing church sv. Jakuba Většího in Jihlava. Report to economic agreement with the Czech republic Ministry of Culture, 2013
Frankl Jiří
Changes in swelling and water absorption of wood degraded by brown rot fungi, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, Roč. 778, č. 9, s. 818-822, 2013
2012The Roman mortars used in the construction of the Ponte di Augusto (Narni, Italy), Construction and Building Materials, 2013, Roč. 38, č. 1, s. 1117-1128, 2013,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel, Zlámal Petr, Fíla Tomáš, Koudelka Petr, Jandejsek Ivan, Vavřík Daniel
X-ray and finite element analysis of deformation response of closed-cell metal foam subjected to compressive loading, Journal of Instrumentation, 2013, Roč. 8, č. 2, s. 2012-2016, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Analytic model of a ball rolling on a spherical surface under harmonic kinematic excitation, In Pešek, Luděk (ed.). Dynamika strojů 2013. Praha : Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v.v.i, 2013, S. 47-54, 2013,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel, Zlámal Petr
Instrumentation for Micromechanics Research in Trabecular Bone, In Boccaccini, A. R. (ed.). Proceedings of the 10th IASTED international conference on Biomedical Engineering. Calgary : ACTA Press, 2013, S. 120-124, 2013,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš, Dammer J., Krejčí F.
Displacement Tracking in Single Human Trabecula with Metal-plated Micro-spheres using X-ray Radiography Imaging, Journal of Instrumentation, 2013, Roč. 8, č. 2, C02041-C02047, 2013,
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Koudelka Petr, Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej
Effective Elastic Moduli of Closed-cell Aluminium Foams - Homogenization Method, UPB Scientific Bulletin, 2013, Roč. 75, č. 1, s. 161-170, 2013,
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Coufalová L., Kučková Štěpánka, Zeman Antonín, Šmíd M., Velčovská M., Hynek R.
Biomineralizace srdečních chlopní, Biomineralization of aortic valves, Chemické listy, 2013, Roč. 107, č. 1, s. 54-57, 2013
Křivánková Dana, Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana
Mrazuvzdornost vápenných omítek, Frost resistance of lime-based mortars, In Rovnaník, P.; Rovnaníková, P. (ed.). Metakaolin 2013. Brno : Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2013, S. 23-32, 2013,
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Lahodný J., Janata V., Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Král Radomil
Využití měření vlastností větru a odezvy pro navrhování a posuzování konstrukcí, Use of measured wind and response characteristics for design and assessment of structures, Konstrukce, 2013, Roč. 2013, č. 1, s. 71-74, 2013
Fischer Cyril
Massive parallel implementation of ODE solvers, In Chleboun, J.; Segeth, K.; Šístek, J.; Vejchodský, T. (ed.). Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Matematics 16. Prague : Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2013, S. 75-80, 2013,
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Fischer Cyril, Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
Experimental verification of resonance behaviour of a damped spherical pendulum, In Zolotarev, I. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2013. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2013, S. 96-106, 2013,
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Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Brůna Tomáš
Modal analysis of tall slender structures using software GMAST, In Zolotarev, I. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2013. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2013, S. 197-203, 2013,
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Koudelka Petr, Bryscejn Jan
Experiment E5/0,1 with lateral passive pressure during rotation about the toe - granular mass deformations, In Zolotarev, I. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2013. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2013, S. 300-305, 2013,
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Král Radomil, Pospíšil Stanislav
Climatic wind tunnel for material and structures investigation, In Zolotarev, I. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2013. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2013, S. 316-322, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Dynamic response of a heavy ball rolling inside a spherical dish under external excitation, In Zolotarev, I. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2013. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2013, S. 390-398, 2013,
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Kytýř Daniel, Fíla Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Šperl Martin
Evaluation of impact damage effect on fatigue life of carbon fibre composites, UPB Scientific Bulletin, 2013, Roč. 75, č. 2, s. 157-164, 2013,
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Pospíšil Stanislav, Hračov Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Jermoljev D.
Analysis and mitigation of vibration of steel footbridge with excessive amplitudes, In Cunha, A. (ed.). Topics in Dynamics of Bridges 3.. New York : Springer, 2013, S. 27-35, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Limit cycle stability of multi-degree of freedom dynamic non-linear systems, In Lenci, S.; Warminski, J. (ed.). New advances in the nonlinear dynamics and control of composites for smart engineering design, proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium n. 541. Ancona : Clua Edizioni, 2013, 2013,
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Suchý V., Sýkorová I., Havelcová Martina, Machovič Vladimír, Zeman Antonín, Trejtnarová Hana
Cementation and blackening of Holocene sands by peat-derived humates: A case study from the Great Dune of Pilat, Landes des Gascogne, Southwestern France, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2013, Roč. 114, č. 7, s. 19-32, 2013,
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Tannert T., Anthony R., Kasal Bohumil , Kloiber Michal, Piazza M., Riggio M., Rinn F., Widmann R., Yamaguchi N.
In-situ assessment of structural timber using semi-destructive techniques, Materials and Structures, 2013, Roč. 46, č. 7, 2013,
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Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Hrivnák J.
Mechanical properties of wood examined by semi-destructive devices, Materials and Structures, 2013, Roč. 46, č. 2, 2013,
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Kloiber Michal, Bláha Jiří, Kunecký Jiří, Hasníková Hana, Tippner J., Sebera V.
Navrhování celodřevěných spojů na příkladu opravy krovu kostela Nanebevzetí Panny Marie ve Vranově nad Dyjí, Designs of wood joints on an example of the truss reconstruction in the Church of the Virgin Mary in Vranov nad Dyjí, Zprávy památkové péče = Journal of Historical Heritage Preservation : časopis státní památkové péče, 2013, Roč. 73, č. 2, s. 132-139, 2013,
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Bláha Jiří
Historic traceology as a complex tool for rediscovery of lost construction skills and techniques, In Brebia, Carlos (ed.). Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XIII. Ashurst : WIT Press, 2013, S. 3-13, 2013,
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Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš, Fischer Ondřej
Detecting of the aging of reinforced concrete chimney by dynamic response, In Maia, N.M.M.; Neves, M.M.; Sampaio, R.P.C. (ed.). International conference of Structural engineering dynamics. Sesimbra : IST/IDMEC, 2013, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Compressional wave features propagating in a two dimensional domain with randomly imperfect material density, In Rustighi, E. (ed.). RASD 2013, Recent advances in structural dynamics. Pisa : University of Southampton, University of Pisa, 2013, 2013,
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Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš
Indirect determination of material model parameters for single trabecula based on nanoindentation and three point bending test, Acta Technica CSAV, 2013, Roč. 58, č. 2, s. 157-171, 2013,
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Vácha J., Král Radomil
Rekonstrukce technologické věže s ohledem na změněné zatížení větrem podle evropských norem, Reconstruction of technological towers with regard to altered wind load according to European standards, All for power, 2013, Roč. 7, č. 3, xv-xviii, 2013,
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Cacciotti Riccardo, Valach Jaroslav, Kuneš Petr, Čerňanský Martin
Knowledge-based system for documentation and mitigation of damages in historical structures, In Hájek, P.; Tywoniak, J.; Lupíšek, A.; Sojková, K. (ed.). CESB13 - Central Europe towards sustainable building 2013. Decision-support tools and assessment methods.. Prague : Grada, 2013, S. 629-632, 2013,
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Nedvědová Klára, Schneiderová Heralová R.
Sustainable management of church property, In Hájek, P.; Tywoniak, J.; Lupíšek, A.; Sojková, K. (ed.). CESB13 - Central Europe towards sustainable building 2013. Decision-support tools and assessment methods.. Prague : Grada, 2013, S. 741-744, 2013,
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Nedvědová Klára, Pergl R.
Cultural heritage and flood, In Hájek, P.; Tywoniak, J.; Lupíšek, A.; Sojková, K. (ed.). CESB13 - Central Europe towards sustainable building 2013. Decision-support tools and assessment methods.. Prague : Grada, 2013, S. 737-740, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Types and stability of quasi-periodic response of a spherical pendulum, Computers and Structures, 2013, Roč. 124, August, s. 74-87, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril, Pirner Miroš, Fischer Ondřej
Non-linear model of a ball vibration absorber, In Papadrakakis, M.; Fragiadakis, M.; Plevris, V. (ed.). Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering 2.. Dordrecht : Springer, 2013. S. 381-396, 2013
Drdácký Miloš, Kloiber Michal
In-situ compression stress-deformation measurements along the timber depth profile, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, Roč. 778, č. 9, s. 209-216, 2013,
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Vaněček Václav, Klíma K., Kohout A., Foltán R., Jiroušek Ondřej, Šedý J., Štulík J., Syková Eva, Jendelová P.
The combination of mesenchymal stem cells and a bone scaffold in the treatment of vertebral body defects, European Spine Journal, 2013, Roč. 22, č. 9, 2013,
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Kafka Vratislav, Vokoun David
Causality in the Bauschinger effect generation and in other deformation processes in metals, European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids, 2013, Roč. 42, November-December, s. 395-401, 2013,
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Hrivnák J., Kloiber Michal, Reinprecht L., Tippner J.
Skúmanie kvality a poškodenia ihličnatého dreva akustickými a mechanicko-odporovými metódami, Searching of quality and damage of structural coniferous wood with acoustic and mechanical-resistance methods, 2013,
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Nedvědová Klára, Pergl R.
Cultural heritage and floods risk preparedness, In Grussenmeyer, P. (ed.). International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-5/W2.. Göttingen : Copernicus Publications, 2013, S. 449-451, 2013,
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Hauková Petra, Frankeová Dita, Slížková Zuzana
Characterisation of historic mortars for conversation diagnosis, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Křivánková Dana, Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita, Niedoba Krzysztof
High-performance repair mortars for application in severe weathering environments: frost resistance assessment, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Matas Tomáš, Válek Jan, Machová Dita, Petráňová Veronika, Fabeš Roman
Characterisation of lime putties made of quicklime calcined under different conditions, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita, Drdácký Miloš
Strengthening of poor lime mortar with consolidation agents, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Válek Jan, Matas Tomáš, Machová Dita, Petráňová Veronika, Frankeová Dita, Zeman Antonín
Assessment of properties of lump lime produced in a ?traditional? flare kiln, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Válek Jan, Matas Tomáš, Jiroušek Josef
Design and development of a small scale lime kiln for production of custom-made lime binder, In Hughes, J. J. (ed.). The 3rd Historic mortars conference. Glasgow : University of the West of Scotland, 2013, 2013,
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Major Štěpán, Hubálovský Š., Šedivý J.
Combined corrosion and fatigue degradation of Nitinol implants, AMR - Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 712-715, č. 2, s. 474-477, 2013
Major Štěpán, Hubálovský Š.
Life of nitinol drawn filed wires with Ag or Au core for medical application, International Journal of Mechanics, 2013, Roč. 7, č. 2, s. 73-80, 2013,
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Major Štěpán, Hubálovský Š.
Roughness analysis of local fatigue fracture surface, International Journal of Mechanics, 2013, Roč. 7, č. 2, s. 65-72, 2013,
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Náprstek Jiří
Dynamic stability, post-critical behavior and recovery of systems in engineering, In 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013). Lisbon : Portuguese Association of Theoretical, Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2013, 2013,
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Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Fíla Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel
Compressive behaviour of trabecular tissue: finite element modelling and comparison using digital volume correlation, In Topping, B. H. V.; Iványi, P. (ed.). Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2013, 2013,
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Sklodowski R., Drdácký Miloš, Sklodowski M.
Identifying subsurface detachment defects by acoustic tracing, NDT & E International, 2013, Roč. 56, č. 1, s. 56-64, 2013,
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Ivanova B., Ganev R., Drdácký Miloš
Historical and Condition Survey of the St. Stefan Bulgarian Metal Church in Istanbul, International journal of architectural heritage, 2013, Roč. 7, č. 6, s. 693-714, 2013,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Pařízek P.
Rozvoj plastických deformací v oceli při konstantním zatížení a jejich význam pro plynárenskou praxi, Development of plastic deformations in steel under constant load and their importance for practice in the gas industry, Plyn : odborný měsíčník pro plynárenství, 2013, Roč. 93, č. 9, s. 198-203, 2013,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Kaiser J., Mentl V.
Variation of microplastic limit during cyclic loading, In Alfirević, I.; Semenski, D. (ed.). 30th Danubia-Adria, Symposium on advances in experimental mechanics, proceedings. Zagreb : Croatian society of mechanics, 2013, S. 179-180, 2013
Vaněček Václav, Klíma K., Kohout A., Foltán R., Jiroušek Ondřej, Šedý J., Štulík J., Syková Eva, Jendelová P.
The combination of mesenchymal stem cells and a bone scaffold in the treatment of vertebral body defects, European Spine Journal, 2013, Roč. 22, č. 12, s. 2777-2786, 2013
Hračov Stanislav
Dynamic analysis of tall slender structure equipped with passive absorber and founded on various subsoils using simplified model, In Petrenko, A.; Svoboda, M. (ed.). 11th international conference Dynamics of rigid and deformable bodies 2013. Ústí nad labem : Fakulta výrobních technologií a managementu Universita J.E. Purkyně v Ústí nad labem, 2013, 2013,
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Kloiber Michal, Drdácký Miloš, Tippner J., Sebera V.
New construction NDT device for in situ evaluation of wood using compression stress-deformation measurements parallel to grain, In Ross, R. J.; Wang, X. (ed.). Proceedings 18th international nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood symposium. Madison : United States Department of Agriculture, Forest service, Forest product laboratory, 2013, S. 585-592, 2013
Zeman Antonín, Šmíd M., Havelcová Martina, Coufalová L., Kučková Štěpánka, Velčovská M., Hynek R.
The structure and material composition of ossified aortic valves identified using a set of scientific methods, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2013, Roč. 77, č. 11, s. 311-317, 2013,
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Urushadze Shota, Frýba Ladislav
Stress investigations of orthotropic decks, In Jendželovský, N.; Grmanová, A. (ed.). Proceedings of 11th international conference on new trends in statics and dynamics of buildings. Bratislava : Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2013, 2013,
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Bláha Jiří, Dohnalová P.
Nové poznatky ke stavebnímu vývoji kostela sv. Jana Křtitele v Kurdějově, New findings on the architectural development of the church of John the Baptist in Kurdejov, Průzkumy památek, 2013, Roč. 20, č. 1, s. 237-256, 2013
Bláha Jiří, Chamra S., Panáček M., Rafl T.
Repair of the ashlar masony battlements of Kost Castle within the Lapidarius Project, In Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining. volume II.. Sofia : STEF92 Technology, Ltd, 2013, S. 325-332, 2013
Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Hrivnák J.
Nově vyvinutý přístroj pro diagnostiku zabudovaného dřeva ve stavbách, The newly developed device for diagnostics built of wood in buildings, TZB-info, 2013, Roč. 2, č. 3, 2013
Kloiber Michal, Drdácký Miloš
Nový přístroj pro stanovení mechanických vlastností dřeva, A new device for determining the mechanical properties of wood, In Křížová, K. (ed.). Sanace a rekonstrukce staveb 2013. Sanace dřeva.. Blansko : WTA - CZ, 2013, S. 14-21, 2013
Vavřík Daniel, Jandejsek Ivan, Slížková Zuzana
Observation of lime nanoparticles distribution during evaporation of transportation media, In Tomography of materials and structures. Ghent : University press, 2013, S. 285-287, 2013
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Kaiser J., Volák J., Mentl V.
Detection of microplastic limit in a structural steel by the measurement of electrical impendance, In World academy of science, engineering and technology 77.. Amsterdam : Waset, 2013, S. 779-782, 2013
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Kaiser J., Mentl V.
Micro-plastic limit of low-carbon steel CSN 41 1375 as determined by the measurement of electrical impedance, In Zvyšování životnosti komponent energetických zařízení v elektrárnách. Sborník z 8. konference. Plzeň : Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013, S. 185-194, 2013
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril, Yau J. D.
Harmonic wave diminution and energy scatter in a planar domain with randomly inhomogeneous material density, In Gao, G. Y.; Tutumluer, E.; Chen, Y. M. (ed.). Recent advances in environmental vibration. Proceedings of 6th international symposium on environmental vibration. Shanghai : Tongji University Press, 2013, S. 94-101, 2013,
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Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana
Linseed oil for durability improvement of lime-metakaolin mortar, In Proceedings of the first international conference on concrete sustainability. Tokyo : Japan Concrete Institute, 2013, S. 351-358, 2013
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
Enhanced affordable methods for assessing material characteristics and consolidation effects on stone and mortar, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2013, Roč. 10, č. 6, 2013
Vavřík Daniel, Jandejsek Ivan, Fíla Tomáš, Veselý V.
Radiographic observation and semi-analytical reconstruction of fracture process zone silicate composite specimen, Acta Technica CSAV, 2013, Roč. 58, č. 3, s. 315-326, 2013
Vavřík Daniel, Fauler A., Fiederle M., Jandejsek Ivan, Jakubek J., Tureček D., Zwerger A.
Dynamic defectoscopy with flat panel and CdTe Timepix X-ray detectors combined with an optical camera, Journal of Instrumentation, 2013, Roč. 8, C04009, 2013
Nedvědová Klára, Pergl R.
Cultural heritage and floods, In Boriani, M.; Gabaglio, R.; Gulotta, D. (ed.). Online Proceedings of the Conference.Built heritage 2013 - Monitoring Conservation and Management. Milano : Politecnico di Milano, Centro per la Conservazione e Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali, 2013, S. 858-863, 2013
Pasek J., Tribulova T., Frankl Jiří
Interior environment of the buildings hit by floods, In Hanuliak, Peter; Minarovicova, Katarina (ed.). enviBUILD ? Buildings and Environment 2013. Proceedings of the International Scientifical Conference.. Bratislava : STU ? Nakladateľstvo STU, 2013, S. 196-201, 2013
Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita, Rovnaníková P.
Materiálová analýza vzorků zálivkových malt použitých na opravu pískovcových kvádrů na Karlově mostě. Expertízní zpráva, Material characteristics of the grouts used for Charles Bridge sandstone blocks reparation. Technical report, 2013
Slížková Zuzana, Niedoba Krzysztof
Kompozitní gely na bázi ethylsilikátu se zlepšenými mechanickými vlastnostmi. Výzkumná zpráva k projektu MK NAKI DF11P01OVV012, Composite, ethylsilicate-based gels with improved mechanical properties, Final report NAKI DF11P01OVV012, 2013,
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Beran Pavel
Thermal Fatigue: the Impact of the Length of Time Step on the Amount of Stress Cycles, In Simos, Theodore (ed.). AIP Conf. Proc. 1558.. United States of America : AIP Publishing LLC, 2013, S. 996-999, 2013
Beran Pavel
Thermal Fatigue: the Impact of the Length of Time Step on the Amount of Stress Cycles, International Congress on Plasma Physics:ICPP2002 /11./, 2013, Roč. 1558, č. 3, s. 996-999, 2013
Beran Pavel
The Impact of the Coefficient of Absorption of Solar Radiation on the State of Stress in Heterogeneous Masonry, International Congress on Plasma Physics:ICPP2002 /11./, 2013, Roč. 1558, č. 3, s. 992-995, 2013
Beran Pavel
The Impact of the Type of Bond on the Thermal Stress of Historic Masonry, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and EnvironmentalEngineering Computing, 2013, Roč. 102, č. 3, 2013
Drdácký Miloš, Fabeš Roman, Kuznetsov Sergeii, Majtás Dušan, Šašek Petr, Valach Jaroslav
Stav a další životnost glazované krytiny kostela sv. Jakuba Většího v Jihlavě. Zpráva k hospodářské smlouvě s MK ČR, Status and other durability glazed roofing church sv. Jakuba Většího in Jihlava. Report to economic agreement with the Czech republic Ministry of Culture, 2013
Frankl Jiří
Changes in swelling and water absorption of wood degraded by brown rot fungi, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, Roč. 778, č. 9, s. 818-822, 2013
Drdácký Miloš, Lesák Jaroslav, Rescic S., Slížková Zuzana, Tiano P., Valach Jaroslav
Standardization of peeling tests for assessing the cohesion and consolidation characteristics of historic stone surfaces, Materials and Structures, 2012, Roč. 45, č. 4, s. 505-520, 2012,
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Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Relation of flutter derivatives and indicial functions in linear aero-elastic models, In Pešek, L. (ed.). Dynamics of Machines 2012. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 95-102, 2012
Minster Jiří, Šperl Martin, Bláhová O., Hristová J., Lukeš J., Němeček J.
Microindentation into an epoxy composition to assess the influence of aging on mechanical properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, Roč. 123, č. 4, s. 2090-2094, 2012
Minster Jiří, Micka Michal
Numerical Simulation of an Indentation Process for Defining the Viscoelastic Characteristics of Time-Dependent Materials, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B, 2012, Roč. 2, č. 1, s. 81-89, 2012
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
Lime-water consolidation effects on poor lime mortars, APT Bulletin, 2012, Roč. 43, č. 1, s. 31-36, 2012,
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Urushadze Shota, Frýba Ladislav, Pirner Miroš
Investigations of orthotropic decks, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). 18th International conference Engineering mechanics 2012. Praha : ÚTAM AV ČR,v.v.i, 2012, S. 354-355, 2012
Pospíšil Stanislav, Fischer Cyril, Náprstek Jiří
Experimental analysis of stability of viscously damped spherical pendulum, In Virag, Zdravko; Kozmar, Hrvoje; Smojver, Ivica (ed.). 7th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics. Zagreb : CROATIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICS, 2012, S. 1-12, 2012
Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana, Křivánková Dana, Frankeová Dita
Effect of linseed oil on the mechanical properties of lime mortars, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 955-967, 2012,
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Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana, Křivánková Dana
Frost resistance of lime-based mortars with linseed oil, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 23-26, 2012
Drdácký Miloš
Challenges for experimental methods in safeguarding and sustainability of architectural heritage, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 7-10, 2012
Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr
Large-scale micro-finite element simulation of compressive behavior of trabecular bone microstructure, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 543-549, 2012
Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr, Doktor Tomáš, Jandejsek Ivan
Early Defect Detection of Acetabular Implants, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012 - CD ROM. Prague : ITAM AS CR, 2012, S. 825-834, 2012
Doktor Tomáš, Fenclová N., Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav
Hardness distribution mapping in low carbon pipeline steel using semiautomatic evaluation of Vickers indentation measurement, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 31-34, 2012
Kytýř Daniel, Petráňová Veronika, Jiroušek Ondřej
Assessment of micromechanical properties of trabecular bone using quantitative backscattered electron microscopy, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 119-122, 2012
Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš
Indirect determination of material model parameters for single trabecula based on nanoindentation and three-point bending test, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1611-1620, 2012
Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr
On the reliability of microstructural models of trabecular bone with tissue properties from nanoindentation for bone quality assessment, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 111-114, 2012,
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Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel
Modelling Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Human Single Trabecula-Comparison with Bending Test, Journal of Biomechanics, 2012, Roč. 45, S1, s. 479-479, 2012,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel, Zlámal Petr
X-Ray Radiography of Three-Point Bending of Single Human Trabecula, Journal of Biomechanics, 2012, Roč. 45, S1, s. 261-261, 2012,
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Beran Pavel
The influence of solar radiation on the distribution of temperatures in the historic masonry, In Mammoli, A.A.; Brebbia, C.A. (ed.). Advanced Computational Methods and Experiments in Heat Transfer XII. Southampton : WIT Press, 2012, S. 181-192, 2012,
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Kocour Vladimír, Bryscejn Jan, Vrba David, Valach Jaroslav
Determination of Optical Properties of Surfaces for Use in Cultural Heritage Protection, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 15-18, 2012
Valach Jaroslav, Cacciotti Riccardo, Čerňanský Martin, Kuneš Petr
MONDIS: Knowledge-Based System of Failure of Historical Constructions, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 360-361, 2012
Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel
Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences, Proceedings of XIIIth Bilateral Czech/German Symposium, 2012
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Dynamic Stability of a Non-linear Continuous System Subjected to Vertical Seismic Excitation, In Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Proc. of the 11th international conference on Computational structures technology. Station Brae, Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2012, S. 1-14, 2012,
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Frankeová Dita, Slížková Zuzana, Drdácký Miloš
Characteristics of mortars from ancient bridges, In Válek, J.; Hughes, J.J.; Groot, J.W.P. (ed.). Historic mortars: Characterisation, assessment and repair 7.. Dordrecht : Springer, 2012. S. 165-174, 2012
Drdácký Miloš
Non-standard testing in characterisation and consolidation assessment of historic mortars, In Válek, J.; Hughes, J.J.; Groot, J.W.P. (ed.). Historic mortars: Characterisation, assessment and repair 7.. Dordrecht : Springer, 2012. S. 443-450, 2012
Válek Jan, Hughes J., Groot C.
Historic mortars: Characterisation, assessment and repair. A state-of-the-art summary, In Válek, J.; Hughes, J.J.; Groot, J.W.P. (ed.). Historic mortars: Characterisation, assessment and repair 7.. Dordrecht : Springer, 2012. S. 1-12, 2012
Válek Jan, Matas Tomáš
Experimental study of hot mixed mortars in comparison with lime putty and hydrate mortars, In Válek, J.; Hughes, J.J.; Groot, J.W.P. (ed.). Historic mortars: Characterisation, assessment and repair 7.. Dordrecht : Springer, 2012. S. 269-281, 2012
Major Štěpán, Jandejsek Ivan, Vavřík Daniel, Valach Jaroslav
Portable device for assessment of indirect strength in tension of historical building materials, In Dahlin, E. (ed.). Cultural Heritage Preservation EWCHP -2012. Kjeller : NILU-Norwegian Innstitute for Air Research, 2012, S. 241-246, 2012,
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Valach Jaroslav, Cacciotti Riccardo, Kuneš Petr, Čerňanský Martin
A knowledge-based system for documentation of defects in immovable cultural heritage objects and monuments, In Dahlin, E. (ed.). Cultural Heritage Preservation EWCHP -2012. Kjeller : NILU-Norwegian Innstitute for Air Research, 2012, S. 50-54, 2012
Šepitka J., Lukeš J., Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav
Composition, Structural and Material Properties of Leech Teeth -- Example of Bioinspiration in Materials Research, Chemické listy, 2012, Roč. 106, č. 3, s. 523-524, 2012,
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Valach Jaroslav, Žďárský M., Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš, Šperl Martin
Determination of Local Distribution of Hardness for Investigation of Material Behavior under Load Approaching its Strength, Chemické listy, 2012, Roč. 106, č. 3, s. 551-554, 2012,
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Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej
Parameter estimation of material model for single trabecula from micromechanical testing, Chemické listy, 2012, Roč. 106, č. 3, s. 572-573, 2012,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Simulace napěťového stavu ve válcové skořepině zatížené vnitřním přetlakem, Simulation of Stress in a Cylindrical Shell Loaded by Internal Pressure, Plyn : odborný měsíčník pro plynárenství, 2012, Roč. 92, č. 6, s. 124-128, 2012
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Ocenka kritičeskich parametrov trub s ostrymi defektami, Evaluation of Critical Parameters of Pipelines with Notch Defects, Nefte Gazovie Technologii, 2012, Roč. 10, č. 5, s. 83-89, 2012
Major Štěpán, Hubálovský Š.
Roughness Analysis of Fatigue Fracture Surface, In Marques, V.; Dmitriev, A.; Pop, E.; Barbu, C.B. (ed.). Advances in data networks, communications, computers and materials. Sliema : WSEAS Press, 2012, S. 244-248, 2012
Major Štěpán, Hubalovský Š., Šedivý J., Hanuš J.
Fatigue life of drawn filled niti-ag wires for medical applications, In Marques, V.; Dmitriev, A.; Pop, E.; Barbu, C.B. (ed.). Advances in data networks, communications, computers and materials. Sliema : WSEAS Press, 2012, S. 249-253, 2012
Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Fíla Tomáš, Minster Jiří, Kostelecká M.
Analysis of cross-section surface roughness evolution of carbon fibre reinforced polymer under fatigue loading, Chemické listy, 2012, Roč. 106, č. 3, s399-s400, 2012,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Zlámal Petr, Doktor Tomáš, Šepitka J., Lukeš J.
Use of Modulus Mapping Technique to Investigate Cross-sectional Material Properties of Extracted Single Human Trabeculae, Chemické listy, 2012, Roč. 106, č. 3, s. 442-445, 2012,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Determination of burst pressure of thin-walled pressure vessels, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 84-85, 2012
Jandejsek Ivan, Jiroušek Ondřej, Vavřík Daniel
Experimental measurement of full-field strains in the vicinity of U-notch in ductile material, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 136-140, 2012
Urushadze Shota, Šperl Martin, Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav, Fíla Tomáš
Comparison of composite material degradation assesment methods using acoustic analysis and laser vibrometry, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 58-59, 2012,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Vliv rovnání zakřiveného tělesa na jeho lomové vlastnosti, Effect of straightening a cerved body on fracture properties, In Musil, L. (ed.). Bezpečnost a spolehlivost plynovodů 2012. Praha : Český plynárenský svaz, 2012, S. 10-18, 2012
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Auto-Parametric Stability And Post-Critical Behavior of a Non-Linear Continuous System Under Random Seismic Excitation, In Oliveira, C.S. (ed.). Proc. 15th World conference of Earth Engineering. Lisabon : Portuguese Society for Earthquake Engineering, 2012, S. 1-10, 2012,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Mentl V., Kaiser J.
A Comparison of Probable Magnitudes of the Microplastic Limit of CSN 411375 Steel Determined by the Inductance and Resistance Method, In Růžička, Milan; Doubrava, Karel; Horák, Zdeněk (ed.). EAN 2012 Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis. Prague : ČVUT Technical University in Prague, 2012, S. 103-110, 2012
Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Heřmánková V., Štánbruch J.
Comparison of results of measuring by current NDT methods with results obtained by a new device for wood mechanical resistance measuring, In Jasienko, J. (ed.). Structural analysis of historical constructions 3.. Wroclaw : Dolnoslaskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2012, S. 2035-2043, 2012,
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Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Hrivnák J., Praus L.
Experimental Verification of a New Tool for Wood Mechanical Resistance Measurement, Wood Research, 2012, Roč. 57, č. 3, s. 383-398, 2012,
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Kafka Vratislav
Springback, internal elastic energy and stored energy, Engineering Mechanics, 2012, Roč. 19, č. 2/3, s. 177-188, 2012,
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Kunecký Jiří, Cacciotti Riccardo, Kloiber Michal
Influence of geometric parameters on the stiffness of traditional dovetail timber joint, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 200-209, 2012,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Microplastic limit as determined by the inductance and resistance method, In Ognjanovic, Miloslav (ed.). Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Belgrade : University of Belgrade, 2012, S. 44-45, 2012
Major Štěpán, Jakl L.
Effect of surface layer depth on fatigue life of carburized steel and analysis of fracture proces, In Shlyannikov, V.; Goldstein, R.; Makhutov, N. (ed.). Fracture mechanics of durability, reliability and safety. Kazan : Foliant Kazan, 2012, S. 224-231, 2012,
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Major Štěpán, Vlach P., Trudič P.
Fatigue crack propagation in drawn filled nitinol wires for medical applications, In Shlyannikov, V.; Goldstein, R.; Makhutov, N. (ed.). Fracture mechanics of durabulity, reliability and safety. Kazan : Foliant Kazan, 2012, S. 232-236, 2012,
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Vlach P., Major Štěpán, Musil M., Jakl L.
Fatigue damage of nitinol stents in simulated physiological solution, In Shlyannikov, V.; Goldstein, R.; Makhutov, N. (ed.). Fracture mechanics of durability, reliability and safety. Kazan : Foliant Kazan, 2012, S. 263-269, 2012,
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Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Response types and general stability conditions of linear aero-elastic system with two degrees-of-freedom, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2012, Roč. 111, č. 1, s. 1-13, 2012
Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Hrivnák J., Vichrová Gábina, Valach Jaroslav
Analýza chování dřeva v okolí zatlačovaného trnu při diagnostice konstrukčních prvků staveb, Analysis of wood behaviour in the surroundings of a pin being pushed for the diagnostics of constructional elements of buildings, In Drochytka, R. (ed.). CRRB- 14th Conference on the Rehabilitation and reconstruction of building 2012. Uherské Hradiště : WTA -CZ Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky, 2012, S. 37-56, 2012,
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Kloiber Michal, Válek Jan, Bláha Jiří, Čechová J.
Reconstruction of a Baroque Open Beam Ceiling based on Material Analysis, In Drochytka, R. (ed.). CRRB- 14th Conference on the Rehabilitation and reconstruction of building 2012. Uherské Hradiště : WTA -CZ Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky, 2012, S. 218-222, 2012,
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Drdácký Miloš, Urushadze Shota, Wünsche Martin
Retrofitting of imperfect carpentry joints for increased seismic resistance, In Jasieńko, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2012, S. 1485-1492, 2012,
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Wünsche Martin, Urushadze Shota, Pospíšil Stanislav, Hračov Stanislav
Cyclic behaviour of the Adobe brick walls before and after the reinforcement, In Jasieńko, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2012, S. 1958-1965, 2012,
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Paganoni S., D´Ayala D., Miccoli L., Hračov Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Wünsche Martin, Adami C.E., Vintzileou E., Moreira S., Oliveira D.V., James P., Cóias e Silva V.
Connections and dissipative systems with early warning, In Jasieńko, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2012, S. 2888-2896, 2012
Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
Applicability of existing indexes of non-proportionality of damping in case of theoretical model of slender structure with installed TMD, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 110-126, 2012
Miccoli L., Pospíšil Stanislav, Müller U., Hračov Stanislav
Performance of earth block and rammed earth masonry under cyclic loading and reinforcement effectivity, In Proceedings - LEHM 2012. Weimar : Dachverband Lehm e. V, 2012, S. 122-133, 2012
Bruthans J., Svetlik D., Soukup J., Schweigstillová Jana, Válek Jan, Sedláčková M., Mayo A.L.
Fast evolving conduits in clay-bonded sandstone: Characterization, erosion processes, Geomorphology, 2012, Roč. 177, December, s. 178-193, 2012
Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Králík V.
Identification of elasto-visco-plastic constitutive material model with damage for porous material based on the indirect finite element simulation of the nanoindentation test, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 107-110, 2012,
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Zlámal Petr, Kytýř Daniel, Fíla Tomáš, Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej
Measuring of elastic properties of metal foam based on compression test and digital image correlation, In Tuns, I.; Szava, I.; Ungureanu, V.V. (ed.). Proc. of 11th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Brašov : Civil Engineering Faculty,Transilvania University of Brašov, 2012, S. 263-266, 2012,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Koudelka Petr, Zlámal Petr
Indirect Determination of Material Properties of Closed-Cell Metal Foam: Comparison of Voxel and Tetrahedral Finite Element Models, In Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Proc. of the 8th International conference on Engineering computational technology 2012. Stirlingshire : Civil-Comp Press, 2012, S. 243-253, 2012,
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Fiala Zdeněk
Time-discrete geometrical integration of finite deformations, In Holzapfel, G.A.; Ogden, R.W. (ed.). 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference Graz. Graz : Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2012, S. 1-2, 2012,
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Fiala Zdeněk
Time-discrete integration of finite deformations, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1-8, 2012,
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Kratěna Jindřich
Zjištění výše zhodnocení stavby, Determination of the increase in value of buildings, In Zacharov, S.; Kratěna, J. (ed.). Stavebnictví a nemovitosti. Praha - Moskva : Akademstrojnauka, 2012, S. 10-27, 2012
Kratěna Jindřich
Řešení průtahů s proplácením znalečného, Remuneration of experts, delays and their solution, In Zacharov, S.; Kratěna, J. (ed.). Stavebnictví a nemovitosti. Praha - Moskva : Akademstrojnauka, 2012, S. 83-86, 2012
Kratěna Jindřich
Kdy je posudek podán a co je řádné podání posudku, Regular submission of epert report and the date of its submission, In Zacharov, S.; Kratěna, J. (ed.). Stavebnictví a nemovitosti. Praha - Moskva : Akademstrojnauka, 2012, S. 87-90, 2012
Kratěna Jindřich
Jak správně vypočítat zhodnocení staveb, How to calculate correct increase in value of buildings, Znalec, 2012, Roč. 22, č. 1, s. 13-25, 2012
Kratěna Jindřich
Pronajaté stavby a jejich zhodnocení nájemcem, Rented buildings and their increase in value by the lessee, Znalec, 2012, Roč. 22, č. 2, s. 18-19, 2012
Miccoli L., Müller U., Silva B., Da Porto F., Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Adami C.E., Vintzileou E., Vasconcelos G., Poletti G.
Overview of different strengthening techniques applied on walls used in historical structures, In Jasieńko, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2012, S. 2870-2878, 2012
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš, Pospíšil Stanislav, Král Radomil
Experimental and numerical verification of vortex-induced vibration of hangers on the footbridge, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1457-1464, 2012
Pospíšil Stanislav, Lahodný J., Janata V., Urushadze Shota, Král Radomil, Hračov Stanislav
Lifetime prediction of wind loaded mast and towers with respect to lateral and longitudinal wind spectrum, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1041-1048, 2012
Wünsche Martin, Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota
Cyclic loading of masonry walls and its anti seismic reinforcing, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1565-1572, 2012
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš, Pospíšil Stanislav, Král Radomil
Oscillations of footbridge hangers at very low wind speed, In Kim, S.D. (ed.). Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposium: IASS-APCS 2012. Seoul : KASS, 2012, S. 68-75, 2012
Pospíšil Stanislav, Lahodný J., Janata V., Urushadze Shota, Král Radomil, Hračov Stanislav
Lifetime prediction of wind loaded mast and towers with respect to lateral and longitudinal wind spectrum, In Kim, S.D. (ed.). Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposium: IASS-APCS 2012. Seoul : KASS, 2012, S. 312-319, 2012
Lahodný J., Janata V., Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Král Radomil
Analysis of towers and masts with oscillation dampers using full-scale measurement of wind and structure properties, In Kim, S.D. (ed.). Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposium: IASS-APCS 2012. Seoul : KASS, 2012, S. 304-311, 2012
Hasníková Hana
Testing of mechanical properties of natural stones used as a building material, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 355-361, 2012,
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Hasníková Hana, Zíma Pavel
Comparative testing of natural stones used as a building material, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 11-14, 2012,
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Fischer Cyril, Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Resonance behaviour of spherical pendulum ? influence of damping, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 64-75, 2012,
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Fíla Tomáš, Zlámal Petr, Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel
Design and use of novel compression device for microtomography under applied load, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 239-244, 2012
Beran Pavel
Zvýšení únosnosti stropní desky s Wünschovými hlavicemi, Increase of bearing capacity of the floor slab with Wünsch capitals, Beton, 2012, Roč. 12, 05, s. 55-60, 2012,
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Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie, Urushadze Shota
Breathing and design of steel girders subjected to repeated loading, In Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2012, S. 134-148, 2012
Urushadze Shota, Frýba Ladislav, Škaloud Miroslav, Pirner Miroš, Zörnerová Marie
Fatigue problems of steel bridges, In Pombo, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance. Stirlingshire : Civil-Comp Press, 2012, S. 142-151, 2012
Jiroušek Ondřej
Nanoindentation of Human Trabecular Bone ? Tissue Mechanical Properties Compared to Standard Engineering Test Methods, In Němeček, J. (ed.). Nanoindentation in Material Science. Rijeka : InTech, 2012. S. 259-284, 2012
Král Radomil, Náprstek Jiří
Analysis of Stability Conditions of a slender Beam under Wind Effects using Numerical Model, In Pimenta, Paulo M. (ed.). 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Sao Paulo : Escola politécnica - Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2012, S. 77-78, 2012,
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Fíla Tomáš, Urushadze Shota, Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav, Šperl Martin
Investigation of composite material degradation indicators using acoustic measurement: comparison with laser vibrometry, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Proceedings of XIIIth Bilateral Czech / German Symposium Experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences. Prague : Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 35-38, 2012
Wünsche Martin, Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota
Cyclic loading of Adobe walls and its anti seismic strengthening reinforcement, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Proceedings of XIIIth Bilateral Czech / German Symposium Experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences. Prague : Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 27-30, 2012
Hračov Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Analýza vlastních čísel viskózně tlumené soustavy se dvěma stupni volnosti z hlediska změny parametrů sekundárního subsystému, Analysis of eigen-values of viscously damped two degrees of freedom system due to changes of parameters of secondary subsystem, In Soukup, J.; Skočilasová, B. (ed.). Výpočtové a experimentální metody v aplikované mechanice. Ústí nad Labem : FVTM UJEP v Ústí nad Labem, 2012. S. 26-37, 2012
Pirner Miroš, Fischer Ondřej
Zatížení staveb technickou seismicitou, Technical seismicity effect on buildings, In Zídek, Svatoplik (ed.). Církevní stavby : stavební kniha 2012. Praha : Informační centrum ČKAIT, s.r.o, 2012. S. 37-48, 2012,
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Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Koleš Jan
Seismic performance of timber frames, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Proceedings of XIIIth Bilateral Czech / German Symposium Experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences. Prague : Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 75-78, 2012
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie, Urushadze Shota
The breathing of webs under repeated partial edge loading, Procedia Engineering, 2012, Roč. 40, č. 1, s. 463-468, 2012
Aygül M., AL-Emrani M., Urushadze Shota
Modelling and fatigue life assessment of orthotropic bridge deck details using FEM, International Journal of Fatigue, 2012, Roč. 40, July, s. 129-142, 2012
Vavřík Daniel, Jakubek J., Pospíšil Stanislav, Vacík J.
Neutron imaging with micrometric spatial resolution, In Chmeissani, M. (ed.). IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium conference record. Madison : Institute of Electrical and Engineers Inc, 2012, S. 1285-1289, 2012
Vavřík Daniel, Jandejsek Ivan
Experimental evaluation of the energy responsible for the crack advancing, In European Conference on Fracture. Fracture Mechanics for Durability Realiability and Safety. 19.. Kazaň : Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, S. 1-5, 2012
Vavřík Daniel, Fila F., Jandejsek Ivan, Veselý V., Frantík P., Keršner Z.
Fracture Process in Silicate Composite Specimens ? X-ray Dynamic Observation and Numerical Modelling, In European Conference on Fracture. Fracture Mechanics for Durability Realiability and Safety. 19.. Kazaň : Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, S. 1-9, 2012
Vavřík Daniel, Fíla Tomáš, Jandejsek Ivan, Veselý V.
X-ray Observation of the Loaded Silicate Composite, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineerimg Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1485-1491, 2012
Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Zlámal Petr, Fíla Tomáš
Comparative study on numerical and analytical assessment of elastic properties of metal foams, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012 - CD ROM. Prague : ITAM AS CR, 2012, S. 691-701, 2012,
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Koudelka Petr, Zlámal Petr, Kytýř Daniel, Fíla Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej
Experimental study on size effect in quasi-static compressive behavior of closed-cell aluminium foams, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Proceedings of XIIIth Bilateral Czech / German Symposium Experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences. Prague : Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 115-118, 2012,
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Koudelka Petr, Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej
Effective elastic moduli of closed-cell aluminium foams - homogenization method, In Tuns, I.; Szava, I.; Ungureanu, V.V. (ed.). Proc. of 11th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Brašov : Civil Engineering Faculty,Transilvania University of Brašov, 2012, S. 244-250, 2012
Matas Tomáš, Válek Jan, Jiroušek Josef
Experimentální výzkum tradičních vápenných pojiv, Experimental study of traditional lime binders, In Heřmánková, V.; Anton, O. (ed.). Konference zkoušení a jakost ve stavebnictví. Brno : Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2012, S. 227-236, 2012,
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Válek Jan, Bláha Jiří
Information systems (IS) on cultural heritage in the Czech Republic, In Žarnič, R.; Rajčíč, V.; Vodopivec, B. (ed.). Heritage protection from documentation to inventions. Záhřeb : University of Zagreb, 2012, S. 51-55, 2012
Leissner J., Fuhrmann C., Piaia E., Piehel V., Válek Jan, Zuppiroli M.
Methods, Tools and Techniques Applicable to Cultural Heritage: an Evaluationa Approach, In Žarnič, R.; Rajčíč, V.; Vodopivec, B. (ed.). Heritage protection from documentation to inventions. Záhřeb : University of Zagreb, 2012, S. 139-144, 2012
Groot C., van Balen K., Bicer-Simsir B., Binda L., Elsen J., van Hees R., von Konow T., Lindqvist JE., Mauerbrecher P., Papayanni I., Subercaseaux M., Tedeschi C., Toumbakari E., Thompson M., Válek Jan, Veiga R.
Repair mortars for historic masonry Performance requirements for renders and plasters, Materials and Structures, 2012, Roč. 45, č. 9, s. 1277-1285, 2012,
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Groot C., van Balen K., Bicer-Simsir B., Binda L., Elsen J., van Hees R., von Konow T., Lindqvist JE., Mauerbrecher P., Papayanni I., Subercaseaux M., Tedeschi C., Toumbakari E., Thompson M., Válek Jan, Veiga R.
RILEM TC 203-RHM: Repair mortars for historic masonry The role of mortar in masonry: an introduction to requirements for the design of repair mortars, Materials and Structures, 2012, Roč. 45, č. 9, s. 1287-1294, 2012,
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Groot C., van Balen K., Bicer-Simsir B., Binda L., Elsen J., van Hees R., von Konow T., Lindqvist JE., Mauerbrecher P., Papayanni I., Subercaseaux M., Tedeschi C., Toumbakari E., Thompson M., Válek Jan, Veiga R.
RILEM TC 203-RHM: Repair mortars for historic masonry Repair mortars for historic masonry. From problem to intervention: a decision process, Materials and Structures, 2012, Roč. 45, č. 9, s. 1295-1302, 2012,
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Groot C., van Balen K., Bicer-Simsir B., Binda L., Elsen J., van Hees R., von Konow T., Lindqvist JE., Mauerbrecher P., Papayanni I., Subercaseaux M., Tedeschi C., Toumbakari E., Thompson M., Válek Jan, Veiga R.
RILEM TC 203-RHM: Repair mortars for historic masonry Requirements for repointing mortars for historic masonry, Materials and Structures, 2012, Roč. 45, č. 9, s. 1303-1309, 2012,
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Jandejsek Ivan, Dammer J., Jakubek J., Vavřík Daniel, Žemlička J.
Contrast optimization in X-ray radiography with single photon counting imagers of Medipix type, Journal of Instrumentation, 2012, Roč. 7, C12011, s. 1-5, 2012
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Evaluating the Integrity of Pressure Pipelines by Fracture Mechanics, In Belov, Alexander (ed.). Applied Fracture Mechanics. Rijeka, Croatia : InTech Europe, 2012. S. 281-308, 2012
Vavřík Daniel
Crack Behavior in Ductile Thin Wall Materials, In International Symposium on Technology for next Generation. Gwangju : Chonnam National University, 2012, S. 58-64, 2012
Kostkanová (Herbstová) Vladislava, Herle Ivo
Measurement of wall friction in direct shear tests on soft soil, Acta Geotechnica, 2012, Roč. 7, č. 4, s. 333-342, 2012,
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Kocour Vladimír, Valach Jaroslav
Určování optických vlastností povrchů pro účely ochrany objektů kulturního dědictví, Determination of Optical Properties of Surfaces for Purpose of Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects, In Zborník príspevkov 20. ročníka konferencie Technical Computing Bratislava 2012. Bratislava : RT Systems, s. r. o. & Systémy priemyselnej informatiky, 2012, S. 39, 2012
Zíma Pavel
Long-term monitoring of mechanical damage on historical structures, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1603-1610, 2012
Bláha Jiří
Vývoj zastřešení kostela sv. Jakuba Většího v Brně, Historic Development of the Roofing of the St. James Church in Brno, In Termosanace zvonového patra hlavní věže národní kulturní památky chrámu sv. Jakuba v Brně. Opava : ŠMÍRA - PRINT, s.r.o, 2012, S. 6-15, 2012
Frankl Jiří
Zjištění jakostního stavu dřevěných konstrukčních prvků při stavebně-technických průzkumech staveb, Determining the quality condition of structural wooden components during structural-technical surveys of buildings, In Drochytka, R. (ed.). CRRB- 14th Conference on the Rehabilitation and reconstruction of building 2012. Uherské Hradiště : WTA -CZ Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky, 2012, S. 16-28, 2012
Slížková Zuzana, Křivánková Dana, Nunes Cristiana Lara, Frankeová Dita
Vliv metakaolinu a lněného oleje na vlastnosti vápenných malt, Impact of metakaolin and linseed oil addition on lime mortar characteristics, 2012,
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Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita
Strukturní zpevnění vápenné omítky a vápence nanodisperzí CaLoSiL, Structural consolidation of lime mortar and limestone with suspension of nanoparticles CaLoSiL, Zpravodaj STOP : časopis společnosti pro technologie ochrany památek, 2012, Roč. 14, č. 3, s. 47-52, 2012,
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Frankl Jiří
Changes in physical properties of wood damaged by activities of wood damaging fungi, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 74-77, 2012
Frankl Jiří
Characteristics of Damage to the Structural Element by Creating its Degradation Profile, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 70-73, 2012
Nedvědová Klára, Kostkanová (Herbstová) Vladislava, Frankl Jiří, Pergl R.
Analysis of vulnerability of cultural heritage against floods, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 226-229, 2012
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
Nanomateriály v péči o památky, Nanomaterials in architectural heritage conservation, Akademický bulletin AV ČR, 2012, -, č. 10, s. 10-11, 2012,
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Jandejsek Ivan, Jiroušek Ondřej, Vavřík Daniel
Experimental evaluation of strain fields in the vicinity of V-notch in ductile metal, In Plachý, P.; Padevět, P.; Tesárek, P.; Stránský, J.; Zobal, O. (ed.). 3rd conference Nano and Macro mechanics 2012. Praha : ČVUT, 2012, S. 89-94, 2012
Drdácký Miloš, Hasníková Hana, Valach Jaroslav
Complex comparative tests on historic stone, In Ioannides, M.; Fritsch, D.; Leissner, R.; Caffo, R. (ed.). EUROMED 2012. Essex : Multi-Science Publishing, 2012, S. 337-341, 2012
Koudelka Petr
Non-Conform View at Eurocode 7-1 and Its Calibration, In Phoon, K.K.; Beer, M.; Quek, S.T.; Pang, S.D. (ed.). 5th APS on Structural Reliability and Its Application ? Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. Singapore : Design, CRC a iTEK CMS Web solutions, 2012, S. 200-205, 2012
Koudelka Petr
Constructive Similarity of Soils, In Phoon, K.K.; Beer, M.; Quek, S.T.; Pang, S.D. (ed.). 5th APS on Structural Reliability and Its Application ? Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. Singapore : Design, CRC a iTEK CMS Web solutions, 2012, S. 206-211, 2012
Žďárský M., Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel
Evaluation of material's state during deformation process by means of thermographic measurement, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2012, Roč. 17, č. 10, s. 102-107, 2012
Valach Jaroslav, Juliš Karel, Štefcová P.
Modular System of Sensors for Monitoring of Museums' Internal Environment, In Ioannides, M.; Fritsch, D.; Leissner, R.; Caffo, R. (ed.). EUROMED 2012. Essex : Multi-Science Publishing, 2012, S. 560-563, 2012
Koudelka Petr, Valach Jaroslav, Bryscejn Jan
Experiment E6/0,2 Lateral Passive Pressure ? Rotation about the top, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 172-174, 2012
Koudelka Petr, Bryscejn Jan
Speedy partial process of lateral pressure in granular mass during consolidation ? Experiment E5/0,2, In Růžička, M.; Doubrava, K.; Horák, Z. (ed.). 50th Int. conference on Experimental stress analysis. Prague : TU Prague, 2012, S. 217-224, 2012
Koudelka Petr
Vývoj navrhování pažících konstrukcí pražského metra, Development of Retaining Structures of the Prague Metro, In 40th IC Foundations Brno 2012. Brno : Sekurkon,s.r.o, 2012, S. 90-94, 2012
Yau J. D., Frýba Ladislav
Interaction dynamics of a maglev vehicle moving on guidways considering support settlement, In European conference on Civil Engineering. Paris : WSEAS Press, 2012, S. 157-162, 2012
Drdácký Miloš
Innovative testing solutions for safeguarding architectural heritage, In International congress on Science and technology for the conservation of cultural heritage. Santiago de Compostela : Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2012. S. 49, 2012
Suchý V., Sýkorová I., Dobeš P., Machovič Vladimír, Filip Jiří, Zeman Antonín, Stejskal M.
Blackened bioclasts and bituminous impregnations in the Koněprusy Limestone (Lover Devonian), the Barrandian area, Czech Republic: Implications for basin analysis, Facies, 2012, Roč. 58, č. 4, s. 759-777, 2012
Vaněček Václav, Klíma K., Kohout A., Jiroušek Ondřej, Štulík J., Syková Eva
Mesenchymal stem cells promote bone tissue regeneration in a preclinical rat model of vertebral body defect, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2012, Roč. 6, SI, s. 42-42, 2012
Vrba David, Valach Jaroslav
Studium korekce k nerovnoměrnému rozložení dopadající intezity světla ve fotometrickém stereu, The study of the correction to the inhomogeneous distribution of the incident intensity of light in photometric stereo, In Zborník príspevkov 20. ročníka konferencie 20th Annual Conference. Bratislava : RT Systems, s.r.o, 2012, S. 90-91, 2012
Kloiber Michal, Válek Jan, Bláha Jiří, Čechová J.
Reconstruction of a Baroque Open Beam Ceiling Based on Material Analysis, In Sanace a rekonstrukce staveb 2012. Uherské Hradiště : Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky - WTA CZ, 2012, 2012,
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Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
Structural strategies and measures reducing flood action on architectural heritage, Risk Analysis VIII, 2012, Roč. 44, -, s. 249-260, 2012
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Engineering Mechanics 2012, 2012
Slížková Zuzana, Zeman Antonín, Petráňová Veronika, Niedoba Krzysztof, Křivánková Dana, Hasníková Hana, Frankeová Dita
Stanovení základních vlastností kamene, ze kterého je zhotovena dekorativní váza. Expertní posudek, Material characteristics assessment of the stone sample from the decorative vase. Technical report, 2012
Frankl Jiří, Kloiber Michal, Drdácký Miloš, Tippner J., Bryscejn Jan
Mechanical Characteristics of Chemically Degraded Surface Layers of Wood, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, 2012, Volume 2, Number 11, s. 694-700, 2012
2011Standardization of peeling tests for assessing the cohesion and consolidation characteristics of historic stone surfaces, Materials and Structures, 2012, Roč. 45, č. 4, s. 505-520, 2012,
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Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Relation of flutter derivatives and indicial functions in linear aero-elastic models, In Pešek, L. (ed.). Dynamics of Machines 2012. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 95-102, 2012
Minster Jiří, Šperl Martin, Bláhová O., Hristová J., Lukeš J., Němeček J.
Microindentation into an epoxy composition to assess the influence of aging on mechanical properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, Roč. 123, č. 4, s. 2090-2094, 2012
Minster Jiří, Micka Michal
Numerical Simulation of an Indentation Process for Defining the Viscoelastic Characteristics of Time-Dependent Materials, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B, 2012, Roč. 2, č. 1, s. 81-89, 2012
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
Lime-water consolidation effects on poor lime mortars, APT Bulletin, 2012, Roč. 43, č. 1, s. 31-36, 2012,
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Urushadze Shota, Frýba Ladislav, Pirner Miroš
Investigations of orthotropic decks, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). 18th International conference Engineering mechanics 2012. Praha : ÚTAM AV ČR,v.v.i, 2012, S. 354-355, 2012
Pospíšil Stanislav, Fischer Cyril, Náprstek Jiří
Experimental analysis of stability of viscously damped spherical pendulum, In Virag, Zdravko; Kozmar, Hrvoje; Smojver, Ivica (ed.). 7th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics. Zagreb : CROATIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICS, 2012, S. 1-12, 2012
Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana, Křivánková Dana, Frankeová Dita
Effect of linseed oil on the mechanical properties of lime mortars, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 955-967, 2012,
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Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana, Křivánková Dana
Frost resistance of lime-based mortars with linseed oil, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 23-26, 2012
Drdácký Miloš
Challenges for experimental methods in safeguarding and sustainability of architectural heritage, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 7-10, 2012
Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr
Large-scale micro-finite element simulation of compressive behavior of trabecular bone microstructure, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 543-549, 2012
Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr, Doktor Tomáš, Jandejsek Ivan
Early Defect Detection of Acetabular Implants, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012 - CD ROM. Prague : ITAM AS CR, 2012, S. 825-834, 2012
Doktor Tomáš, Fenclová N., Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav
Hardness distribution mapping in low carbon pipeline steel using semiautomatic evaluation of Vickers indentation measurement, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 31-34, 2012
Kytýř Daniel, Petráňová Veronika, Jiroušek Ondřej
Assessment of micromechanical properties of trabecular bone using quantitative backscattered electron microscopy, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 119-122, 2012
Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš
Indirect determination of material model parameters for single trabecula based on nanoindentation and three-point bending test, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1611-1620, 2012
Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr
On the reliability of microstructural models of trabecular bone with tissue properties from nanoindentation for bone quality assessment, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 111-114, 2012,
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Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel
Modelling Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Human Single Trabecula-Comparison with Bending Test, Journal of Biomechanics, 2012, Roč. 45, S1, s. 479-479, 2012,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel, Zlámal Petr
X-Ray Radiography of Three-Point Bending of Single Human Trabecula, Journal of Biomechanics, 2012, Roč. 45, S1, s. 261-261, 2012,
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Beran Pavel
The influence of solar radiation on the distribution of temperatures in the historic masonry, In Mammoli, A.A.; Brebbia, C.A. (ed.). Advanced Computational Methods and Experiments in Heat Transfer XII. Southampton : WIT Press, 2012, S. 181-192, 2012,
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Kocour Vladimír, Bryscejn Jan, Vrba David, Valach Jaroslav
Determination of Optical Properties of Surfaces for Use in Cultural Heritage Protection, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 15-18, 2012
Valach Jaroslav, Cacciotti Riccardo, Čerňanský Martin, Kuneš Petr
MONDIS: Knowledge-Based System of Failure of Historical Constructions, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 360-361, 2012
Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel
Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences, Proceedings of XIIIth Bilateral Czech/German Symposium, 2012
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Dynamic Stability of a Non-linear Continuous System Subjected to Vertical Seismic Excitation, In Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Proc. of the 11th international conference on Computational structures technology. Station Brae, Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2012, S. 1-14, 2012,
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Frankeová Dita, Slížková Zuzana, Drdácký Miloš
Characteristics of mortars from ancient bridges, In Válek, J.; Hughes, J.J.; Groot, J.W.P. (ed.). Historic mortars: Characterisation, assessment and repair 7.. Dordrecht : Springer, 2012. S. 165-174, 2012
Drdácký Miloš
Non-standard testing in characterisation and consolidation assessment of historic mortars, In Válek, J.; Hughes, J.J.; Groot, J.W.P. (ed.). Historic mortars: Characterisation, assessment and repair 7.. Dordrecht : Springer, 2012. S. 443-450, 2012
Válek Jan, Hughes J., Groot C.
Historic mortars: Characterisation, assessment and repair. A state-of-the-art summary, In Válek, J.; Hughes, J.J.; Groot, J.W.P. (ed.). Historic mortars: Characterisation, assessment and repair 7.. Dordrecht : Springer, 2012. S. 1-12, 2012
Válek Jan, Matas Tomáš
Experimental study of hot mixed mortars in comparison with lime putty and hydrate mortars, In Válek, J.; Hughes, J.J.; Groot, J.W.P. (ed.). Historic mortars: Characterisation, assessment and repair 7.. Dordrecht : Springer, 2012. S. 269-281, 2012
Major Štěpán, Jandejsek Ivan, Vavřík Daniel, Valach Jaroslav
Portable device for assessment of indirect strength in tension of historical building materials, In Dahlin, E. (ed.). Cultural Heritage Preservation EWCHP -2012. Kjeller : NILU-Norwegian Innstitute for Air Research, 2012, S. 241-246, 2012,
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Valach Jaroslav, Cacciotti Riccardo, Kuneš Petr, Čerňanský Martin
A knowledge-based system for documentation of defects in immovable cultural heritage objects and monuments, In Dahlin, E. (ed.). Cultural Heritage Preservation EWCHP -2012. Kjeller : NILU-Norwegian Innstitute for Air Research, 2012, S. 50-54, 2012
Šepitka J., Lukeš J., Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav
Composition, Structural and Material Properties of Leech Teeth -- Example of Bioinspiration in Materials Research, Chemické listy, 2012, Roč. 106, č. 3, s. 523-524, 2012,
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Valach Jaroslav, Žďárský M., Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš, Šperl Martin
Determination of Local Distribution of Hardness for Investigation of Material Behavior under Load Approaching its Strength, Chemické listy, 2012, Roč. 106, č. 3, s. 551-554, 2012,
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Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej
Parameter estimation of material model for single trabecula from micromechanical testing, Chemické listy, 2012, Roč. 106, č. 3, s. 572-573, 2012,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Simulace napěťového stavu ve válcové skořepině zatížené vnitřním přetlakem, Simulation of Stress in a Cylindrical Shell Loaded by Internal Pressure, Plyn : odborný měsíčník pro plynárenství, 2012, Roč. 92, č. 6, s. 124-128, 2012
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Ocenka kritičeskich parametrov trub s ostrymi defektami, Evaluation of Critical Parameters of Pipelines with Notch Defects, Nefte Gazovie Technologii, 2012, Roč. 10, č. 5, s. 83-89, 2012
Major Štěpán, Hubálovský Š.
Roughness Analysis of Fatigue Fracture Surface, In Marques, V.; Dmitriev, A.; Pop, E.; Barbu, C.B. (ed.). Advances in data networks, communications, computers and materials. Sliema : WSEAS Press, 2012, S. 244-248, 2012
Major Štěpán, Hubalovský Š., Šedivý J., Hanuš J.
Fatigue life of drawn filled niti-ag wires for medical applications, In Marques, V.; Dmitriev, A.; Pop, E.; Barbu, C.B. (ed.). Advances in data networks, communications, computers and materials. Sliema : WSEAS Press, 2012, S. 249-253, 2012
Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Fíla Tomáš, Minster Jiří, Kostelecká M.
Analysis of cross-section surface roughness evolution of carbon fibre reinforced polymer under fatigue loading, Chemické listy, 2012, Roč. 106, č. 3, s399-s400, 2012,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Zlámal Petr, Doktor Tomáš, Šepitka J., Lukeš J.
Use of Modulus Mapping Technique to Investigate Cross-sectional Material Properties of Extracted Single Human Trabeculae, Chemické listy, 2012, Roč. 106, č. 3, s. 442-445, 2012,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Determination of burst pressure of thin-walled pressure vessels, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 84-85, 2012
Jandejsek Ivan, Jiroušek Ondřej, Vavřík Daniel
Experimental measurement of full-field strains in the vicinity of U-notch in ductile material, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 136-140, 2012
Urushadze Shota, Šperl Martin, Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav, Fíla Tomáš
Comparison of composite material degradation assesment methods using acoustic analysis and laser vibrometry, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 58-59, 2012,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Vliv rovnání zakřiveného tělesa na jeho lomové vlastnosti, Effect of straightening a cerved body on fracture properties, In Musil, L. (ed.). Bezpečnost a spolehlivost plynovodů 2012. Praha : Český plynárenský svaz, 2012, S. 10-18, 2012
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Auto-Parametric Stability And Post-Critical Behavior of a Non-Linear Continuous System Under Random Seismic Excitation, In Oliveira, C.S. (ed.). Proc. 15th World conference of Earth Engineering. Lisabon : Portuguese Society for Earthquake Engineering, 2012, S. 1-10, 2012,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Mentl V., Kaiser J.
A Comparison of Probable Magnitudes of the Microplastic Limit of CSN 411375 Steel Determined by the Inductance and Resistance Method, In Růžička, Milan; Doubrava, Karel; Horák, Zdeněk (ed.). EAN 2012 Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis. Prague : ČVUT Technical University in Prague, 2012, S. 103-110, 2012
Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Heřmánková V., Štánbruch J.
Comparison of results of measuring by current NDT methods with results obtained by a new device for wood mechanical resistance measuring, In Jasienko, J. (ed.). Structural analysis of historical constructions 3.. Wroclaw : Dolnoslaskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2012, S. 2035-2043, 2012,
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Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Hrivnák J., Praus L.
Experimental Verification of a New Tool for Wood Mechanical Resistance Measurement, Wood Research, 2012, Roč. 57, č. 3, s. 383-398, 2012,
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Kafka Vratislav
Springback, internal elastic energy and stored energy, Engineering Mechanics, 2012, Roč. 19, č. 2/3, s. 177-188, 2012,
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Kunecký Jiří, Cacciotti Riccardo, Kloiber Michal
Influence of geometric parameters on the stiffness of traditional dovetail timber joint, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 200-209, 2012,
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Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Microplastic limit as determined by the inductance and resistance method, In Ognjanovic, Miloslav (ed.). Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Belgrade : University of Belgrade, 2012, S. 44-45, 2012
Major Štěpán, Jakl L.
Effect of surface layer depth on fatigue life of carburized steel and analysis of fracture proces, In Shlyannikov, V.; Goldstein, R.; Makhutov, N. (ed.). Fracture mechanics of durability, reliability and safety. Kazan : Foliant Kazan, 2012, S. 224-231, 2012,
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Major Štěpán, Vlach P., Trudič P.
Fatigue crack propagation in drawn filled nitinol wires for medical applications, In Shlyannikov, V.; Goldstein, R.; Makhutov, N. (ed.). Fracture mechanics of durabulity, reliability and safety. Kazan : Foliant Kazan, 2012, S. 232-236, 2012,
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Vlach P., Major Štěpán, Musil M., Jakl L.
Fatigue damage of nitinol stents in simulated physiological solution, In Shlyannikov, V.; Goldstein, R.; Makhutov, N. (ed.). Fracture mechanics of durability, reliability and safety. Kazan : Foliant Kazan, 2012, S. 263-269, 2012,
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Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Response types and general stability conditions of linear aero-elastic system with two degrees-of-freedom, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2012, Roč. 111, č. 1, s. 1-13, 2012
Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Hrivnák J., Vichrová Gábina, Valach Jaroslav
Analýza chování dřeva v okolí zatlačovaného trnu při diagnostice konstrukčních prvků staveb, Analysis of wood behaviour in the surroundings of a pin being pushed for the diagnostics of constructional elements of buildings, In Drochytka, R. (ed.). CRRB- 14th Conference on the Rehabilitation and reconstruction of building 2012. Uherské Hradiště : WTA -CZ Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky, 2012, S. 37-56, 2012,
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Kloiber Michal, Válek Jan, Bláha Jiří, Čechová J.
Reconstruction of a Baroque Open Beam Ceiling based on Material Analysis, In Drochytka, R. (ed.). CRRB- 14th Conference on the Rehabilitation and reconstruction of building 2012. Uherské Hradiště : WTA -CZ Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky, 2012, S. 218-222, 2012,
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Drdácký Miloš, Urushadze Shota, Wünsche Martin
Retrofitting of imperfect carpentry joints for increased seismic resistance, In Jasieńko, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2012, S. 1485-1492, 2012,
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Wünsche Martin, Urushadze Shota, Pospíšil Stanislav, Hračov Stanislav
Cyclic behaviour of the Adobe brick walls before and after the reinforcement, In Jasieńko, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2012, S. 1958-1965, 2012,
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Paganoni S., D´Ayala D., Miccoli L., Hračov Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Wünsche Martin, Adami C.E., Vintzileou E., Moreira S., Oliveira D.V., James P., Cóias e Silva V.
Connections and dissipative systems with early warning, In Jasieńko, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2012, S. 2888-2896, 2012
Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
Applicability of existing indexes of non-proportionality of damping in case of theoretical model of slender structure with installed TMD, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 110-126, 2012
Miccoli L., Pospíšil Stanislav, Müller U., Hračov Stanislav
Performance of earth block and rammed earth masonry under cyclic loading and reinforcement effectivity, In Proceedings - LEHM 2012. Weimar : Dachverband Lehm e. V, 2012, S. 122-133, 2012
Bruthans J., Svetlik D., Soukup J., Schweigstillová Jana, Válek Jan, Sedláčková M., Mayo A.L.
Fast evolving conduits in clay-bonded sandstone: Characterization, erosion processes, Geomorphology, 2012, Roč. 177, December, s. 178-193, 2012
Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Králík V.
Identification of elasto-visco-plastic constitutive material model with damage for porous material based on the indirect finite element simulation of the nanoindentation test, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 107-110, 2012,
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Zlámal Petr, Kytýř Daniel, Fíla Tomáš, Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej
Measuring of elastic properties of metal foam based on compression test and digital image correlation, In Tuns, I.; Szava, I.; Ungureanu, V.V. (ed.). Proc. of 11th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Brašov : Civil Engineering Faculty,Transilvania University of Brašov, 2012, S. 263-266, 2012,
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Jiroušek Ondřej, Koudelka Petr, Zlámal Petr
Indirect Determination of Material Properties of Closed-Cell Metal Foam: Comparison of Voxel and Tetrahedral Finite Element Models, In Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Proc. of the 8th International conference on Engineering computational technology 2012. Stirlingshire : Civil-Comp Press, 2012, S. 243-253, 2012,
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Fiala Zdeněk
Time-discrete geometrical integration of finite deformations, In Holzapfel, G.A.; Ogden, R.W. (ed.). 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference Graz. Graz : Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, 2012, S. 1-2, 2012,
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Fiala Zdeněk
Time-discrete integration of finite deformations, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1-8, 2012,
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Kratěna Jindřich
Zjištění výše zhodnocení stavby, Determination of the increase in value of buildings, In Zacharov, S.; Kratěna, J. (ed.). Stavebnictví a nemovitosti. Praha - Moskva : Akademstrojnauka, 2012, S. 10-27, 2012
Kratěna Jindřich
Řešení průtahů s proplácením znalečného, Remuneration of experts, delays and their solution, In Zacharov, S.; Kratěna, J. (ed.). Stavebnictví a nemovitosti. Praha - Moskva : Akademstrojnauka, 2012, S. 83-86, 2012
Kratěna Jindřich
Kdy je posudek podán a co je řádné podání posudku, Regular submission of epert report and the date of its submission, In Zacharov, S.; Kratěna, J. (ed.). Stavebnictví a nemovitosti. Praha - Moskva : Akademstrojnauka, 2012, S. 87-90, 2012
Kratěna Jindřich
Jak správně vypočítat zhodnocení staveb, How to calculate correct increase in value of buildings, Znalec, 2012, Roč. 22, č. 1, s. 13-25, 2012
Kratěna Jindřich
Pronajaté stavby a jejich zhodnocení nájemcem, Rented buildings and their increase in value by the lessee, Znalec, 2012, Roč. 22, č. 2, s. 18-19, 2012
Miccoli L., Müller U., Silva B., Da Porto F., Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Adami C.E., Vintzileou E., Vasconcelos G., Poletti G.
Overview of different strengthening techniques applied on walls used in historical structures, In Jasieńko, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2012, S. 2870-2878, 2012
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš, Pospíšil Stanislav, Král Radomil
Experimental and numerical verification of vortex-induced vibration of hangers on the footbridge, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1457-1464, 2012
Pospíšil Stanislav, Lahodný J., Janata V., Urushadze Shota, Král Radomil, Hračov Stanislav
Lifetime prediction of wind loaded mast and towers with respect to lateral and longitudinal wind spectrum, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1041-1048, 2012
Wünsche Martin, Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota
Cyclic loading of masonry walls and its anti seismic reinforcing, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1565-1572, 2012
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš, Pospíšil Stanislav, Král Radomil
Oscillations of footbridge hangers at very low wind speed, In Kim, S.D. (ed.). Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposium: IASS-APCS 2012. Seoul : KASS, 2012, S. 68-75, 2012
Pospíšil Stanislav, Lahodný J., Janata V., Urushadze Shota, Král Radomil, Hračov Stanislav
Lifetime prediction of wind loaded mast and towers with respect to lateral and longitudinal wind spectrum, In Kim, S.D. (ed.). Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposium: IASS-APCS 2012. Seoul : KASS, 2012, S. 312-319, 2012
Lahodný J., Janata V., Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Král Radomil
Analysis of towers and masts with oscillation dampers using full-scale measurement of wind and structure properties, In Kim, S.D. (ed.). Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposium: IASS-APCS 2012. Seoul : KASS, 2012, S. 304-311, 2012
Hasníková Hana
Testing of mechanical properties of natural stones used as a building material, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 355-361, 2012,
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Hasníková Hana, Zíma Pavel
Comparative testing of natural stones used as a building material, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences. Praha : Czech Technical University, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 11-14, 2012,
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Fischer Cyril, Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Resonance behaviour of spherical pendulum ? influence of damping, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 64-75, 2012,
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Fíla Tomáš, Zlámal Petr, Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel
Design and use of novel compression device for microtomography under applied load, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 239-244, 2012
Beran Pavel
Zvýšení únosnosti stropní desky s Wünschovými hlavicemi, Increase of bearing capacity of the floor slab with Wünsch capitals, Beton, 2012, Roč. 12, 05, s. 55-60, 2012,
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Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie, Urushadze Shota
Breathing and design of steel girders subjected to repeated loading, In Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2012, S. 134-148, 2012
Urushadze Shota, Frýba Ladislav, Škaloud Miroslav, Pirner Miroš, Zörnerová Marie
Fatigue problems of steel bridges, In Pombo, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance. Stirlingshire : Civil-Comp Press, 2012, S. 142-151, 2012
Jiroušek Ondřej
Nanoindentation of Human Trabecular Bone ? Tissue Mechanical Properties Compared to Standard Engineering Test Methods, In Němeček, J. (ed.). Nanoindentation in Material Science. Rijeka : InTech, 2012. S. 259-284, 2012
Král Radomil, Náprstek Jiří
Analysis of Stability Conditions of a slender Beam under Wind Effects using Numerical Model, In Pimenta, Paulo M. (ed.). 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics. Sao Paulo : Escola politécnica - Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2012, S. 77-78, 2012,
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Fíla Tomáš, Urushadze Shota, Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav, Šperl Martin
Investigation of composite material degradation indicators using acoustic measurement: comparison with laser vibrometry, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Proceedings of XIIIth Bilateral Czech / German Symposium Experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences. Prague : Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 35-38, 2012
Wünsche Martin, Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota
Cyclic loading of Adobe walls and its anti seismic strengthening reinforcement, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Proceedings of XIIIth Bilateral Czech / German Symposium Experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences. Prague : Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 27-30, 2012
Hračov Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Analýza vlastních čísel viskózně tlumené soustavy se dvěma stupni volnosti z hlediska změny parametrů sekundárního subsystému, Analysis of eigen-values of viscously damped two degrees of freedom system due to changes of parameters of secondary subsystem, In Soukup, J.; Skočilasová, B. (ed.). Výpočtové a experimentální metody v aplikované mechanice. Ústí nad Labem : FVTM UJEP v Ústí nad Labem, 2012. S. 26-37, 2012
Pirner Miroš, Fischer Ondřej
Zatížení staveb technickou seismicitou, Technical seismicity effect on buildings, In Zídek, Svatoplik (ed.). Církevní stavby : stavební kniha 2012. Praha : Informační centrum ČKAIT, s.r.o, 2012. S. 37-48, 2012,
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Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Koleš Jan
Seismic performance of timber frames, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Proceedings of XIIIth Bilateral Czech / German Symposium Experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences. Prague : Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 75-78, 2012
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie, Urushadze Shota
The breathing of webs under repeated partial edge loading, Procedia Engineering, 2012, Roč. 40, č. 1, s. 463-468, 2012
Aygül M., AL-Emrani M., Urushadze Shota
Modelling and fatigue life assessment of orthotropic bridge deck details using FEM, International Journal of Fatigue, 2012, Roč. 40, July, s. 129-142, 2012
Vavřík Daniel, Jakubek J., Pospíšil Stanislav, Vacík J.
Neutron imaging with micrometric spatial resolution, In Chmeissani, M. (ed.). IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium conference record. Madison : Institute of Electrical and Engineers Inc, 2012, S. 1285-1289, 2012
Vavřík Daniel, Jandejsek Ivan
Experimental evaluation of the energy responsible for the crack advancing, In European Conference on Fracture. Fracture Mechanics for Durability Realiability and Safety. 19.. Kazaň : Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, S. 1-5, 2012
Vavřík Daniel, Fila F., Jandejsek Ivan, Veselý V., Frantík P., Keršner Z.
Fracture Process in Silicate Composite Specimens ? X-ray Dynamic Observation and Numerical Modelling, In European Conference on Fracture. Fracture Mechanics for Durability Realiability and Safety. 19.. Kazaň : Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, S. 1-9, 2012
Vavřík Daniel, Fíla Tomáš, Jandejsek Ivan, Veselý V.
X-ray Observation of the Loaded Silicate Composite, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineerimg Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1485-1491, 2012
Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Doktor Tomáš, Zlámal Petr, Fíla Tomáš
Comparative study on numerical and analytical assessment of elastic properties of metal foams, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012 - CD ROM. Prague : ITAM AS CR, 2012, S. 691-701, 2012,
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Koudelka Petr, Zlámal Petr, Kytýř Daniel, Fíla Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej
Experimental study on size effect in quasi-static compressive behavior of closed-cell aluminium foams, In Jiroušek, O.; Kytýř, D. (ed.). Proceedings of XIIIth Bilateral Czech / German Symposium Experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences. Prague : Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, 2012, S. 115-118, 2012,
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Koudelka Petr, Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej
Effective elastic moduli of closed-cell aluminium foams - homogenization method, In Tuns, I.; Szava, I.; Ungureanu, V.V. (ed.). Proc. of 11th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Brašov : Civil Engineering Faculty,Transilvania University of Brašov, 2012, S. 244-250, 2012
Matas Tomáš, Válek Jan, Jiroušek Josef
Experimentální výzkum tradičních vápenných pojiv, Experimental study of traditional lime binders, In Heřmánková, V.; Anton, O. (ed.). Konference zkoušení a jakost ve stavebnictví. Brno : Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2012, S. 227-236, 2012,
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Válek Jan, Bláha Jiří
Information systems (IS) on cultural heritage in the Czech Republic, In Žarnič, R.; Rajčíč, V.; Vodopivec, B. (ed.). Heritage protection from documentation to inventions. Záhřeb : University of Zagreb, 2012, S. 51-55, 2012
Leissner J., Fuhrmann C., Piaia E., Piehel V., Válek Jan, Zuppiroli M.
Methods, Tools and Techniques Applicable to Cultural Heritage: an Evaluationa Approach, In Žarnič, R.; Rajčíč, V.; Vodopivec, B. (ed.). Heritage protection from documentation to inventions. Záhřeb : University of Zagreb, 2012, S. 139-144, 2012
Groot C., van Balen K., Bicer-Simsir B., Binda L., Elsen J., van Hees R., von Konow T., Lindqvist JE., Mauerbrecher P., Papayanni I., Subercaseaux M., Tedeschi C., Toumbakari E., Thompson M., Válek Jan, Veiga R.
Repair mortars for historic masonry Performance requirements for renders and plasters, Materials and Structures, 2012, Roč. 45, č. 9, s. 1277-1285, 2012,
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Groot C., van Balen K., Bicer-Simsir B., Binda L., Elsen J., van Hees R., von Konow T., Lindqvist JE., Mauerbrecher P., Papayanni I., Subercaseaux M., Tedeschi C., Toumbakari E., Thompson M., Válek Jan, Veiga R.
RILEM TC 203-RHM: Repair mortars for historic masonry The role of mortar in masonry: an introduction to requirements for the design of repair mortars, Materials and Structures, 2012, Roč. 45, č. 9, s. 1287-1294, 2012,
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Groot C., van Balen K., Bicer-Simsir B., Binda L., Elsen J., van Hees R., von Konow T., Lindqvist JE., Mauerbrecher P., Papayanni I., Subercaseaux M., Tedeschi C., Toumbakari E., Thompson M., Válek Jan, Veiga R.
RILEM TC 203-RHM: Repair mortars for historic masonry Repair mortars for historic masonry. From problem to intervention: a decision process, Materials and Structures, 2012, Roč. 45, č. 9, s. 1295-1302, 2012,
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Groot C., van Balen K., Bicer-Simsir B., Binda L., Elsen J., van Hees R., von Konow T., Lindqvist JE., Mauerbrecher P., Papayanni I., Subercaseaux M., Tedeschi C., Toumbakari E., Thompson M., Válek Jan, Veiga R.
RILEM TC 203-RHM: Repair mortars for historic masonry Requirements for repointing mortars for historic masonry, Materials and Structures, 2012, Roč. 45, č. 9, s. 1303-1309, 2012,
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Jandejsek Ivan, Dammer J., Jakubek J., Vavřík Daniel, Žemlička J.
Contrast optimization in X-ray radiography with single photon counting imagers of Medipix type, Journal of Instrumentation, 2012, Roč. 7, C12011, s. 1-5, 2012
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Evaluating the Integrity of Pressure Pipelines by Fracture Mechanics, In Belov, Alexander (ed.). Applied Fracture Mechanics. Rijeka, Croatia : InTech Europe, 2012. S. 281-308, 2012
Vavřík Daniel
Crack Behavior in Ductile Thin Wall Materials, In International Symposium on Technology for next Generation. Gwangju : Chonnam National University, 2012, S. 58-64, 2012
Kostkanová (Herbstová) Vladislava, Herle Ivo
Measurement of wall friction in direct shear tests on soft soil, Acta Geotechnica, 2012, Roč. 7, č. 4, s. 333-342, 2012,
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Kocour Vladimír, Valach Jaroslav
Určování optických vlastností povrchů pro účely ochrany objektů kulturního dědictví, Determination of Optical Properties of Surfaces for Purpose of Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects, In Zborník príspevkov 20. ročníka konferencie Technical Computing Bratislava 2012. Bratislava : RT Systems, s. r. o. & Systémy priemyselnej informatiky, 2012, S. 39, 2012
Zíma Pavel
Long-term monitoring of mechanical damage on historical structures, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 1603-1610, 2012
Bláha Jiří
Vývoj zastřešení kostela sv. Jakuba Většího v Brně, Historic Development of the Roofing of the St. James Church in Brno, In Termosanace zvonového patra hlavní věže národní kulturní památky chrámu sv. Jakuba v Brně. Opava : ŠMÍRA - PRINT, s.r.o, 2012, S. 6-15, 2012
Frankl Jiří
Zjištění jakostního stavu dřevěných konstrukčních prvků při stavebně-technických průzkumech staveb, Determining the quality condition of structural wooden components during structural-technical surveys of buildings, In Drochytka, R. (ed.). CRRB- 14th Conference on the Rehabilitation and reconstruction of building 2012. Uherské Hradiště : WTA -CZ Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky, 2012, S. 16-28, 2012
Slížková Zuzana, Křivánková Dana, Nunes Cristiana Lara, Frankeová Dita
Vliv metakaolinu a lněného oleje na vlastnosti vápenných malt, Impact of metakaolin and linseed oil addition on lime mortar characteristics, 2012,
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Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita
Strukturní zpevnění vápenné omítky a vápence nanodisperzí CaLoSiL, Structural consolidation of lime mortar and limestone with suspension of nanoparticles CaLoSiL, Zpravodaj STOP : časopis společnosti pro technologie ochrany památek, 2012, Roč. 14, č. 3, s. 47-52, 2012,
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Frankl Jiří
Changes in physical properties of wood damaged by activities of wood damaging fungi, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 74-77, 2012
Frankl Jiří
Characteristics of Damage to the Structural Element by Creating its Degradation Profile, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 70-73, 2012
Nedvědová Klára, Kostkanová (Herbstová) Vladislava, Frankl Jiří, Pergl R.
Analysis of vulnerability of cultural heritage against floods, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 226-229, 2012
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
Nanomateriály v péči o památky, Nanomaterials in architectural heritage conservation, Akademický bulletin AV ČR, 2012, -, č. 10, s. 10-11, 2012,
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Jandejsek Ivan, Jiroušek Ondřej, Vavřík Daniel
Experimental evaluation of strain fields in the vicinity of V-notch in ductile metal, In Plachý, P.; Padevět, P.; Tesárek, P.; Stránský, J.; Zobal, O. (ed.). 3rd conference Nano and Macro mechanics 2012. Praha : ČVUT, 2012, S. 89-94, 2012
Drdácký Miloš, Hasníková Hana, Valach Jaroslav
Complex comparative tests on historic stone, In Ioannides, M.; Fritsch, D.; Leissner, R.; Caffo, R. (ed.). EUROMED 2012. Essex : Multi-Science Publishing, 2012, S. 337-341, 2012
Koudelka Petr
Non-Conform View at Eurocode 7-1 and Its Calibration, In Phoon, K.K.; Beer, M.; Quek, S.T.; Pang, S.D. (ed.). 5th APS on Structural Reliability and Its Application ? Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. Singapore : Design, CRC a iTEK CMS Web solutions, 2012, S. 200-205, 2012
Koudelka Petr
Constructive Similarity of Soils, In Phoon, K.K.; Beer, M.; Quek, S.T.; Pang, S.D. (ed.). 5th APS on Structural Reliability and Its Application ? Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. Singapore : Design, CRC a iTEK CMS Web solutions, 2012, S. 206-211, 2012
Žďárský M., Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel
Evaluation of material's state during deformation process by means of thermographic measurement, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2012, Roč. 17, č. 10, s. 102-107, 2012
Valach Jaroslav, Juliš Karel, Štefcová P.
Modular System of Sensors for Monitoring of Museums' Internal Environment, In Ioannides, M.; Fritsch, D.; Leissner, R.; Caffo, R. (ed.). EUROMED 2012. Essex : Multi-Science Publishing, 2012, S. 560-563, 2012
Koudelka Petr, Valach Jaroslav, Bryscejn Jan
Experiment E6/0,2 Lateral Passive Pressure ? Rotation about the top, In Náprstek, J.; Fischer, C. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2012. Prague : ITAM AS CR, v. v. i., 2012, S. 172-174, 2012
Koudelka Petr, Bryscejn Jan
Speedy partial process of lateral pressure in granular mass during consolidation ? Experiment E5/0,2, In Růžička, M.; Doubrava, K.; Horák, Z. (ed.). 50th Int. conference on Experimental stress analysis. Prague : TU Prague, 2012, S. 217-224, 2012
Koudelka Petr
Vývoj navrhování pažících konstrukcí pražského metra, Development of Retaining Structures of the Prague Metro, In 40th IC Foundations Brno 2012. Brno : Sekurkon,s.r.o, 2012, S. 90-94, 2012
Yau J. D., Frýba Ladislav
Interaction dynamics of a maglev vehicle moving on guidways considering support settlement, In European conference on Civil Engineering. Paris : WSEAS Press, 2012, S. 157-162, 2012
Drdácký Miloš
Innovative testing solutions for safeguarding architectural heritage, In International congress on Science and technology for the conservation of cultural heritage. Santiago de Compostela : Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2012. S. 49, 2012
Suchý V., Sýkorová I., Dobeš P., Machovič Vladimír, Filip Jiří, Zeman Antonín, Stejskal M.
Blackened bioclasts and bituminous impregnations in the Koněprusy Limestone (Lover Devonian), the Barrandian area, Czech Republic: Implications for basin analysis, Facies, 2012, Roč. 58, č. 4, s. 759-777, 2012
Vaněček Václav, Klíma K., Kohout A., Jiroušek Ondřej, Štulík J., Syková Eva
Mesenchymal stem cells promote bone tissue regeneration in a preclinical rat model of vertebral body defect, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2012, Roč. 6, SI, s. 42-42, 2012
Vrba David, Valach Jaroslav
Studium korekce k nerovnoměrnému rozložení dopadající intezity světla ve fotometrickém stereu, The study of the correction to the inhomogeneous distribution of the incident intensity of light in photometric stereo, In Zborník príspevkov 20. ročníka konferencie 20th Annual Conference. Bratislava : RT Systems, s.r.o, 2012, S. 90-91, 2012
Kloiber Michal, Válek Jan, Bláha Jiří, Čechová J.
Reconstruction of a Baroque Open Beam Ceiling Based on Material Analysis, In Sanace a rekonstrukce staveb 2012. Uherské Hradiště : Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky - WTA CZ, 2012, 2012,
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Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
Structural strategies and measures reducing flood action on architectural heritage, Risk Analysis VIII, 2012, Roč. 44, -, s. 249-260, 2012
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Engineering Mechanics 2012, 2012
Slížková Zuzana, Zeman Antonín, Petráňová Veronika, Niedoba Krzysztof, Křivánková Dana, Hasníková Hana, Frankeová Dita
Stanovení základních vlastností kamene, ze kterého je zhotovena dekorativní váza. Expertní posudek, Material characteristics assessment of the stone sample from the decorative vase. Technical report, 2012
Frankl Jiří, Kloiber Michal, Drdácký Miloš, Tippner J., Bryscejn Jan
Mechanical Characteristics of Chemically Degraded Surface Layers of Wood, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, 2012, Volume 2, Number 11, s. 694-700, 2012
Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr, Kytýř Daniel, Kroupa M.
Strain analysis of trabecular bone using time-resolved X-ray microtomography, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2011, Roč. 633, Suppl. 1, s. 148-151, 2011
Jandejsek Ivan, Nachtrab F., Uhlmann N., Vavřík Daniel
X-ray dynamic defectoscopy utilizing digital image correlation, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2011, Roč. 6, č. 5, s. 185-186, 2011
Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr, Pokorný D.
Experimental and numerical study of cemented bone-implant interface behaviour, Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale, 2011, Roč. 15, č. 15, s. 5-13, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Auto-parametric Stability Loss and Post-critical Behaviour of a Three Degrees of Freedom System, In Papadrakakis, Manolis; Stefanou, George; Papadopoulos, Vissarion (ed.). Computational Methods in Stochastic Dynamics 1st Edition.. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York : Springer, 2011. S. 267-290, 2011
Minster Jiří, Novák Z.
Observation of viscoelastic displacement recovery after microindentation, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2011, Roč. 15, č. 3, s. 317-325, 2011
Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej, Dammer J.
High resolution X-ray imaging of bone-implant interface by large area flat-panel detector, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, Roč. 6, č. 1, s. 1038-1043, 2011
Jiroušek Ondřej, Jandejsek Ivan, Vavřík Daniel
Evaluation of strain field in microstructures using micro-CT and digital volume correlation, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, Roč. 6, January, s. 1-5, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Application of a Fracture-Mechanics Approach to Gas Pipelines, In Ardil, C. (ed.). World academy of science, engineering and technology -2011 (ICOGPE). Dubai, UAE : WASET, 2011, S. 676-683, 2011
Vavřík Daniel, Jeon I., Lehmnann E., Kaestner A., Vacík J.
Inspection of the metal composite materials using a combination of X-ray radiography and Neutron Imaging, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, Roč. 6, č. 3, s. 186-191, 2011
Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav, Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej
Assessment of C/PPS Composites Degradation Indicators using Acoustic Measurement, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 355-358, 2011
Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej
Pore Size Distribution of Human Trabecular Bone - Comparison of Intrusion Measurements with Image Analysis, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 115-118, 2011
Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr
Microstructural models of trabecular bone - comparison of CT-based FE models, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 247-250, 2011
Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav, Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr, Kostelecká M.
Evaluation of sample preparation procedures for micro-mechanical testing of trabecular bone, In Stockmann, Martin; Kretzschmar, Jenz (ed.). 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011, S. 71-72, 2011
Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Valach Jaroslav
Determination of Mechanical Properties of Metal Foams using Microstructural Models, In Stockmann, Martin; Kretzschmar, Jenz (ed.). 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011, S. 64-65, 2011
Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kostelecká M.
Improvements of an Analysis Tool for the Pore Size Distribution Assessment, In Stockmann, Martin; Kretzschmar, Jenz (ed.). 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011, S. 45-46, 2011
Kostelecká M., Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš
Study of Degradation of Fibre-cement Plates with Different Types of Non-metalic Fibres, In Stockmann, Martin; Kretzschmar, Jenz (ed.). 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011, S. 61-62, 2011
Fischer Cyril
GPU computation in engineering practice, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 135-138, 2011
Zlámal Petr, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej, Němeček J.
Development of Visco-elasto-plastic Material Model for Human Trabecular Bone using Nanoindentation, In Stockmann, Martin; Kretzschmar, Jenz (ed.). 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011, S. 127-128, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril, Pirner Miroš, Fischer Ondřej
Non-linear dynamic behaviour of a ball vibration absorber, In Papadrakakis, M.; Fragiadakis, M.; Plevris, V. (ed.). COMPDYN. Athens : Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Researc, NTU Athens, 2011, S. 1-14, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Application of Fracture-Mechanics Approach to Gas Pipelines, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2011, VII, č. 73, s. 480-487, 2011
Kytýř Daniel
Experimental and Numerical Study of Cemented Bone--implant Interface Behaviour using Microtomography Measurement, 2011
Fiala Zdeněk
Geometrical setting of solid mechanics, Annals of Physics, 2011, Roč. 326, č. 8, s. 1983-1997, 2011
Fíla Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Šperl Martin
Investigation of C/PPS Composites Degradation Process Using Acoustic Measurement, In Návrat, T. (ed.). EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011, S. 49-55, 2011
Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Němeček J.
Application of visco-elasto plastic model to human trabecular bone based on results from nanoindentation and verified by time lapse X-Ray microtomography, In Feipel, V. (ed.). ISB 2011. ISB2011 Conference book.. Brussels : International Society of Biomechanics, 2011, S. 211-212, 2011
Jiroušek Ondřej, Jandejsek Ivan
Full-field measurements of large compressive deformations in human trabecular bone using digital volume correlation, In Feipel, V. (ed.). ISB 2011. ISB2011 Conference book.. Brussels : International Society of Biomechanics, 2011, S. 69-70, 2011
Kafka Vratislav, Vokoun David
An Overview of Applications of Kafka?s General Mesomechanical Concept to Inelastic Deformation, Cumulative Damage and Fracture, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2011, 20 2011, č. 5, s. 706-728, 2011
Dudíková M., Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej
Monitoring of material surface polishing procedure using confocal microscope, Chemické listy, 2011, Roč. 105, č. 17, s. 790-791, 2011
Jiroušek Ondřej, Němeček J., Kytýř Daniel, Kunecký Jiří, Zlámal Petr, Doktor Tomáš
Nanoindentation of Trabecular Bone - Comparison with Uniaxial Testing of Single Trabecula, Chemické listy, 2011, Roč. 105, č. 17, s. 668-671, 2011
Zamfirova G., Bláhová O., Minster Jiří, Gaydarov V.
Polypropylene nanocomposities studied by local micro- and nano-mechanical measurements, Chemické listy, 2011, Roč. 105, č. 17, s. 725-728, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Stability of Limit Cycles of multi-degree of freedom system with Gaussian noises, In Roeck, G.; Degrande, G.; Lombaert, G.; Műller, G. (ed.). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN2011. Leuven : Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011, S. 1998-2005, 2011
Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
Lyapunov functions to analyse stability regions of aeroelastic equation, In Roeck, G.; Degrande, G.; Lombaert, G.; Műller, G. (ed.). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN2011. Leuven : Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011, S. 2035-2042, 2011
Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
General formulation of linear aeroelastic system stability and respective post-critical response types, In Geurts, Chris (ed.). Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering. Amsterdam : Multi-Science Publishing Co Ltd, 2011, S. 1-8, 2011
Král Radomil, Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
Experimental analysis of frequency tuning influence on the response stability of bridge girders under wind action, In Geurts, Chris (ed.). Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering. Amsterdam : Multi-Science Publishing Co Ltd, 2011, S. 1-8, 2011
Drdácký Miloš
Non-standard testing of mechanical characteristics of historic mortars, International journal of architectural heritage, 2011, Roč. 5, 4-5, s. 383-394, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Kaiser J., Mentl V.
Microplastic Limit of Steel Determined by the Measurement of Changes in Electrical Impedance, In Návrat, T. (ed.). EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011, S. 65-70, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Siegl J.
Apparent Fracture Toughness of Low-carbon Steel CSN 411353 as Related to Stress Corrosion Cracks, Materials & Design, 2011, Roč. 32, 8/9, s. 4348-4353, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Odhad kritických hodnot eventuálních trhlin v plynovodu DN700/12, Estimate of Critical Dimensions a Possible Cracks on the Gas Pipeline DN700/12, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Inženýrská metoda posouzení pevnosti poškozených tlakových těles, An engineering method for assessing the strength of damaged pressure vessels, In Musil, L. (ed.). 20. kolokvium Bezpečnost a spolehlivost plynovodů. Praha : Český plynárenský svaz, 2011, S. 1-13, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Crha P., Micka Michal, Linhart Václav, Pavelková R., Pařízek P., Šperl Martin
Bezpečnost a integrita vysokotlakých plynovodů, Safety and Integrity of High-pressure Gas Pipelines, 2011
Šperl Martin
Poškození plynovodů korozí pod napětím, Damage of Gas Pipelines due to Stress Corrosion Cracks, In Bezpečnost a integrita vysokotlakých plynovodů. Praha : Český plynárenský svaz, 2011. S. 97-116, 2011
Šperl Martin
Vliv vad ve stěně potrubí na spolehlivost provozu plynovodu, Influence of Defects in Pipeline Wall to Reliability of Gas Pipelines, In Bezpečnost a integrita vysokotlakých plynovodů. Praha : Český plynárenský svaz, 2011. S. 65-96, 2011
Slížková Zuzana, Drdácký Miloš, Novotný J.
Managing unattended jewish gravestones and cementeries, In Stéfanaggi, M.; Hocquette, R. (ed.). 14es journées d´etude de la SFIIC: Jardins de pierrres. Paris : SFIIC, 2011, S. 49-56, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Kloiber Michal, Frankl Jiří, Bryscejn Jan, Tippner J.
Vliv chemické degradace povrchových vrstev na mechanické vlastnosti dřeva, The effect of chemical degradation of surface layers on mechanical properties of wood, TZB-info, 2011, Roč. 4, č. 4, s. 280-291, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Kloiber Michal, Frankl Jiří, Bryscejn Jan, Tippner J.
Vliv chemické degradace povrchových vrstev na mechanické vlastnosti dřeva, The effect of chemical degradation of surface layers on mechanical properties of wood, 2011
Marchevka M., Kloiber Michal, Bobeková E., Bláha Jiří
Prieskum dreveného krovu meštianskeho domu v Albrechticiach v Jesenicku, Survey of Wooden Truss of a Citizen House in Albrechtice, Jeseniky Mts, Stavebné materiály, 2011, VII, č. 4, s. 26-28, 2011
Jandejsek Ivan, Vavřík Daniel
Experimental Methods for Evaluation of the Energy Balance in Vicinity of the Crack Tip, In Návrat, T. (ed.). EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011, S. 135-138, 2011
Vavřík Daniel, Jandejsek Ivan
Portable Testing Device for In-situ Testing of Building Material, In Návrat, T. (ed.). EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011, S. 417-421, 2011
Tippner J., Kloiber Michal, Hrivnák J.
Derivation of Mechanical Properties by Pushing of a Pin into Wood, In Divos, F. (ed.). 17. international conference nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood symposium. Sopron : University of West Hungary, 2011, S. 575-582, 2011
Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Drdácký Miloš
Semi-destructive Tool for In-situ Measurement of Mechanical Resistance of Wood, In Machado, J.S.; Palma, P.; Lourenco, P.B. (ed.). SHATIS´11 Internationalconference on structural health assessmenht of timber structures. Lisboa : Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, 2011, S. 231-233, 2011
Frýba Ladislav, Urushadze Shota
Improvement of fatigue properties of orthotropic decks, Engineering Structures, 2011, Roč. 33, č. 4, s. 1166-1169, 2011,
Full text
Frýba Ladislav, Yau Y. D.
Response of an arch-beam carrying multiple moving oscillators, In Roeck, G.; Degrande, G.; Lombaert, G.; Műller, G. (ed.). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN2011. Leuven : Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011, S. 1213-1216, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Stability of the vertical excitation of slender structures, In Náprstek, J.; Horáček, J.; Okrouhlík, M.; Marvalová, B.; Verhulst, F.; Sawicki, J.T. (ed.). Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011. Berlin : Springer, 2011, S. 145-151, 2011,
Full text
Yau Y. D., Frýba Ladislav
Dynamic Interactions of a Train Moving Over a Rail Suspension Bridge with Multiple Support Settlements, In Segĺa, Š.; Tůma, J.; Petríková, I.; Pešek, L. (ed.). Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011 - Supplement. Liberec : Technical University of Liberec, 2011, S. 235-240, 2011
Náprstek Jiří
Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011, In Náprstek, J.; Horáček, J.; Okrouhlík, M.; Marvalová, B.; Verhulst, F.; Sawicki, J.T. (ed.). Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011. Berlin : Springer, 2011, S. 7-9, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril, Pirner Miroš
Dynamics of a vibration damperworking on a principle of a heavy ball rolling inside a spherical dish, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 403-406, 2011
Pospíšil Stanislav, Král Radomil, Náprstek Jiří
Multipurpose experimental rig for aeroelastic tests of bridge girders and slender beams, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 483-486, 2011
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie
The impact of the breathing phenomenon in webs subjected to repeated predominantly shear and partial edge loading, In Celikag, M.; Chiew, S.P. (ed.). Steel, space and composite structures. Singapur : CI-PREMIER PTE LTD, 2011, S. 285-293, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Quasi-Periodic Post-Critical Response Types of a Harmonically Excited Auto-Parametric System, In B.H.V. Topping; Y. Tsompanakis (ed.). Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2011, S. 1-26, 2011
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš
Torsional Vibration of Guyed Masts, In Geurts, Ch. (ed.). 13th International conference on Wind Engineering. Amsterdam : Multi-Science Publishing, 2011, S. 1-8, 2011
Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Valach Jaroslav
Determination of mechanical properties of materials with complex inner structure using microstructural models, MTM - Machines, Technologies, Materials. International virtual journal for science, technics and innovations for the industry, 2011, Roč. 5, č. 3, s. 39-42, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Černý Miloš, Slížková Zuzana, Zíma Pavel
Micro tube device for innovative digital water uptake measurements, In Krüger, M. (ed.). Proc. of the European workshop on Cultural heritage preservation. Stuttgart : Fraunhofer IRB, Verlag, 2011, S. 126-130, 2011
Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Kunecký Jiří, Zlámal Petr, Doktor Tomáš, Němeček J.
Simulation of the Mechanical Behaviour of a Single Human Trabecula assessed with a Micromechanical Test and Nanoindentation, In B.H.V. Topping; Y. Tsompanakis (ed.). Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2011, S. 238-249, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana, O´Hagan J.
Non-standard testing and characterisation of mortars from historic masonry, In Ingham, J.; Dhanasekar, M.; Masia, M. (ed.). 9th Australasian masonry conference. Auckland : University of Auckland, 2011, S. 493-502, 2011
Frankl Jiří
Characterisation of damages of ceiling joists caused by wood-damaging fungi, In Peixoto de Freitas, Vasco; Corvacho, Helen; Lacasse, Michael (ed.). XII DBMC. Porto, Portugal : FEUP Edicoes, Coleccao. Colectaneas 20,, 2011, S. 641-647, 2011
Hračov Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Analýza vlastních čísel viskózně tlumené soustavy se dvěma stupni volnosti z hlediska změny parametrů sekundárního subsystému, Analysis of eigen-values of viscously damped two degrees of freedom system due to changes of parameters of secondary subsystem, In Skočilasová, Blanka (ed.). Sborník přednášek z IX. mezinárodní konference DTDT 2011. Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J. E Purkyně v Ústí n. L., Fakulta výrobních technologií a managementu, Katedra strojů a mechaniky, 2011, S. 1-10, 2011
Vavřík Daniel
CT Artefact Reduction by Signal to Thickness Calibration Function Shaping, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2011, Roč. 633, č. 1, s. 177-180, 2011
Vavřík Daniel, Dammer J., Jakubek J., Jeon I., Jiroušek Ondřej, Kroupa M., Zlámal Petr
Advanced X-ray radiography and tomography in several engineering applications, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2011, Roč. 633, č. 1, s. 152-155, 2011
Heřmánková V., Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Anton O.
Diagnostické metody pro hodnocení konstrukčního dřeva, Diagnostic methods for evaluation of construction timber, In Heřmánková, V.; Anton, O. (ed.). Zkoušení a jakost ve stavebnictví. Brno : VUT Brno, 2011, S. 79-96, 2011
Zeman Antonín, Šmíd M., Kučková Štěpánka, Hájek T., Rokyta R.
A contribution to the study of pathological biomineralization of aortic valves, In Belviso, C.; Fiore, S.; Giannossi, M.L. (ed.). Geo Med2011. Gorgonzola : Associazione Italiana per lo Studio delle Argille, 2011, S. 305-314, 2011
Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita, Hauková Petra, Křivánková Dana
Problémy jakosti vápenných malt s přídavkem metakaolinu aplikovaných při opravách architektonického dědictví, Problems with the quality of lime mortars modified with metakaolin in the field of conservation of building heritage, In Heřmánková, V.; Anton, O. (ed.). Zkoušení a jakost ve stavebnictví. Brno : VUT Brno, 2011, S. 375-384, 2011
Součková Daňková A., Cílová Z., Matiášek Josef, Tomková Kateřina, Vavřík Daniel
Unikátní millefiori korálek z Jiřské ulice na Pražském hradě. Podíl konzervátora-restaurátora při procesu analýzy předmětu, Unique millefiori bead from Jiřská Street at Prague Castle. Conservator/restorer's contribution during the process of the object's analysis, Fórum pro konzervátory-restaurátory, 2011, Roč. 1, č. 1, s. 49-54, 2011
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie
The difference in the fatigue behaviour of webs breathing under repeated (i) predominant shear and (ii) patch loading, In Dunai, L. (ed.). Eurosteel 2011. Brusel : ECCS European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, 2011, S. 2067-2072, 2011
Kratěna Jindřich
Důsledky chyb znalců při posuzování příčin havárií konstrukcí, Consequences of errors of expert witnesses in the assessing of the reasons of structural failures, Konstrukce, 2011, Roč. 10, č. 4, s. 61-66, 2011
Zíma Pavel
Measurement of Water Uptake of Historic Surfaces-State of the Art Review, In Návrat, T.; Fuis, V.; Houfek, L.; Vlk, M. (ed.). Proceedings - 49th International Scientific Conference Experimental Stress Analysis. Brno : BRNO University of Technology, 2011, S. 441-448, 2011
Koudelka Petr, Valach Jaroslav, Bryscejn Jan
Operation Test of a New Experimental Technology for Research of Lateral Pressure, In Návrat, T.; Fuis, V.; Houfek, L.; Vlk, M. (ed.). Experimentální analýza napětí 2011. Brno : Czech society for mechanics, 2011, S. 155-160, 2011
Slížková Zuzana, Drdácký Miloš, Hauková Petra, Frankeová Dita, Křivánková Dana, Niedoba Krzysztof, Zeman Antonín
Rozbor malty použité pro spárování ohradní zdi kostela sv. Václava v Chlumu u Třebíče, Analysis of mortar used for grouting of enclosure wall of St. Wenceslas church in Chlum near Třebíč, 2011
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie
Comparison of the breathing behaviour in slender webs subjected to many times repeated (i) combined shear and bending, (ii) partial edge loading, In Jendželovský, N.; Nagyová, M. (ed.). New trends in statics and dynamics of building. Bratislava : Slovak University ot Technology in Bratislava, 2011, S. 223-226, 2011
Valach Jaroslav, Bryscejn Jan
Improved precision of stereometric measurement of relief's surface by means of structured light enhanced photometric stereo method, In Návrat, T.; Fuis, V.; Houfek, L.; Vlk, M. (ed.). Experimentální analýza napětí 2011. Brno : Czech society for mechanics, 2011, S. 411-415, 2011
Kostkanová (Herbstová) Vladislava
Mechanical behaviour of variably saturated clay, 2011
Herle Ivo, Mašín David, Kostkanová (Herbstová) Vladislava, Karcher Ch., Dahmen D.
Experimental investigation and theoretical modelling of soft soils from mining deposits, In Chung, CH.K.; Jung, Y.H.; Kim, H.K.; Lee, J.S.; Kim, D.S. (ed.). Proc. 5th inter. symposium on deformation characteristics of geomaterials. Seoul : Hanrinwon CO., LTD, 2011, S. 858-864, 2011
Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Zlámal Petr, Jandejsek Ivan
Real-time X-ray microradiographic imaging and image correlation for local strain mapping in single trabecula under mechanical load, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, Roč. 6, č. 11, s. 7-12, 2011
Kloiber Michal, Bláha Jiří, Růžička V.
Oprava krovu vodní tvrze na Jesenicku, Survey of Wooden Truss of a Citizen House in Albrechtice, Jeseniky Mts, TZB-info, 2011, Roč. 11, č. 3, s. 1-8, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Hodnocení integrity válcových skořepin, Assissing the Integrity of Cylindrical Shells, Plyn : odborný měsíčník pro plynárenství, 2011, Roč. 91, č. 9, s. 200-205, 2011
Beran Pavel, Drdácký Miloš
Compatibility Thermal Dilatation Limits of the Repair Material of the Historic Masonry, In Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). 13th International conference on civil , structural and environmental engineering computing. Stirlingshire : Civil-Comp Press, 2011, S. 321-339, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Horáček Jaromír, Okrouhlík Miloslav, Marvalová B., Verhulst F., Sawicki J.T.
Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Herle Ivo, Pospíšil Stanislav, Slížková Zuzana
Protecting cultural heritage against natural hazards, In WCCE-EccE-TCCE Joint conference 2: Seismic protection of cultural heritage. Ankara : Turkish chamber of civil engineers, 2011, S. 103-122, 2011
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš, Frýba Ladislav
Identifikace poškození konstrukcí pomocí dynamické odezvy, Damage identification of structures using the dynamic response, In Technická diagnostika a spolehlivost. Praha : Česká společnost pro jakost, 2011, S. 23-37, 2011
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie
The post-buckled behaviour in thin-walled construction and its partial erosion under repeated loading, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2011, Roč. 11, č. 5, s. 805-827, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Damaging Stresses in Cylindrical Shells, In Borbás, Lajos (ed.). 28th Danubia-Adria-Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Budapest : Scientific Society for Mechanical Engineering GTE, 2011, S. 139-140, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Hodnocení kritických parametrů trub s ostrými defekty, Assessing the critical parameters of pipes with sharp defects, Slovgas, 2011, Roč. 20, č. 5, s. 26-30, 2011
Šperl Martin, Gajdoš Ľubomír
Zhodnocení kvality materiálu a provozní bezpečnosti plynovodů 2 x DN500 - Praha Měcholupy, Evaluation the quality of material and safety of gas pipeline 2 x DN 500 - Praha Měcholupy, 2011
Koudelka Petr
Variability of Bearing Ressitance Properties of Soils, In Fuis, V. (ed.). 17th International Conference Engineering Mechanics 2011, Book of full texts. Praha : Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v.v.i, 2011, S. 307-310, 2011
Vavřík Daniel, Soukup P.
Metal grain structure resolved with table-top micro-tomographic system, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, Roč. 6, č. 11, s. 1-7, 2011
Pospíšil Stanislav
Vybrané problémy aeroelasticity stavebních konstrukcí, Selected problems of civil engineering structures, 2011
Válek Jan
Odlišnosti historických a moderních vápenných pojiv použitých pro přípravu malt a omítek, Differences between historic and modern lime binders used for preparation of mortars and renders, In Vápenický seminář 2011. Brno : Výzkumný ústav stavebních hmot a.s, 2011, S. 49-58, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Valach Jaroslav, Křemen P., Abrahamčík J.
Damage database, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 185-195, 2011
Drdácký Miloš
Cultural heritage and floods, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 15-17, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Herle Ivo, Drdácký Tomáš, Kruschwitz S.
Typical damage to cultural heritage in relation to flood events, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 27-38, 2011
Meinhardt J., Drdácký Miloš, Siedel H.
Vulnerability of cultural heritage, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 39-43, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Helmerich R.
Historic houses, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 75-78, 2011
Nedvědová Klára
Český Krumlov - a small -river flood in a small town, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 103-110, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Franzen Ch., Nedvědová Klára, Slížková Zuzana
Gardens and parks, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 111-114, 2011
Bláha Jiří, Nedvědová Klára
Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou Castle - a cultural heritage park and garden, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 115-122, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
Stone bridges, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 122-129, 2011
Drdácký Tomáš
Heritage sites, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 138-141, 2011
Siedel H., Slížková Zuzana, Golež M.
Effects of flooding on material behaviour, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 196-203, 2011
Culek jr. B., Urushadze Shota, Vágner J., Frýba Ladislav
Fatigue lifetime estimation on the steel bridges with orthotropic decks, In Ódor, I,; Borbás, L. (ed.). Symposium 28th Danubia - Adria -SSME. Siofók : Scientific Society for Mechanical Enginnering, 2011, S. 199-200, 2011
Koudelka Petr
Risks of analyses with lateral earth pressure load, In Faber, M.; Kohler, J.; Nishijima, K. (ed.). Application of statistics in civil engineering /11./. London : Taylor and Francis Group, 2011, S. 842-848, 2011
Koudelka Petr
Shear strength variability of sandy and fine-grained soils, In Faber, M.; Kohler, J.; Nishijima, K. (ed.). Application of statistics in civil engineering /11./. London : Taylor and Francis Group, 2011, S. 881-884, 2011
Koudelka Petr
Risk Example of Passive Pressure according to Procedures of EC 7-1 and ČSN 73 0037, In Zakládání staveb Brno 2011. Brno : Sekurkon, s.r.o, 2011, S. 146-153, 2011
Slížková Zuzana, Siedel H., Binda L., Cardani G.
After the flood, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 66-74, 2011
Drdácký Miloš
Obstacles to innovation, Public service review, 2011, Roč. 22, č. 22, s. 502, 2011
Urushadze Shota, Frýba Ladislav, Pirner Miroš
Improvement of fatigue life of steel orthotropic desks with carbon fibre reinforcement composites, In Návrat, T.; Fuis, V.; Houfek, L.; Vlk, M. (ed.). Experimentální analýza napětí 2011. Brno : Czech society for mechanics, 2011, S. 403-410, 2011
Král Radomil
Numerical and experimental solutions of self-induced instability of bridge girders, 2011
Sýkorová I., Havelcová Martina, Zeman Antonín, Trejtnarová Hana
Carbon air pollution reflected in deposits on chosen building materials of Prague Castle, Science of the Total Environment, 2011, Roč. 409, č. 21, s. 4606-4611, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Post Critical Behaviour of a Simple Non-Linear System in a Cross Wind, Engineering Mechanics, 2011, Roč. 18, 3/4, s. 193-201, 2011
Pospíšil Stanislav, Fischer Cyril, Náprstek Jiří
Experimental and theoretical analysis of auto-parametric stability of pendulum with viscous dampers, Acta Technica CSAV, 2011, Roč. 56, č. 4, s. 359-378, 2011
Kratěna Jindřich
Chyby znalců a jejich důsledky při posuzování příčiny havárie střechy stadiónu před třiceti lety, Mistakes of expert witnesses and their consequences in case of the reason of the failure of an ice arena roof thirty years ago, Znalec, 2011, Roč. 21, č. 4, s. 29-35, 2011
Kratěna Jindřich, Urushadze Shota
Vliv trhacích prací na poškození domu, Blasting works and damage of buildings, In Zacharov, S.; Kratěna, J.; Vacha, V.; Stepanov, S.N. (ed.). Stavebnictví a nemovitosti. Praha - Moskva : Academstrojnauka, 2011, S. 24-33, 2011
Kafka Vratislav
Crack propagation model taking into consideration the local effect of the deviatoric stress and the non-local effect of the isotropic stress, Acta Technica CSAV, 2011, Roč. 56, č. 4, s. 343-358, 2011,
Full text
Bláha Jiří
Typické příklady konstrukčního použití dřeva v historických stavbách, jeho životnost a význam termosanační konzervační metody očima stavebního historika, Typical examples of structural use of wood in historic buildings, its durability and the importance of the hot air disinsection, In Richterová, Helena; Moravec, Tomáš (ed.). Historické krovy a nové možnosti jejich zachování. Opava : ŠMÍRA - PRINT, s.r.o, 2011, S. 22-33, 2011
Kunecký Jiří
Numerical and experimental analysis of protective sport helmets, 2011
Fošumpaur P., Nedvědová Klára, Kopecká Ivana, Pergl R.
Ochrana a záchrana kulturního dědictví ohroženého povodněmi, Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Endanger by Floods, In Manažment povodí a povodňových rizík. Sekce B.. Častá - Papiernička : Výzkumný ústav vodného hospodárstva, 2011, 2011,
Full text
Bláha Jiří, Hauserová M., Macek P., Razím V.
Dějiny a současnost stavebněhistorického průzkumu, Historic Structure Survey : State-of-the-Art, In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 23-31, 2011
Bláha Jiří, Kypta J., Tribulová T., Václavík F., Zavřel J.
Přírodovědné a technické metody průzkumu (archeometrie), Sphisticated Survey Methods (Archaeometry), In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 77-92, 2011
Bláha Jiří
Kam zmizela kamenná ostění? Dešná (okres Jindřichův Hradec), kostel sv. Jana Křtitele, OPD jako prostředek získání základních informací o stavbě a jejím vývoji, Where did the stone doors disappeared? Dešná, Church of St. John Baptist. HSR as a means to obtain basic information about the building and its development, In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 182-183, 2011
Bláha Jiří
Dřevo jako korunní svědek. Rožmberk nad Vltavou (okres Český Krumlov), hrad, dendrochronologický průzkum, Wood as a material witness. Rozmberk Castle, dendrochronological survey, In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 281-283, 2011
Bláha Jiří
Kaple na roztrhání. Hříšice (okres Jindřichův Hradec), kaple sv. Vavřince, stavebně-technický průzkum a jeho kvalita, Torn chapel. Hříšice, chapel of St Lawrence, structural research and its quality, In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 272-273, 2011
Bláha Jiří
130 let starý dort. Pelhřimov, Muzeum Vysočiny, maketa dortu, dendrochronologický průzkum specifického předmětu, 130 year old cake. Pelhřimov, Highlands Museum, model of a cake, dendrochronological survey of the specific subject, In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 284-285, 2011
Frýba Ladislav, Urushadze Shota
Improvement of fatigue properties of orthotropic decks, Engineering Structures, 2011, Roč. 33, č. 4, s. 1166-1169, 2011
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš
Torsional Vibration of Guyed Masts, In Geurts, Ch. (ed.). 13th International conference on Wind Engineering. Amsterdam : Multi-Science Publishing, 2011, S. 1-8, 2011
Hračov Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Analýza vlastních čísel viskózně tlumené soustavy se dvěma stupni volnosti z hlediska změny parametrů sekundárního subsystému, Analysis of eigen-values of viscously damped two degrees of freedom system due to changes of parameters of secondary subsystem, In Skočilasová, Blanka (ed.). Sborník přednášek z IX. mezinárodní konference DTDT 2011. Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J. E Purkyně v Ústí n. L., Fakulta výrobních technologií a managementu, Katedra strojů a mechaniky, 2011, S. 1-10, 2011
Nedvědová Klára
Švihov (Czech Republic) - a small river flood in a town with a water fortress, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.; Kopp, Ch.; Lanza, L. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against flooding. Praha : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, 2011. S. 107-110, 2011
Strain analysis of trabecular bone using time-resolved X-ray microtomography, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2011, Roč. 633, Suppl. 1, s. 148-151, 2011
Jandejsek Ivan, Nachtrab F., Uhlmann N., Vavřík Daniel
X-ray dynamic defectoscopy utilizing digital image correlation, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2011, Roč. 6, č. 5, s. 185-186, 2011
Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr, Pokorný D.
Experimental and numerical study of cemented bone-implant interface behaviour, Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale, 2011, Roč. 15, č. 15, s. 5-13, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Auto-parametric Stability Loss and Post-critical Behaviour of a Three Degrees of Freedom System, In Papadrakakis, Manolis; Stefanou, George; Papadopoulos, Vissarion (ed.). Computational Methods in Stochastic Dynamics 1st Edition.. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York : Springer, 2011. S. 267-290, 2011
Minster Jiří, Novák Z.
Observation of viscoelastic displacement recovery after microindentation, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2011, Roč. 15, č. 3, s. 317-325, 2011
Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej, Dammer J.
High resolution X-ray imaging of bone-implant interface by large area flat-panel detector, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, Roč. 6, č. 1, s. 1038-1043, 2011
Jiroušek Ondřej, Jandejsek Ivan, Vavřík Daniel
Evaluation of strain field in microstructures using micro-CT and digital volume correlation, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, Roč. 6, January, s. 1-5, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Application of a Fracture-Mechanics Approach to Gas Pipelines, In Ardil, C. (ed.). World academy of science, engineering and technology -2011 (ICOGPE). Dubai, UAE : WASET, 2011, S. 676-683, 2011
Vavřík Daniel, Jeon I., Lehmnann E., Kaestner A., Vacík J.
Inspection of the metal composite materials using a combination of X-ray radiography and Neutron Imaging, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, Roč. 6, č. 3, s. 186-191, 2011
Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav, Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej
Assessment of C/PPS Composites Degradation Indicators using Acoustic Measurement, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 355-358, 2011
Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej
Pore Size Distribution of Human Trabecular Bone - Comparison of Intrusion Measurements with Image Analysis, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 115-118, 2011
Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr
Microstructural models of trabecular bone - comparison of CT-based FE models, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 247-250, 2011
Kytýř Daniel, Valach Jaroslav, Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej, Zlámal Petr, Kostelecká M.
Evaluation of sample preparation procedures for micro-mechanical testing of trabecular bone, In Stockmann, Martin; Kretzschmar, Jenz (ed.). 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011, S. 71-72, 2011
Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Valach Jaroslav
Determination of Mechanical Properties of Metal Foams using Microstructural Models, In Stockmann, Martin; Kretzschmar, Jenz (ed.). 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011, S. 64-65, 2011
Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kostelecká M.
Improvements of an Analysis Tool for the Pore Size Distribution Assessment, In Stockmann, Martin; Kretzschmar, Jenz (ed.). 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011, S. 45-46, 2011
Kostelecká M., Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš
Study of Degradation of Fibre-cement Plates with Different Types of Non-metalic Fibres, In Stockmann, Martin; Kretzschmar, Jenz (ed.). 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011, S. 61-62, 2011
Fischer Cyril
GPU computation in engineering practice, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 135-138, 2011
Zlámal Petr, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej, Němeček J.
Development of Visco-elasto-plastic Material Model for Human Trabecular Bone using Nanoindentation, In Stockmann, Martin; Kretzschmar, Jenz (ed.). 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics. Chemnitz : Chemnitz University of Technology, 2011, S. 127-128, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril, Pirner Miroš, Fischer Ondřej
Non-linear dynamic behaviour of a ball vibration absorber, In Papadrakakis, M.; Fragiadakis, M.; Plevris, V. (ed.). COMPDYN. Athens : Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Researc, NTU Athens, 2011, S. 1-14, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Application of Fracture-Mechanics Approach to Gas Pipelines, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2011, VII, č. 73, s. 480-487, 2011
Kytýř Daniel
Experimental and Numerical Study of Cemented Bone--implant Interface Behaviour using Microtomography Measurement, 2011
Fiala Zdeněk
Geometrical setting of solid mechanics, Annals of Physics, 2011, Roč. 326, č. 8, s. 1983-1997, 2011
Fíla Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav, Kytýř Daniel, Šperl Martin
Investigation of C/PPS Composites Degradation Process Using Acoustic Measurement, In Návrat, T. (ed.). EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011, S. 49-55, 2011
Zlámal Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Němeček J.
Application of visco-elasto plastic model to human trabecular bone based on results from nanoindentation and verified by time lapse X-Ray microtomography, In Feipel, V. (ed.). ISB 2011. ISB2011 Conference book.. Brussels : International Society of Biomechanics, 2011, S. 211-212, 2011
Jiroušek Ondřej, Jandejsek Ivan
Full-field measurements of large compressive deformations in human trabecular bone using digital volume correlation, In Feipel, V. (ed.). ISB 2011. ISB2011 Conference book.. Brussels : International Society of Biomechanics, 2011, S. 69-70, 2011
Kafka Vratislav, Vokoun David
An Overview of Applications of Kafka?s General Mesomechanical Concept to Inelastic Deformation, Cumulative Damage and Fracture, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2011, 20 2011, č. 5, s. 706-728, 2011
Dudíková M., Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej
Monitoring of material surface polishing procedure using confocal microscope, Chemické listy, 2011, Roč. 105, č. 17, s. 790-791, 2011
Jiroušek Ondřej, Němeček J., Kytýř Daniel, Kunecký Jiří, Zlámal Petr, Doktor Tomáš
Nanoindentation of Trabecular Bone - Comparison with Uniaxial Testing of Single Trabecula, Chemické listy, 2011, Roč. 105, č. 17, s. 668-671, 2011
Zamfirova G., Bláhová O., Minster Jiří, Gaydarov V.
Polypropylene nanocomposities studied by local micro- and nano-mechanical measurements, Chemické listy, 2011, Roč. 105, č. 17, s. 725-728, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Stability of Limit Cycles of multi-degree of freedom system with Gaussian noises, In Roeck, G.; Degrande, G.; Lombaert, G.; Műller, G. (ed.). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN2011. Leuven : Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011, S. 1998-2005, 2011
Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
Lyapunov functions to analyse stability regions of aeroelastic equation, In Roeck, G.; Degrande, G.; Lombaert, G.; Műller, G. (ed.). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN2011. Leuven : Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011, S. 2035-2042, 2011
Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
General formulation of linear aeroelastic system stability and respective post-critical response types, In Geurts, Chris (ed.). Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering. Amsterdam : Multi-Science Publishing Co Ltd, 2011, S. 1-8, 2011
Král Radomil, Pospíšil Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří
Experimental analysis of frequency tuning influence on the response stability of bridge girders under wind action, In Geurts, Chris (ed.). Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering. Amsterdam : Multi-Science Publishing Co Ltd, 2011, S. 1-8, 2011
Drdácký Miloš
Non-standard testing of mechanical characteristics of historic mortars, International journal of architectural heritage, 2011, Roč. 5, 4-5, s. 383-394, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Kaiser J., Mentl V.
Microplastic Limit of Steel Determined by the Measurement of Changes in Electrical Impedance, In Návrat, T. (ed.). EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011, S. 65-70, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Siegl J.
Apparent Fracture Toughness of Low-carbon Steel CSN 411353 as Related to Stress Corrosion Cracks, Materials & Design, 2011, Roč. 32, 8/9, s. 4348-4353, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Odhad kritických hodnot eventuálních trhlin v plynovodu DN700/12, Estimate of Critical Dimensions a Possible Cracks on the Gas Pipeline DN700/12, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Inženýrská metoda posouzení pevnosti poškozených tlakových těles, An engineering method for assessing the strength of damaged pressure vessels, In Musil, L. (ed.). 20. kolokvium Bezpečnost a spolehlivost plynovodů. Praha : Český plynárenský svaz, 2011, S. 1-13, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Crha P., Micka Michal, Linhart Václav, Pavelková R., Pařízek P., Šperl Martin
Bezpečnost a integrita vysokotlakých plynovodů, Safety and Integrity of High-pressure Gas Pipelines, 2011
Šperl Martin
Poškození plynovodů korozí pod napětím, Damage of Gas Pipelines due to Stress Corrosion Cracks, In Bezpečnost a integrita vysokotlakých plynovodů. Praha : Český plynárenský svaz, 2011. S. 97-116, 2011
Šperl Martin
Vliv vad ve stěně potrubí na spolehlivost provozu plynovodu, Influence of Defects in Pipeline Wall to Reliability of Gas Pipelines, In Bezpečnost a integrita vysokotlakých plynovodů. Praha : Český plynárenský svaz, 2011. S. 65-96, 2011
Slížková Zuzana, Drdácký Miloš, Novotný J.
Managing unattended jewish gravestones and cementeries, In Stéfanaggi, M.; Hocquette, R. (ed.). 14es journées d´etude de la SFIIC: Jardins de pierrres. Paris : SFIIC, 2011, S. 49-56, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Kloiber Michal, Frankl Jiří, Bryscejn Jan, Tippner J.
Vliv chemické degradace povrchových vrstev na mechanické vlastnosti dřeva, The effect of chemical degradation of surface layers on mechanical properties of wood, TZB-info, 2011, Roč. 4, č. 4, s. 280-291, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Kloiber Michal, Frankl Jiří, Bryscejn Jan, Tippner J.
Vliv chemické degradace povrchových vrstev na mechanické vlastnosti dřeva, The effect of chemical degradation of surface layers on mechanical properties of wood, 2011
Marchevka M., Kloiber Michal, Bobeková E., Bláha Jiří
Prieskum dreveného krovu meštianskeho domu v Albrechticiach v Jesenicku, Survey of Wooden Truss of a Citizen House in Albrechtice, Jeseniky Mts, Stavebné materiály, 2011, VII, č. 4, s. 26-28, 2011
Jandejsek Ivan, Vavřík Daniel
Experimental Methods for Evaluation of the Energy Balance in Vicinity of the Crack Tip, In Návrat, T. (ed.). EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011, S. 135-138, 2011
Vavřík Daniel, Jandejsek Ivan
Portable Testing Device for In-situ Testing of Building Material, In Návrat, T. (ed.). EAN Proccedings. Brno : Czech Society for Mechanics, 2011, S. 417-421, 2011
Tippner J., Kloiber Michal, Hrivnák J.
Derivation of Mechanical Properties by Pushing of a Pin into Wood, In Divos, F. (ed.). 17. international conference nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood symposium. Sopron : University of West Hungary, 2011, S. 575-582, 2011
Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Drdácký Miloš
Semi-destructive Tool for In-situ Measurement of Mechanical Resistance of Wood, In Machado, J.S.; Palma, P.; Lourenco, P.B. (ed.). SHATIS´11 Internationalconference on structural health assessmenht of timber structures. Lisboa : Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, 2011, S. 231-233, 2011
Frýba Ladislav, Urushadze Shota
Improvement of fatigue properties of orthotropic decks, Engineering Structures, 2011, Roč. 33, č. 4, s. 1166-1169, 2011,
Full text
Frýba Ladislav, Yau Y. D.
Response of an arch-beam carrying multiple moving oscillators, In Roeck, G.; Degrande, G.; Lombaert, G.; Műller, G. (ed.). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN2011. Leuven : Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011, S. 1213-1216, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Stability of the vertical excitation of slender structures, In Náprstek, J.; Horáček, J.; Okrouhlík, M.; Marvalová, B.; Verhulst, F.; Sawicki, J.T. (ed.). Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011. Berlin : Springer, 2011, S. 145-151, 2011,
Full text
Yau Y. D., Frýba Ladislav
Dynamic Interactions of a Train Moving Over a Rail Suspension Bridge with Multiple Support Settlements, In Segĺa, Š.; Tůma, J.; Petríková, I.; Pešek, L. (ed.). Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011 - Supplement. Liberec : Technical University of Liberec, 2011, S. 235-240, 2011
Náprstek Jiří
Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011, In Náprstek, J.; Horáček, J.; Okrouhlík, M.; Marvalová, B.; Verhulst, F.; Sawicki, J.T. (ed.). Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011. Berlin : Springer, 2011, S. 7-9, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril, Pirner Miroš
Dynamics of a vibration damperworking on a principle of a heavy ball rolling inside a spherical dish, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 403-406, 2011
Pospíšil Stanislav, Král Radomil, Náprstek Jiří
Multipurpose experimental rig for aeroelastic tests of bridge girders and slender beams, In Fuis, V. (ed.). Engineering Mechanics 2011. Prague : Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i., 2011, S. 483-486, 2011
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie
The impact of the breathing phenomenon in webs subjected to repeated predominantly shear and partial edge loading, In Celikag, M.; Chiew, S.P. (ed.). Steel, space and composite structures. Singapur : CI-PREMIER PTE LTD, 2011, S. 285-293, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Quasi-Periodic Post-Critical Response Types of a Harmonically Excited Auto-Parametric System, In B.H.V. Topping; Y. Tsompanakis (ed.). Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2011, S. 1-26, 2011
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš
Torsional Vibration of Guyed Masts, In Geurts, Ch. (ed.). 13th International conference on Wind Engineering. Amsterdam : Multi-Science Publishing, 2011, S. 1-8, 2011
Koudelka Petr, Jiroušek Ondřej, Valach Jaroslav
Determination of mechanical properties of materials with complex inner structure using microstructural models, MTM - Machines, Technologies, Materials. International virtual journal for science, technics and innovations for the industry, 2011, Roč. 5, č. 3, s. 39-42, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Černý Miloš, Slížková Zuzana, Zíma Pavel
Micro tube device for innovative digital water uptake measurements, In Krüger, M. (ed.). Proc. of the European workshop on Cultural heritage preservation. Stuttgart : Fraunhofer IRB, Verlag, 2011, S. 126-130, 2011
Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Kunecký Jiří, Zlámal Petr, Doktor Tomáš, Němeček J.
Simulation of the Mechanical Behaviour of a Single Human Trabecula assessed with a Micromechanical Test and Nanoindentation, In B.H.V. Topping; Y. Tsompanakis (ed.). Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2011, S. 238-249, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana, O´Hagan J.
Non-standard testing and characterisation of mortars from historic masonry, In Ingham, J.; Dhanasekar, M.; Masia, M. (ed.). 9th Australasian masonry conference. Auckland : University of Auckland, 2011, S. 493-502, 2011
Frankl Jiří
Characterisation of damages of ceiling joists caused by wood-damaging fungi, In Peixoto de Freitas, Vasco; Corvacho, Helen; Lacasse, Michael (ed.). XII DBMC. Porto, Portugal : FEUP Edicoes, Coleccao. Colectaneas 20,, 2011, S. 641-647, 2011
Hračov Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Analýza vlastních čísel viskózně tlumené soustavy se dvěma stupni volnosti z hlediska změny parametrů sekundárního subsystému, Analysis of eigen-values of viscously damped two degrees of freedom system due to changes of parameters of secondary subsystem, In Skočilasová, Blanka (ed.). Sborník přednášek z IX. mezinárodní konference DTDT 2011. Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J. E Purkyně v Ústí n. L., Fakulta výrobních technologií a managementu, Katedra strojů a mechaniky, 2011, S. 1-10, 2011
Vavřík Daniel
CT Artefact Reduction by Signal to Thickness Calibration Function Shaping, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2011, Roč. 633, č. 1, s. 177-180, 2011
Vavřík Daniel, Dammer J., Jakubek J., Jeon I., Jiroušek Ondřej, Kroupa M., Zlámal Petr
Advanced X-ray radiography and tomography in several engineering applications, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 2011, Roč. 633, č. 1, s. 152-155, 2011
Heřmánková V., Kloiber Michal, Tippner J., Anton O.
Diagnostické metody pro hodnocení konstrukčního dřeva, Diagnostic methods for evaluation of construction timber, In Heřmánková, V.; Anton, O. (ed.). Zkoušení a jakost ve stavebnictví. Brno : VUT Brno, 2011, S. 79-96, 2011
Zeman Antonín, Šmíd M., Kučková Štěpánka, Hájek T., Rokyta R.
A contribution to the study of pathological biomineralization of aortic valves, In Belviso, C.; Fiore, S.; Giannossi, M.L. (ed.). Geo Med2011. Gorgonzola : Associazione Italiana per lo Studio delle Argille, 2011, S. 305-314, 2011
Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita, Hauková Petra, Křivánková Dana
Problémy jakosti vápenných malt s přídavkem metakaolinu aplikovaných při opravách architektonického dědictví, Problems with the quality of lime mortars modified with metakaolin in the field of conservation of building heritage, In Heřmánková, V.; Anton, O. (ed.). Zkoušení a jakost ve stavebnictví. Brno : VUT Brno, 2011, S. 375-384, 2011
Součková Daňková A., Cílová Z., Matiášek Josef, Tomková Kateřina, Vavřík Daniel
Unikátní millefiori korálek z Jiřské ulice na Pražském hradě. Podíl konzervátora-restaurátora při procesu analýzy předmětu, Unique millefiori bead from Jiřská Street at Prague Castle. Conservator/restorer's contribution during the process of the object's analysis, Fórum pro konzervátory-restaurátory, 2011, Roč. 1, č. 1, s. 49-54, 2011
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie
The difference in the fatigue behaviour of webs breathing under repeated (i) predominant shear and (ii) patch loading, In Dunai, L. (ed.). Eurosteel 2011. Brusel : ECCS European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, 2011, S. 2067-2072, 2011
Kratěna Jindřich
Důsledky chyb znalců při posuzování příčin havárií konstrukcí, Consequences of errors of expert witnesses in the assessing of the reasons of structural failures, Konstrukce, 2011, Roč. 10, č. 4, s. 61-66, 2011
Zíma Pavel
Measurement of Water Uptake of Historic Surfaces-State of the Art Review, In Návrat, T.; Fuis, V.; Houfek, L.; Vlk, M. (ed.). Proceedings - 49th International Scientific Conference Experimental Stress Analysis. Brno : BRNO University of Technology, 2011, S. 441-448, 2011
Koudelka Petr, Valach Jaroslav, Bryscejn Jan
Operation Test of a New Experimental Technology for Research of Lateral Pressure, In Návrat, T.; Fuis, V.; Houfek, L.; Vlk, M. (ed.). Experimentální analýza napětí 2011. Brno : Czech society for mechanics, 2011, S. 155-160, 2011
Slížková Zuzana, Drdácký Miloš, Hauková Petra, Frankeová Dita, Křivánková Dana, Niedoba Krzysztof, Zeman Antonín
Rozbor malty použité pro spárování ohradní zdi kostela sv. Václava v Chlumu u Třebíče, Analysis of mortar used for grouting of enclosure wall of St. Wenceslas church in Chlum near Třebíč, 2011
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie
Comparison of the breathing behaviour in slender webs subjected to many times repeated (i) combined shear and bending, (ii) partial edge loading, In Jendželovský, N.; Nagyová, M. (ed.). New trends in statics and dynamics of building. Bratislava : Slovak University ot Technology in Bratislava, 2011, S. 223-226, 2011
Valach Jaroslav, Bryscejn Jan
Improved precision of stereometric measurement of relief's surface by means of structured light enhanced photometric stereo method, In Návrat, T.; Fuis, V.; Houfek, L.; Vlk, M. (ed.). Experimentální analýza napětí 2011. Brno : Czech society for mechanics, 2011, S. 411-415, 2011
Kostkanová (Herbstová) Vladislava
Mechanical behaviour of variably saturated clay, 2011
Herle Ivo, Mašín David, Kostkanová (Herbstová) Vladislava, Karcher Ch., Dahmen D.
Experimental investigation and theoretical modelling of soft soils from mining deposits, In Chung, CH.K.; Jung, Y.H.; Kim, H.K.; Lee, J.S.; Kim, D.S. (ed.). Proc. 5th inter. symposium on deformation characteristics of geomaterials. Seoul : Hanrinwon CO., LTD, 2011, S. 858-864, 2011
Doktor Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej, Kytýř Daniel, Zlámal Petr, Jandejsek Ivan
Real-time X-ray microradiographic imaging and image correlation for local strain mapping in single trabecula under mechanical load, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, Roč. 6, č. 11, s. 7-12, 2011
Kloiber Michal, Bláha Jiří, Růžička V.
Oprava krovu vodní tvrze na Jesenicku, Survey of Wooden Truss of a Citizen House in Albrechtice, Jeseniky Mts, TZB-info, 2011, Roč. 11, č. 3, s. 1-8, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Hodnocení integrity válcových skořepin, Assissing the Integrity of Cylindrical Shells, Plyn : odborný měsíčník pro plynárenství, 2011, Roč. 91, č. 9, s. 200-205, 2011
Beran Pavel, Drdácký Miloš
Compatibility Thermal Dilatation Limits of the Repair Material of the Historic Masonry, In Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). 13th International conference on civil , structural and environmental engineering computing. Stirlingshire : Civil-Comp Press, 2011, S. 321-339, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Horáček Jaromír, Okrouhlík Miloslav, Marvalová B., Verhulst F., Sawicki J.T.
Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Herle Ivo, Pospíšil Stanislav, Slížková Zuzana
Protecting cultural heritage against natural hazards, In WCCE-EccE-TCCE Joint conference 2: Seismic protection of cultural heritage. Ankara : Turkish chamber of civil engineers, 2011, S. 103-122, 2011
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš, Frýba Ladislav
Identifikace poškození konstrukcí pomocí dynamické odezvy, Damage identification of structures using the dynamic response, In Technická diagnostika a spolehlivost. Praha : Česká společnost pro jakost, 2011, S. 23-37, 2011
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie
The post-buckled behaviour in thin-walled construction and its partial erosion under repeated loading, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2011, Roč. 11, č. 5, s. 805-827, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Damaging Stresses in Cylindrical Shells, In Borbás, Lajos (ed.). 28th Danubia-Adria-Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. Budapest : Scientific Society for Mechanical Engineering GTE, 2011, S. 139-140, 2011
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Hodnocení kritických parametrů trub s ostrými defekty, Assessing the critical parameters of pipes with sharp defects, Slovgas, 2011, Roč. 20, č. 5, s. 26-30, 2011
Šperl Martin, Gajdoš Ľubomír
Zhodnocení kvality materiálu a provozní bezpečnosti plynovodů 2 x DN500 - Praha Měcholupy, Evaluation the quality of material and safety of gas pipeline 2 x DN 500 - Praha Měcholupy, 2011
Koudelka Petr
Variability of Bearing Ressitance Properties of Soils, In Fuis, V. (ed.). 17th International Conference Engineering Mechanics 2011, Book of full texts. Praha : Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v.v.i, 2011, S. 307-310, 2011
Vavřík Daniel, Soukup P.
Metal grain structure resolved with table-top micro-tomographic system, Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, Roč. 6, č. 11, s. 1-7, 2011
Pospíšil Stanislav
Vybrané problémy aeroelasticity stavebních konstrukcí, Selected problems of civil engineering structures, 2011
Válek Jan
Odlišnosti historických a moderních vápenných pojiv použitých pro přípravu malt a omítek, Differences between historic and modern lime binders used for preparation of mortars and renders, In Vápenický seminář 2011. Brno : Výzkumný ústav stavebních hmot a.s, 2011, S. 49-58, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Valach Jaroslav, Křemen P., Abrahamčík J.
Damage database, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 185-195, 2011
Drdácký Miloš
Cultural heritage and floods, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 15-17, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Herle Ivo, Drdácký Tomáš, Kruschwitz S.
Typical damage to cultural heritage in relation to flood events, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 27-38, 2011
Meinhardt J., Drdácký Miloš, Siedel H.
Vulnerability of cultural heritage, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 39-43, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Helmerich R.
Historic houses, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 75-78, 2011
Nedvědová Klára
Český Krumlov - a small -river flood in a small town, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 103-110, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Franzen Ch., Nedvědová Klára, Slížková Zuzana
Gardens and parks, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 111-114, 2011
Bláha Jiří, Nedvědová Klára
Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou Castle - a cultural heritage park and garden, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 115-122, 2011
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
Stone bridges, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 122-129, 2011
Drdácký Tomáš
Heritage sites, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 138-141, 2011
Siedel H., Slížková Zuzana, Golež M.
Effects of flooding on material behaviour, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 196-203, 2011
Culek jr. B., Urushadze Shota, Vágner J., Frýba Ladislav
Fatigue lifetime estimation on the steel bridges with orthotropic decks, In Ódor, I,; Borbás, L. (ed.). Symposium 28th Danubia - Adria -SSME. Siofók : Scientific Society for Mechanical Enginnering, 2011, S. 199-200, 2011
Koudelka Petr
Risks of analyses with lateral earth pressure load, In Faber, M.; Kohler, J.; Nishijima, K. (ed.). Application of statistics in civil engineering /11./. London : Taylor and Francis Group, 2011, S. 842-848, 2011
Koudelka Petr
Shear strength variability of sandy and fine-grained soils, In Faber, M.; Kohler, J.; Nishijima, K. (ed.). Application of statistics in civil engineering /11./. London : Taylor and Francis Group, 2011, S. 881-884, 2011
Koudelka Petr
Risk Example of Passive Pressure according to Procedures of EC 7-1 and ČSN 73 0037, In Zakládání staveb Brno 2011. Brno : Sekurkon, s.r.o, 2011, S. 146-153, 2011
Slížková Zuzana, Siedel H., Binda L., Cardani G.
After the flood, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.Ch.; Kőpp, Ch.; Lanza, L.G. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against floods. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics AS CR, v.v.i, 2011. S. 66-74, 2011
Drdácký Miloš
Obstacles to innovation, Public service review, 2011, Roč. 22, č. 22, s. 502, 2011
Urushadze Shota, Frýba Ladislav, Pirner Miroš
Improvement of fatigue life of steel orthotropic desks with carbon fibre reinforcement composites, In Návrat, T.; Fuis, V.; Houfek, L.; Vlk, M. (ed.). Experimentální analýza napětí 2011. Brno : Czech society for mechanics, 2011, S. 403-410, 2011
Král Radomil
Numerical and experimental solutions of self-induced instability of bridge girders, 2011
Sýkorová I., Havelcová Martina, Zeman Antonín, Trejtnarová Hana
Carbon air pollution reflected in deposits on chosen building materials of Prague Castle, Science of the Total Environment, 2011, Roč. 409, č. 21, s. 4606-4611, 2011
Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Post Critical Behaviour of a Simple Non-Linear System in a Cross Wind, Engineering Mechanics, 2011, Roč. 18, 3/4, s. 193-201, 2011
Pospíšil Stanislav, Fischer Cyril, Náprstek Jiří
Experimental and theoretical analysis of auto-parametric stability of pendulum with viscous dampers, Acta Technica CSAV, 2011, Roč. 56, č. 4, s. 359-378, 2011
Kratěna Jindřich
Chyby znalců a jejich důsledky při posuzování příčiny havárie střechy stadiónu před třiceti lety, Mistakes of expert witnesses and their consequences in case of the reason of the failure of an ice arena roof thirty years ago, Znalec, 2011, Roč. 21, č. 4, s. 29-35, 2011
Kratěna Jindřich, Urushadze Shota
Vliv trhacích prací na poškození domu, Blasting works and damage of buildings, In Zacharov, S.; Kratěna, J.; Vacha, V.; Stepanov, S.N. (ed.). Stavebnictví a nemovitosti. Praha - Moskva : Academstrojnauka, 2011, S. 24-33, 2011
Kafka Vratislav
Crack propagation model taking into consideration the local effect of the deviatoric stress and the non-local effect of the isotropic stress, Acta Technica CSAV, 2011, Roč. 56, č. 4, s. 343-358, 2011,
Full text
Bláha Jiří
Typické příklady konstrukčního použití dřeva v historických stavbách, jeho životnost a význam termosanační konzervační metody očima stavebního historika, Typical examples of structural use of wood in historic buildings, its durability and the importance of the hot air disinsection, In Richterová, Helena; Moravec, Tomáš (ed.). Historické krovy a nové možnosti jejich zachování. Opava : ŠMÍRA - PRINT, s.r.o, 2011, S. 22-33, 2011
Kunecký Jiří
Numerical and experimental analysis of protective sport helmets, 2011
Fošumpaur P., Nedvědová Klára, Kopecká Ivana, Pergl R.
Ochrana a záchrana kulturního dědictví ohroženého povodněmi, Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Endanger by Floods, In Manažment povodí a povodňových rizík. Sekce B.. Častá - Papiernička : Výzkumný ústav vodného hospodárstva, 2011, 2011,
Full text
Bláha Jiří, Hauserová M., Macek P., Razím V.
Dějiny a současnost stavebněhistorického průzkumu, Historic Structure Survey : State-of-the-Art, In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 23-31, 2011
Bláha Jiří, Kypta J., Tribulová T., Václavík F., Zavřel J.
Přírodovědné a technické metody průzkumu (archeometrie), Sphisticated Survey Methods (Archaeometry), In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 77-92, 2011
Bláha Jiří
Kam zmizela kamenná ostění? Dešná (okres Jindřichův Hradec), kostel sv. Jana Křtitele, OPD jako prostředek získání základních informací o stavbě a jejím vývoji, Where did the stone doors disappeared? Dešná, Church of St. John Baptist. HSR as a means to obtain basic information about the building and its development, In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 182-183, 2011
Bláha Jiří
Dřevo jako korunní svědek. Rožmberk nad Vltavou (okres Český Krumlov), hrad, dendrochronologický průzkum, Wood as a material witness. Rozmberk Castle, dendrochronological survey, In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 281-283, 2011
Bláha Jiří
Kaple na roztrhání. Hříšice (okres Jindřichův Hradec), kaple sv. Vavřince, stavebně-technický průzkum a jeho kvalita, Torn chapel. Hříšice, chapel of St Lawrence, structural research and its quality, In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 272-273, 2011
Bláha Jiří
130 let starý dort. Pelhřimov, Muzeum Vysočiny, maketa dortu, dendrochronologický průzkum specifického předmětu, 130 year old cake. Pelhřimov, Highlands Museum, model of a cake, dendrochronological survey of the specific subject, In Razím, Vladislav; Macek, Petr (ed.). Zkoumání historických staveb. Praha : Národní památkový ústav, ú.o.p. středních Čech v Praze, 2011. S. 284-285, 2011
Frýba Ladislav, Urushadze Shota
Improvement of fatigue properties of orthotropic decks, Engineering Structures, 2011, Roč. 33, č. 4, s. 1166-1169, 2011
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš
Torsional Vibration of Guyed Masts, In Geurts, Ch. (ed.). 13th International conference on Wind Engineering. Amsterdam : Multi-Science Publishing, 2011, S. 1-8, 2011
Hračov Stanislav, Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav
Analýza vlastních čísel viskózně tlumené soustavy se dvěma stupni volnosti z hlediska změny parametrů sekundárního subsystému, Analysis of eigen-values of viscously damped two degrees of freedom system due to changes of parameters of secondary subsystem, In Skočilasová, Blanka (ed.). Sborník přednášek z IX. mezinárodní konference DTDT 2011. Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J. E Purkyně v Ústí n. L., Fakulta výrobních technologií a managementu, Katedra strojů a mechaniky, 2011, S. 1-10, 2011
Nedvědová Klára
Švihov (Czech Republic) - a small river flood in a town with a water fortress, In Drdácký, M.; Binda, L.; Hennen, I.; Kopp, Ch.; Lanza, L. (ed.). CHEF Cultural heritage protection against flooding. Praha : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, 2011. S. 107-110, 2011
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