R. Brdicka Memorial Lectures
The Institute has organized since 1991 the following annual R. Brdicka Memorial Lectures to commemorate the founder and first director of one of the constituent parts of the present Institute.
2013 |
J. Peter Toennies (Göttingen, Germany)
2012 |
Enrico Gratton (University of California, Irvine)
2011 |
Klaus Müllen (Max-Planck Institute, Mainz, Germany)
2010 |
Pavel Hobza (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the AS CR)
2009 |
Gabor A. Somorjai (University of California at Berkeley)
2008 |
Michael Graetzel (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
2007 |
Harry B. Gray (California Institute of Technology, California, USA)
The Currents of Life: Electron Flow through Metalloproteins
2006 |
Paul Crutzen (La Jolla, California)
Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate in the Anthropocene
2005 |
Avelino Corma (Valencia)
Supramolecular Entities Based on Molecular Sieves for Catalysis and Synthesis of New Materials
2004 |
R. A. Marcus (Pasadena, California)
Strange Isotope Effects in Stratospheric Ozone and in the Earliest Minerals in the Solar System
2003 |
H. Schwarz (Berlin)
Elementary Processes in Catalysis: Looking at and Learning from "Naked" Transition Ion
2002 |
J. M. Lehn (Paris)
Selforganization of Supramolecular Nanodevices
2001 |
M. J. Molina (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
The Antarctic Ozone Hole
2000 |
A. T. Bell (Berkeley, California)
Progress towards the Molecular Design of Catalysts - Lessons Learned from Experiments and Theory
1999 |
H. F. Schaefer III (Athens, Georgia)
The Third Age of Quantum Chemistry
1998 |
G. B. Ellison (Boulder, Colorado)
The Chemical Physics of Organic Reactive Intermediates in Combustion and Atmospheric Processes
1997 |
R. Parsons (Southampton)
Electrochemistry in the Last 50 Years: from Tafel Plotting to Scanning Tunneling
1996 |
G. Ertl (Berlin)
Self-organization in Surface Reactions
1995 |
J. Michl (Boulder, Colorado)
A Molecular Kit for New Materials
1994 |
D. J. Schiffrin (Liverpool)
Electrochemistry in Two-dimensional Systems
1993 |
J. Jortner (Tel Aviv)
Clusters - a Bridge between Molecular and Condensed Matter Chemical Physics
1992 |
K. Klier (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)
Physical Chemistry in Two Dimensions
1991 |
E. Heilbronner (Zurich)
The Old Huckel Formalism
V. Cermak Memorial Lectures
To commemorate the late Dr. V. Cermak, pioneer of the Penning ionization electron spectroscopy and one of the most prominent members of the Institute, three V. Cermak Memorial Lectures have been delivered so far:
1998 |
J. Durup (Toulouse)
The Role of Hydration Forces in Biomolecular Recognition
1995 |
A. Niehaus (Utrecht)
The Field of Penning Ionization in the 90's
1991 |
H. Hotop (Kaiserslautern)
Ionization in Collisions of Excited Atoms
J. Heyrovsky Memorial Lectures
The Institute together with Czech Chemical Society has organized since 1999 the following annual J. Heyrovsky Memorial Lectures to commemorate the Nobel prize winner (1959) and first director of one of the constituent parts (Institute of Polarography) of the present Institute .
2012 |
Lothar Dunsch: Fullerenes as redox centres From molecular to endohedral electrochemistry
2011 |
Ladislav Kavan
2008 |
Karel Vytřas
Uhlíkové pastové elektrody v elektroanalýze -
Odborná skupina analytické chemie při České společnosti chemické
uspořádala u příležitosti 118. výročí narození profesora Jaroslava Heyrovského
výroční Heyrovského přednášku 2008.
Článek v Chemických listech, který se k 10. Heyrovského přednášce krátce vrací, naleznete v odkazu .
2007 |
Oldřich Dračka
Komplementarita v polarografii, chronopotenciometrii a voltametrii -
Odborná skupina analytické chemie při České společnosti chemické
uspořádala u příležitosti 117. výročí narození profesora Jaroslava Heyrovského
výroční Heyrovského přednášku 2007.
2006 |
Miroslav Fojta
Uplatnění rtuťových elektrod v současném výzkumu biopolymerů
2005 |
Lubomír Pospíšil
Polarografie a elektrodová dvojvrstva
2004 |
Vladimír Vetterl
Adsorpce nukleových kyselin na povrchy elektrod
2003 |
Karel Štulík
Několik snítek z košatého stromu polarografie
2002 |
Hermann Berg
Some contributions to polarography from Jena
2001 |
Robert Kalvoda
Polarografie a moderní elektroanalytická chemie
2000 |
Emil Paleček
Elektrochemie nukleových kyselin a bílkovin. Detekce hybridizace DNK.
1999 |
Petr Zuman
Role of mercury electrodes in contemporary analytical chemistry