


A. ARSLAN, A. ARISOY, J. ZIMA: Comparison of the Chromosome Banding Pattern in the 2n = 5 6 Cytotypes of Nannospalax leucodon and N. xanthodon from Turkey, Scientific World Journal 2014 (2014) 121690.

M. F. BAREJ, M.-O. RÖDEL, S. P. LOADER, M. MENEGON, N.L. GONWOUO, J. PENNER, V. GVOŽDÍK, R. GÜNTHER, R. C. BELL, B. NAGEL, A. SCHMITZ: Light shines through the spindrift – Phylogeny of African torrent frogs (Amphibia, Anura, Petropedetidae), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71 (2014) 261-273.

L. BEREC, I. GELBIČ, O. ŠEBESTA: Worthy of their name: How floods drive outbreaks of two major floodwater mosquitoes, Journal of Medical Entomology 51 (2014) 76-88.

T. BHATTACHARYYA, R. REIFOVÁ, S. GREGOROVÁ, P. ŠIMEČEK, V. GERGELITS, M. MISTRIK, I. MARTINCOVÁ, J. PIÁLEK, J. FOREJT: X chromosome control of meiotic chromosome synapsis in mouse inter-subspecific hybrids, PLoS Genetics 10 (2014) .

J. BRYJA, O. MIKULA, H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, N. O. OGUGE, R. ŠUMBERA, E. VERHEYEN: The role of dispersal and vicariance in the Pleistocene history of an East African mountain rodent, Praomys delectorum, Journal of Biogeography 41 (2014) 196-208.

L. ČEPELKA, M. HEROLDOVÁ, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL: The dynamics of nitrogenous substances in rodent diet in a forest environment, Mammalia (2014) .

K. FRANCOVÁ, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ: Effect of habitat conditions on parasite infection in 0+juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in two Czech reservoirs, Hydrobiologia 721 (2014) 57-66.

M. HONZA, M. ŠULC, V. JELÍNEK, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA: Brood parasites lay eggs matching the appearance of host clutches, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B - Biological Sciences 281 (2014) .

K. S. JARON, J. C. MORAVEC, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ: SigHunt: horizontal gene transfer finder optimized for eukaryotic genomes, Bioinformatics (2014) .

V. JELÍNEK, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, M. HONZA: Common cuckoos Cuculus canorus change their nest-searching strategy according to the number of available host nests, Ibis 156 (2014) 189-197.

J. JURÁNKOVÁ, L. HŮRKOVÁ-HOFMANNOVÁ, J. VOLF, V. BALÁŽ, J. PIÁLEK: Efficacy of magnetic capture in comparison with conventional DNA isolation in a survey of Toxoplasma gondii in wild house mice, European Journal of Protistology 50 (2014) 11-15.

P. KRISTÍN, L. GVOŽDÍK: Aquatic-to-terrestrial habitat shift reduces energy expenditure in newts, Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology (2014) .

Z. T. NAGY, V. GVOŽDÍK, D. MEIRTE, M. COLLET, O. S. G. PAUWELS: New data on the morphology and distribution of the enigmatic Schouteden's sun snake, Helophis schoutedeni (de Witte, 1922) from the Congo Basin, Zootaxa 3755 (2014) 96-100.

M. POLAČIK, C. HARROD, R. BLAŽEK, M. REICHARD: Trophic niche partitioning in communities of African annual fish: evidence from stable isotopes, Hydrobiologia 721 (2014) 99-106.

D. POLČÁK, L. GVOŽDÍK: Should I stay or should I go? The influence of temperature and sex on predator-induced responses in newts, Animal Behaviour 89 (2014) 79-84.

R. ŘEŽUCHA, M. REICHARD: The effect of social environment on alternative mating tactics in male Endler’s guppy, Poecilia wingei, Animal Behaviour 88 (2014) 195-202.

M. ŠÁLEK, J. ČERVINKA, E. PADYŠÁKOVÁ, J. KREISINGER: Does spatial co-occurrence of carnivores in a Central European agricultural landscape follow the null model?, European Journal of Wildlife Research (2014) .

M. ŠÁLEK, J. ČERVINKA, P. PAVLUVČÍK, S. POLÁKOVÁ, E. TKADLEC: Forest-edge utilization by carnivores in relation to local and landscape habitat characteristics in central European farmland, Mammalian Biology (2014) .

M. ŠÁLEK, J. ČERVINKA, O. C. BANEA, M. KROFEL, D. ĆIROVIć, I. SELANEC, A. PENEZIć, S. GRILL, J. RIEGERT: Population densities and habitat use of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in farmlands across the Balkan Peninsula, European Journal of Wildlife Research (2014) .

S. ŠIKUTOVÁ, L. BUŇKOVÁ, E. KREJČÍ, J. HALOUZKA, Y. O. SANOGO, I. RUDOLF: Selected phenotypic features of BR91, a unique spirochaetal strainisolated from the Culex pipiens mosquito, Microbiological Research (2014) .

C. SMITH, A. PHILLIPS, M. POLAČIK, M. REICHARD: Male coloration signals direct benefits in the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), Environmental Biology of Fishes (2014) .

R. SMOLINSKÝ, L. GVOŽDÍK: Effect of temperature extremes on the spatial dynamics of predator–prey interactions: a case study with dragonfly nymphs and newt larvae, Journal of Thermal Biology 39 (2014) 12-16.

J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART, L. ČEPELKA, M. HEROLDOVÁ: Structure and diversity of small mammal communities of mountain forests in Western Carpathians, European Journal of Forest Research (2014) .

Z. VALOVÁ, M. JANÁČ, J. ŠVANYGA, P. JURAJDA: Structure of 0+ juvenile fish assemblages in the modified upper stretch of the River Elbe, Czech Republic, Czech Journal of Animal Science 59 (2014) 35-44.

M. VAŠEK, L. VŠETIČKOVÁ, K. ROCHE, P. JURAJDA: Diet of two invading gobiid species (Proterorhinus semilunaris andNeogobius melanostomus) during the breeding and hatching season:No field evidence of extensive predation on fish eggs and fry, Limnologica 46 (2014) 31-36.

M. VAŠEK, L. VŠETIČKOVÁ, K. ROCHE, P. JURAJDA: Diet of two invading gobiid species (Proterorhinus semilunaris andNeogobius melanostomus) during the breeding and hatching season:No field evidence of extensive predation on fish eggs and fry, Limnologica 46 (2014) 31-36.

K. VENCLÍKOVÁ, I. RUDOLF, J. MENDEL, L. BETÁŠOVÁ, Z. HUBÁLEK: Rickettsiae in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks in the Czech Republic, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 5 (2014) 135-138.

M. VINKLER, J. SVOBODOVÁ, B. GABRIELOVÁ, H. BAINOVÁ, A. BRYJOVÁ: Cytokine expression in phytohaemagglutinin-induced skin inflammation in a galliform bird, Journal of avian biology 45 (2014) 43-50.

T. VÍTEK, K. HALAČKA, E. BARTOŇOVÁ-MAREŠOVÁ, L. VETEŠNÍK, P. SPURNÝ: Identification of natural hybrids between Cottus poecilopus, Heckel, 1837, and Cottus gobio, Linnaeus, 1758, at a hybrid zone on the Svratka River (Czech Republic), Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30 (2014) 102-108.