June 2-6, 2014         Roznov pod Radhostem         http://www.ugn.cas.cz/link/modelling14

Call for papers

Each participant will be given an opportunity to contribute to the scientific programme of the conference in one of the following forms: short talk or a poster.

To keep the number of oral communications within reasonable limits, the Organizing committee reserves the right to decide about the form of contributions of individual participants. This decision will be based on the abstract of the contribution refereed by the members of the Scientific committee. The participants will be informed about the form of their presentation in March 2014.

All participants are asked kindly to submit an abstract of their contributions according to the given instruction.

Book of abstracts

The abstracts of the invited lectures and short communications will be published in a Book of abstracts. All participants will obtain their copies of this book on registration. The participants who might wish to present a paper at the conference are asked to submit a one-page abstract (A4) of their talk by e-mail to the conference address (subject: Abstract) until March 1, 2014.

We prefer to receive the abstracts as plain postscript or pdf files prepared using the LaTeX format bellow as a rough guide. Please note that the name of the presenting author should be underlined and the e-mail address of the corresponding author should be given.



{\Large\bfseries This is the title of my paper}\\[5mm]
John Brown, \underline{Robert Smith}\\[5mm]
Department of Mathematics,\\
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen,\\
Univerzitni 22, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic\\[5mm]
e-mail: \texttt{john.brown@some.where}



{The text of your abstract here.}
