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Ikona české vlajky

Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky Akademie věd ČR

ITAM AS CR, v. v. i.
Prosecká 809/76
190 00 Praha 9
tel.: +420 286 882 121
fax: +420 286 884 634
number of visitors: 9100365
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past programmes  
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running programmes  

Institutional research plan


investigator:     start year:    

Select a grant agency:
příznak agentury '' Ministry of Transport (1)
příznak agentury '' Ministry for Regional Development (1)
příznak agentury '' Ministry of Industry and Trade (4)
příznak agentury '' Financial mechanisms of EEA and Norway, NVF (1)
příznak agentury '' Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (1)
příznak agentury '' OP Prague - Adaptability (1)
příznak agentury '' Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (1)
příznak agentury '' European Regional Development Fund (1)
All grants (215)

Recent grants:


příznak agentury 'Grant Agency of the Czech Republic'Stochastic vibration of beam structures due to moving random loads and wind actions.
investigator: Urushadze Shota
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
GA 13-34405J

příznak agentury 'Grant Agency of the Czech Republic'Effect of combination of soil-structure interaction and passive damping elements on dynamic response of tall slender structure
investigator: Hračov Stanislav
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
GA P105/13-41574P

příznak agentury 'Technology Agency of the Czech Republic'Research and development of modern technology processes for new application of high-tech reinforced thermoplastic
investigator: Kytýř Daniel
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
TA ČR TA03010209

příznak agentury 'European Regional Development Fund'NANOLITH, Usage of nano-materials for sustainable conservation of sculptural and architectonic monuments made from Litava limestone
investigator: Slížková Zuzana
European Regional Development Fund

number of records= 8

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