


T. ALBRECHT, M. VINKLER, J. SCHNITZER, R. POLÁKOVÁ, P. MUNCLINGER, J. BRYJA: Extra-pair fertilizations contribute to selection on secondary male ornamentation in a socially monogamous passerine, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (2009) 2020-2030.

P. BENDA, P. VALLO: Taxonomic revision of the genus Triaenops (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) with description of a new species from southern Arabia and definitions of a new genus and tribe, Folia zoologica 58 (2009) 1-45.

V. BENEDIKT, V. BARUŠ, M. ČAPEK, M. HAVLÍČEK, I. LITERÁK: Blood parasites (Haemoproteus and microfilariae) in birds from the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica, Acta Parasitologica 54 (2009) 197-204.

B. BÍMOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, M. MACHOLÁN, J. PIÁLEK: Signalling components of the house mouse mate recognition system, Behavioural Processes 80 (2009) 20-27.

J. BRYJA, P. KAŇUCH, A. FORNŮSKOVÁ, T. BARTONIČKA, Z. ŘEHÁK: Low population genetic structuring of two cryptic bat species suggests their migratory behaviour in continental Europe, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 96 (2009) 103-114.

H. BURDA, S. BEGALL, J. ČERVENÝ, J. NEEF, P. NĚMEC: Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields disrupt magnetic alignment of ruminants, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (2009) 5708-5713.

M. CASALINI, M. AGBALI, M. REICHARD, M. KONEČNÁ, A. BRYJOVÁ, C. SMITH: Male dominance, female mate choice and intersexual conflict in the rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus), Evolution 63 (2009) 366-376.

R. CERKAL, K. VEJRAŽKA, J. KAMLER, J. DVOŘÁK: Game browse and its impact on selected grain crops, Plant, Soil and Environment (2009) 181-186.

L. E. CLIFT, P. ANDRLÍKOVÁ, M. FROLÍKOVÁ, P. STOPKA, J. BRYJA, B. F. FLANAGAN, P. M. JOHNSON, K. DVOŘÁKOVÁ-HORTOVÁ: Absence of spermatozoal CD46 protein expression and associated rapid acrosome reaction rate in striped field mice (Apodemus agrarius), Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 7 (2009) 1-9.

B. CRESTANELLO, E. PECCHIOLI, C. VERNESI, S. MONA, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, M. JANIGA, H. C. HAUFFE, G. BERTORELLE: The genetic impact of translocations and habitat fragmentation in chamois (Rupicapra) spp, Journal of Heredity 100 (2009) 691-708.

J. DVOŘÁK, L. GVOŽDÍK: Oviposition preferences in newts: Does temperature matter?, Ethology 115 (2009) 533-539.

P. HÁJKOVÁ, B. ZEMANOVÁ, K. ROCHE, B. HÁJEK: An evaluation of field and noninvasive genetic methods for estimating Eurasian otter population size, Conservation Genetics 10 (2009) 1667-1681.

J. HAMÁČKOVÁ, M. PROKEŠ, P. KOZÁK, M. PEŇÁZ, L. A. STANNY, T. POLICAR, V. BARUŠ: Growth and development of vimba bream (Vimba vimba) larvae in relation to feeding duration with live and/or dry starter feed, Aquaculture 287 (2009) 158-162.

L. HANEL, S. LUSK: Ichtyofauna střední části Vlašimské Blanice, Sborník vlastivědných prací z Podblanicka 49 (2009) 43-61.

M. HEROLDOVÁ, D. OBDRŽÁLKOVÁ, M. ZAPLETAL, J. ZEJDA: Výhled vývoje populací hraboše polního v roce 2009, Rostlinolékař 2009 (2009) 9-10.

M. HEROLDOVÁ, E. JÁNOVÁ, J. SUCHOMEL, L. PURCHART, M. HOMOLKA: Bark chemical analysis explains selective bark damage by rodents, Beskydy 2 (2009) 137-140.

M. HONZA, R. PIÁLKOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, Š. NEUŽILOVÁ: Nest defence against conspecific intruders in the common pochard Aythya ferina: natural observations and an experimental test, Acta Ornithologica 44 (2009) 151-158.

Z. HUBÁLEK: Biogeography of tick-borne Bhanja virus (Bunyaviridae) in Europe, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases 2009 (2009) 1-11.

V. JAROŠOVÁ, I. RUDOLF, J. HALOUZKA, Z. HUBÁLEK: Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. v klíšťatech na ostravských haldách, Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie (2009) 90-97.

P. JURAJDA, M. JANÁČ, S.M. WHITE, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ: Small – but not easy: evaluation of sampling methods in floodplain lakes including whole-lake sampling, Fisheries Research 96 (2009) 102-108.

Z. JUŘICOVÁ, Z. HUBÁLEK, J. HALOUZKA, S. ŠIKUTOVÁ: Serological examination of songbirds (Passeriformes) for mosquito-borne viruses Sindbis, Ťahyňa, and Batai in a South Moravian Wetland (Czech Republic), Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 9 (2009) 295-299.

Z. JUŘICOVÁ, Z. HUBÁLEK: Serologic survey of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 9 (2009) 479-482.

J. KAMLER, K. TUREK, M. HOMOLKA: Význam drobných savců při obnově lesních porostů, Lesnická práce 88 (2009) 22-23.

J. KAMLER, M. HOMOLKA, R. CERKAL, M. HEROLDOVÁ, J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, J. DVOŘÁK, K. VEJRAŽKA: Evaluation of potential deer browsing impact on sunflower (Helianthus annus), European Journal of Wildlife Research 55 (2009) 583-588.

A. KAWALKO, P. DUFKOVÁ, J. M. WÓJCIK, J. PIÁLEK: Polymerase chain reaction multiplexing of microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphism markers for quantitative trait loci mapping of wild house mice, Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (2009) 140-143.

S. KIŠIDAYOVÁ, Z. VÁRADYOVÁ, P. PRISTAŠ, M. PIKNOVÁ, K. NIGUTOVÁ, K. PETRŽELKOVÁ, I. PROFOUSOVÁ, K. SCHOVANCOVÁ, J. KAMLER, D. MODRÝ: Effects of high- and low-fiber diets on fecal fermentation and fecal microbial populations of captive chimpanzees, American Journal of Primatology 71 (2009) 548-557.

M. KONEČNÁ, P. JURAJDA, M. REICHARD: River discharge drives recruitment success of the European bitterling Rhodeus amarus in a regulated river in central Europe, Journal of Fish Biology 74 (2009) 1642-1650.

J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA: Význam lužných lesov pre chov raticovej zveri, Folia venatoria (2009) 17-25.

B. KRYŠTUFEK, J. BRYJA, E. V. BUŽAN: Mitochondrial phylogeography of the European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus, yields evidence on refugia for steppic taxa in the southern Balkans, Heredity 103 (2009) 129-135.

I. LITERÁK, M. DOLEJSKÁ, A. ČÍŽEK, CH. A. T. DJIGO, A. KONEČNÝ, P. KOUBEK: Reservoirs of antibiotic-resistant enterobacteriaceae among animals sympatric to humans in Senegal: extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in bacteria in a black rat (Rattus rattus), African Journal of Microbiology Research 3 (2009) 751-754.

S. LUSK, K. PIVNIČKA: Fish Assemblages in the Czech Republic – species saturation, frequency and changes along the longitudinal stream gradient, Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Environmentalica 23 (2009) 45-68.

J. MÁCHOVÁ, M. PROKEŠ, H. KROUPOVÁ, Z. SVOBODOVÁ, S. MÁCOVÁ, P. DOLEŽELOVÁ, J. VELÍŠEK: Early ontogeny, growth and mortality of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) at low concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide, Acta veterinaria Brno 78 (2009) 505-512.

S. MÁCOVÁ, J. MÁCHOVÁ, M. PROKEŠ, L. PLHALOVÁ, Z. ŠIROKÁ, K. DLESKOVÁ, P. DOLEŽELOVÁ, Z. SVOBODOVÁ: Polyaluminium chloride (PAX-18) - acute toxicity and toxicity for early development stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Neuroendocrinology Letters 30 (2009) 192-198.

Š. MAŠOVÁ, V. BARUŠ, I. HODOVÁ, P. KOUBEK, B. KOUBKOVÁ: Redescription of Parapharyngodon micipsae (Seurat 1917) (Nematoda Pharyngodonidae) from the new host Tarentola parvicarinata Joger 1980 (Squamata Gekkonidae), Tropical Zoology 22 (2009) 243-255.

E. MĚRÁKOVÁ, L. GVOŽDÍK: Thermal acclimation of swimming performance in newt larvae: the influence of diel temperature fluctuations during embryogenesis, Functional Ecology 23 (2009) 989-995.

D. MODRÝ, K. PETRŽELKOVÁ, K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, T. TOKIWA, J. KŘÍŽEK, S. IMAI, P. VALLO, I. PROFOUSOVÁ, J. ŠLAPETA: The occurrence and an ape-to-ape transmission of entodiniomorphid ciliate Troglodytella abrassarti in captive gorillas, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 56 (2009) 83-87.

C. MOSKÁT, M. E. HAUBER, J. M. AVILÉS, M. BÁN, R. HARGITAI, M. HONZA: Increased host tolerance of multiple cuckoo eggs leads to higher fledging success of the brood parasite, Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 1281-1290.

M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, M. DÁVIDOVÁ, R. BLAŽEK, M. GELNAR, P. JURAJDA: The interaction between an introduced fish host and local parasite fauna: Neogobius kessleri in the middle Danube River, Parasitology Research 105 (2009) 201-208.

E. PADYŠÁKOVÁ, M. ŠÁLEK, L. POLEDNÍK, F. SEDLÁČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Removal of American mink increases the success of simulated nests in linear habitat, Wildlife Research 36 (2009) 225-230.

S. PFEFFERLE, S. OPPONG, J. F. DREXLER, F. GLOZA-RAUSCH, A. IPSEN, A. SEEBENS, M. A. MÜLLER, A. ANNAN, P. VALLO, Y. ADU-SARKODIE, T. F. KRUPPA, C. DROSTEN: Distant relatives of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and close relatives of human coronavirus 229E in bats, Ghana, Emerging Infectious Diseases 15 (2009) 1377-1384.

M. POLAČIK, M. REICHARD: Indirect fitness benefits are not related to male dominance in a killifish, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63 (2009) 1427-1435.

M. POLAČIK, M. JANÁČ, P. JURAJDA, Z. ADÁMEK, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, T. TRICHKOVA, M. VASSILEV: Invasive gobies in the Danube: invasion success facilitated by availability and selection of superior food resources, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 18 (2009) 640-649.

L. POLAČIKOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. I. CHERRY, M. HONZA: Choosing suitable hosts: common cuckoos Cuculus canorus parasitize great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus of high quality, Evolutionary Ecology 23 (2009) 879-891.

M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Sex-specific defence behaviour against brood parasitism in a host with female-only incubation, Behavioural Processes 81 (2009) 34-38.

M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Adjustment of incubation according to the threat posed: a further signal of enemy recognition in the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla?, Journal of Ornithology 150 (2009) 569-576.

M. PROMEROVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, J. BRYJA: Extremely high MHC class I variation in a population of a long-distance migrant, the Scarlet Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus), Immunogenetics 61 (2009) 451-461.

M. REICHARD, M. POLAČIK, O. SEDLÁČEK: Distribution, colour polymorphism and habitat use of the African killifish, Nothobranchius furzeri, the vertebrate with the shortest life span, Journal of Fish Biology 74 (2009) 198-212.

M. REICHARD, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, A. BRYJOVÁ, C. SMITH, J. BRYJA: Breeding resource distribution affects selection gradients on male phenotypic traits: experimental study on lifetime reproductive success in the bitterling fish (Rhodeus amarus), Evolution 63 (2009) 377-390.

F. RODRÍGUEZ, S. HAMMER, T. PÉREZ, F. SUCHENTRUNK, R. LORENZINI, J. MICHALLET, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ, J. ALBORNOZ, A. DOMÍNGUEZ: Cytochrome b phylogeography of chamois (Rupicapra spp.). Population contractions, expansions and hybridizations governed the diversification of the genus, Journal of Heredity 100 (2009) 47-55.

M. RUDÁ, D. ŽIAK, B. GAUFFRE, J. ZIMA, N. MARTÍNKOVÁ: Comprehensive cross-amplification of microsatellite multiplex sets across the rodent genus Microtus, Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (2009) 974-978.

I. RUDOLF, J. MENDEL, S. ŠIKUTOVÁ, P. ŠVEC, J. MASAŘÍKOVÁ, D. NOVÁKOVÁ, L. BUŇKOVÁ, I. SEDLÁČEK, Z. HUBÁLEK: 16S rRNA gene-based identification of cultured bacterial flora from host-seeking Ixodes ricinus, Dermacentor reticulatus and Haemaphysalis concinna ticks, vectors of vertebrate pathogens, Folia Microbiologica 54 (2009) 419-428.

M. RYŠAVÁ-NOVÁKOVÁ, M. ONDRAČKOVÁ, P. JURAJDA: The importance of surrogate habitats in lowland river floodplains for fish community composition, Fisheries Management and Ecology 16 (2009) 468-477.

M. RYŠAVÁ-NOVÁKOVÁ, P. KOUBEK: Feeding habits of two sympatric mustelid species, European polecat Mustela putorius and stone marten Martes foina, in the Czech Republic, Folia zoologica 58 (2009) 66-75.

M. ŠÁLEK, J. KREISINGER, F. SEDLÁČEK, T. ALBRECHT: Corridor vs. hayfield matrix use by mammalian predators in an agricultural landscape, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (2009) 8-13.

P. ŠAMAJOVÁ, L. GVOŽDÍK: The influence of temperature on diving behaviour in the alpine newt, Triturus alpestris, Journal of Thermal Biology 34 (2009) 401-405.

O. ŠEBESTA, F. RETTICH, J. MINÁŘ, J. HALOUZKA, Z. HUBÁLEK, Z. JUŘICOVÁ, I. RUDOLF, S. ŠIKUTOVÁ, I. GELBIČ, P. REITER: Presence of the mosquito Anopheles hyrcanus in South Moravia, Czech Republic, Medical and Veterinary Entomology 23 (2009) 284-286.

S. ŠIKUTOVÁ, S. HORNOK, Z. HUBÁLEK, I. DOLEŽÁLKOVÁ, Z. JUŘICOVÁ, I. RUDOLF: Serological survey of domestic animals for tick-borne encephalitis and Bhanja viruses in northeastern Hungary, Veterinary Microbiology 135 (2009) 267-271.

P. ŠIROKÝ, P. MIKULÍČEK, D. JANDZIK, H. KAMI, A. D. MIHALCA, R. ROUAG, M. KAMLER, C. SCHNEIDER, M. ZÁRUBA, D. MODRÝ: Co-distribution pattern of a haemogregarine Hemolivia mauritanica (Apicomplexa: Haemogregarinidae) and its vector Hyalomma aegyptium (Metastigmata: Ixodidae), Journal of Parasitology 95 (2009) 728-733.

C. SMITH, C. PATEMAN-JONES, G. ZIEBA, M. PRZYBYLSKI, M. REICHARD: Sperm depletion as a consequence of increased sperm competition risk in the European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus, Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 1227-1233.

R. SMOLINSKÝ, L. GVOŽDÍK: The ontogenetic shift in thermoregulatory behaviour of newt larvae: testing the "enemy-free temperatures" hypothesis, Journal of Zoology 279 (2009) 180-186.

J. SUCHOMEL, J. KROJEROVÁ-PROKEŠOVÁ, M. HEROLDOVÁ, L. PURCHART, M. BARANČEKOVÁ, M. HOMOLKA: Habitat preferences of small terrestrial mammals in the mountain forest clearings, Beskydy 2 (2009) 195-200.

P. SVOBODOVÁ, M. PEJČOCH, M. HEROLDOVÁ, T. PAVLÍČEK, E. NEVO, R. ŠUMBERA, Z. HUBÁLEK: Examination of rodents (Rodentia) for emmonsiosis in the Czech Republic, Israel and Africa, Czech Mycology 61 (2009) 99-106.

O. SYCHRA, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK: Chewing lice of the genus Myrsidea Waterston (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from the Emberizidae and Thraupidae (Passeriformes) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Neotropical Entomology 38 (2009) 501-503.

K. TUREK, M. HOMOLKA, J. KAMLER: Hlodavci v lesním prostředí: naše nejvýznamnější druhy, Lesnická práce 88 (2009) 18-21.

K. VEJRAŽKA, R. CERKAL, J. KAMLER, J. DVOŘÁK, D. KNOTOVÁ: The grain quality losses of wheat and barley caused by stress of simulated game browsing, Cereal Research Communications 37 (2009) 655-658.

L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, I. PAPOUŠEK, J. MENDEL, A. ŠIMKOVÁ: The first record of a natural hybrid of the roach Rutilus rutilus and nase Chondrostoma nasus in the Danube River Basin, Czech Republic: morphological, karyological and molecular characteristics, Journal of Fish Biology 74 (2009) 1669-1676.

L. VETEŠNÍK, K. HALAČKA, I. PAPOUŠEK, J. MENDEL, A. ŠIMKOVÁ: The first record of a natural hybrid of the roach Rutilus rutilus and nase Chondrostoma nasus in the Danube River Basin, Czech Republic: morphological, karyological and molecular characteristics$$faut. Lukáš Vetešník, Karel Halačka, Ivo Papoušek, Jan Mendel, A. Šimková, Journal of Fish Biology 74 (2009) 1669-1676.

M. VINKLER, A. BRYJOVÁ, T. ALBRECHT, J. BRYJA: Identification of the first toll-like receptor gene in passerine birds: TLR4 orthologue in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), Tissue Antigens 74 (2009) 32-41.

M. VINKLER, T. ALBRECHT: The question waiting to be asked: Innate immunity receptors in the perspective of zoological research, Folia zoologica 58 (2009) 15-28.

M. VYSKOČILOVÁ, G. PRAŽANOVÁ, J. PIÁLEK: Polymorphism in hybrid male sterility in wild-derived Mus musculus musculus strains on proximal chromosome 17, Mammalian Genome 20 (2009) 83-91.

M. VYSKOČILOVÁ, G. PRAŽANOVÁ, J. PIÁLEK: Polymorphism in hybrid male sterility in wild-derived Mus musculus musculus strains on proximal chromosome 17$$faut. Martina Vyskočilová, G. Pražanová, Jaroslav Piálek, Mammalian Genome 20 (2009) 83-91.

M. ZAPLETAL, D. OBDRŽÁLKOVÁ, J. ZEJDA, M. HEROLDOVÁ: Prognóza vývoje populací hraboše polního v roce 2009, Agromanuál 2009 (2009) 74-75.