- AAAR 33rd Annual Conference
Rosen Shingle Creek Orlando, Florida, USA, October 20-24, 2014
- 15th Annual Conference of The Czech Aerosol Society
October 30th - 31st, 2014, Valtice
- 7th Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 4 - 8 January 2015
- EGU 2015
Vienna , Austria , 12 - 17 April 2015
- ICCPA - 11th International Conferenceon Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere
Berkley, California, USA, 10.- 13.8.2015
- Goldschmidt 2015
Praha, CR, 16.- 21.8.2015
- European Aerosol Conference EAC 2015
Milan, Italy, 6.-11.9.2015
- AAAR 34th Annual Conference
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, October 12-16, 2015
- European Aerosol Conference EAC 2016
Tours, France, 2016
- European Aerosol Conference EAC 2017
Zurich, Switzerland , 27.8.-1.9.2017