RNDr. Petr Procházka, Ph.D.

Position: full-time researcher
Research topics: behavioural ecology and migration of birds
Department: Working place Brno
Phone: +420 543 422 550
Mobile: +420 723 422 117
E-mail: prochazkaivb.cz

Research interests

Adopting different approaches I am investigating various aspects of brood parasitism and migratory connectivity in birds and their consequences for reproductive performance and population ecology.

Running projects

Geographical gradients of avian diversity in sub-Saharan Africa: A life history perspective

Linking events through the annual cycle: the importance of carry-over effects for the ecology of migratory birds

The importance of migratory connectivity for the population ecology of long-distance migrants: a model study on the Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)

Finished projects

Please, feel free to send me an e-mail if you need PDF copies of my papers.

Petr Procházka

Current students

  • Alexandra Hánová: Identification of wintering grounds and migratory pathways of Eurasian Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) using geolocator and ring recovery data, (Bc.thesis).
  • Bc. Petra Baslerová: Factors affecting breeding and natal dispersal in the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), (Bc. thesis).
  • Mgr. Václav Jelínek: The role of the nest in the reproduction of the great reed warbler, (Ph.D. thesis).

    Other activities

    The yellowhammer was the Bird of the Year 2011 in the Czech Republic. Please, join the accompanying project Dialects of Czech Yellowhammers that aims at exploring the distribution of dialects in the Czech Republic and at promoting citizen science among amateur ornithologists. The project will expand to the UK and New Zealand in 2013.

    Editor of SYLVIA



    T. GRIM, P. SAMAŠ, P. PROCHÁZKA, J. RUTILA: Are tits really unsuitable hosts for the Common Cuckoo?, Ornis Fennica 91 (2014) 166-177.

    M. HONZA, M. ŠULC, V. JELÍNEK, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA: Brood parasites lay eggs matching the appearance of host clutches, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B - Biological Sciences 281 (2014) .

    V. JELÍNEK, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, M. HONZA: Common cuckoos Cuculus canorus change their nest-searching strategy according to the number of available host nests, Ibis 156 (2014) 189-197.

    T. PETRUSKOVÁ, L. DIBLÍKOVÁ, P. PIPEK, E. FRAUENDORF, P. PROCHÁZKA, A. PETRUSEK: A review of the distribution of Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) dialects in Europe reveals the lack of a clear macrogeographic pattern, Journal of Ornithology (2014) .

    P. PROCHÁZKA, H. KONVIČKOVÁ-PATZENHAUEROVÁ, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, A. TRNKA, V. JELÍNEK, M. HONZA: Host genotype and age have no effect on rejection of parasitic eggs, Naturwissenschaften 101 (2014) 417-426.


    M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Is shared male assistance with antiparasitic nest defence costly in the polygynous great reed warbler?, Animal Behaviour 85 (2013) 615-621.

    P. PROCHÁZKA, S. L. VAN WILGENBURG, J. M. NETO, R. YOSEF, K. A. HOBSON: Using stable hydrogen isotopes (delta2H) and ring recoveries to trace natal origins in a Eurasian passerine with a migratory divide, Journal of avian biology 44 (2013) 541-550.

    K. SCHOVANCOVÁ, K. POMAJBÍKOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, D. MODRÝ, P. BOLECHOVÁ, K. PETRŽELKOVÁ: Preliminary Insights into the Impact of Dietary Starch on the Ciliate, Neobalantidium coli, in Captive Chimpanzees, PLoS ONE 8 (2013) .


    M. HONZA, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ: Do weather conditions affect the colouration of great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus eggs?, Folia zoologica 61 (2012) 219-224.

    M. HONZA, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ: Within- and between-season repeatability of eggshell colouration in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Journal of avian biology 43 (2012) 91-96.

    T. NAJER, O. SYCHRA, I. LITERÁK, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK: Chewing lice (Phthiraptera) from wild birds in Senegal, with descriptions of three new species of the genera Brueelia and Philopteroides, Acta Parasitologica 57 (2012) 90-98.

    J. M. NETO, J. L. ARROYO, B. BARGAIN, J. S. MONRÓS, N. MÁTRAI, P. PROCHÁZKA, P. ZEHTINDJIEV: Phylogeography of a habitat specialist with high dispersal capability: the Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides, PLoS ONE 7 (2012) .

    P. PROCHÁZKA, V. JELÍNEK, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, M. HONZA: Jak určovat stáří rákosníků velkých (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) po úplném pelichání, Sylvia 48 (2012) 57-73.

    A. TRNKA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, P. PROKOP, M. HONZA: Breeding success of a brood parasite is associated with social mating status of its host, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66 (2012) 1187-1194.


    J. M. AVILÉS, J. R. VIKAN, F. FOSSOY, A. ANTONOV, A. MOKSNES, E. ROSKAFT, J.A. SHYKOFF, A. P. MOLLER, H. JENSEN, P. PROCHÁZKA, B. G. STOKKE: The common cuckoo Cuculus canorus is not locally adapted to its reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus host, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24 (2011) 314-325.

    M. HONZA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. I. CHERRY: Blue-green eggshell coloration is not a sexually selected signal of female quality in an open-nesting polygynous passerine, Naturwissenschaften 98 (2011) 493-499.

    M. HONZA, P. PROCHÁZKA, K. MORONGOVÁ, M. ČAPEK, V. JELÍNEK: Do nest light conditions affect rejection of parasitic eggs? A test of the light environment hypothesis, Ethology 117 (2011) 539-546.

    L. POLAČIKOVÁ, M. E. HAUBER, P. PROCHÁZKA, P. CASSEY, M. HONZA, T. GRIM: A sum of its individual parts? Relative contributions of different eggshell regions to intraclutch variation in birds, Journal of avian biology 42 (2011) 370-373.

    M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, L. POLAČIKOVÁ, M. HONZA: Closer clutch inspection—quicker egg ejection: timing of host responses toward parasitic eggs, Behavioral Ecology 22 (2011) 46-51.

    P. PROCHÁZKA, B. G. STOKKE, H. JENSEN, D. FAINOVÁ, E. BELLINVIA, F. FOSSOY, J. R. VIKAN, J. BRYJA, M. SOLER: Low genetic differentiation among reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus populations across Europe, Journal of avian biology 42 (2011) 103-113.


    M. ČAPEK, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Repeated presentations of the Common Cuckoo increase nest defense by the Eurasian Reed Warbler but do not induce it to make recognition errors, Condor 112 (2010) 763-769.

    M. HONZA, P. PROCHÁZKA, V. ŠICHA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ: Nest defence in a cuckoo host: great reed warblers risk themselves equally for their own and parasitic chicks, Behaviour 147 (2010) 741-756.

    J. KRALJ, P. PROCHÁZKA, D. FAINOVÁ, H. PATZENHAUEROVÁ, V. TUTIŠ: Intraspecific variation in the wing shape and genetic differentiation of Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus in Croatia, Acta Ornithologica 45 (2010) 51-58.

    L. POLAČIKOVÁ, B. G. STOKKE, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA, A. MOKSNES, E. ROSKAFT: The role of blunt egg pole characteristics for recognition of eggs in the song thrush (Turdus philomelos), Behaviour 147 (2010) 465-478.

    P. PROCHÁZKA, J. REIF, D. HOŘÁK, P. KLVAŇA, R. W. LEE, E. YOHANNES: Using stable isotopes to trace resource acquisition and trophic position in four Afrotropical birds with different diets, Ostrich 81 (2010) 273-275.

    O. SYCHRA, E. BARLEV, I. LITERÁK, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK, P. PROCHÁZKA: The chewing lice (Phthiraptera) of red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea) in Senegal, with a description of a new species, African Entomology 18 (2010) 17-22.

    O. SYCHRA, I. LITERÁK, T. NAJER, M. ČAPEK, P. KOUBEK, P. PROCHÁZKA: Chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from estrildid finches (Aves: Passeriformes: Estrildidae) and louse-flies (Insecta: Diptera: Hippoboscidae) from birds in Senegal, with descriptions of three new species of the genus Brueelia, Zootaxa 2714 (2010) 59-68.


    L. POLAČIKOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. I. CHERRY, M. HONZA: Choosing suitable hosts: common cuckoos Cuculus canorus parasitize great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus of high quality, Evolutionary Ecology 23 (2009) 879-891.

    M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Sex-specific defence behaviour against brood parasitism in a host with female-only incubation, Behavioural Processes 81 (2009) 34-38.

    M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Adjustment of incubation according to the threat posed: a further signal of enemy recognition in the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla?, Journal of Ornithology 150 (2009) 569-576.


    P. PROCHÁZKA, K. A. HOBSON, Z. KARCZA, J. KRALJ: Birds of a feather winter together: migratory connectivity in the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus, Journal of Ornithology 149 (2008) 141-150.

    P. PROCHÁZKA, E. BELLINVIA, D. FAINOVÁ, P. HÁJKOVÁ, A. ELHALAH, K. ALOMARI: Immigration as a possible rescue of a reduced population of a long-distant migratory bird: Reed warblers in the Azraq Oasis, Jordan, Journal of Arid Environments 72 (2008) 1184-1192.

    O. SYCHRA, J.-K. JENSEN, M. DE L. BROOKE, A. TRNKA, P. PROCHÁZKA, I. LITERÁK: The identity of Menacanthus eisenachensis Balát (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Menoponidae) from the Reed Warbler (Passeriformes: Sylviidae), Acta Parasitologica 53 (2008) 404-406.


    M. HONZA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, E. TKADLEC: Consistency in egg rejection behaviour: responses to repeated brood parasitism in the blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla), Ethology 113 (2007) 344-351.

    M. HONZA, L. POLAČIKOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA: Ultraviolet and green parts of the colour spectrum affect egg rejection in the song thrush (Turdus philomelos), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 92 (2007) 269-276.

    L. POLAČIKOVÁ, M. HONZA, P. PROCHÁZKA, J. TOPERCER, B. G. STOKKE: Colour characteristics of the blunt egg pole: cues for recognition of parasitic eggs as revealed by reflectance spectrophotometry, Animal Behaviour 74 (2007) 419-427.

    P. PROCHÁZKA, M. POŽGAYOVÁ, M. HONZA: Zajímavý případ mezidruhové krádeže hnízdního materiálu, Sluka 4 (2007) 91-94.

    B. G. STOKKE, I. HAFSTAD, G. RUDOLFSEN, B. BARGAIN, J. BEIER, D. B. CAMPAS, A. DYRCZ, M. HONZA, B. LEISLER, P. L. PAP, R. PATAPAVIČIUS, P. PROCHÁZKA, K. SCHULZE-HAGEN, R. THOMAS, A. MOKSNES, A. P. MLLER, E. ROSKAFT, M. SOLER: Host density predicts presence of cuckoo parasitism in reed warblers, Oikos 116 (2007) 913-922.

    V. ŠICHA, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Hopeless solicitation? Host-absent vocalization in the common cuckoo has no effect on feeding rate of reed warblers, Journal of Ethology 25 (2007) 147-152.


    M. HONZA, V. ŠICHA, P. PROCHÁZKA, R. LEŽALOVÁ: Host nest defense against a color-dimorphic brood parasite: great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) versus common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus), Journal of Ornithology 147 (2006) 629-637.

    P. PROCHÁZKA: Analýza stabilních izotopů – alternativní metoda studia migrace ptáků, Sylvia 42 (2006) 3-21.


    M. POŽGAYOVÁ, P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Predace snůšky pěnice černohlavé (Sylvia atricapilla) strakapoudem velkým (Dendrocopos major), Sluka 2 (2005) 97-101.


    M. HONZA, P. PROCHÁZKA, B. G. STOKKE, A. MOKSNES, E. ROSKAFT, M. ČAPEK JR., V. MRLÍK: Are blackcaps current winners in the evolutionary struggle against the common cuckoo?, Journal of Ethology 22 (2004) 175-180.

    D. HOŘÁK, P. KLVAŇA, P. PROCHÁZKA: Vliv vysychání mokřadu na druhové složení a početnost chytaných pěvců, Sylvia 40 (2004) 111-118.

    P. PROCHÁZKA, M. HONZA: Egg discrimination in the Yellowhammer, Condor 106 (2004) 405-410.