Jamie Caroline Winternitz, Ph.D.

Pozice: post-doktorand
Zaměření: imunogenetika
Oddělení: Detašované pracoviště Studenec
Telefon: +420 560 590 607
E-mail: jcwinternitzgmail.com

Výzkumné směry

  • interakce hostitel-parazit,
  • imunogenetika.

    Recenzované publikace

    Blumstein, D.T., Cooley, L., Winternitz, J, Daniel, J.C. 2008. Do yellow-bellied marmots respond to predator vocalizations? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62(3): 457-468.

    Blumstein, D.T., Richardson, D.T., Cooley, L., Winternitz, J., Daniel, J.C. 2008. The structure, meaning, and function of yellow-bellied marmot pup screams. Animal Behavior, 76: 1055-1064.

    Winternitz, J.C., Yabsley, M.J., Altizer, S.M. 2012. Parasite infection and host dynamics in a naturally fluctuating rodent population. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 90:1149-1160.

    Winternitz, J.C., Wares, J.P. Duplication and population dynamics shape historic patterns of selection and genetic variation at the MHC in rodents. Ecology and Evolution, in press.

    Další publikace

    Han, B.A., Rushmore, J., Fritzsche, A., Satterfield, D., Winternitz, J. 2012. Preempting Pandemics. Science, 337: 647-648. Book Review.



    J. WINTERNITZ, M. PROMEROVÁ, R. POLÁKOVÁ, M. VINKLER, J. SCHNITZER, P. MUNCLINGER, W. BABIK, J. RADWAN, J. BRYJA, T. ALBRECHT: Effects of heterozygosity and MHC diversity on patterns of extra-pair paternity in the socially monogamous scarlet rosefinch, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2015) .


    J. WINTERNITZ, J. P. WARES, M. J. YABSLEY, S. ALTIZER: Wild cyclic voles maintain high neutral and MHC diversity without strong evidence for parasite-mediated selection, Evolutionary Ecology 28 (2014) 957-975.


    J. WINTERNITZ, S. G. MINCHEY, L. Z. GARAMSZEGI, S. HUANG, P. R. STEPHENS, S. ALTIZER: Sexual selection explains more functional variation in the mammalian major histocompatibility complex than parasitism, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B - Biological Sciences 280 (2013) 20131605.