The Organising Committee consists of
- Martin Braniš (chair)
- Pavel Moravec
- Ludmila Mašková
- Pavel Mikuška
- Jakub Ondráček
- Naděžda Slezáčková Zíková
- Petr Vodička
The Programme Committee consists of
- Jiří Smolík (chair)
- Vladimír Havránek
- Zdeněk Kožíšek
- Jaroslav Schwarz
- Zbyněk Večeřa
- Vladimír Ždímal
The International Advisory Committee
responsible for much of the reviewing of abstracts, consists of the following chairs and co-chairs of the EAA working groups:
- Lucas Alados Arboledas
- Christoph Asbach
- Ari Asmi
- George Biskos
- Andrei Bologa
- David Broday
- Jeroen Buters
- Ian Colbeck
- Aladar Czitrovszky
- Yannis Drossinos
- Ian Ford
- Martin Gysel
- Regina Hitzenberger
- Yoshi Inuma
- Martina Krämer
- Mihalis Lazaridis
- Willy Maenhaut
- Francois-Xavier Ouf
- Manabu Shiraiwa
- Olli Sippula
- Wendelin Stark
- Birgit Wehner
- Sabine Wurtzer
- Caner Yurteri