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11 Dec 09 - 9 Feb 19
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Ikona české vlajky

Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky Akademie věd ČR

ITAM AS CR, v. v. i.
Prosecká 809/76
190 00 Praha 9
tel.: +420 286 882 121
fax: +420 286 884 634
e-mail: itam@itam.cas.cz
number of visitors: 12321237
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past programmes  
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running programmes  

Institutional research plan

příznak agentury 'Technology Agency of the Czech Republic'Centre of advanced materials and technologies for protection and safety enhancement.
head: Šperl Martin
institutional research plan
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic


investigator:     start year:    

Select a grant agency:
příznak agentury '' Ministry of Transport (1)
příznak agentury '' Ministry for Regional Development (1)
příznak agentury '' Ministry of Industry and Trade (4)
příznak agentury '' Financial mechanisms of EEA and Norway, NVF (1)
příznak agentury '' Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (1)
příznak agentury '' OP Prague - Adaptability (1)
příznak agentury '' Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (2)
příznak agentury '' European Regional Development Fund (1)
All grants (217)

Recent grants:


příznak agentury 'Grant Agency of the Czech Republic'Dynamic stability investigation of non-linear multi-degree-of-freedom systems subjected to random noise excitation using Fokker-Planck equation
investigator: Král Radomil
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
publications (1)

příznak agentury 'Grant Agency of the Czech Republic'Climatic wind-tunnel modeling of the thermally stratified atmospheric boundary layer flow developing above complex terrains
investigator: Pospíšil Stanislav
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
publications (3)

příznak agentury 'The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports'Sustainable advanced development of CET
investigator: Drdácký Miloš
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
publications (10)

příznak agentury 'Grant Agency of the Czech Republic'Study of kinetics and CaCO3 polymorphs of lime carbonation
investigator: Ševčík Radek
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
publications (3)

příznak agentury 'Technology Agency of the Czech Republic'Centre of advanced materials and technologies for protection and safety enhancement.
head: Šperl Martin
institutional research plan
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

number of records= 7

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