Copyright ©2009 by P.
Soudek |
Professor Avi Golan-Goldhirsh,
Albert Katz Department of Dryland Biotechnologies, Blaustein
Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,Israel
Professor Peter Schroeder,
Department of Microbe Plant Interactions, GSF- National Research
Center for Environment & Health, Neuherberg, Germany
Associated Professor Jing Song, Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation,
Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, P.R. CHINA
Dr. Jean-Paul Schwitzguebel, Laboratory for
Environmental Biotechnology (LBE), Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, SwitzerlandDr. André Gerth, BioPlanta
GmbH, Leipzig, Germany
National collaboration:
Professor Martin Mihaljeviè, Institute of Geochemistry,
Mineralogy and Mineral Resources, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague , Czech Republic
Associated Professor Stanislav Smrèek, Department of organic and nuclear chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles
University, Prague, Czech Republic
Associated Professor Vladimir Koci, Department of
Environmental Chemistry, ICT Prague, Czech Republic
Associated Professor Zdenìk Kafka, Department of
Environmental Chemistry, ICT Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Jana Punèocháøová, Department of
Environmental Chemistry, ICT Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Miroslav Griga, Department of
Plant Biotechnology, Agritec Ltd., Šumperk, Czech Republic
Dr. Jana Malá, Department of Biology and Breeding,
The Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Jílovištì -
Strnady, Czech republic
Dr. Jaroslava Ovesná, Department of Molecular
Biology, Crop Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Petr Petøík, Institute of Botany, Academy of
Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Leonardo da Vinci Programme:
Encarnasion Lopez Maseda (3 months, started in 2013. Spain. Supervisor Soudek). Ecotoxicological tests
(seeds germination) and experiments testing the degradation of organic compounds. Participate on project COST TD1107 and KONTAKT LH11048.
Janire Villanueva Díaz (3 months, started in 2013. Spain. Supervisor Rezek) 2D gas chromatography coupled
to mass spectrometry. Sample preparation, liquid-liquid extractions, green leaf volatiles trapping, and various techniques of sample introduction
into the system using Gerstel MultiPurpose Sampler. Participates on projects TAÈR TA01020744 BIOPLAST.
Ignacio Manuel Rodriguez Valseca (3 months, started in 2013. Spain. Supervisor Soudek). Protein extraction
and purification and heavy metal determination by AAS. Participate on project COST TD1107.
Angelo Sicilia (3 months, started in 2014. Italy. Supervisor Petrová). Ecotoxicity test and sampling of soil
at brownfield. Participate on project COST FP1204.
Antia Perez Mouriz (3 months, started in 2014. Spain. Supervisor Langhansová). In vitro culture techniques,
sample extractions for HPLC analyses and mRNA isolation. Participate on project COST MP1206 and KONTAKT LH 12165.
Sunil Abeyasekera (3 months, started in 2015.
UK. Supervisor Petrová). Sampling of soil
at brownfield, antioxidative enzymes assay. Participate on project COST