Bc. Kevin Roche, CSc.

Pozice: odborný pracovník
Zaměření: ekologie ryb, rybí predátoři
Oddělení: Pracoviště Brno
Telefon: +420 543 422 521
E-mail: kevin.rochehotmail.co.uk



Konečná M., Janáč M., Roche K., Jurajda P.: Environment not ‘nativeness’ dictates reproductive trait shifts in Ponto-Caspian gobies, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (2015) .


Vašek M., Všetičková L., Roche K., Jurajda P.: Diet of two invading gobiid species (Proterorhinus semilunaris and Neogobius melanostomus) during the breeding and hatching season: No field evidence of extensive predation on fish eggs and fry, Limnologica 46 (2014) 31-36.

Všetičková L., Janáč M., Vašek M., Roche K., Jurajda P.: Non-native western tubenose gobies Proterorhinus semilunaris show distinct site, sex and age-related differences in diet, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 414 (2014) 1-19.


Janáč M., Jurajda P., Kružíková L., Roche K., Prášek V.: Reservoir to river passage of age-0+ year fishes, indication of a dispersion pathway for a non-native species, Journal of Fish Biology 82 (2013) 994-1010.

Roche K., Janáč M., Jurajda P.: A review of Gobiid expansion along the Danube-Rhine corridor – geopolitical change as a driver for invasion, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 411 (2013) .

Valová Z., Hudcová H., Roche K., Svobodová J., Bernardová I., Jurajda P.: No relationship found between mercury and lead concentrations in muscle and scales of chub Squalius cephalus L, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185 (2013) 3359-3368.