prom. biol. Jaroslav Piálek, CSc.

Position: full-time researcher
Research topics: hybrid zones, population genetics
Department: External research facility Studenec
Phone: +420 560 590 602

Research interests

  • hybrid zones,
  • population genetics,
  • speciation.

Finished Projects

Behavioral and genetic study of prezygotic barriers in the house mouse hybrid zone (2005-2008)

Genetics (2006-2008)

Immunogenetic study of a house mouse hybrid zone (2008-2012)

Qunatitative trait loci (QTL) for male aggression in the house mouse (2007-2009)


  • 1977-1982: undergraduate study - Masaryk University Brno, Faculty of Science. Diploma Thesis: Karyological studies in Tagetes erecta L.
  • 1988-1992: Ph.D. study - Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Systematic and Ecological Biology Brno. Ph.D. thesis: A revision of the genus Bombina (Anura, Discoglossidae) in Czechoslovakia.
  • 1994-1995: post-doctoral study - The University of Edinburgh, Inst. Cell, Animal and Population Biology.


  • 1984-1987: Institute of Vertebrate Zoology, CAS, Brno - research assistant,
  • 1988-1993: Institute of Systematic and Ecological Biology, CAS, Brno - postgraduate student,
  • 1994-1995: Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Genetics, The University of Edinburgh, U.K. - academic researcher,
  • 1996-1998: Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, AS CR, Liběchov - research worker,
  • 1998-1999: Charles University, Faculty of Sciences, Prague - research worker,
  • 1998-2010: Institute of Vertebrate Biology, AS CR, Brno, Department of Population Biology Studenec - Head and research worker,
  • 2010-present: Institute of Vertebrate Biology, AS CR, Brno, Department of population Biology Studenec - research worker.

International experience

  • 1994-1995: Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Genetics, The University of Edinburgh, U.K. - academic researcher.

Current Ph.D. students

  • Jana Albrechtová: Barriers against gene flow between the house mouse subspecies, (supervisor J.Piálek).
  • Iva Martincová: Chromosom Y a speciation, (supervisor J.Piálek).

Former students

  • Petra Dufková: Sex chromosomes in a house mouse hybrid zone.
  • Ľudovít Ďureje: The effect of aggressive behaviour on the dynamics of a house mouse hybrid zone.
  • Peter Mikulíček: Hybridization and genetic differentation on the crested newts (Triturus cristatus superspecies) - analysis of nuclear markers.
  • Barbora Vošlajerová: Behavioural and genetic study of premating isolation in the house mouse hybrid zone.
  • M.Vyskočilová: Hybrid male sterility in house mouse.



Goüy de Bellocq J., Baird Stuart J. E., Albrechtová J., Sobeková K., Piálek J.: Murine cytomegalovirus is not restricted to the house mouse Mus musculus domesticus: prevalence and genetic diversity in the European house mouse hybrid zone, Journal of Virology 89 (2015) 406-414.

Kropáčková L., Piálek J., Gergelits V., Forejt J., Reifová R.: Maternal-fetal genomic conflict and speciation: no evidence for hybrid placental dysplasia in crosses between two house mouse subspecies, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (2015) 688-698.


Albrechtová J., Albrecht T., Ďureje Ľ., Pallazola V. A., Piálek J.: Sperm morphology in two house mouse subspecies: Do wild-derived strains and wild mice tell the same story?, PLoS ONE 9 (2014) .

Bhattacharyya T., Reifová R., Gregorová S., Šimeček P., Gergelits V., Mistrik M., Martincová I., Piálek J., Forejt J.: X chromosome control of meiotic chromosome synapsis in mouse inter-subspecific hybrids, PLoS Genetics 10 (2014) .

Burgstaller J. P., Johnston I. G., Jones N. S., Albrechtová J., Kolbe T., Vogl C., Futschik A., Mayrhofer C., Klein D., Sabitzer S., Blattner M., Gülly C., Poulton J., Rülicke T., Piálek J., Steinborn R., Brem G.: mtDNA segregation in heteroplasmic tissues is common in vivo and modulated by haplotype differences and developmental stage, Cell Reports 7 (2014) 2031-2041.

Flachs P., Bhattacharyya T., Mihola O., Piálek J., Forejt J., Trachtulec Z.: Prdm9 incompatibility controls oligospermia and delayed fertility but no selfish transmission in mouse intersubspecific hybrids, PLoS ONE 9 (2014) .

Fornůsková A., Bryja J., Vinkler M., Macholán M., Piálek J.: Contrasting patterns of polymorphism and selection in bacterial-sensing toll-like receptor 4 in two house mouse subspecies, Ecology and Evolution 4 (2014) 2931-2944.

Hůrková-Hofmannová L., Qablan M. A., Juránková J., Modrý D., Piálek J.: A Survey of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum Infecting House Mice from a Hybrid Zone, Journal of Parasitology 100 (2014) 139-141.

Juránková J., Hůrková-Hofmannová L., Volf J., Baláž V., Piálek J.: Efficacy of magnetic capture in comparison with conventional DNA isolation in a survey of Toxoplasma gondii in wild house mice, European Journal of Protistology 50 (2014) 11-15.

Kreisinger J., Čížková D., Vohánka J., Piálek J.: Gastrointestinal microbiota of wild and inbred individuals of two house mouse subspecies assessed using high-throughput parallel pyrosequencing, Molecular Ecology 23 (2014) 5048-5060.


Hiadlovská Z., Vošlajerová Bímová B., Mikula O., Piálek J., Macholán M.: Transgressive segregation in a behavioural trait? Explorative strategies in two house mouse subspecies and their hybrids, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108 (2013) 225-235.

Kváč M., McEvoy J., Loudová M., Stenger B., Sak B., Květoňová D., Ditrich O., Rašková V., Moriarty E., Rost M., Macholán M., Piálek J.: Coevolution of Cryptosporidium tyzzeri and the house mouse (Mus musculus), International Journal for Parasitology 43 (2013) 805-817.


Albrechtová J., Albrecht T., Baird S. J. E., Macholán M., Rudolfsen G., Munclinger P., Tucker P. K., Piálek J.: Sperm-related phenotypes implicated in both maintenance and breakdown of a natural species barrier in the house mouse, Proceedings of the Royal Society. B - Biological Sciences 279 (2012) 4803-4810.

Baird Stuart J. E., Ribas A., Macholán M., Albrecht T., Piálek J., Goüy de Bellocq J.: Where are the wormy mice? A re-examination of hybrid parasitism in the European house mouse hybrid zone, Evolution 66 (2012) 2757-2772.

Ďureje Ľ., Macholán M., Baird Stuart J. E., Piálek J.: The mouse hybrid zone in Central Europe: from morphology to molecules, Folia zoologica 61 (2012) 308-318.

Flachs P., Mihola O., Šimeček P., Gregorová S., Schimenti J.C., Matsui Y., Baudat F., de Massy B., Piálek J., Forejt J., Trachtulec Z.: Interallelic and intergenic incompatibilities of the Prdm9 (Hst1) gene in mouse hybrid sterility, PLoS Genetics 8 (2012) .

Janoušek V., Wang L., Luzynski K., Dufková P., Mrkvicová Vyskočilová M., Nachman M. W., Munclinger P., Macholán M., Piálek J., Tucker P. K.: Genome-wide architecture of reproductive isolation in a naturally occurring hybrid zone between Mus musculus musculus and M. m. domesticus, Molecular Ecology 21 (2012) 3032-3047.

Mikulíček P., Horák A., Zavadil V., Kautman J., Piálek J.: Hybridization between three crested newt species (Triturus cristatus superspecies) in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: comparison of nuclear markers and mitochondrial DNA, Folia zoologica 61 (2012) 202-218.

Phifer-Rixey M., Bonhomme F., Boursot P., Churchill G. A., Piálek J., Tucker P., Nachman M.: Adaptive evolution and effective population size in wild house mice, Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (2012) 2949-2955.

Wasimuddin W., Čížková D., Ribas A., Piálek J., Goüy de Bellocq J., Bryja J.: Development and characterization of multiplex panels of microsatellite markers for Syphacia obvelata, a parasite of the house mouse (Mus musculus), using a high throughput DNA sequencing approach, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 185 (2012) 154-156.

Wasimuddin W., Čížková D., Bryja J., Albrechtová J., Hauffe H. C., Piálek J.: High prevalence and species diversity of Helicobacter spp. detected in wild house mice, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78 (2012) 8158-8160.


Čížková D., Goüy de Bellocq J., Baird S. J. E., Piálek J., Bryja J.: Genetic structure and contrasting selection pattern at two major histocompatibility complex genes in wild house mouse populations, Heredity 106 (2011) 727-740.

Dufková P., Macholán M., Piálek J.: Inference of selection and random effects in the house mouse hybrid zone, Evolution 65 (2011) 993-1010.

Ďureje Ľ., Vošlajerová Bímová B., Piálek J.: No postnatal maternal effect on male aggressiveness in wild-derived strains of house mice, Aggressive Behavior 37 (2011) 48-55.

Macholán M., Baird S. J. E., Dufková P., Munclinger P., Vošlajerová B., Piálek J.: ASSESSING MULTILOCUS INTROGRESSION PATTERNS: A CASE STUDY ON THE MOUSE X CHROMOSOME IN CENTRAL EUROPE, Evolution 65 (2011) 1428-1446.

Macholán M., Baird S. J. E., Dufková P., Munclinger P., Vošlajerová Bímová B., Piálek J.: Assessing multilocus introgression patterns: a case study on the mouse X chromosome in Central Europe, Evolution 65 (2011) 1428-1446.

Sak B., Kváč M., Květoňová D., Albrecht T., Piálek J.: The first report on natural Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon spp. infections in wild East-European House Mice (Mus musculus musculus) and West-European House Mice (M. m. domesticus) in a hybrid zone across the Czech Republic–Germany border, Veterinary Parasitology 178 (2011) 246-250.

Vošlajerová B., Macholán M., Baird S. J. E., Munclinger P., Dufková P., Laukaitis C. M., Karn R. C., Luzynski K., Tucker P. K., Piálek J.: Reinforcement selection acting on the European house mouse hybrid zone, Molecular Ecology 20 (2011) 2403-2424.

Vošlajerová Bímová B., Macholán M., Baird S. J. E., Munclinger P., Dufková P., Laukaitis C. M., Karn R. C., Luzynski K., Tucker P. K., Piálek J.: Reinforcement selection acting on the European house mouse hybrid zone, Molecular Ecology 20 (2011) 2403-2424.

Wang L., Luzynski K., Pool J. E., Janoušek V., Dufková P., Vyskočilová M., Teeter K. C., Nachman M. W., Munclinger P., Macholán M., Piálek J., Tucker P. K.: Measures of linkage disequilibrium among neighbouring SNPs indicate asymmetries across the house mouse hybrid zone, Molecular Ecology 20 (2011) 2985-3000.

Yang H., Wang J. R., Didion J. P., Buus R. J., Bell T. A., Welsh C. E., Bonhomme F., Yu A. H.-T., Nachman M. W., Piálek J., Tucker P., Boursot P., McMillan L., Churchill G. A., de Villena F. P.: Subspecific origin and haplotype diversity in the laboratory mouse, Nature Genetics 45 (2011) 648-655.


Bímová B., Albrecht T., Macholán M., Piálek J.: Signalling components of the house mouse mate recognition system, Behavioural Processes 80 (2009) 20-27.

Kawalko A., Dufková P., Wójcik J. M., Piálek J.: Polymerase chain reaction multiplexing of microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphism markers for quantitative trait loci mapping of wild house mice, Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (2009) 140-143.

Vyskočilová M., Pražanová G., Piálek J.: Polymorphism in hybrid male sterility in wild-derived Mus musculus musculus strains on proximal chromosome 17, Mammalian Genome 20 (2009) 83-91.

Vyskočilová M., Pražanová G., Piálek J.: Polymorphism in hybrid male sterility in wild-derived Mus musculus musculus strains on proximal chromosome 17$$faut. Martina Vyskočilová, G. Pražanová, Jaroslav Piálek, Mammalian Genome 20 (2009) 83-91.


Macholán M., Baird S. J. E., Munclinger P., Dufková P., Bímová B., Piálek J.: Genetic conflict outweighs heterogametic incompatibility in the mouse hybrid zone?, BMC Evolutionary Biology 8 (2008) 271-284.

Piálek J., Vyskočilová M., Bímová B., Havelková D., Piálková J., Dufková P., Bencová V., Ďureje Ľ., Albrecht T., Hauffe H., Macholán M., Munclinger P., Storchová R., Zajícová A., Holáň V., Gregorová S., Forejt J.: Development of unique house mouse resources suitable for evolutionary studies of speciation, Journal of Heredity 99 (2008) 34-44.


Macholán M., Munclinger P., Šugerková M., Dufková P., Bímová B., Božíková E., Zima J., Piálek J.: Genetic analysis of autosomal and X-linked markers across a mouse hybrid zone, Evolution 61 (2007) 746-771.

Mikulíček P., Crnobrnja-Isailović J., Piálek J.: Can microsatellite markers resolve phylogenetic relationships between closely related crested newt species (Triturus cristatus superspecies)?, Amphibia-Reptilia 28 (2007) 467-474.


Albrecht T., Kreisinger J., Piálek J.: The strength of direct selection against female promiscuity is associated with rates of extrapair fertilizations in socially monogamous songbirds, American Naturalist 167 (2006) 739-744.


Bímová B., Karn R. C., Piálek J.: The role of salivary androgen-binding protein in reproductive isolation between two subspecies of house mouse: Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 84 (2005) 349-361.

Božíková E., Munclinger P., Teeter K. C., Tucker P. K., Macholán M., Piálek J.: Mitochondrial DNA in the hybrid zone between Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus: a comparison of two transects, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 84 (2005) 363-378.

Piálek J., Albrecht T.: Choosing mates: complementary versus compatible genes, Trends in Ecology & Evolution 20 (2005) 63.

Piálek J., Hauffe H. C., Searle J. B.: Chromosomal variation in the house mouse, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 84 (2005) 535-563.

Vyskočilová M., Trachtulec Z., Forejt J., Piálek J.: Does geography matter in hybrid sterility in house mice?, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 84 (2005) 663-674.