Ing. Pavel Jurajda, Dr.

Position: head of the facility
Research topics: fish ecology
Department: Research facility Brno
Phone: +420 543 422 523

My research activities are conducted to evaluate and develop appropriate sampling and censusing techniques for fishes, conduct behavioural studies and identify the ecological requirements of fishes in a variety of aquatic habitats. My principal interest is in the reproduction and recruitment of European fishes in lowland rivers. Research is directed to understand and predict the effects of the environment and biotic interactions, such as competition, predation and parasitism, on reproduction and recruitment in fishes. Most of my current research activity involves investigations of environmental stress to fish assemblages, and the ecology of expanding gobiid fishes in Central Europe. The results of many studies have wide implications for fisheries and wildlife management and conservation.

Running Projects

ECIP - European Centre of Ichtyoparasitology

Non-native Goby fishes: exploitation of a free niche or a threat of Central European fishes?

Finished Projects

Evolutionary ecological analysis of biological systems: research centrum for PhD studies

Ichtyoparasitology Research Center

Models for assesing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity



Jurajda P., Adámek Z., Valová Z., Janáč M., Roche K.: Fish community and fisheries management of Brno Reservoir following revitalisation measures, Folia zoologica 64 (2015) 112-122.

Konečná M., Janáč M., Roche K., Jurajda P.: Environment not ‘nativeness’ dictates reproductive trait shifts in Ponto-Caspian gobies, Ecology of Freshwater Fish (2015) .

Ondračková M., Valová Z., Hudcová I., Michálková V., Šimková A., Borcherding J., Jurajda P.: Temporal effects on host-parasite associations in four naturalized goby species living in sympatry, Hydrobiologia 746 (2015) 233-243.

Ondračková M., Hudcová I., Dávidová M., Adámek Z., Kašný M., Jurajda P.: Non-native gobies facilitate the transmission of Bucephalus polymorphus (Trematoda), Parasites Vectors 8 (2015) 382.

Polačik M., Jurajda P., Blažek R., Janáč M.: Carcass feeding as a cryptic foraging mode in round goby Neogobius melanostomus, Journal of Fish Biology 87 (2015) 194-199.

Schmutz S., Jurajda P., Kaufmann S., Lorenz A. W., Muhar S., Paillex A., Poppe M., Wolter C.: Response of fish assemblages to hydromorphological restoration in central and northern European rivers, Hydrobiologia (2015) .

Valová Z., Konečná M., Janáč M., Jurajda P.: Population and reproductive characteristics of a non-native western tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) population unaffected by gobiid competitors, Aquatic Invasions 10 (2015) 57-68.

Všetičková L., Janáč M., Roche K., Jurajda P.: Assessment of possible diel and sex-related differences in round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) diet, Folia zoologica 64 (2015) 104-111.


Bartošová P., Hrabcová M., Pecková H., Patra S., Kodádková A., Jurajda P., Tyml T., Holzer Astrid S.: Hidden diversity and evolutionary trends in malacosporean parasites (Cnidaria: Myxozoa) identified using molecular phylogenetics, International Journal for Parasitology 44 (2014) 565-577.

Valová Z., Janáč M., Švanyga J., Jurajda P.: Structure of 0+ juvenile fish assemblages in the modified upper stretch of the River Elbe, Czech Republic, Czech Journal of Animal Science 59 (2014) 35-44.

Vašek M., Všetičková L., Roche K., Jurajda P.: Diet of two invading gobiid species (Proterorhinus semilunaris and Neogobius melanostomus) during the breeding and hatching season: No field evidence of extensive predation on fish eggs and fry, Limnologica 46 (2014) 31-36.

Všetičková L., Janáč M., Vašek M., Roche K., Jurajda P.: Non-native western tubenose gobies Proterorhinus semilunaris show distinct site, sex and age-related differences in diet, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 414 (2014) 1-19.

Zapletal T., Mareš J., Jurajda P., Všetičková L.: The food of roach, Rutilus rutilus (Actinopterygii: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), in a biomanipulated water supply reservoir, Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 44 (2014) 15-22.


Adámek Z., Zahrádková S., Jurajda P., Bernardová I., Jurajdová Z., Janáč M., Němejcová D.: The response of benthic macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages to human impact along the lower stretch of the rivers Morava and Dyje (Danube basin, Czech Republic), Croatian Journal of Fisheries 71 (2013) 93-115.

Horký P., Horká P., Jurajda P., Slavík O.: Young-of-the-year (YOY) assemblage sampling as a tool for assessing the ecological quality of running waters, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29 (2013) 1040-1049.

Janáč M., Jurajda P.: Diel differences in 0+ fish samples: effect of river size and habitat, River Research and Applications 29 (2013) 90-98.

Janáč M., Jurajda P., Kružíková L., Roche K., Prášek V.: Reservoir to river passage of age-0+ year fishes, indication of a dispersion pathway for a non-native species, Journal of Fish Biology 82 (2013) 994-1010.

Janáč M., Šlapanský L., Valová Z., Jurajda P.: Downstream drift of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) in their non-native area, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22 (2013) 430-438.

Jurajda P., Všetičková L., Polačik M., Vassilev M.: Can round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) caught by rod and line be used for diet analysis?, Journal of Great Lakes Research 39 (2013) 182-185.

Roche K., Janáč M., Jurajda P.: A review of Gobiid expansion along the Danube-Rhine corridor – geopolitical change as a driver for invasion, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 411 (2013) .

Valová Z., Hudcová H., Roche K., Svobodová J., Bernardová I., Jurajda P.: No relationship found between mercury and lead concentrations in muscle and scales of chub Squalius cephalus L, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185 (2013) 3359-3368.


Janáč M., Valová Z., Jurajda P.: Range expansion and habitat preferences of nonnative 0+ tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) in two lowland rivers in the Danube basin, Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie 181 (2012) 73-85.

Konečná M., Jurajda P.: Population structure, condition, and reproduction characteristics of native monkey goby, Neogobius fluviatilis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes Gobiidae), in the Bulgarian Danube, Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 42 (2012) 321-327.

Ondračková M., Slováčková I., Trichkova T., Polačik M., Jurajda P.: Shoreline distribution and parasite infection of black-striped pipefish Syngnathus abaster Risso, 1827 in the lower River Danube, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28 (2012) 590-596.

Ondračková M., Šimková A., Civáňová K., Vyskočilová M., Jurajda P.: Parasite diversity and microsatellite variability in native and introduced populations of four Neogobius species (Gobiidae), Parasitology 139 (2012) 1493-1505.

Orendt C., Wolfram G., Adámek Z., Jurajda P., Schmitt-Jansen M.: The response of macroinvertebrate community taxa and functional groups to pollution along a heavily impacted river in Central Europe (Bilina River, Czech Republic), Biologia 67 (2012) 180-199.

Zapletal T., Mareš J., Jurajda P., Všetičková L.: The food of common bream (Abramis brama L.) in a biomanipulated water supply reservoir, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 60 (2012) 357-366.


Borcherding J., Staas S., Krüger S., Ondračková M., Šlapanský L., Jurajda P.: Non-native Gobiid species in the lower River Rhine (Germany): recent range extensions and densities, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27 (2011) 153-155.

Červenka R., Bednařík A., Komárek J., Ondračková M., Jurajda P., Vítek T., Spurný P.: The relationship between the mercury concentration in fish muscles and scales/fins and its significance, Central European Journal of Chemistry 9 (2011) 1109-1116.

Francová K., Ondračková M., Polačik M., Jurajda P.: Parasite fauna of native and non-native populations of Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) (Gobiidae) in the longitudinal profile of the Danube River, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27 (2011) 879-886.

Janáč M., Jurajda P.: Mortality induced by electrofishing and handling in five young-of-the-year cyprinids: effect of the fish size, species and anode size, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27 (2011) 990-994.

Valová Z., Jurajda P.: Vývoj plůdkových společenstev ryb řeky Moravy v oblasti Litovelského Pomoraví, Příroda 30 (2011) 65-76.


Adámek Z., Jurajda P., Prášek V., Sukop I.: Seasonal diet pattern of non-native tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) in the lowland reservoir (Mušov, Czech Republic), Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 397 (2010) 1-12.

Georg W., Orendt C., Höss S., Grossschartner M., Adámek Z., Jurajda P., Traunspurger W., de Deckere E., Van Liefferinge C.: The macroinvertebrate and nematode community from soft sediments in impounded sections of the river Elbe near Pardubice, Czech Republic, Lauterbornia 69 (2010) 87-105.

Janáč M., Jurajda P.: Modified sampling design for age-0 fish electrofishing at beach habitats, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30 (2010) 1210-1220.

Janáč M., Ondračková M., Jurajda P., Valová Z., Reichard M.: Flood duration determines the reproduction success of fish in artificial oxbows in a floodplain of a potamal river, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19 (2010) 644-655.

Jurajda P., Adámek Z., Janáč M., Valová Z.: Longitudinal patterns in fish and macrozoobenthos assemblages reflect degradation of water quality and physical habitat in the Bílina river basin, Czech Journal of Animal Science 55 (2010) 123-136.

Jurajda P., Slavík O., White S.M., Adámek Z.: Young-of-the-year fish assemblages as an alternative to adult fish monitoring for ecological quality evaluation of running waters, Hydrobiologia 644 (2010) 89-101.

Jurajda P., Slavík O., Adámek Z.: Monitoring ryb v tekoucích vodách ČR v souvislosti s rámcovou směrnicí 2000/60/ES: plůdek nebo dospělé ryby?, Vodní hospodářství 2010 (2010) 6-8.

Jurajda P., Janáč M., Valová Z., Streck G.: Fish community in the chronically polluted middle Elbe River, Folia zoologica 59 (2010) 157-168.

Musil J., Jurajda P., Adámek Z., Horký P., Slavík O.: Non-native fish introductions in the Czech Republic – species inventory, facts and future perspectives, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26 (2010) 38-45.

Ondračková M., Francová K., Dávidová M., Polačik M., Jurajda P.: Condition status and parasite infection of Neogobius kessleri and N. melanostomus (Gobiidae) in their native and non-native area of distribution of the Danube River, Ecological Research 25 (2010) 857-866.

Valová Z., Jurajda P., Janáč M., Bernardová I., Hudcová H.: Spatiotemporal trends of heavy metal concentrations in fish of the River Morava (Danube basin), Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 45 (2010) 1892-1899.

Wenger M., Ondračková M., Machala M., Neča J., Hyršl P., Šimková A., Jurajda P., von der Ohe P., Segner H.: Assessing relationships between chemical exposure, parasite infection, fish health, and fish ecological status: a case study using chub (Leuciscus cephalus) in the Bílina River, Czech Republic, Enviromental Toxicology and Chemistry 29 (2010) 453-466.


Jurajda P., Janáč M., White S.M., Ondračková M.: Small – but not easy: evaluation of sampling methods in floodplain lakes including whole-lake sampling, Fisheries Research 96 (2009) 102-108.

Konečná M., Jurajda P., Reichard M.: River discharge drives recruitment success of the European bitterling Rhodeus amarus in a regulated river in central Europe, Journal of Fish Biology 74 (2009) 1642-1650.

Ondračková M., Dávidová M., Blažek R., Gelnar M., Jurajda P.: The interaction between an introduced fish host and local parasite fauna: Neogobius kessleri in the middle Danube River, Parasitology Research 105 (2009) 201-208.

Polačik M., Janáč M., Jurajda P., Adámek Z., Ondračková M., Trichkova T., Vassilev M.: Invasive gobies in the Danube: invasion success facilitated by availability and selection of superior food resources, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 18 (2009) 640-649.

Ryšavá-Nováková M., Ondračková M., Jurajda P.: The importance of surrogate habitats in lowland river floodplains for fish community composition, Fisheries Management and Ecology 16 (2009) 468-477.


Dávidová M., Ondračková M., Jurajda P., Gelnar M.: Parasite assemblages of European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), composition and effects of habitat type and host body size, Parasitology Research 102 (2008) 1001-1011.

Jurajda P., Peňáz M., Reichard M., Bernardová I.: Water quality improvements following political changes, enhanced fish communities, and fisheries in the Czech Republic, American Fisheries Society Symposium 49 (2008) 845-850.

Polačik M., Trichkova T., Janáč M., Vassilev M., Jurajda P.: The ichthyofauna of the shoreline zone in the longitudinal profile of the Danube River, Bulgaria, Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 60 (2008) 77-88.

Polačik M., Janáč M., Jurajda P., Vassilev M., Trichkova T.: The sampling efficiency of electrofishing for Neogobius species in a riprap habitat: a field experiment, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 24 (2008) 601-604.

Polačik M., Janáč M., Trichkova T., Vassilev M., Keckeis H., Jurajda P.: The distribution and abundance of the Neogobius fishes in their native range (Bulgaria) with notes on the non-native range in the Danube River, Large Rivers 18 (2008) 193-208.

Šimková A., Lafond T., Ondračková M., Jurajda P., Ottová E., Morand S.: Parasitism, life history traits and immune defence in cyprinid fish from Central Europe, BMC Evolutionary Biology 8 (2008) 1-11.


Janáč M., Jurajda P.: A comparison of point abundance and continuous sampling by electrofishing for age-0 fish in a channelized lowland river, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27 (2007) 1119-1125.

Jurajda P., Adámek Z., Janáč M., Valová Z.: Fish and macrozoobenthos in the Vlára stream drainage area (Bílé Karpaty Mountains), Czech Journal of Animal Science 52 (2007) 214-225.

Lamková K., Šimková A., Palíková M., Jurajda P., Lojek A.: Seasonal changes of immunocompetence and parasitism in chub (Leuciscus cephalus), a freshwater cyprinid fish, Parasitology Research 101 (2007) 775-789.

Pečínková M., Vollestad L. A., Koubková B., Huml J., Jurajda P., Gelnar M.: The relationship between developmental instability of gudgeon Gobio gobio and abundance or morphology of its ectoparasite Paradiplozoon homoion (Monogenea), Journal of Fish Biology 71 (2007) 1358-1370.

Reichard M., Jurajda P.: Seasonal dynamics and age structure of drifting cyprinid fishes: an interspecific comparison, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16 (2007) 482-492.


Jurajda P., Reichard M., Smith C.: Immediate impact of an extensive summer flood on the adult fish assemblage of a channelized lowland river, Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21 (2006) 493-502.

Jurajda P., Vassilev M., Polačik M., Trichkova T.: A first record of Perccottus glenii (Perciformes: Odontobutidae) in the Danube River in Bulgaria, Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 58 (2006) 279-282.

Ondračková M., Dávidová M., Gelnar M., Jurajda P.: Susceptibility of Prussian carp infected by metacercariae of Posthodiplostomum cuticola (v. Nordmann, 1832) to fish predation, Ecological Research 21 (2006) 526-529.

Ondračková M., Trichkova T., Jurajda P.: Present and historical occurrence of metazoan parasites in Neogobius kessleri (Pisces: Gobiidae) in the Bulgarian section of the Danube River, Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 58 (2006) 401-408.

Smith C., Reichard M., Douglas A., Jurajda P.: Population consequences of behaviour in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus Cyprinidae), Ecology of Freshwater Fish 15 (2006) 139-145.

Valová Z., Jurajda P., Janáč M.: Spatial distribution of 0+ juvenile fish in differently modified lowland rivers, Folia zoologica 55 (2006) 293-308.


Brack W., Bakker J., de Deckere E., Deerenberg C., van Gils J., Hein M., Jurajda P., Kooijman B., Lamoree M., Lek S., de Alda M. J. L., Marcomini A., Munoz I., Rattei S., Segner H., Thomas K., von der Ohe P. C., Westrich B., de Zwart D., Schmitt-Jansen M.: MODELKEY - Models for assessing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on freshwater and marine ecosystems and biodiversity, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 12 (2005) 252-256.

Hohausová E., Jurajda P.: Restoration of a river backwater and its influence on fish assemblage, Czech Journal of Animal Science 50 (2005) 473-482.

Janáč M., Jurajda P.: Inter-calibration of three electric fishing techniques to estimate 0+ juvenile fish densities on sandy river beaches, Fisheries Management and Ecology 12 (2005) 161-167.

Jurajda P., Černý J., Polačik M., Valová Z., Janáč M., Blažek R., Ondračková M.: The recent distribution and abundance of non-native Neogobius fishes in the Slovak section of the River Danube, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21 (2005) 319-323.

Ondračková M., Dávidová M., Pečínková M., Blažek R., Gelnar M., Valová Z., Černý J., Jurajda P.: Metazoan parasites of Neogobius fishes in the Slovak section of the River Danube, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21 (2005) 345-349.

Ottová E., Šimková A., Jurajda P., Dávidová M., Ondračková M., Pečínková M., Gelnar M.: Sexual ornamentation and parasite infection in males of common bream (Abramis brama): a reflection of immunocompetence status or simple cost of reproduction?, Evolutionary Ecology Research 7 (2005) 581-593.

Prášek V., Jurajda P.: Expansion of Proterorhinus marmoratus in the Morava River basin (Czech Republic, Danube R. watershed), Folia zoologica 54 (2005) 189-192.