Mgr. Zdenka Jurajdová, Ph.D.

Position: post-doc
Research topics: fish reproduction
Department: Research facility Brno
Phone: +420 543 422 521

Research interest

  • fish reproduction,
  • ecology of juvenile fish,
  • ecology and parasitology of invasive gobiid fish species.


  • 1997-2002: undergraduate study - Masaryk university Brno, Faculty of Science. Thesis: The comparison of 0+ juvenile fish communities of lowland stretches of Morava and Dyje rivers, (supervisor P.Jurajda).
  • 2002-2008: Ph.D. study - Masaryk university Brno, Faculty of Science, Zoology. Thesis: The 0+ juvenile fish communities in differently modified lowland rivers, (supervisor P.Jurajda).
