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Ćosić T, Motyka V, Raspor M, Savić J, Cingel A,
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Dobrá J, Černý M, Štorchová H, Dobrev
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Grones P, Chen X, Simon S, Kaufmann WA, De Rycke R, Nodzynski T,
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Hronková M, Wiesnerová D, Šimková M, Skůpa P, Dewitte
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Žižková E, Dobrev PI, Muhovski Y, Hošek P,
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Rubia L, Rangan L, Choudhury R, Kamínek M, Dobrev P,
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Seifertová D, Klíma P, Pařezová M, Petrášek J, Zažímalová
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Seifertová D, Skůpa P, Rychtář J, Laňková M,
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Characterization of transmembrane auxin transport in Arabidopsis
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Simon S, Skůpa P, Dobrev PI, Petrášek J, Zažímalová E,
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Vaňková R, Kosová K, Dobrev P,
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Yin R, Han K, Heller W, Albert A, Dobrev PI, Zažímalová
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Zažímalová E, Petrášek J, Benková E (eds):
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Čovanová M, Sauer M, Rychtář J, Friml J,
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Krumova S, Motyka V, Dobrev PI, Todorova M, Trendafilova A, Evstatieva L, Danova K: Terpenoid profile of Artemisia alba is related to endogenous cytokinins in vitro. – Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19(2): 26–30, 2013.
Macková H, Hronková M, Dobrá J, Turečková V, Novák O,
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Gaudinová A, Štorchová H, Ge E, Werner T,
Schmülling T and Vaňková R: Enhanced drought and heat stress
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Pěnčík A, Simonovik B, Petersson SV, Henyková E, Simon
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Changes in the chlorophyll content and cytokinin levels in the top three leaves
of new plant type rice during grain filling. – Journal of Plant
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Simon S, Kubeš M, Baster P, Robert S, Dobrev
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Trifunović M, Cingel A, Simonović A, Jevremović S, Petrić M, Dragićević
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Leitner J, Petrášek J, Tomanov K, Retzer K, Pařezová M, Korbei B, Bachmair A, Zažímalová E, and Luschnig Ch: Lysine63-linked ubiquitylation of PIN2 auxin carrier protein governs hormonally controlled adaptation of Arabidopsis root growth. – Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 2012, 109 (21): 8322–8327. DOI
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Raspor M, Motyka V, Žižková E, Dobrev PI, Trávníčková A, Zdravković-Korać S, Simonović A, Ninković S, Dragićević IC: Cytokinin profiles of AtCKX2-overexpressing potato plants and the impact of altered cytokinin homeostasis on tuberization in vitro. – Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2012, 31(3): 460–470, DOI
Stirk WA, Novák O, Žižková E, Motyka V, Strnad M, van Staden J: Comparison of endogenous cytokinins and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity in germinating and thermoinhibited Tagetes minuta achenes. – Journal of Plant Physiology, 2012, 169: 696–703. DOI
Stirk WA, Václavíková K, Novák O, Gajdošová O, Kotland O, Motyka V, Strnad M, van Staden J: Involvement of cis-zeatin, dihydrozeatin, and aromatic cytokinins in germination and seedling establishment of maize, oats, and lucerne – Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2012, 31(3): 392–405, DOI
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Ananieva K, Ananiev ED, Doncheva S, Stefanov D, Mishev K, Kamínek M, Motyka V, Dobrev PI, Malbeck J: Local induction of senescence by darkness in Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) cotyledons or the primary leaf induces opposite effects in the adjacent illuminated organ. – Plant Growth Regulation, 2011, 65: 459–471. DOI.
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Mravec J, Petrášek J, Li N, Boeren S, Karlova R, Kitakura S, Pařezová M, Naramoto S, Nodzynski T, Dhonukshe P, Bednarek SY, Zažímalová E, de Vries S, Friml J: Cell Plate Restricted Association of DRP1A and PIN Proteins Is Required for Cell Polarity Establishment in Arabidopsis. – Current Biology, 2011, 21: 1055–1060. DOI.
Mýtinová Z, Motyka V, Haisel D, Lubovská Z, Trávníčková A, Dobrev P, Holík J, Wilhelmová N: Antioxidant enzymatic protection during tobacco leaf ageing is affected by cytokinin depletion. – Plant Growth Regulation, 2011, 65: 23–24. DOI.
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Pinheiro C, Antonio C, Ortuno MF, Dobrev PI, Hartung W, Thomas-Oates J, Ricardo CP, Vankova R, Chaves MM, Wilson JC: Initial water deficit effects on Lupinus albus photosynthetic performance, carbon metabolism, and hormonal balance: metabolic reorganization prior to early stress responses – Journal of Experimental Botany, 62 (14): 4965–4974, 2011. DOI
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Dobrá J, Motyka V, Dobrev P, Malbeck J, Prášil IT, Haisel D, Gaudinová A, Havlová M, Gubiš J, Vaňková R: Comparison of hormonal responses to heat, drought and combined stress in tobacco plants with elevated proline content. – Journal of Plant Physiology, 167: 1360–1370, 2010. DOI
Dwiwedi S, Vaňková R, Motyka V, Herrera C, Žižková E, Auer C: Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana mutant ror-1 (roscovitine-resistant) and its utilization in understanding of the role of cytokinin N-glucosylation pathway in plants. – Plant Growth Regulation, 61: 231–242, 2010.
Jelínková A, Malínská K, Simon S, Kleine-Vehn J, Pařezová M, Pejchar P, Kubeš M, Martinec J, Friml J, Zažímalová E, Petrášek J: Probing plant membranes with FM dyes: tracking, dragging or blocking? – Plant Journal, 61, 883–892, 2010.
Kašík I, Mrázek J, Martan T, Pospíšilová M, Podrazký O, Matějec V, Hoyerová K, Kamínek M: Fiber-optic pH detection in small volumes of bio-samples. – Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 398: 1883–1889, 2010, DOI.
Krouk G, Lacombe B, Bielach A, Perrine-Walker F, Malínská K, Mounier E, Hoyerová K, Tillard P, Leon S, Ljung K, Zažímalová E, Benková E, Nacry F and Gojon A: Nitrate-Regulated Auxin Transport by NRT1.1 Defines a Mechanism for Nutrient Sensing in Plants. – Developmental Cell, 18: 927–937, 2010.
Laňková M, Smith R, Pešek B, Kubeš M, Zažímalová E, Petrášek J, and Hoyerová K: Auxin influx inhibitors 1-NOA, 2-NOA, and CHPAA interfere with membrane dynamics in tobacco cells. – Journal of Experimental Botany, 61(13): 3589–3598, 2010. DOI.
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Qiao F, Petrášek J, Nick P: Light can rescue auxin-dependent synchrony of cell division in a tobacco cell line. – Journal of Experimental Botany, 61: 503–510, 2010.
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Vandenbussche F, Petrášek J, Žádníková P, Hoyerová K, Pešek B, Raz V, Swarup R, Bennett M, Zažímalová E, Benková E, Van Der Straeten D: The auxin influx carriers AUX1 and LAX3 are involved in auxin-ethylene interactions during apical hook development in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. – Development, 137: 597–606, 2010.
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Gaudinová A, Malbeck J, Dobrev P, Kubelková D, Špak J, Vaňková R: Cytokinin, auxin, and abscisic acid dynamics during flower development in white and red currants infected with Blackcurrant reversion virus. – Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 73(6), 119–125, 2009.
Honys D, Reňák D, Feciková J, Jedelský PL, Nebesářová J, Dobrev P, Čapková V: Cytoskeleton-associated large RNP complexes in tobacco male gametophyte (EPPs) are associated with ribosomes and are involved in protein synthesis, processing, and localization. – Journal of Proteome Research, 8(4): 2015–2031, 2009.
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