Currency exchange rates

For current currency exchange rates see website of the Czech National Bank.

Exchange offices

  • Prague Airport - there are several exchange offices (high commission) and ATMs
  • Main Railway Station - exchange office at Main Railway Station has usually unfavourable exchange rates and high commission; there are no ATMs
  • Česká spořitelna (Budějovická 1912/64B, exchange rate) - near the metro station Budějovická, close to the workshop venue
  • Raiffeisenbank (Olbrachtova 2006/9, exchange rate) - near the metro station Budějovická, close to the workshop venue
  • exchange8 (Žatecká 8, exchange rate) - in the city centre (close to the metro station Staroměstská), usually good exchange rate
  • eXchange (Náměstí Franze Kafky 2/9, exchange rate) - in the city centre (close to the metro station Staroměstská), usually good exchange rate (for the VIP exchange rate print discount voucher - in Czech only, minimal exchange 1000 CZK)

Note: You can find ATMs at almost every metro station.

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