2002-present: Institute of Vertebrate Biology AS CR, Brno - research assistant. Publications
Jurajda P., Adámek Z., Valová Z., Janáč M., Roche K.: Fish community and fisheries management of Brno Reservoir following revitalisation measures, Folia zoologica 64 (2015) 112-122.
Ondračková M., Valová Z., Hudcová I., Michálková V., Šimková A., Borcherding J., Jurajda P.: Temporal effects on host-parasite associations in four naturalized goby species living in sympatry, Hydrobiologia 746 (2015) 233-243.
Valová Z., Konečná M., Janáč M., Jurajda P.: Population and reproductive characteristics of a non-native western tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) population unaffected by gobiid competitors, Aquatic Invasions 10 (2015) 57-68.
Valová Z., Janáč M., Švanyga J., Jurajda P.: Structure of 0+ juvenile fish assemblages in the modified upper stretch of the River Elbe, Czech Republic, Czech Journal of Animal Science 59 (2014) 35-44.
Adámek Z., Zahrádková S., Jurajda P., Bernardová I., Jurajdová Z., Janáč M., Němejcová D.: The response of benthic macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages to human impact along the lower stretch of the rivers Morava and Dyje (Danube basin, Czech Republic), Croatian Journal of Fisheries 71 (2013) 93-115.
Janáč M., Šlapanský L., Valová Z., Jurajda P.: Downstream drift of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) in their non-native area, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22 (2013) 430-438.
Valová Z., Hudcová H., Roche K., Svobodová J., Bernardová I., Jurajda P.: No relationship found between mercury and lead concentrations in muscle and scales of chub Squalius cephalus L, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185 (2013) 3359-3368.
Janáč M., Valová Z., Jurajda P.: Range expansion and habitat preferences of nonnative 0+ tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) in two lowland rivers in the Danube basin, Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie 181 (2012) 73-85.
Ondračková M., Valová Z., Kortan J., Vojtek L., Adámek Z.: Consequent effects of the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) predation on parasite infection and body condition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Parasitology Research 110 (2012) 1487-1493.
Valová Z., Jurajda P.: Vývoj plůdkových společenstev ryb řeky Moravy v oblasti Litovelského Pomoraví, Příroda 30 (2011) 65-76.
Janáč M., Ondračková M., Jurajda P., Valová Z., Reichard M.: Flood duration determines the reproduction success of fish in artificial oxbows in a floodplain of a potamal river, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19 (2010) 644-655.
Jurajda P., Adámek Z., Janáč M., Valová Z.: Longitudinal patterns in fish and macrozoobenthos assemblages reflect degradation of water quality and physical habitat in the Bílina river basin, Czech Journal of Animal Science 55 (2010) 123-136.
Jurajda P., Janáč M., Valová Z., Streck G.: Fish community in the chronically polluted middle Elbe River, Folia zoologica 59 (2010) 157-168.
Valová Z., Adámek Z.: Ekologické dopady extrémních srážko-odtokových situací v malých povodích - přehled, Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany 46 (2010) 53-61.
Valová Z., Jurajda P., Janáč M., Bernardová I., Hudcová H.: Spatiotemporal trends of heavy metal concentrations in fish of the River Morava (Danube basin), Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 45 (2010) 1892-1899.
Jurajda P., Adámek Z., Janáč M., Valová Z.: Fish and macrozoobenthos in the Vlára stream drainage area (Bílé Karpaty Mountains), Czech Journal of Animal Science 52 (2007) 214-225.
Valová Z., Jurajda P., Janáč M.: Spatial distribution of 0+ juvenile fish in differently modified lowland rivers, Folia zoologica 55 (2006) 293-308.