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Department of Biomimetic Electrochemistry


The Institute, its achievements and current work are regularly covered by the mainstream public media available in the Czech Republic.
TV stream .cz
Pořad Slavné dny - 170. díl s názvem "Den, kdy první Čech získal Nobelovu cenu" Jaroslav Heyrovský and his Nobel prize is presented through the movies from archive and the interview with Dr.Michael Heyrovsky, the son of professor J.Heyrovsky...
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

Akademický Bulletin - 2/2014
Awards of Heyrovsky Foundation 2013 - prizes for secondary school students (article in Czech).
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc., Prof. Ing. ZAHRADNÍK Rudolf, DrSc.

časopis 21.století
Magazin 21.století - Dvacet let nadačního fondu (article about awards of J. Heyrovsky Foundation 2013, )
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Česká televize- pořad RETRO na ČT24
Interview (topic: polarography, J.Heyrovský, travelling exhibition Story of the Mercury Drop, ).
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Putovní výstava Příběh kapky (uspořádaná k 50. výročí Nobelovy ceny udělené J. Heyrovskému) - Monitoring výstupů
The travelling exhibition to 50th anniversary of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry awarded to Jaroslav Heyrovský will introduce, by means of photographs, films, literary documents and other exhibits (e.g. examples of development of polarographic instruments), the life story of the laureate. More than 65 outputs (articles or interviews) describing the exhibition find on following pages of the travelling exhibition "Story of the Drop" (in Czech).
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

Cetrum pro inovace... - Monitoring hlavních výstupů k projektu
About 25 articles and interviews describing the project of Center for Innovations in the Field of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies... (find on following pages of Center - in Czech) .
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D., RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc., Prof. Ing. MAREČEK Vladimír, DrSc., Ing. RATHOUSKÝ Jiří, CSc., Doc. Ing. SOBALÍK Zdeněk, CSc., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

ČRO Hradec Králové, pořad Životopisy.
Czech Radio HradecKrálové. Cycle of interviews with Michael Heyrovský and Jitka Černá, children of Jaroslav Heyrovský, about their father, prepared to 120th anniversary of J.Heyrovský birthday - 20.12.1890. Listen five interviews in Archive CRO (in Czech): 1st interview - 2nd interview - 3rd interview - 4th interview - 5th interview .
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

Český rozhlas -stanice Vltava
Photo COST- international meeting about molecular photonics and optoelectronics..... Interview of Czech Radio with professor A. Vček (in Czech).
Prof. RNDr. VLČEK Antonín, CSc.

Česká televize
Program of Czech Television - PORT - The Story of the Drop - reportage about Jaroslav Heyrovský and his discovery of the polarography (50th anniversary of the Nobel prize for the chemistry). (in Czech)
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D., Mgr. HROMADOVÁ Magdaléna, Ph. D., Prof. RNDr. LUDVÍK Jiří, CSc., Doc. RNDr. POSPÍŠIL Lubomír, CSc., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc.

50. výročí Nobelovy ceny za polarografii
The article introduces the 10th annual Heyrovský lecture (4.12.2008), that was delivered by professor Karel Vytřas (University of Pardubice). The anniversary of Nobel prize for polarography (Jaroslav Heyrovsky - 10.12.1959) is briefly mentioned.
Doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

Pořad Vstupte! Českého rozhlasu
Interview of Robert Tamchyna with Dr. Michael Heyrovsky about chemistry, research in polarography, his father Jaroslav Heyrovsky - Nobel prize for polarography (10.12.1959) .... (in Czech)
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

Lidové noviny - Science (page 27)
I was hold as a hostage at home…Michael Heyrovský, the son of professor Jaroslav Heyrovský, is talking about the time, when his fater was awarded by Nobel prize for chemistry in Stockholm (1959) ….(author J. Matyáš LN)
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

Výstava "Bruselský sen" (Exhibiton - "The Brussels Dream ")
Short presentation of polarography in the movie about Exhibiton EXPO 58 in Brussels. Some photos from Czech exposition of polarography (author R. Kalvoda) - find .
Prof. RNDr. KALVODA Robert, DrSc.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Natura - Interview with prof. A. Vlček and prof. Harry B. Gray on the theme Electron transfer…(in Czech only)
Prof. RNDr. VLČEK Antonín, CSc.

Český rozhlas Leonardo
Pořad Natura - Interview with Dr. Michael Heyrovský on the theme professor Jaroslav Heyrovský…(in Czech only).
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

Mladá Fronta Dnes
Dr. M. Heyrovský – article introducing four generations of Heyrovsky family (in Czech only).
HEYROVSKÝ Michael, Ph. D.

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