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Cacciotti Riccardo, Blaško M., Valach Jaroslav
A diagnostic ontological model for damages to historical constructions, Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2015, 16, (1), 40-48, 2015, full text
A diagnostic ontological model for damages to historical constructions, Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2015, 16, (1), 40-48, 2015, full text
Fiala Zdeněk
Evolution equation of Lie-type for finite deformations, time-discrete integration, and incremental methods, Acta mechanica. 2015, 226, (1), 17-35, 2015, full text
Evolution equation of Lie-type for finite deformations, time-discrete integration, and incremental methods, Acta mechanica. 2015, 226, (1), 17-35, 2015, full text
Drdácký Miloš, Lesák Jaroslav, Niedoba Krzysztof, Valach Jaroslav
Peeling tests for assessing the cohesion and consolidation characteristics of mortar and render surfaces, Materials and Structure2015, 48, (6), 1947-1963, 2015, full text
Peeling tests for assessing the cohesion and consolidation characteristics of mortar and render surfaces, Materials and Structure2015, 48, (6), 1947-1963, 2015, full text
Kloiber Michal, Drdácký Miloš, Tippner J., Hrivnák J.
Conventional compressive strength parallel to the grain and mechanical resistance of wood against pin penetration and microdrilling established by in-situ semidestructive devices, Materials and Structure2015, 48, (10), 3217-3229, 2015, full text
Conventional compressive strength parallel to the grain and mechanical resistance of wood against pin penetration and microdrilling established by in-situ semidestructive devices, Materials and Structure2015, 48, (10), 3217-3229, 2015, full text
Drdácký Miloš, Slížková Zuzana
In situ peeling tests for assessing the cohesion and consolidation characteristic of historic plaster and render surfaces, Studies in Conservation. 2015, 60, (2), 121-130, 2015, full text
In situ peeling tests for assessing the cohesion and consolidation characteristic of historic plaster and render surfaces, Studies in Conservation. 2015, 60, (2), 121-130, 2015, full text
Nežerka V., Němeček J., Slížková Zuzana, Tesárek P.
Investigation of crushed brick-matrix interface in lime-based ancient mortar by microscopy and nanoindentation, Cement & Concrete Composite2015, 55, January, 122-128, 2015, full text
Investigation of crushed brick-matrix interface in lime-based ancient mortar by microscopy and nanoindentation, Cement & Concrete Composite2015, 55, January, 122-128, 2015, full text
Slížková Zuzana, Drdácký Miloš, Viani Alberto
Consolidation of weak lime mortars by means of saturated solution of calcium hydroxide or barium hydroxide, Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2015, 16, (4), 452-460, 2015, full text
Consolidation of weak lime mortars by means of saturated solution of calcium hydroxide or barium hydroxide, Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2015, 16, (4), 452-460, 2015, full text
Kunecký Jiří, Sebera V., Hasníková Hana, Arciszewska-Kędzior Anna, Tippner J., Kloiber Michal
Experimental assessment of a full-scale lap scarf timber joint accompanied by a finite element analysis and digital image correlation, Construction and Building Material2015, 76, February, 24-33, 2015, full text
Experimental assessment of a full-scale lap scarf timber joint accompanied by a finite element analysis and digital image correlation, Construction and Building Material2015, 76, February, 24-33, 2015, full text
Frankl Jiří
Wood-damaging fungi in truss structures of baroque churches, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilitie2015, -, -, 2015
Wood-damaging fungi in truss structures of baroque churches, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilitie2015, -, -, 2015
Ševčík Radek, Šašek Petr, Pérez-Estébanez Marta, Viani Alberto
Chemical analysis of historic lime mortars: role of sample preparation, In Dvořák, K.; Gazdič, D.; Petránek, V.; Hájková, I.; Magrla, R. (ed.). Advanced Materials Research. Binders, materials and technologies in modern construction.. Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 2015, full text
Chemical analysis of historic lime mortars: role of sample preparation, In Dvořák, K.; Gazdič, D.; Petránek, V.; Hájková, I.; Magrla, R. (ed.). Advanced Materials Research. Binders, materials and technologies in modern construction.. Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 2015, full text
Fiala Zdeněk
Discussion of On the interpretation of the logarithmic strain tensor in an arbitrary system of representation by M. Latorre and FJ Montans, International Journal of Solids and Structure2015, 56/57, March, 290-291, 2015, full text
Discussion of On the interpretation of the logarithmic strain tensor in an arbitrary system of representation by M. Latorre and FJ Montans, International Journal of Solids and Structure2015, 56/57, March, 290-291, 2015, full text
Hasníková Hana, Kunecký Jiří, Fajman P.
Celodřevěné tesařské spoje, All-wooden carpentry joints, Stavebnictví. 2015, 9, 1/2, 12-15, 2015, full text
Celodřevěné tesařské spoje, All-wooden carpentry joints, Stavebnictví. 2015, 9, 1/2, 12-15, 2015, full text
Náprstek Jiří
Combined analytical and numerical approaches in Dynamic Stability analyses of engineering system, Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2015, 338, March, 2-41, 2015, full text
Combined analytical and numerical approaches in Dynamic Stability analyses of engineering system, Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2015, 338, March, 2-41, 2015, full text
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Brynych A.
Vliv vlastností tepelně ovlivněné oblasti podélného svaru na integritu plynovodního potrubí, Influence of the properties of the heat affected zones of longitudinal welds on gas pipeline integrity, Plyn : odborný měsíčník pro plynárenství. 2015, 95, (1), 4-10, 2015, full text
Vliv vlastností tepelně ovlivněné oblasti podélného svaru na integritu plynovodního potrubí, Influence of the properties of the heat affected zones of longitudinal welds on gas pipeline integrity, Plyn : odborný měsíčník pro plynárenství. 2015, 95, (1), 4-10, 2015, full text
Kafka Vratislav, Vokoun David
A three-scale model of basic mechanical properties of Nafion, Mechanics of Composite Material2015, 50, (6), 763-776, 2015, full text
A three-scale model of basic mechanical properties of Nafion, Mechanics of Composite Material2015, 50, (6), 763-776, 2015, full text
Minster Jiří, Králík V.
Temperature-dependent microindentation data of an epoxy composition in the glassy region, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Material2015, 19, (1), 75-85, 2015, full text
Temperature-dependent microindentation data of an epoxy composition in the glassy region, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Material2015, 19, (1), 75-85, 2015, full text
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Bystrianský J.
Crude Oil Corrosion Fatigue of L485MB Pipeline Steel, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the Asme. 2015, 137, (5), 051401, 2015, full text
Crude Oil Corrosion Fatigue of L485MB Pipeline Steel, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the Asme. 2015, 137, (5), 051401, 2015, full text
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Dynamic stability of a vertically excited non-linear continuous system, Computers and Structure2015, 155, July, 106-114, 2015, full text
Dynamic stability of a vertically excited non-linear continuous system, Computers and Structure2015, 155, July, 106-114, 2015, full text
Fischer Cyril, Fischer Ondřej, Frýba Ladislav
Numerical modelling of a bridge subjected to simultaneous effect of a moving load and a vertical seismic ground excitation, In Chleboun, J.; Přikryl, P.; Segeth, K.; Šístek, J.; Vejchodský, T. (ed.). Programs and algorithms of numerical mathematics 17. Proceedings of seminar. Praha : Matematický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i, 2015, 71-76, 2015, full text
Numerical modelling of a bridge subjected to simultaneous effect of a moving load and a vertical seismic ground excitation, In Chleboun, J.; Přikryl, P.; Segeth, K.; Šístek, J.; Vejchodský, T. (ed.). Programs and algorithms of numerical mathematics 17. Proceedings of seminar. Praha : Matematický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i, 2015, 71-76, 2015, full text
Major Štěpán, Hubálovský Š., Kocour Vladimír, Valach Jaroslav
Effectiveness of the modified fatigue criteria for biaxial loading of notched specimen in high-cycle region, In Polach, P. (ed.). Applied Mechanics and Materials. Applied Methods of the Analysis of Static and Dynamic Loads of Structures and Machines. Vol. 732.. Zürich : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 63-70, 2015, full text
Effectiveness of the modified fatigue criteria for biaxial loading of notched specimen in high-cycle region, In Polach, P. (ed.). Applied Mechanics and Materials. Applied Methods of the Analysis of Static and Dynamic Loads of Structures and Machines. Vol. 732.. Zürich : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 63-70, 2015, full text
Arciszewska-Kędzior Anna, Kunecký Jiří, Hasníková Hana, Sebera V.
Lapped scarf joint with inclined faces and wooden dowels: Experimental and numerical analysis, Engineering Structure2015, 94, July, 1-8, 2015, full text
Lapped scarf joint with inclined faces and wooden dowels: Experimental and numerical analysis, Engineering Structure2015, 94, July, 1-8, 2015, full text
Křístek Vladimír, Kunrt J., Škaloud Miroslav, Urushadze Shota
Problems connected with the application of lamella flanges in steel bridge construction, In Jendželovský, N.; Grmanová, A.; Ivánková, O.; Konečná, L. (ed.). Applied Mechanics and Materials. Trends in statics and dynamics of constructions. Vol. 769.. Pfaffikon : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 13-18, 2015, full text
Problems connected with the application of lamella flanges in steel bridge construction, In Jendželovský, N.; Grmanová, A.; Ivánková, O.; Konečná, L. (ed.). Applied Mechanics and Materials. Trends in statics and dynamics of constructions. Vol. 769.. Pfaffikon : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 13-18, 2015, full text
Witzany J., Makovička D., Zigler R., Čejka T., Urushadze Shota, Polák A.
Theoretical and experimantal research of a frame structure with articulated joints, In Kostelecká, M. (ed.). Advanced Materials Research. Proceedings from 21st Czech concrete day 2014. Vol. 1106.. Zürich : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 132-135, 2015, full text
Theoretical and experimantal research of a frame structure with articulated joints, In Kostelecká, M. (ed.). Advanced Materials Research. Proceedings from 21st Czech concrete day 2014. Vol. 1106.. Zürich : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 132-135, 2015, full text
Bayer Jan, Pospíšil Stanislav, Urushadze Shota, Kasal Bohumil
Changes of dynamic properties of a timber frame due to simulated seismic load: a case study, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 18-19, 2015, full text
Changes of dynamic properties of a timber frame due to simulated seismic load: a case study, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 18-19, 2015, full text
Buljac Andrija, Pospíšil Stanislav, Kozmar H., Kuznetsov Sergeii, Král Radomil
Comparison of flutter derivatives for Kao Pin Hsi Bridge and flat plate, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 36-37, 2015, full text
Comparison of flutter derivatives for Kao Pin Hsi Bridge and flat plate, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 36-37, 2015, full text
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin
Fracture toughness testing for improving the safety of gas pipeline, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 68-69, 2015, full text
Fracture toughness testing for improving the safety of gas pipeline, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 68-69, 2015, full text
Hračov Stanislav
Approximate calculation of eigen-values of linear viscously damped system with passive damping element, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 102-103, 2015, full text
Approximate calculation of eigen-values of linear viscously damped system with passive damping element, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 102-103, 2015, full text
Jandejsek Ivan, Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Vavřík Daniel
Experimental measurement of elastic-plastic fracture parameters using digital image correlation method, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 112-113, 2015, full text
Experimental measurement of elastic-plastic fracture parameters using digital image correlation method, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 112-113, 2015, full text
Janotová (Křivánková) Dana, Niedoba Krzysztof, Gláser Petr, Šašek Petr, Fabeš Roman
Properties of commercially available, ready-to-use mortars for restoration of historic renders and masonry, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 116-117, 2015, full text
Properties of commercially available, ready-to-use mortars for restoration of historic renders and masonry, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 116-117, 2015, full text
Jiroušek Ondřej, Koudelka Petr, Fíla Tomáš
Mechanical properties of 3D auxetic structures produced by additive manufacturing, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 124-125, 2015, full text
Mechanical properties of 3D auxetic structures produced by additive manufacturing, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 124-125, 2015, full text
Koudelka Petr
Experiment E7/0,3 - time behaviour of active pressure of non-cohesive sand after wall translative motion, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 146-147, 2015, full text
Experiment E7/0,3 - time behaviour of active pressure of non-cohesive sand after wall translative motion, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 146-147, 2015, full text
Král Radomil, Pospíšil Stanislav
Numerical investigation of wind effects on the perforated structures, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 156-157, 2015, full text
Numerical investigation of wind effects on the perforated structures, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 156-157, 2015, full text
Křístek Vladimír, Škaloud Miroslav, Kunrt J., Urushadze Shota
Problems of lamella flanges in steel bridge construction, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 164-165, 2015, full text
Problems of lamella flanges in steel bridge construction, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 164-165, 2015, full text
Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš, Adorna M., Neuhauserová M., Šleichrt Jan, Fenclová Nela, Gantar A., Novak S.
Deformation behaviour of gellan gum based scaffold subjected to compression loading, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 178-179, 2015, full text
Deformation behaviour of gellan gum based scaffold subjected to compression loading, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 178-179, 2015, full text
Macounová Dana, Bayer Karol, Ghaffari E., Navrátilová Michaela, Slížková Zuzana, Weber J.
Consolidation testing of porous limestone using lime nanomaterials: optimization, assessment of stone mechanical and structural characteristics, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 184-185, 2015, full text
Consolidation testing of porous limestone using lime nanomaterials: optimization, assessment of stone mechanical and structural characteristics, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 184-185, 2015, full text
Major Štěpán, Kocour Vladimír, Hubálovský Š.
Mechanics of laser cut stent grafts, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 186-187, 2015, full text
Mechanics of laser cut stent grafts, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 186-187, 2015, full text
Major Štěpán, Vavřík Daniel, Kocour Vladimír, Bryscejn Jan
The influence of deformation of the frame of testing device on the accuracy of Brazilian test and indirect assessment of Young modulus, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 188-189, 2015, full text
The influence of deformation of the frame of testing device on the accuracy of Brazilian test and indirect assessment of Young modulus, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 188-189, 2015, full text
Minster Jiří, Šašek Petr
Microindentation assessment of climatic loading impacts on polymer sealants, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 202-203, 2015, full text
Microindentation assessment of climatic loading impacts on polymer sealants, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 202-203, 2015, full text
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Non-linear normal modes in dynamics - discrete systems, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 208-209, 2015, full text
Non-linear normal modes in dynamics - discrete systems, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 208-209, 2015, full text
Pospíšil Stanislav, Górski P., Kuznetsov Sergeii, Tatara Marcin, Marušić Ante
Variation of Strouhal number on iced cable in sub-transitional range, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 238-239, 2015, full text
Variation of Strouhal number on iced cable in sub-transitional range, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 238-239, 2015, full text
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie, Urushadze Shota
The miracle of post-buckled behaviour in thin-walled steel construction and its breathing-induced limitation, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 280-281, 2015, full text
The miracle of post-buckled behaviour in thin-walled steel construction and its breathing-induced limitation, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 280-281, 2015, full text
Slížková Zuzana, Frankeová Dita
Strengthening of weak historic renders with traditional and innovated consolidation treatment, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 282-283, 2015, full text
Strengthening of weak historic renders with traditional and innovated consolidation treatment, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 282-283, 2015, full text
Urushadze Shota, Pirner Miroš, Fischer Ondřej
Wind tunnel experimental study of coupled rocking-swivelling model of guyed mast shaft, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 334-335, 2015, full text
Wind tunnel experimental study of coupled rocking-swivelling model of guyed mast shaft, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 334-335, 2015, full text
Zlámal Petr, Fíla Tomáš, Králík V.
Testing of energy absorption capability of sandwich structures based on metal foams for design of protective helmets, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 380-381, 2015, full text
Testing of energy absorption capability of sandwich structures based on metal foams for design of protective helmets, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 380-381, 2015, full text
Slížková Zuzana, Gruber M., Kostkanová (Herbstová) Vladislava, Frankeová Dita, Wimmer-Frey I., Drdácký Miloš
Soils and earthen building materials used for the Buddhist Temple Complex, International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2015, -, -, x-y, 2015
Soils and earthen building materials used for the Buddhist Temple Complex, International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2015, -, -, x-y, 2015
Gajdoš Ľubomír, Šperl Martin, Bystrianský J.
Fatigue behaviour of X70 steel in crude oil, Materials and Technology. 2015, 49, (2), 243-246, 2015, full text
Fatigue behaviour of X70 steel in crude oil, Materials and Technology. 2015, 49, (2), 243-246, 2015, full text
Doktor Tomáš, Kytýř Daniel, Koudelka Petr, Zlámal Petr, Fíla Tomáš, Jiroušek Ondřej
Determination of elastic-plastic properties of Alporas foam at the cell-wall level using microscale-cantilever bending tests, Materials and Technology. 2015, 49, (2), 203-206, 2015, full text
Determination of elastic-plastic properties of Alporas foam at the cell-wall level using microscale-cantilever bending tests, Materials and Technology. 2015, 49, (2), 203-206, 2015, full text
Suchý V., Sandler A., Slobodník M., Sýkorová I., Filip Jiří, Melka Karel, Zeman Antonín
Diagenesis to very low-grade metamorphism in lower Palaeozoic sediments: A case study from deep borehole Tobolka 1, the Barrandian Basin, Czech Republic, International Journal of Coal Geology. 2015, 140, FEB, 41-62, 2015, full text
Diagenesis to very low-grade metamorphism in lower Palaeozoic sediments: A case study from deep borehole Tobolka 1, the Barrandian Basin, Czech Republic, International Journal of Coal Geology. 2015, 140, FEB, 41-62, 2015, full text
Drdácký Miloš
Historical structures - inspiration from concepts through details to forms, In IABSE Conference. Nara 2015. Elegance in structures. Report. Zurich : IABSE. International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, 2015, 2015, full text
Historical structures - inspiration from concepts through details to forms, In IABSE Conference. Nara 2015. Elegance in structures. Report. Zurich : IABSE. International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, 2015, 2015, full text
Navrátilová Michaela, Bayer Karol, Ghaffari E., Macounová Dana, Slížková Zuzana, Weber J.
Modification of protective lime coating systems for the porous limestone using lime nanomaterials: assessment of mechanical properties and ageing resistance, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 210-211, 2015, full text
Modification of protective lime coating systems for the porous limestone using lime nanomaterials: assessment of mechanical properties and ageing resistance, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015. 210-211, 2015, full text
Valach Jaroslav, Wolf Benjamin, Paulová E., Urushadze Shota
Assessment of vibrations in museum's environment, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015, 2015, full text
Assessment of vibrations in museum's environment, In Engineering mechanics 2015. 21st International conference, May 11-14, 2015, Svratka, Czech Republic. Extended abstracts. Prague : Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., 2015, 2015, full text
Klíma K., Vaněček Václav, Kohout A., Jiroušek Josef, Foltán R., Štulík J., Machoň V., Pavlíková G., Jendelová P., Syková Eva, Šedý J.
Stem cells regenerative properties on new rat spinal fusion model, Physiological Research. 2015, 64, (1), 119-128, 2015
Stem cells regenerative properties on new rat spinal fusion model, Physiological Research. 2015, 64, (1), 119-128, 2015
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril, Král Radomil, Pospíšil Stanislav
Comparison of numerical and semi-analytical solution of a simple non-linear system in state of the stochastic resonance, In Papadrakakis, M.; Papadopoulos, V.; Plevris, V. (ed.). COMPDYN 2015. 5th ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational methods in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering. Atheny : National Technical University of Athens, 2015, 1971-1982, 2015, full text
Comparison of numerical and semi-analytical solution of a simple non-linear system in state of the stochastic resonance, In Papadrakakis, M.; Papadopoulos, V.; Plevris, V. (ed.). COMPDYN 2015. 5th ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational methods in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering. Atheny : National Technical University of Athens, 2015, 1971-1982, 2015, full text
Fíla Tomáš, Kumpová Ivana, Jandejsek Ivan, Kloiber Michal, Tureček D., Vavřík Daniel
Utilization of dual-source X-ray tomography for reduction of scanning time of wooden samples, Journal of Instrumentation. 2015, 10, (5), C05008, 2015, full text
Utilization of dual-source X-ray tomography for reduction of scanning time of wooden samples, Journal of Instrumentation. 2015, 10, (5), C05008, 2015, full text
Michalcova V., Kuznetsov Sergeii, Lausova L., Skotnicova I.
Numerical and experimental modelling of an air flow field in the chamber of a rectangular cross-section contraction, In Jendželovský, N.; Grmanová, A.; Ivánková, O.; Konečná, L. (ed.). Applied Mechanics and Materials. Trends in statics and dynamics of constructions. Vol. 769.. Pfaffikon : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 161-165, 2015, full text
Numerical and experimental modelling of an air flow field in the chamber of a rectangular cross-section contraction, In Jendželovský, N.; Grmanová, A.; Ivánková, O.; Konečná, L. (ed.). Applied Mechanics and Materials. Trends in statics and dynamics of constructions. Vol. 769.. Pfaffikon : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 161-165, 2015, full text
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Static and dynamic analysis of beam assemblies using a differential system on an oriented graph, Computers and Structure2015, 155, July, 28-41, 2015, full text
Static and dynamic analysis of beam assemblies using a differential system on an oriented graph, Computers and Structure2015, 155, July, 28-41, 2015, full text
Ševčík Radek, Mácová Petra, Pérez-Estébanez Marta
Crystallization of aragonite from vaterite precursor during various refluxing times, In Advanced materials research Vol. 1119.. Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 466-470, 2015, full text
Crystallization of aragonite from vaterite precursor during various refluxing times, In Advanced materials research Vol. 1119.. Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 466-470, 2015, full text
Yau J. D., Frýba Ladislav
A quasi-vehicle/bridge interaction model for high speed railways, Journal of Mechanic2015, 31, (2), 217-225, 2015
A quasi-vehicle/bridge interaction model for high speed railways, Journal of Mechanic2015, 31, (2), 217-225, 2015
Kunecký Jiří, Arciszewska-Kędzior Anna, Sebera V., Hasníková Hana
Mechanical performance of dovetail joint related to the global stiffness of timber roof structures, Materials and Structure2015, -, -, , ---, 2015, full text
Mechanical performance of dovetail joint related to the global stiffness of timber roof structures, Materials and Structure2015, -, -, , ---, 2015, full text
Cacciotti Riccardo, Petráňová Veronika, Frankeová Dita
Understanding the 16th century coastal watchtowers: Material characterisation of Torre Gregoriana (Italy), Construction and Building Material2015, 93, September, 608-619, 2015, full text
Understanding the 16th century coastal watchtowers: Material characterisation of Torre Gregoriana (Italy), Construction and Building Material2015, 93, September, 608-619, 2015, full text
Křístek Vladimír, Kunrt J., Škaloud Miroslav, Urushadze Shota
The cumulative damage process induced by unavoidable imperfections of lamella flanges, In Camotim, D.; Dinis, P. B.; Chan, S. L.; Wang, C. M.; Conçalves, R.; Silvestre, N.; Basaglia, C.; Landesmann, A.; Bebiano, R. (ed.). Advances in steel structures. IJSSD 2015. Symposium on progress in structural stability and dynamics. Lisbon : University of Lisbon, 2015, 2015, full text
The cumulative damage process induced by unavoidable imperfections of lamella flanges, In Camotim, D.; Dinis, P. B.; Chan, S. L.; Wang, C. M.; Conçalves, R.; Silvestre, N.; Basaglia, C.; Landesmann, A.; Bebiano, R. (ed.). Advances in steel structures. IJSSD 2015. Symposium on progress in structural stability and dynamics. Lisbon : University of Lisbon, 2015, 2015, full text
Škaloud Miroslav, Zörnerová Marie, Urushadze Shota
Post-buckled behaviour and breathing-induced fatigue in thin-walled steel plated structures, In Camotim, D.; Dinis, P. B.; Chan, S. L.; Wang, C. M.; Conçalves, R.; Silvestre, N.; Basaglia, C.; Landesmann, A.; Bebiano, R. (ed.). Advances in steel structures. IJSSD 2015. Symposium on progress in structural stability and dynamics. Lisbon : University of Lisbon, 2015, 2015, full text
Post-buckled behaviour and breathing-induced fatigue in thin-walled steel plated structures, In Camotim, D.; Dinis, P. B.; Chan, S. L.; Wang, C. M.; Conçalves, R.; Silvestre, N.; Basaglia, C.; Landesmann, A.; Bebiano, R. (ed.). Advances in steel structures. IJSSD 2015. Symposium on progress in structural stability and dynamics. Lisbon : University of Lisbon, 2015, 2015, full text
Ševčík Radek, Pérez-Estébanez Marta, Viani Alberto, Šašek Petr, Mácová Petra
Characterization of vaterite synthesized at various temperatures and stirring velocities without use of additives, Powder Technology. 2015, 284, November, 265-271, 2015, full text
Characterization of vaterite synthesized at various temperatures and stirring velocities without use of additives, Powder Technology. 2015, 284, November, 265-271, 2015, full text
Kunecký Jiří, Sebera V., Tippner J., Hasníková Hana, Kloiber Michal, Arciszewska-Kędzior Anna, Milch J.
Mechanical performance and contact zone of timber joint with oblique faces, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensi2015, 63, (4), 1153-1159, 2015, full text
Mechanical performance and contact zone of timber joint with oblique faces, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensi2015, 63, (4), 1153-1159, 2015, full text
Drdácký Miloš, Kloiber Michal
Considerate SDT methods for safety assessment of historic timber, In Recent advances in mechanics and materials design. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on mechanics and materials in design. Porto : University of Porto, 2015. 915-916, 2015, full text
Considerate SDT methods for safety assessment of historic timber, In Recent advances in mechanics and materials design. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on mechanics and materials in design. Porto : University of Porto, 2015. 915-916, 2015, full text
Kostelecká M., Kytýř Daniel, Petráňová Veronika, Koudelka Petr
Microscopic analysis of degradation of polymer fibres subjected to aggressive environment, In Drochytka, R.; Vaněrek, J.; Benešová, A. (ed.). Advanced materials research. Proceedings of the conference on the Rehabilitation and reconstruction of buildings (CRRB 2014).. Zürich : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 169-172, 2015, full text
Microscopic analysis of degradation of polymer fibres subjected to aggressive environment, In Drochytka, R.; Vaněrek, J.; Benešová, A. (ed.). Advanced materials research. Proceedings of the conference on the Rehabilitation and reconstruction of buildings (CRRB 2014).. Zürich : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 169-172, 2015, full text
Doktor Tomáš, Zlámal Petr, Fíla Tomáš, Koudelka Petr, Kytýř Daniel, Jiroušek Ondřej
Properties of polymer-filled aluminium foams under moderate strain-rate loading conditions, Materials and Technology. 2015, 49, (4), 597-600, 2015, full text
Properties of polymer-filled aluminium foams under moderate strain-rate loading conditions, Materials and Technology. 2015, 49, (4), 597-600, 2015, full text
Kloiber Michal, Drdácký Miloš, Machado J. S., Piazza M., Yamaguchi N.
Prediction of mechanical properties by means of semi-destructive methods: a review, Construction and Building Material2015, XX, x, x-y, 2015, full text
Prediction of mechanical properties by means of semi-destructive methods: a review, Construction and Building Material2015, XX, x, x-y, 2015, full text
Milch J., Tippner J., Sebera V., Kunecký Jiří, Kloiber Michal, Navrátil M.
The numerical assessment of a full-scale truss reconstructed employing a traditional all-wooden joints, In Horáček, P.; Wimmer, R.; Rademacher, P.; Kúdela, J.; Kolářová, V.; Děcký, D. (ed.). InWood2015. Innovations in wood materials and processes. International conference. Brno : Mendel University in Brno, 2015, 30-31, 2015, full text
The numerical assessment of a full-scale truss reconstructed employing a traditional all-wooden joints, In Horáček, P.; Wimmer, R.; Rademacher, P.; Kúdela, J.; Kolářová, V.; Děcký, D. (ed.). InWood2015. Innovations in wood materials and processes. International conference. Brno : Mendel University in Brno, 2015, 30-31, 2015, full text
Nunes Cristiana Lara, Slížková Zuzana
Lime-based repair mortars with water-repellent admixtures: laboratory durability assessment, In Amoeda, R.; Lira, S.; Pinheiro, C. (ed.). REHAB 2015. Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on preservation, maitenance and rehabilitation of historical structures.. Barcelos : Green Lines Instituto para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2015, 851-860, 2015, full text
Lime-based repair mortars with water-repellent admixtures: laboratory durability assessment, In Amoeda, R.; Lira, S.; Pinheiro, C. (ed.). REHAB 2015. Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on preservation, maitenance and rehabilitation of historical structures.. Barcelos : Green Lines Instituto para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2015, 851-860, 2015, full text
Kumpová Ivana, Fíla Tomáš, Vavřík Daniel, Keršner Z.
X-ray dynamic observation of the evolution of the fracture process zone in a quasi-brittle specimen, Journal of Instrumentation. 2015, 10, (8), C08004, 2015, full text
X-ray dynamic observation of the evolution of the fracture process zone in a quasi-brittle specimen, Journal of Instrumentation. 2015, 10, (8), C08004, 2015, full text
Náprstek Jiří, Pospíšil Stanislav, Yau J. D.
Stability of two-degrees-of-freedom aero-elastic models with frequency and time variable parametric self-induced forces, Journal of Fluids and Structure2015, 57, August, 91-107, 2015, full text
Stability of two-degrees-of-freedom aero-elastic models with frequency and time variable parametric self-induced forces, Journal of Fluids and Structure2015, 57, August, 91-107, 2015, full text
Frankeová Dita, Slížková Zuzana
Evaluation of pozzolanic activity of the individual mortar's components by thermal analysis, In Rzączyńska, Z.; Pacewska, B.; Łyszczek, R. (ed.). CCTA12. 12th Conference on calorimetry and thermal analysis. 5th Joint Czech-Hungarian-Polish-Slovakian thermoanalytical conference. Lublin : Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, 2015, 259-260, 2015, full text
Evaluation of pozzolanic activity of the individual mortar's components by thermal analysis, In Rzączyńska, Z.; Pacewska, B.; Łyszczek, R. (ed.). CCTA12. 12th Conference on calorimetry and thermal analysis. 5th Joint Czech-Hungarian-Polish-Slovakian thermoanalytical conference. Lublin : Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, 2015, 259-260, 2015, full text
Kloiber Michal, Bláha Jiří, Václavík F., Růžička P., Kunecký Jiří
Modern diagnostic methods and traditional carpentry techniques used for the renovation of the White Tower belfry in Hradec Kralove, In Jasieńko, J.; Nowak, T. (ed.). Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures. Proceedings of the International conference on Structural health assessment of timber structures, SHATIS'15 Vol. 1.. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2015, 260-271, 2015, full text
Modern diagnostic methods and traditional carpentry techniques used for the renovation of the White Tower belfry in Hradec Kralove, In Jasieńko, J.; Nowak, T. (ed.). Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures. Proceedings of the International conference on Structural health assessment of timber structures, SHATIS'15 Vol. 1.. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2015, 260-271, 2015, full text
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Quasi-periodic response types of a single non-linear dynamic system in resonance and out of resonance domains, In Boltežar, M. (ed.). Proceedings of ICoEV 2015. International conference on engineering vibration. Ljubljana : CTP National and University Library of Slovenia, 2015, 662-671, 2015, full text
Quasi-periodic response types of a single non-linear dynamic system in resonance and out of resonance domains, In Boltežar, M. (ed.). Proceedings of ICoEV 2015. International conference on engineering vibration. Ljubljana : CTP National and University Library of Slovenia, 2015, 662-671, 2015, full text
Náprstek Jiří, Fischer Cyril
Internal character of the quasi-periodic response near the resonance of a single non-linear system, In Kruis, J.; Tsompanakis, Y.; Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Civil-Comp Proceedings. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Vol. 108.. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2015, 101, 2015, full text
Internal character of the quasi-periodic response near the resonance of a single non-linear system, In Kruis, J.; Tsompanakis, Y.; Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Civil-Comp Proceedings. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Vol. 108.. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2015, 101, 2015, full text
Beran Pavel
The impact of the masonry temperature during restoration to the thermal stress of historic masonry, In Kruis, J.; Tsompanakis, Y.; Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Civil-Comp Proceedings. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Vol. 108.. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2015, 68, 2015, full text
The impact of the masonry temperature during restoration to the thermal stress of historic masonry, In Kruis, J.; Tsompanakis, Y.; Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Civil-Comp Proceedings. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Vol. 108.. Kippen : Civil-Comp Press, 2015, 68, 2015, full text
Náprstek Jiří
Stochastic resonance: Challenges to engineering dynamics, In Tsompanakis, Y.; Kruis, J.; Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Computational Technology Reviews 12.. Kippen : Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2015. 53-101, 2015, full text
Stochastic resonance: Challenges to engineering dynamics, In Tsompanakis, Y.; Kruis, J.; Topping, B.H.V. (ed.). Computational Technology Reviews 12.. Kippen : Saxe-Coburg Publications, 2015. 53-101, 2015, full text
Ettler V., Petráňová Veronika, Vítková M., Mihaljevič M., Šebek O., Kříbek B.
Reactivity of fly ash from copper smelters in an Oxisol: implications for smelter-polluted soil systems in the tropics, Journal of Soils and Sediment2015, -, -, x-y, 2015
Reactivity of fly ash from copper smelters in an Oxisol: implications for smelter-polluted soil systems in the tropics, Journal of Soils and Sediment2015, -, -, x-y, 2015
Beran Pavel
The impact of stone shape to the thermal stress of ashlar masonry, In Simos, T.E.; Tsitouras, Ch. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014 (ICNAAM-2014) Vol. 1648.. Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2015, 090005, 2015, full text
The impact of stone shape to the thermal stress of ashlar masonry, In Simos, T.E.; Tsitouras, Ch. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014 (ICNAAM-2014) Vol. 1648.. Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2015, 090005, 2015, full text
Beran Pavel
The impact of air flow to the distribution of heat transfer coefficient on circular cylinder, In Simos, T.E.; Tsitouras, Ch. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014 (ICNAAM-2014) Vol. 1648.. Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2015, 090006, 2015, full text
The impact of air flow to the distribution of heat transfer coefficient on circular cylinder, In Simos, T.E.; Tsitouras, Ch. (ed.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014 (ICNAAM-2014) Vol. 1648.. Melville, NY : AIP Publishing, 2015, 090006, 2015, full text
Arciszewska-Kędzior Anna, Kunecký Jiří, Hasníková Hana
Mechanical response of a lap scarf joint with inclined faces and wooden dowels under combined loading, In Jasieńko, J.; Nowak, T. (ed.). Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures. Proceedings of the International conference on Structural health assessment of timber structures, SHATIS'15 Vol. 1.. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2015, 849-858, 2015, full text
Mechanical response of a lap scarf joint with inclined faces and wooden dowels under combined loading, In Jasieńko, J.; Nowak, T. (ed.). Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures. Proceedings of the International conference on Structural health assessment of timber structures, SHATIS'15 Vol. 1.. Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne, 2015, 849-858, 2015, full text
Fíla Tomáš, Kumpová Ivana, Jandejsek Ivan, Vavřík Daniel
Modular multi-purpose X-ray device with dual-source and dual-energy scanning capability, In Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography (DIR 2015). Bad Breisig : The Web's Largest Open Access Database of Nondestructive Testing (NDT), 2015, 18076, 2015, full text
Modular multi-purpose X-ray device with dual-source and dual-energy scanning capability, In Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography (DIR 2015). Bad Breisig : The Web's Largest Open Access Database of Nondestructive Testing (NDT), 2015, 18076, 2015, full text
Mácová Petra
Srovnání spekter vzorků vazelíny naměřených metodou infračervené spektrometrie s Fourierovou transformací, Comparison of the spectra of Vaseline samples using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 2015, full text
Srovnání spekter vzorků vazelíny naměřených metodou infračervené spektrometrie s Fourierovou transformací, Comparison of the spectra of Vaseline samples using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 2015, full text
Šašek Petr
Stanoveni koeficientu délkové teplotní roztažnosti slinuté PZT keramiky, Determination of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of sintered PZT ceramics, 2015, full text
Stanoveni koeficientu délkové teplotní roztažnosti slinuté PZT keramiky, Determination of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of sintered PZT ceramics, 2015, full text
Petráňová Veronika, Koudelka Petr, Kytýř Daniel, Doktor Tomáš, Valach Jaroslav
Evaluation of Material Parameters of Multiphase Materials Using Drift Distortion Corrected SEM Imaging, In Kovalčíková, A.; Lofaj, F. (ed.). Key Engineering Materials. Mechanical properties of materials from nano to micro/meso-scale. Vol. 662.. Durnten : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 253-256, 2015, full text
Evaluation of Material Parameters of Multiphase Materials Using Drift Distortion Corrected SEM Imaging, In Kovalčíková, A.; Lofaj, F. (ed.). Key Engineering Materials. Mechanical properties of materials from nano to micro/meso-scale. Vol. 662.. Durnten : Trans Tech Publications, 2015, 253-256, 2015, full text
Major Štěpán, Kocour Vladimír
Fatigue life prediction of pedicle screw for spinal surgery, In The 5th international conference on crack paths (CP 2015). Ferrara : University of Ferrara, 2015. 94, 2015
Fatigue life prediction of pedicle screw for spinal surgery, In The 5th international conference on crack paths (CP 2015). Ferrara : University of Ferrara, 2015. 94, 2015
Hračov Stanislav, Pospíšil Stanislav, Garofano A., Urushadze Shota
In-plane cyclic behaviour of unfired clay and earth brick walls in both unstrengthened and strengthened conditions, Materials and Structure2015, -, -, 2015, full text
In-plane cyclic behaviour of unfired clay and earth brick walls in both unstrengthened and strengthened conditions, Materials and Structure2015, -, -, 2015, full text
Kloiber Michal
Diagnostika dřevěných konstrukcí, Diagnostic of timber structures, In Lesniaková, P. (ed.). Neinvazivní metody v péči o kulturní dědictví. Sborník příspěvků z odborného semináře konaného ve dnech 28. - 29. 4. v Litomyšli. Pardubice : Univerzita Pardubice, 2015, 39-44, 2015
Diagnostika dřevěných konstrukcí, Diagnostic of timber structures, In Lesniaková, P. (ed.). Neinvazivní metody v péči o kulturní dědictví. Sborník příspěvků z odborného semináře konaného ve dnech 28. - 29. 4. v Litomyšli. Pardubice : Univerzita Pardubice, 2015, 39-44, 2015
Gláser Petr
3D skenování v rukou restaurátora, In Lesniaková, P. (ed.). Neinvazivní metody v péči o kulturní dědictví. Sborník příspěvků z odborného semináře konaného ve dnech 28. - 29. 4. v Litomyšli. Pardubice : Univerzita Pardubice, 2015, 17-14, 2015, full text
3D skenování v rukou restaurátora, In Lesniaková, P. (ed.). Neinvazivní metody v péči o kulturní dědictví. Sborník příspěvků z odborného semináře konaného ve dnech 28. - 29. 4. v Litomyšli. Pardubice : Univerzita Pardubice, 2015, 17-14, 2015, full text
Havlín J., Slavíková M., Válek Jan, Bayer Karol
Neinvazivní techniky průzkumu pískovcového zdiva, In Lesniaková, P. (ed.). Neinvazivní metody v péči o kulturní dědictví. Sborník příspěvků z odborného semináře konaného ve dnech 28. - 29. 4. v Litomyšli. Pardubice : Univerzita Pardubice, 2015, 25-29, 2015, full text
Neinvazivní techniky průzkumu pískovcového zdiva, In Lesniaková, P. (ed.). Neinvazivní metody v péči o kulturní dědictví. Sborník příspěvků z odborného semináře konaného ve dnech 28. - 29. 4. v Litomyšli. Pardubice : Univerzita Pardubice, 2015, 25-29, 2015, full text
Pavlík Z., Fořt J., Černý R., Beran Pavel
In-situ monitoring of the effect of external environment on a contemporary building in Prague: the performance of the additional thermal insulation system, In Lee, G.; Wu, Y. (ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Civil, Materials and Environmental Sciences. Paris : Atlantis Press, 2015, 28-30, 2015
In-situ monitoring of the effect of external environment on a contemporary building in Prague: the performance of the additional thermal insulation system, In Lee, G.; Wu, Y. (ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Civil, Materials and Environmental Sciences. Paris : Atlantis Press, 2015, 28-30, 2015
Kasal Bohumil , Polocoser T., Guindos P., Urushadze Shota, Pospíšil Stanislav, Heiduschke A., Rüther N., Zembaty Z.
High-performance composite-reinforced earthquake resistant buildings with self-aligning capabilities, Experimental research in earthquake engineering. EU-Series concluding workshop. 2015, 35, April, 359-372, 2015
High-performance composite-reinforced earthquake resistant buildings with self-aligning capabilities, Experimental research in earthquake engineering. EU-Series concluding workshop. 2015, 35, April, 359-372, 2015
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