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Adamík P., Emmenegger T., Briedis M., Gustafsson L., Henshaw I., Krist M., Laaksonen T., Liechti F., Procházka P., Salewski V., Hahn S.: Barrier crossing in small avian migrants: individual tracking reveals prolonged nocturnal flights into the day as a common migratory strategy, Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 21560.

Bakonyi T., Gaydon G. K., Schwing R., Vogl W., Häbich A.-C., Thaller D., Weissenböck H., Rudolf I., Hubálek Z., Nowotny N.: Chronic West Nile virus infection in kea (Nestor notabilis), Veterinary Microbiology 183 (2016) 135-139.

Dufresnes C., Majtyka T., Baird Stuart J. E., Gerchen J. F., Borzée A., Savary R., Ogielska M., Perrin N., Stöck M.: Empirical evidence for large X-effects in animals with undifferentiated sex chromosomes, Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 21029.

Gohli J., Lifjeld J. T., Albrecht T.: Migration distance is positively associated with sex-linked genetic diversity in passerine birds, Ethology, Ecology and Evolution (2016) 42-52.

Gomez A., Petrželková K., Burns M. B., Yeoman C. J., Amato K. R., Vlčková K., Modrý D., Todd A., Robinson C. A. J., Remis M. J., Torralba M., Morton E., Umana J. D., Carbonero F., Gaskins H. R., Nelson K., Wilson B. A., Stumpf R. M., White B. A., Leigh S. R., Blekhman R.: Gut microbiome of coexisting BaAka pygmies and Bantu reflects gradients of traditional subsistence patterns, Cell Reports (2016) .

Gomez A., Rothman J. M., Petrželková K., Yeoman C. J., Vlčková K., Umana J. D., Carr M., Modrý D., Todd A., Torralba M., Nelson K. E., Stumpf R. M., Wilson B. A., Blekhman R., White B. A., Leigh S. R.: Temporal variation selects for diet–microbe co-metabolic traits in the gut of Gorilla spp, The ISME Journal 10 (2016) 514-526.

Gouveia A. R., Bjornstad O. N., Tkadlec E.: Dissecting geographic variation in population synchrony using the common vole in central Europe as a test bed, Ecology and Evolution 6 (2016) 212-218.

Hubálek Z.: The North Atlantic Oscillation system and plant phenology, International Journal of Biometeorology (2016) .

Jelínek V., Požgayová M., Honza M., Procházka P.: Nest as an extended phenotype signal of female quality in the great reed warbler, Journal of avian biology 47 (2016) (2016) .

Jurajda P., Roche K., Sedláček I., Všetičková L.: Assemblage characteristics and diet of fish in the shallow coastal waters of James Ross Island, Antarctica, Polar Biology (2016) .

Jurajda P., Adámek Z., Janáč M., Roche K., Mikl L., Rederer L., Zapletal T., Koza V., Špaček J.: Use of multiple fish-removal methods during biomanipulation of a drinking water reservoir – Evaluation of the first four years, Fisheries Research 173 (2016) 101-108.

Kalousová B., Hasegawa H., Petrželková K., Sakamaki T., Kooriyma T., Modrý D.: Adult hookworms (Necator spp.) collected from researchers working with wild western lowland gorillas, Parasites Vectors 9 (2016) 75.

Kalúz S., Hung N. M., Čapek M., Literák I.: Two new species and new records of chiggers (Acari: Leeuwenhoekiidae,Trombiculidae) from birds in Vietnam, Zootaxa 4061 (2016) 483-503.

Kmentová N., Gelnar M., Koblmüller S., Vanhove M. P. M.: First insights into the diversity of gill monogeneans of 'Gnathochromis' and Limnochromis (Teleostei, Cichlidae) in Burundi: do the parasites mirror host ecology and phylogenetic history?, PeerJ 4 (2016) .

Konečná M., Janáč M., Roche K., Jurajda P.: Environment not "nativeness" dictates reproductive trait shifts in Ponto-Caspian gobies, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25 (2016) 167-170.

Krojerová-Prokešová J., Homolka M., Barančeková M., Heroldová M., Baňař P., Kamler J., Purchart L., Suchomel J., Zejda J.: Structure of small mammal communities on clearings in managed Central European forests, Forest Ecology and Management 367 (2016) 41-51.

Lamand F., Roche K., Beisel J.-N.: Glochidial infestation by the endangered mollusc Unio crassus in rivers of north-eastern France: Phoxinus phoxinus and Cottus gobio as primary fish hosts, Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem (2016) .

Lučan R. K., Bandouchová H., Bartonička T., Pikula J., Zahradníková Jr. A., Zukal J., Martínková N.: Ectoparasites may serve as vectors for the white-nose syndrome fungus, Parasites Vectors 9 (2016) 16.

Omotoriogun T. C., Albrecht T., Hořák D., Laskemoen T., Ottosson U., Rowe M., Sedláček O., Lifjeld J. T.: Sperm size evolution in African greenbuls (Passeriformes: Pycnonotidae), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117 (2016) 337-349.

Opatová P., Ihle M., Albrechtová J., Tomášek O., Kempenaers B., Forstmeier W., Albrecht T.: Inbreeding depression of sperm traits in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata, Ecology and Evolution 6 (2016) 295-304.

Stierandová S., Vukic J., Vasil'eva E. D., Zogaris S., Shumka S., Halačka K., Vetešník L., Švátora M., Nowak M., Stefanov T., Koščo J., Mendel J.: A multilocus assessment of nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data elucidates phylogenetic relationships among European spirlins (Alburnoides, Cyprinidae), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 94 (2016) 479-491.

Šulc M., Procházka P., Čapek M., Honza M.: Birds use eggshell UV reflectance when recognizing non-mimetic parasitic eggs, Behavioral Ecology (2016) .

Venclíková K., Mendel J., Betášová L., Blažejová H., Jedličková P., Straková P., Hubálek Z., Rudolf I.: Neglected tick-borne pathogens in the Czech Republic, 2011–2014, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 7 (2016) 107-112.

Zukal J., Bandouchová H., Brichta J., Cmoková A., Jaron K. S., Kolařík M., Kováčová V., Kubátová A., Nováková A., Orlov O., Pikula J., Presetnik P., Šuba J., Zahradníková Jr. A., Martínková N.: White-nose syndrome without borders: Pseudogymnoascus destructans infection tolerated in Europe and Palearctic Asia but not in North America, Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 19829.

Zukal J., Berková H., Madaraszová J.: Flying or sleeping: flight activity of bats in natural cave with confirmed WNS, Folia zoologica 65 (2016) 46-51.

Živná D., Plhalová L., Chromcová L., Blahová J., Prokeš M., Skorič M., Maršálek P., Prášková E., Štěpánová S., Svobodová Z.: The effects of ciprofloxacin on early life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology (2016) .