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11 Apr 15 - 3 Nov 18
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Research priorities

Our research is mainly focused on ecology and eco-epidemiology of zoonotic microorganisms with main emphasis on emerging and re-emerging pathogens. The role of endotherm vertebrates (host of pathogenic agents) and haematophagous arthtropods (biological vectors) in circulation ot zoonotic pathogens as well as natural and soci-economic factors driving emergence of particular infections are intensively explored.

Reasearch facility in Valtice is well-equipped with state-of-the-art molecular devices as well as modern animal facility fulfilling all safety measures which are needed for handling with laboratory animals.

Issues addresed:

  • isolation and identification of novel microorganisms including human pathogens (microbe hunting);
  • ecology of arthropod-borne microorganisms (e.g., West Nile and tick-borne encephalitis flaviviruses, spirochaete Borrelia burgdorferi, rickettsia Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and protozoan Babesia spp.);
  • implementing 'One health' concept for studying emerging zoonoses;
  • risk of introduction of new mosquito invasive vectors and mosquito-borne diseases into territory of Central Europe;
  • expert advice regarding prevention and control of zoonoses (contribution to preventive human and veterinary medicine);
  • expert opinion on emerging infectious diseases.


Klášterní 2, 691 42 Valtice
tel: +420 519 352 961
mail: rudolf@brno.cas.cz


Head of the Facility

Rudolf Ivo, RNDr., Ph.D., +420 519 352 961, <rudolfbrno.cas.cz>, eco-epidemiology of microbial pathogens

Full-time Researchers

Hubálek Zdeněk, prof. RNDr., DrSc., +420 519 352 961, <zhubalekbrno.cas.cz>, eco-epidemiology of microbial pathogens

Šikutová Silvie, Mgr., Ph.D., +420 519 352 961, <sikutovabrno.cas.cz>, ecology of arthropod vectors

Research Assistants

Betášová Lenka, Ing., +420 519 352 961, <betasovaivb.cz>, molecular diagnostics of pathogens

Blažejová Hana, Mgr., +420 519 352 961, <blazejovaivb.cz>, ecology of mosquito-borne viruses

Jedličková Petra, Mgr., +420 519 352 961, <jedlickovaivb.cz>, serology

PhD Students

Straková Petra, Mgr., <strakova.pcentrum.cz>, zoonotic viruses of vertebrates

Venclíková Kristýna, Mgr., +420 519 352 961, <venclikovaivb.cz>, tick-borne zoonoses

Technician Staff

Peško Juraj, +420 519 352 961, <juraj.pesko47gmail.com >, laboratory technician

Ševčíková Ladislava, +420 519 352 961, <sevcikovaivb.cz>, laboratory technician, administrative officer