Accepted Papers
Accepted Papers will successively appear in a
printed version of the journal.
These papers are in preparation and have not been
copyedited yet.
The full on-line version of accepted articles
published as Pre-Press articles
are available in pdf files, prepared by the authors.
Learn more about the Pre-Press articles
Electrocardiography in rats: a comparison to human
Piotr Konopelski, Marcin Ufnal
Pre-press article
Circulating microparticles as a predictor of vascular properties in patients
on mechanical circulatory support; hype or hope?
Peter Ivak, Jan Pitha, Ivan Netuka
Pre-press article
Identification of novel small molecules that bind to the loop2 region of
sclerostin –an in silico computational analysis
Karthikeyan Muthusamy, Mohan Subburaman, Selvaraman Nagamani, Chandrasekhar
Pre-press article
Depletion of alveolar macrophages attenuates hypoxic pulmonary hypertension
but not hypoxia-induced increase in serum concentration of MCP-1
Marie Žaloudíková, Richard Vytášek, Olga Vajnerová, Olga Hniličková, Martin
Vízek, Václav Hampl, Jan Herget
Pre-press article
Direct measurement of free radical levels in the brain after cortical
ischemia induced by photothrombosis
Jan Mares, Kateryna Nohejlova, Pavel Stopka, Richard Rokyta
Pre-press article
The effect of alfacalcidiol and metformin on phenotype manifestations in
women with polycystic ovary syndrome – a preliminary study
Ingrid Dravecká, Jana Figurová, Martin Javorský, Jana Petríková, Monika Vaľková,
Ivica Lazúrová
Pre-press article
Beneficial effect of continuous normobaric hypoxia on ventricular dilatation
in rats with post- infarction heart failure
Jaroslav Hrdlička, Jan Neckář, František Papoušek, Jana Vašinová, Petra Alánová,
František Kolář
Pre-press article
Amino acid metabolism in human embryos
Petra Drábková, Lenka Andrlová, Radek Hampl, Roman Kanďár
Pre-press article
Oxidative status of the myocardium in response to different intensities of
physical training
Luís F. Guerreiro, Alessandra M. Rocha, Cassio N. Martins, Joaquim de P. Ribeiro,
Camila Wally, Débora L. Strieder, Cátia G. Carissimi, Marcel G. Oliveira,
Adriano A. Pereira, Heitor S. Biondi, José M. Monserrat, Carla A.N. Gonçalves
Pre-press article
Postural and trunk responses to unexpected perturbations depend on the
velocity and direction of platform motion
E. Zemková, Z. Kováčiková, M. Jeleň, K. Neumannová, M. Janura
Pre-press article
Diabetes converts arterial regulation by perivascular adipose tissue from
relaxation into H2O2-mediated contraction
R. Emilova, D. Z. Dimitrova, M. Mladenov, N. Hadzi-Petrushev, T. Daneva, P.
Padeshki, R. Schubert, M. Chichova, L. Lubomirov, D. Simeonovska-Nikolova, H.
Pre-press article
Blood ghrelin, adiponectin and resistin levels during controlled ovarian
stimulation in IVF cycles
Konstantinos Dafopoulos, Christina I. Messini, Georgios Anifandis, Panagiotis
Georgoulias, Dimitrios Sourlas, Ioannis E. Messinis
Pre-press article
Influence of endothelin 1 receptor blockers and a nitric oxide synthase
inhibitor on reactive oxygen species formation in rat lungs
Paulina Kleniewska, Anna Gorąca
Pre-press article
Statin-induced changes in mitochondrial respiration in blood platelets in
rats and human with dyslipidemia
Jan Vevera, Zdeněk Fišar, Tereza Nekovářová, Michal Vrablík, Lukáš Zlatohlávek,
Jana Hroudová, Namrata Singh, Jiří Raboch, Karel Valeš
Pre-press article
Identification of novel biomarker candidates for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
and other cardiovascular diseases leading to heart failure
Helena Rehulkova, Pavel Rehulka, Alena Myslivcova Fucikova, Jiri Stulik, Radek
Pre-press article
Sex differences in murine sternohyoid muscle tolerance of acute severe
hypoxic stress
Philip Lewis, Ken D. O’Halloran
Pre-press article
Influence of gender on ischemia-reperfusion injury in lungs in an animal
Hana Mrazkova, Robert Lischke, Jan Herget
Pre-press article
Hepatotoxic effects of fenofibrate in spontaneously hypertensive rats
expressing human C-reactive protein
Vojtěch Škop, Jaroslava Trnovská, Olena Oliyarnyk, Irena Marková, Hana Malínská,
Ludmila Kazdová, Václav Zídek, Vladimír Landa, Petr Mlejnek, Miroslava Šimáková,
Miroslav Kůdela, Michal Pravenec, Jan Šilhavý
Pre-press article
Serum nesfatin-1 levels in patients with different glucose tolerance levels
Sermin Algul, Yusuf Ozkan, Oguz Ozcelik
Pre-press article
The ratio of diameters between the target artery and the bypass modifies
hemodynamic parameters related to intimal hyperplasia in the distal end-to-side
Tomas Grus, Lukas Lambert, Jan Matecha, Gabriela Grusova, Miroslav Špaček,
Mikuláš Mlček
Pre-press article
Fatty acid profile in erythrocyte membranes and plasma phospholipids affects
significantly the extent of inflammatory response to coronary stent implantation
T. Čermák, V. Mužáková, J. Matějka, J. Skalický, P. Laštovička, M. Líbalová, R.
Kanďár, V. Novotný, A. Čegan
Pre-press article
Decreased perception of high frequency sound in severe obstructive sleep
Tereza Vorlová, Olga Dlouhá, David Kemlink, Karel Šonka
Pre-press article
Large copy-number variations in patients with statin-associated myopathy
affecting statin myopathy-related loci
Viktor Stránecký, Magdaléna Neřoldová, Kateřina Hodaňová, Hana Hartmannová,
Lenka Piherová, Petra Zemánková, Anna Přistoupilová, Michal Vrablík, Věra
Adámková, Stanislav Kmoch, Milan Jirsa
Pre-press article
The effect of colesevelam treatment on bile acid and lipid metabolism and
glycemic control in healthy men
Tereza Blahová, Ludmila Peterková, Martin Leníček, Miluše Vlachová, Kateřina
Zemánková, Věra Adámková, Libor Vítek, Jan Kovář
Pre-press article
Forced exercise increases muscle mass in EAE despite early onset of
Darpan I. Patel, Lesley J. White, Vitor A. Lira, David S. Criswell
Pre-press article
Nitric oxide participates in IFN-γ-induced HUVECs hyperpermeability
Chin Theng Ng, Lai Yen Fong, Yan Yan Low, Joanne Ban, Muhammad Nazrul Hakim,
Zuraini Ahmad
Pre-press article
Renal denervation in the most serious form of resistant arterial hypertension
Jan Šochman, Marcela Bürgelová, Jan H. Peregrin
Pre-press article
The structural basis for calcium inhibition of lipid kinase PI4K IIα and
comparison with the apo state
Adriana Baumlova, Jiri Gregor, Evzen Boura
Pre-press article
Increased resting energy expenditure and insulin resistance in male patients
with moderate-to severe obstructive sleep apnoea
Miroslav Brúsik, Zuzana Štrbová, Darina Petrášová, Pavol Pobeha, Zuzana
Kuklišová, Ružena Tkáčová, Pavol Joppa
Pre-press article
Possible mechanisms of cardiac contractile dysfunction and electrical changes
in ammonium chloride induced chronic metabolic acidosis in Wistar rats
Noha N. Lasheen, Ghada F. Mohamed
Pre-press article
Evaluation of cerebrovascular reserve capacity in symptomatic and
asymptomatic internal carotid stenosis with Transcranial Doppler
Ioannis Douvas, Demetrios Moris, Georgios Karaolanis, Chris Bakoyiannis,
Sotirios Georgopoulos
Pre-press article
Baroreflex sensitivity in children and adolescents: physiology, hypertension,
obesity, diabetes mellitus
Nataša Honzíková, Eva Závodná
Pre-press article
Data actualized: 11/09/2016