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Kunecký Jiří, Fajman P., Hasníková Hana, Kuklík P., Kloiber Michal, Sebera V., Tippner J.
Celodřevěné plátové spoje pro opravy historických konstrukcí, Lapped scarf joints for repairs of historical structures, cze",,,"DF12P01OVV004:GA MK",,,"Celodřevěné plátové spoje pro opravy historických konstrukcí, 2016, full text
Celodřevěné plátové spoje pro opravy historických konstrukcí, Lapped scarf joints for repairs of historical structures, cze",,,"DF12P01OVV004:GA MK",,,"Celodřevěné plátové spoje pro opravy historických konstrukcí, 2016, full text
Kloiber Michal, Kunecký Jiří, Hasníková Hana, Sebera V., Tippner J., Fajman P., Růžička P., Stejskal David
Využití celodřevěných tesařských spojů při opravách historických konstrukcí, The Use of Carpentry Joints for the Repair of Historical Structures, cze",,,"DF12P01OVV004:GA MK",,,"Využití celodřevěných tesařských spojů při opravách historických konstrukcí, 2016, full text
Využití celodřevěných tesařských spojů při opravách historických konstrukcí, The Use of Carpentry Joints for the Repair of Historical Structures, cze",,,"DF12P01OVV004:GA MK",,,"Využití celodřevěných tesařských spojů při opravách historických konstrukcí, 2016, full text
Fíla Tomáš, Vavřík Daniel
A multi-axial apparatus for carrying out x-ray measurements, particularly computed tomography, A multi-axis device for performing X-ray measurements, particularly computed tomography, comprising a pair of X-ray sources known as X-ray tubes and a pair of detectors arranged crosswise. In the middle of the assembly of the apparatus there is positioned a rotary stage for placing the examined object. The invention is formed by a pair of X-ray tube axes carrying the jacks of the X-ray tubes and a positioning system formed by a horizontal positioning axis and detector axes with vertical axes arranged on them, carrying the tilting mechanisms of the detectors allowing them to tilt in the vertical plane.",,,"JB",,,,"UTAM-F, 2016, full text
A multi-axial apparatus for carrying out x-ray measurements, particularly computed tomography, A multi-axis device for performing X-ray measurements, particularly computed tomography, comprising a pair of X-ray sources known as X-ray tubes and a pair of detectors arranged crosswise. In the middle of the assembly of the apparatus there is positioned a rotary stage for placing the examined object. The invention is formed by a pair of X-ray tube axes carrying the jacks of the X-ray tubes and a positioning system formed by a horizontal positioning axis and detector axes with vertical axes arranged on them, carrying the tilting mechanisms of the detectors allowing them to tilt in the vertical plane.",,,"JB",,,,"UTAM-F, 2016, full text
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