Kota Kumazaki, Department of Natural and Physical Sciences, Tomakomai National College of Technology, 443 Nishikioka, Tomakomai-shi, Hokkaido, 059-1275, Japan, e-mail: k.kumazaki@gt.tomakomai-ct.ac.jp
Abstract: We consider the large time behavior of a solution of a parabolic type equation involving a nonlocal term depending on the unknown function. This equation is proposed as a mathematical model of carbon dioxide transport in concrete carbonation process, and we proved the existence, uniqueness and large time behavior of a solution of this model. In this paper, we derive the exponential decay estimate of the solution of this model under restricted boundary data and initial data.
Keywords: large time behavior; exponential decay; nonlinear parabolic equation
Classification (MSC 2010): 35B40, 35K55
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