Equipment & Expertise

MR scanner 9.4 T / 30 cm
console, magnet, electronicsBruker Biospec 94/30 USR, Avance III
RF shielded roomFaraday cage room
high power gradient systemgradients 300 mT/m (sample diam. < 154 mm), 660 mT/m (s. d. < 60 mm)
RF coils
RF coil 1H 198/154mm CP TR ADRF RES 400 1H 198/154 QSN TR AD
RF coil 1H 112/86mm CP TR ADRF RES 400 1H 112/086 QSN TO AD
RF coil 1H 89/60mm CP TRRF RES 400 1H 089/060 QSN TR
RF coil 1H 75/40mm CP TR (rat head, mouse body)RF RES 400 1H 075/040 QSN TR
RF coil 1H surface CP R AD (mouse brain)RF SUC 400 1H M.BR. QSN RO AD
RF coil 1H maticová 2x2 L R AD (mouse brain)RF ARR 400 1H M.BR. LIN RO AD
RF coil 1H surface CP R (rat mozek)RF SUC 400 1H R.BR. QSN RO AD
RF coil 1H array 2x2 L R AD (rat brain)RF ARR 400 1H R.BR LIN RO AD
RF coil 1H planar surface 10mm L R ADRF SUC 400 1H ID=10 LNA
RF coil 1H planar surface 20mm L R ADRF SUC 400 1H ID=20 LNA
RF coil 1H planar surface 30mm L R ADRF SUC 400 1H ID=30 LNA
RF coil 1H/13C 75/40mm LL TR (rat head, mouse body)RF RES 400 1H/13C 075/040 LIN/LIN TR
RF coil 1H/19F 75/40mm LL TR (rat head, mouse body)RF RES 400 1H/19F 075/040 LIN/LIN TR
RF coil 1H/23Na 75/40mm LL TR (rat head, mouse body)RF RES 400 1H/23Na 075/040 LIN/LIN TR
RF coil 1H/31P 75/40mm LL TR (rat head, mouse body)RF RES 400 1H/31P 075/040 LIN/LIN TR
RF coil 1H/129Xe 75/40mm LL TR (rat head, mouse body)RF RES 400 1H/129Xe 075/040 LIN/LIN TR
RF coil 1H/13C surface 20mm LL TRRF SUC 400 1H/13C ID=20 LIN/LIN TR SIM
RF coil 1H-19F surface 20mm L TRRF SUC 400 1G-19F ID=20 LIN TR
RF coil 1H/23Na surface 20mm LL TRRF SUC 400 1H/23Na ID=20 LIN/LIN TR SIM
RF coil 1H/129Xe surface 20mm LL TRRF SUC 400 1H/129Xe ID=20 LIN/LIN TR SIM
RF coil 1H/31P surface 20mm LL TRRF SUC 400 1H/31P ID=20 LIN/LIN TR SIM
Animal care
Physiology monitoring and gating SA Instruments, Inc., model 1030fibre-optics thermometer, ECG, respiration, capnography, ventilator
Syringe pump Harvard Apparatus PHD 22/2000remote-controlled precise power injector for contrast agent administration
Isoflurane anesthesia
MR scanner 4.7 T / 20 cm
console, magnet, electronicsMR Solutions Ltd., Magnex Sci. Ltd., CPC Amps, IECO
Animal care
Physiology monitoring and gating SA Instruments, Inc., model 1025thermocouple thermometer, ECG, respiration
RF coils home made for 1H, 23Na, 13C, 19F, 129Xe
Isoflurane anesthesia
Network analyzerRohde & Schwarz ZVL3
OscilloscopeRohde & Schwarz RTM 2054
Animal facility
animal roomsmouse room, rat room, service room4 Pa overpressure, access via hygienic loop from the technical room, autoclave, sterile chamber, UV sterilization, HEPA filtering, A/C
equipmentindividually ventilated cages, laminar flow box
technical roomswashing room, storage< 4 Pa overpressure, limited access, HEPA filtering, A/C
experiment preparation roomveterinary operating table, laminar flow box
deep freezerfor samples
fume hoodfor biochemical work


In vitro and in vivo MR measurements – materials, rat, mouse, rabbit. Qualitative and quantitative MR imaging (T1-, T2-, T2*-weighted, 2D, 3D, multislice by FLASH, RARE, MGE, UTE, quantitative relaxometry, quantitative imaging of diffusion - DWI, DTI, DKI, perfusion – DCE, DSC, ASL).

Animal use:

Assistance with animal use protocol preparation, correct and legal execution of the experiment. Veterinary care and supervision during the measurement. Sample collection.