Seminars Organized by the Institute Seminars Organized by the Department |
2017 |
The German Research Ombudsman: An Instrument Dealing with Scientific Misconduct
29 August 2017, at 11:00 in R. Brdička lecture hall
prof. Joachim Heberle (Freie Universität Berlin) |
2017 |
3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY: The Security of Mechanical Keys 
18.5.2017 at 14:00 in Rudolf Brdička Lecture Hall
Marc W. Tobias (Lead Attorney and President at Investigative Law Office, Sioux Falls, SD, USA) |
2017 |
Energy Storage: Batteries, Lithium in Cínovec, Nanomaterials and Beyond 
12. 5.201.7 at 10:00 in R. Brdička lecture hall
prof. RNDr. KAVAN Ladislav, CSc., DSc. |
2016 |
Jaroslav Heyrovský, objevitel a vědec 
6.12.2016 od 17 hod. posluchárna CH2 PřF UK, Hlavova 8, Praha 2
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc. |
2016 |
Interaction of light and matter at the nanoscale: the role of surface plasmons in subwavelength transmissionand hyperbolic metamaterials 
6.10.2016 at 15.00 at room 108
Professor John Weiner (University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France) |
2016 |
Fundamentals and Applications of Low-Dimensional Nanoelectronic Heterostructures 
12.9.2016 at 9:30 in Rudolf Brdička lecture hall
Dr. Mark C. Hersam (Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA) |
2015 |
Heyrovský Lecture 2015 
8.12. at 14:00 in Charles University Prague
2015 |
Program přednášek a exkursí v rámci Dne otevřených dveří ÚFCH JH 2015 
12.11.2015 od 8 do 19 hodin
2014 |
Program přednášek a exkursí v rámci Dnů otevřených dveří ÚFCH JH 
6. a 7.11.2014 8:30-17 hodin
2014 |
Symposium on the occasion of 80th birthday of Prof. Zdeněk Herman, DrSc. 
24.3.2014 in R.Brdička Lecture hall 9:30-13:30
prof. RNDr. HERMAN Zdeněk, DrSc. |
2013 |
Surface-Enhanced Vibrational Spectroscopy on Copper, Gold and Silver Surfaces: A Curiosity or a Reliable Analytical Tool? 
13.12.2013 at 10:30 in R.Brdička lecture hall
prof. Dr. RNDr. Pavel Matějka (FCHI VŠCHT Praha) |
2013 |
Electron transfer/transport phenomena in extended molecules; from alkanes to DNA 
11.11.2013 at 14:00 in Rudolf Brdička Lecture Hall
prof. Mark A. Ratner (Northwestern University, USA) |
2013 |
Electrocatalysis for solar fuels 
23.5.2013 at 14:00 in Rudolf Brdička lecture hall
Marc T.M. Koper ( Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands) |
2013 |
Tuning fundamental properties of corroles for utilization in energy and medicine applications 
20.2.2013 at 10:30 in R.Brdička Lecture Hall
Prof. Zeev Gross (Technion, Haifa, Israel) |
2012 |
Molecular dynamics simulations of alkane conversions catalyzed by acidic zeolites 
11.12.2012 at 14:30 in R. Brdička lecture hall
Tomas Bucko (Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia) |
2012 |
Fluorescence localization microscopy – the transition from concept to biological research tool 
15.11. 2012 at 14:00 in room 108 (change of room !!!!)
Markus Sauer (Biotechnology & Biophysics, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Germany) |
2012 |
Sorption, transport, and catalytic transformations of hydrocarbons in microporous materials 
15.10.2012 at 14:00 in Rudolf Brdička lecture hall, JHI
Johannes A. Lercher (TU München, Department of Chemistry, Garching, Germany) |
2012 |
Glimpses of Chemical Wizardry 
29.6.2012 at 10:30 in R.Brdička lecture hall
Dudley R. Herschbach - Nobel Prize 1986 (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA) |
2012 |
Seminář u příležitosti 70. narozenin profesora Petra Čárskeho 
2.5.2012 at 13:30 in R. Brdička lecture hall
Petr Čársky, Ivan Hubač, Jiří Pittner, Miroslav Urban, Rudolf Zahradník |
2012 |
Slavnostní seminář k 90. výročí objevu polarografie 
14.2.2012 od 9 hodin - posl CH 3 v budově chemie, Albertov P. 2
2011 |
Heyrovského přednáška 2011 
29. listopadu 2011 (PřF Univerzity Karlovy - posl.CH2)
2011 |
New biophysical approaches to unravel molecular mechanisms of influenza virus entry 
3.11. 2011 at 14:00 in R. Brdička lecture hall
Andreas Herrmann (Humboldt University Berlin, Institute for Biology/Biophysics) |
2011 |
Is the $25M Vinland Map Genuine or Fake? An Ongoing Controversy Since 1965 
24.10. 2011 at 14:00 in R. Brdička lecture hall
Michael Henchman, Professor of Chemistry- Emeritus, Brandeis University, Waltham MA |
2011 |
Exciting World of Theoretical Studies of Chemical Reactions – From Gas Phase Reactions to Nano Structures, Catalysts, and Enzymatic Reactions 
24.6.2011 at 14:00 in R. Brdička lecture hall
Keiji Morokuma (Kyoto University, Japan) |
2010 |
Graphene under uniaxial strain. A Raman Study 
10.12.2010 at 10:30 in Brdička lecture hall
Mgr. FRANK Otakar, Ph. D. |
2010 |
Novel Approaches to Expanding Zeolite Pores Sizes and Dimensions 
23.11.2010 at 14:30 in Brdička lecture hall
Wieslaw J. Roth (Visiting Researcher of the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry) |
2010 |
Charge transport at the nanoscale 
4.10.2010 at 14:30 in Brdička lecture hall
Tim Albrecht (Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London ) |
2010 |
A Nano-History of Fluorescence: With Some Comments on the Seminal Contributions of Gregorio Weber 
7.6.2010 at 14:30 in Brdicka lecture hall
David M. Jameson (University of Hawaii) |
2010 |
Nové materiály na bázi TiO2 s řízenou morfologií 
21.5. 2010 at 10:15 in room 108
RNDr. ZUKALOVÁ Markéta, Ph. D. |
2010 |
Seminar of Students of JHI 2010 
prof. HOF Martin, Dr. rer. nat. DSc., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc. |
2009 |
Intraprotein dynamics: local electric fields, structural dynamics and energy transfer 
17.12. at 14:30 in hall
Majed Chergui (Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Ultrarapide, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) |
2009 |
Fundamentals of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction 
27.11.2009 at 10:30 in Brdička hall
Timo Jacob (Institut für Elektrochemie, Universität Ulm,Germany) |
2009 |
Unusual Effects of Tetramethylammonium Ion on the Voltammetry of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 
9.10.2009 at 10:30 in Brdička hall
Albert J. Fry, PhD (Wesleyan University, Connecticut, USA) |
2009 |
NMR spektroskopie a NMR krystalografie: principy a aplikace v chemii, biologii a lékařství 
26.5. 2009 at 14:30 in Brdička hall
Jiří Brus (Ústav makromolekulární chemie AV ČR, v.v.i.) |
2009 |
Seminar of Students of JHI 
19. - 21.5. 2009, Conference centre in Liblice chateau
prof. HOF Martin, Dr. rer. nat. DSc., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc. |
2009 |
Bottom-up biology inspired by single molecule biophysics 
17.4.2009 at 10:30 in Brdička hall
Petra Schwille (Biophysics Group, BIOTEC, TU Dresden, Germany) |
2009 |
Seminář u příležitosti 70. narozenin profesora Josefa Michla 
2.4.2009 od 16 hodin v Brdičkově posluchárně ústavu
Zdeněk Havlas, Zbyněk Janoušek, Lubomír Pospíšil |
2009 |
Extreme Light Infrastructure: laser nové generace pro základní výzkum a aplikace v ultra-relativistickém režimu interakce s hmotou 
19.2.2009 at 14:30 in conference hall
Bedřich Rus (Institute of Physics, AS CR) |
2008 |
Using in situ Transient Kinetic and Structural Techniques to Investigate Industrially Important Catalysts and Reactions 
16.10.2008 at 10:00 in conference hall
Robbie Burch (Queen's University Belfast, UK) |
2008 |
Seminar of Students of JHI 
21.- 22. 5.2008 Liblice near Melnik (Conference centre)
prof. HOF Martin, Dr. rer. nat. DSc., Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc. |
2008 |
Ligand and Cluster-Size Effects in Metal-Mediated Activation of Methane: A Cold Approach to a Hot Problem
21.5.2008 at 10:00 in conference hall
Helmut Schwarz (Professor,Technische Universität Berlin; President, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung) |
2008 |
Electrocatalysis on nanocrystals – a new approaches in control of reaction pathways 
17.4.2008 at 14:30 in conference hall
doc. Ing. KRTIL Petr, CSc. |
2008 |
Adsorpce oxidu uhličitého na mikroporézních a mesoporézních materiálech 
20.3.2008 at 14:30 in conference hall
Ing. ZUKAL Arnošt, CSc. |
2008 |
Nanomedicína: strašák nebo pomocník ? 
21.2.2008 at 14:30 in conference hall
Vladimír Král (Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague; Zentiva, a.s.) |
2008 |
Organized mesoporous layers – Novel materials with attractive applications 
17.1.2008 at 14:30 in conference hall
Ing. RATHOUSKÝ Jiří, CSc. |
2007 |
Single Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging 
6. 12. 2007 at 14.30 in conference hall
Jörg Enderlein (Physical Chemistry, University Tübingen, Německo) |
2007 |
What can noble metal clusters do? From reactivity to emission 
15.11.2007 at 14:30 in conference hall
Vlasta Bonačić-Koutecký (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Institut für Chemie) |
2007 |
Procesy sensitizované porfyriny: od fotodynamické terapie k fotofunkčním materiálům?
11.10. 2007 at 14.30 in conference hall
RNDr. KUBÁT Pavel, CSc. |
2007 |
Seminar of Students of JHI 
23. a 24. 5. 2007 in conference hall
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc. |
2007 |
Orientace molekul neresonantními elektromagnetickými poli a její použití ve spektroskopii, molekulové dynamice a manipulaci molekulových trajektorií
23. 3. 2007 at 14:30 in conference hall
Břetislav Friedrich (Fritz-Haber-Institut, MPG, Berlin) |
2007 |
Modeling of Fuel Cell Catalysis: Combined X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry and Theoretical Studies
23. 3. 2007 at 10:30 in conference hall
Andrzej Wieckowski (Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) |
2007 |
Žije organická elektrosyntéza ? Elektrochemická oxidace aktivovaných α,ω diolů vede k unikátním cyklickým acetalům, alkynaldolům, či acetylenyckým polyolům.
8. 2. 2007 at 14:30 in conference hall
Ing. HLAVATÝ Jaromír, CSc. |
2007 |
Metateze olefinů – od kuriózní reakce k Nobelově ceně. A co dál?
11. 1. 2007 at 14:30 in conference hall
RNDr. BALCAR Hynek, CSc. |
2006 |
Od singletového kyslíku k samodesinfekčním materiálům 
7. 12. 2006 at 14:30 in conference hall
Kamil Lang (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the AS CR, v.v.i.) |
2006 |
Ab-initio simulations of materials using VASP - density-functional theory and beyond
15. listopadu 2006
Jürgen Hafner (Institute for Materials Physics, Vienna University) |
2006 |
Uhlíkové nanostruktury a in-situ spektroelektrochemie
5.října 2006
RNDr. Ing. KALBÁČ Martin, Ph. D. |
2006 |
Seminar of Students of JHI 
13 - 14 June 2006
Ing. STEJSKALOVÁ Květoslava, CSc. |
2006 |
Calix[n]areny: od Trabanta k supramolekulární chemii
23.března 2006
Pavel Lhoták (Ústav organické chemie Fakulty chemické technologie VŠCHT v Praze) |
2006 |
Co může poskytnout organická polarografie dnes 
23.února 2006
Petr Zuman (Clarkson University, Potsdam, N.Y.) |
2006 |
Nanostruktury katalyzátorů a mechanismus redukce NOx-N2 (EU projekt Ammonore)
19.ledna 2006
Ing. WICHTERLOVÁ Blanka, DrSc. |