Employees of ITAM AS CR
Institute leadership

Pospíšil Stanislav assoc. prof., Ph.D., director

Šperl Martin , Ph.D., Deputy Director

Fiala Zdeněk, CSc., Research Director

Burianová Zlata, Technical and Financial Director

Novotný Jakub , Ph.D., director of CET
select a grade:

Beneš Pavel, Department of Continuum Mechanics, Laboratory of Roentgen and Neutron Radiography (CET)

Beran Pavel , Ph.D., Department of modelling and analysis of historic environments and sites, Laboratory for Mechanical Analyses and Monitoring of Materials and Structures (CET)

Bláha Jiří, Ph.D., Department of timber structures, Mobile Laboratory for Diagnostics and Wood (CET), Head of Department

Buzek Jaroslav, Department of modelling and analysis of historic environments and sites, Laboratory for Mechanical Analyses and Monitoring of Materials and Structures (CET)

Cacciotti Riccardo, Department of Continuum Mechanics - Laboratory of Optical Methods, Laboratory for Sustainability of Monuments and Historic Sites (CET)

Chlád Jan, Technical Management and Services, Head of Department

Doktor Tomáš, Laboratory of Biomechanics , Laboratory of Porosimetry, Microscopy and Optical Methods (CET)

Drdácký Tomáš, Department of Particular media, Laboratory for Sustainability of Monuments and Historic Sites (CET)

Fíla Tomáš, Laboratory of Biomechanics , Laboratory for Sustainability of Monuments and Historic Sites (CET)

Fischer Cyril , Ph.D., Center for Computer Technology and Informatics, Head of Department

Frankl Jiří , Eng., Department of diagnostic of historic structures, Laboratory for Research of Degradation and Protection of Materials (CET), Head of Department

Gajdoš Ľubomír , PhD., Mechanics of Thin-walled Structures, Head of Department

Hauková Petra, Department of particular media - Laboratory for Analysis of Particular Media, Lime Furnace - Centre for Production of Traditinal Limes (CET)

Hlobil Michal , Ph.D., Department of Particular media, Laboratory for Sustainability of Monuments and Historic Sites (CET)

Hračov Stanislav Eng., Ph.D., Department for Dynamics and stochastic mechanics - Wind Engineering Laboratory

Hrivnák Jaroslav , Ph.D., Department of timber structures, Mobile Laboratory for Diagnostics and Wood (CET)

Jiroušek Josef, Department of diagnostic of historic structures, Lime Furnace - Centre for Production of Traditinal Limes (CET)

Kloiber Michal, Department of timber structures, Mobile Laboratory for Diagnostics and Wood (CET), Head of Department

Koudelka Petr, Laboratory of Biomechanics , Laboratory for Sustainability of Monuments and Historic Sites (CET)

Kumpová Ivana, Laboratory of Roentgen and Neutron Radiography (CET), Head of Department

Kuznetsov Sergeii prof. Eng., DSc., Climatic Wind Engineering Laboratory, Climatic Wind Tunnel "Vincenc Strouhal" (CET), Head of Department

Kytýř Daniel , PhD., Laboratory of Biomechanics , Head of Department

Lesák Jaroslav, Department of modelling and analysis of historic environments and sites, Head of Department

Mach Petr, Assistance team CET (CET)

Machová Dita, Laboratory of Porosimetry, Microscopy and Optical Methods (CET), Head of Department

Náprstek Jiří, DSc. PhD., Department for Dynamics and stochastic mechanics, Head of Department

Nedvědová Klára, Assistant Director, Laboratory for Sustainability of Monuments and Historic Sites (CET)

Nunes Cristiana Lara , Ph.D., Department of particular media - Laboratory for Analysis of Particular Media

Pažourková Eva, Department of timber structures, Laboratory of Porosimetry, Microscopy and Optical Methods (CET)

Pirner Miroš Prof., DSc., PhD., Department for Dynamics and stochastic mechanics - Wind Engineering Laboratory, Climatic Wind Tunnel "Vincenc Strouhal" (CET)

Slížková Zuzana , Ph.D., Department of Particular media, Historical materials, Structures and Settlements (CET), Head of Department

Sotiriadis Konstantinos , Ph.D., Laboratory for Physycal-Chemical Analyses and Material Inovations (CET)

Svoboda Milan, Assistance team CET (CET)

Šašek Petr Eng., PhD., Laboratory for Mechanical Analyses and Monitoring of Materials and Structures (CET), Head of Department

Urushadze Shota, Eng., PhD, Central laboratory for experimental mechanics, Head of Department

Valach Jaroslav, Eng., PhD., Department of Continuum Mechanics - Laboratory of Optical Methods, Laboratory of Porosimetry, Microscopy and Optical Methods (CET), Head of Department

Valecký Štěpán, Department of Particular media, Laboratory for Sustainability of Monuments and Historic Sites (CET)

van Halem Eveline , BSc, MA, Laboratory for Physycal-Chemical Analyses and Material Inovations (CET)

Vavřík Daniel , PhD., Department of Continuum Mechanics, Laboratory of Roentgen and Neutron Radiography (CET), Head of Department

Válek Jan, Ph.D., Department of diagnostic of historic structures, Lime Furnace - Centre for Production of Traditinal Limes (CET), Head of Department

Viani Alberto, Laboratory for Physycal-Chemical Analyses and Material Inovations (CET), Head of Department

Wolf Benjamin, Department of Particular media, Laboratory for Sustainability of Monuments and Historic Sites (CET)

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