Mgr. Milica Požgayová, Ph.D.
Pozice: vědecký pracovník grantový
Zaměření: behaviorální ekologie
Oddělení: Pracoviště Brno
Telefon: +420 543 422 550
Výzkumné směry
- aspekty chování v interakcích hnízdních parazitů s jejich hostiteli, zejména o obranu hostitelů vůči kukačce obecné,
- investice rodičů v polygynním systému u rákosníka velkého.
Bývalí studenti
Beňo Radovan
2017Čapek M., Petrusková T., Šebelíková Z., Serrano J. C., Procházka P., Honza M., Požgayová M.: Great Reed Warbler singing behavior and conspicuous song structures are not nest-location cues for the Common Cuckoo, Journal of Ornithology 158 (2017) 925-933.
Sosnovcová K., Koleček J., Požgayová M., Jelínek V., Šulc M., Steidlová P., Honza M., Procházka P.: Timing of natal nests is an important factor affecting return rates of juvenile Great Reed Warblers, Journal of Ornithology (2017) .
Trnka A., Požgayová M.: Does conspicuous colouration of Magpies Pica pica influence aggressive behaviour in nesting Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus?, Bird Study 64 (2017) 108-111.
2016Jelínek V., Požgayová M., Honza M., Procházka P.: Nest as an extended phenotype signal of female quality in the great reed warbler, Journal of avian biology 47 (2016) 428-437.
Trnka A., Požgayová M., Procházka P., Čapek M., Honza M.: Chemical defence in avian brood parasites: production and function of repulsive secretions in common cuckoo chicks, Journal of avian biology 47 (2016) 288-293.
2015Abraham M., Požgayová M., Procházka P., Piálková R., Honza M.: Is there a sex-specific difference between parasitic chicks in begging behaviour?, Journal of Ethology 33 (2015) 151-158.
Koleček J., Jelínek V., Požgayová M., Trnka A., Baslerová P., Honza M., Procházka P.: Breeding success and brood parasitism affect return rate and dispersal distances in the great reed warbler, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69 (2015) 1845-1853.
Požgayová M., Beňo R., Procházka P., Jelínek V., Abraham M., Honza M.: Lazy males and hardworking females? Sexual conflict over parental care in a brood parasite host and its consequences for chick growth, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69 (2015) 1053-1061.
2014Honza M., Šulc M., Jelínek V., Požgayová M., Procházka P.: Brood parasites lay eggs matching the appearance of host clutches, Proceedings of the Royal Society. B - Biological Sciences 281 (2014) 20132665.
Jelínek V., Procházka P., Požgayová M., Honza M.: Common cuckoos Cuculus canorus change their nest-searching strategy according to the number of available host nests, Ibis 156 (2014) 189-197.
Procházka P., Konvičková-Patzenhauerová H., Požgayová M., Trnka A., Jelínek V., Honza M.: Host genotype and age have no effect on rejection of parasitic eggs, Naturwissenschaften 101 (2014) 417-426.
2013Požgayová M., Procházka P., Honza M.: Is shared male assistance with antiparasitic nest defence costly in the polygynous great reed warbler?, Animal Behaviour 85 (2013) 615-621.
Trnka A., Požgayová M., Samaš P., Honza M.: Repeatability of host female and male aggression towards a brood parasite, Ethology 119 (2013) 907-917.
2012Honza M., Procházka P., Požgayová M.: Do weather conditions affect the colouration of great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus eggs?, Folia zoologica 61 (2012) 219-224.
Honza M., Procházka P., Požgayová M.: Within- and between-season repeatability of eggshell colouration in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Journal of avian biology 43 (2012) 91-96.
Procházka P., Jelínek V., Požgayová M., Honza M.: Jak určovat stáří rákosníků velkých (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) po úplném pelichání, Sylvia 48 (2012) 57-73.
Trnka A., Požgayová M., Procházka P., Prokop P., Honza M.: Breeding success of a brood parasite is associated with social mating status of its host, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66 (2012) 1187-1194.
2011Honza M., Požgayová M., Procházka P., Cherry M. I.: Blue-green eggshell coloration is not a sexually selected signal of female quality in an open-nesting polygynous passerine, Naturwissenschaften 98 (2011) 493-499.
Požgayová M., Procházka P., Polačiková L., Honza M.: Closer clutch inspection—quicker egg ejection: timing of host responses toward parasitic eggs, Behavioral Ecology 22 (2011) 46-51.
2010Čapek M., Požgayová M., Procházka P., Honza M.: Repeated presentations of the Common Cuckoo increase nest defense by the Eurasian Reed Warbler but do not induce it to make recognition errors, Condor 112 (2010) 763-769.
Honza M., Procházka P., Šicha V., Požgayová M.: Nest defence in a cuckoo host: great reed warblers risk themselves equally for their own and parasitic chicks, Behaviour 147 (2010) 741-756.
2009Požgayová M., Procházka P., Honza M.: Sex-specific defence behaviour against brood parasitism in a host with female-only incubation, Behavioural Processes 81 (2009) 34-38.
Požgayová M., Procházka P., Honza M.: Adjustment of incubation according to the threat posed: a further signal of enemy recognition in the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla?, Journal of Ornithology 150 (2009) 569-576.