Structure and Dynamics of Solar Atmosphere
Web pages of astronomical working group
Michal Sobotka
Basic information
RNDr. Michal
Sobotka DSc. (*1954)
Research fields: Sunspots, fine structure in solar
photosphere, high spatial resolution photometry and
spectroscopy, interpretation of spectra, image processing,
time-series analysis, instrumentation.
Since 1979 in the Astronomical Institute,
Department, since 1995 Head of the
Working Group Structure
and Dynamics of Solar Atmosphere. Since 2004
Deputy Head of the Solar Department and since 2012
Head of the Solar Department.
Cooperation with institutions in Spain, France, Germany,
Austria, and USA. 2002 - 2008 Vice-President
of JOSO. Since 2006
national representative in the European Association for Solar
Telescopes EAST.
Participation in the projects of the 1.5-m solar telescope GREGOR and of
the 4-m class European Solar Telescope EST. Author and
co-author of more than 160 astronomical publications.
1978 - graduated from the Charles University, Prague,
Master's Degree in astrophysics.
1981-1985 external PhD student at the
Leningrad State University and Crimean Astrophysical
1985 - PhD in astrophysics, Leningrad State
1990 - 1992 - Postdoctoral Fellowship at the
Instituto de Astrofisica de
Canarias (IAC).
1993 - three-month European Community Grant
at IAC.
1999 - Visiting Professor at the Karl-Franzens University,
1999 - 2000 - one-year sabbatical stay at IAC.
2003, 2005 - two-months research stays at Observatoire Midi
2007 - DSc. in astrophysics, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Here is the list of some publications that might be interesting for you. They can be downloaded in the form of .PS and .PDF files or using links to other pages.
- Fine structures in sunspots: IV Penumbral grains in speckle reconstructed images [PDF, 481 kB]
- A close look at sunspots [PDF, 154 kB]
- Fine structures in sunspots - review, 1999 [PDF, 398 KB]
- Photospheric layers of sunspots and pores - review, 2002 [PDF, 640 KB]
- Evolution of small-scale features at the penumbra-photosphere border (2002, ESA SP-505, 579) [PS, 2.3 MB]
- Motions of photospheric features in a sunspot moat [PS, 2.3 MB]
- Slunecni skvrny (in Czech) [PDF, 333 KB]
- Fotometrie umbralnich bodu (in Czech) [PDF, 466 KB]
- Stastne ostrovy astronomie (in Czech)
- DSc dissertation: Fine structures in and around sunspots and pores [PDF, 800 KB]
- Fine structure in a dark umbra, 2007 [PDF, 140 KB]
- Kinematics of umbral fine structure, CEAB 32 (2008) 1, 125-132 [PDF, 280 KB]
- More publications can be found in the ADS database.
Some talks that might be interesting for you:
- High resolution techniques in solar physics [PDF, 258 kB]
- Correction for scattered light [PDF, 108 kB]
- Sunspot observations (ESMN School 2004) [PDF, 2.7 MB]
- Solar photosphere (ISWI Summer School 2011) [PDF, 6 MB]
Here is a link to my library
of IDL routines.
You can also download all
programs [TAR.GZ, 246 kB]
Here you can find my "private" page, dedicated mostly to ultralight flying.