Embryo and environment – annual fish as a unique model to study embryo ecology (2018-2020)

Investigator: Mgr. Matej Polačik, Ph.D.
Number of Project: 18-26284S
Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 01. 01. 2018 - 31. 12. 2020

The project aims to reveal causal aspects of interaction between environment-exposed embryonic stages and their environment using annual killifish as a model. Annual fishes are increasingly being used as models in various branches of biological research due to their suitability for laboratory experiments. They come from temporary pools which desiccate during the dry season. The embryos of annual fishes are drought resistant and persist in the bottom substrate of the pools, exposed to substantial environmental changes unlike embryos of most other vertebrates. As an adaptation to the great environmental unpredictability their development is very erratic with extremely variable duration. We plan to 1) on a comparative basis, describe natural course of embryonic development in African and American annual fish, two independently evolved annual killifish lineages and evaluate the validity of theoretical models, 2) perform laboratory experiments that disentangle the role of particular environmental factors in the development.