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Blažejová H., Šebesta O., Rettich F., Mendel J., Čabanová V., Miterpáková M., Betášová L., Peško J., Hubálek Z., Kampen H., Rudolf I.: Cryptic species Anopheles daciae (Diptera: Culicidae) found in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Parasitology Research 117 (2018) 315-321.

Bryja J., Kostin D., Meheretu Y., Šumbera R., Bryjová A., Kasso M., Mikula O., Lavrenchenko L. A.: Reticulate Pleistocene evolution of Ethiopian rodent genus along remarkable altitudinal gradient, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 118 (2018) 75-87.

Fedorčák J., Pekárik L., Halačka K., Šmiga Ľ., Manko P., Hajdú J., Vetešník L., Koščo J.: Microhabitat preferences of triploid Cobitis fish and diploid progenitors in two streams in Slovakia (Danube River Basin), Limnologica (2018) .

García D., Loureiro M., Machín E., Reichard M.: Phenology of three coexisting annual fish species: seasonal patterns in hatching dates, Hydrobiologia 809 (2018) 323-337.

Hulak B., Kvach Y.: Finding of Pseudobacciger harengulae (Digenea, Faustulidae) in the Mediterranean Horse Mackerel, Trachurus mediterraneus (Actinopterygii, Carangidae), from the Gulf of Odessa, Black Sea, Ukraine, Vestnik zoologii 52 (2018) 47-52.

Janáč M., Roche K., Šlapanský L., Polačik M., Jurajda P.: Long-term monitoring of native bullhead and invasive gobiids in the Danubian rip-rap zone, Hydrobiologia 807 (2018) 263-275.

Jandzik D., Jablonski D., Zinenko O., Kukushkin O. V., Moravec J., Gvoždík V.: Pleistocene extinctions and recent expansions in an anguid lizard of the genus Pseudopus, Zoologica Scripta 47 (2018) 21-32.

Janko K., Pačes J., Wilkinson-Herbots H., Costa R. J., Roslein J., Drozd P., Iakovenko N., Rídl J., Hroudová M., Kočí J., Reifová R., Šlechtová V., Choleva L.: Hybrid asexuality as a primary postzygotic barrier between nascent species: on the interconnection between asexuality, hybridization and speciation, Molecular Ecology 27 (2018) 248-263.

Klvaňa P., Cepák J., Munclinger P., Michálková R., Tomášek O., Albrecht T.: Around the Mediterranean: an extreme example of loop migration in a long-distance migratory passerine, Journal of avian biology 49 (2018) .

Koleček J., Hahn S., Emmenegger T., Procházka P.: Intra-tropical movements as a beneficial strategy for Palearctic migratory birds, Royal Society Open Science 5 (2018) .

Koleček J., Procházka P., Ieronymidou C., Bureld I. J., Reif J.: Non-breeding range size predicts the magnitude of population trends in trans-Saharan migratory passerine birds, Oikos 127 (2018) 599-606.

Krojerová-Prokešová J., Homolka M., Heroldová M., Barančeková M., Baňař P., Kamler J., Modlinger R., Purchart L., Zejda J., Suchomel J.: Patterns of vole gnawing on saplings in managed clearings in Central European forests, Forest Ecology and Management 408 (2018) 137-147.

Kvach Y., Ondračková M., Janáč M., Jurajda P.: Methodological issues affecting the study of fish parasites. III. Effect of fish preservation method, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 127 (2018) 213-224.

Kvach Y., Ondračková M., Kutsokon Y., Dzyziuk N.: New record of monogenean parasites on non-indigenous fishes in the Ukrainian Danube Delta, BioInvasions Records 7 (2018) 65-72.

Mahmoudi A., Zima J., Kryštufek B., Darvish J., Aliabadian M., Arslan A.: Systematic relationships within the Microtus arvalis (Rodentia: Cricetidae) group in Iran, inferred from cytogenetic analyses, Zoology in the Middle East 64 (2018) 1-8.

Mariën J., Sluydts V., Borremans B., Gryseels S., Broecke B. V., Sabuni C. A., Katakweba A. A. S., Mulungu L. S., Günther S., Goüy de Bellocq J., Massawe A. W., Leirs H.: Arenavirus infection correlates with lower survival of its natural rodent host in a long-term capture-mark-recapture study, Parasites & Vectors 11 (2018) .

Mazoch V., Mikula O., Bryja J., Konvičková H., Russo I.-R., Verheyen E., Šumbera R.: Phylogeography of a widespread sub-Saharan murid rodent Aethomys chrysophilus: the role of geographic barriers and paleoclimate in the Zambezian bioregion, Mammalia (2018) .

Morais P., Reichard M.: Cryptic invasions: a review, Science of the Total Environment (2018) 1438-1448.

Pakosta T., Vetešník L., Šimková A.: A Long temporal study of parasitism in asexual-sexual populations of Carassius gibelio: Does the parasite infection support coevolutionary Red Queen dynamics?, BioMed Research International 2018 (2018) (2018) .

Pavliska P. L., Riegert J., Grill S., Šálek M.: The effect of landscape heterogeneity on population density and habitat preferences of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) in contrasting farmlands, Mammalian Biology 88 (2018) 8-15.

Sabuni C., Aghová T., Bryjová A., Šumbera R., Bryja J.: Biogeographic implications of small mammals from Northern Highlands in Tanzania with first data from the volcanic Mount Kitumbeine, Mammalia (2018) .

Sosnovcová K., Koleček J., Požgayová M., Jelínek V., Šulc M., Steidlová P., Honza M., Procházka P.: Timing of natal nests is an important factor affecting return rates of juvenile Great Reed Warblers, Journal of Ornithology 159 (2018) 183-190.

Šálek M., Bažant M., Żmihorski M.: Active farmsteads are year-round strongholds for farmland birds, Journal of Applied Ecology (2018) .

Šálek M., Hula V., Kipson M., Daňková R., Niedobová J., Gamero A.: Bringing diversity back to agriculture: Smaller fields and non-crop elements enhance biodiversity in intensively managed arable farmlands, Ecological Indicators 90 (2018) 65-73.

Šálek M., Zeman V., Václav R.: Habitat selection of an endangered European farmland bird, the Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana, in two contrasting landscapes: implications for management, Bird Conservation International (2018) .

Všetičková L., Mikl L., Adámek Z., Prášek V., Roche K., Jurajda P.: The diet of reservoir perch before, during and after establishment of non-native tubenose goby, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 419 (2018) .

Zahradníková Jr. A., Kováčová V., Martínková N., Orlova M. V., Orlov O. L., Piacek V., Zukal J., Pikula J.: Historic and geographic surveillance of Pseudogymnoascus destructans possible from collections of bat parasites, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 65 (2018) 303-308.