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International Journal of Vertebrate Zoology

ISSN 0139-7893
Abbreviation: Folia Zool.

Aims & Scope

Folia Zoologica publishes articles containing original insight into various aspects of vertebrate zoology that are not published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal welcomes significant papers presenting new and original data of more than regional significance. Studies testing explicitly formulated hypotheses are preferred to those presenting primarily descriptive results. Review papers are particularly welcomed and should deal with topics of general interest or of current importance, being synthetic rather than comprehensive in emphasis.

Certain papers are rejected because they do not fit within the aims and scopes characterised above. Some examples include:

  • (1) Investigations using vertebrates merely as models or emphasizing experimental or veterinary aspects which are not of substantial relevance to zoologists;
  • (2) Studies using domestic or laboratory animals as models;
  • (3) Papers in which the primary focus is, for example, paleontology, parasitology, physiology, histology or anatomy, but where the links to, and implications for, vertebrate zoology are not clear and have not been strongly developed;
  • (4) Local or regional faunistic studies aimed at development of conservation strategies.

The journal is published quarterly and one volume usually consists of four issues. However, additional issues can be published occasionally. There is no page charge except colour pages.

Folia Zoologica is a continuation of the periodical Entomologické Listy (Folia Entomologica, 1938-1951, volumes 1-14), Zoologické a Entomologické Listy (Folia Zoologica and Entomologica, 1952-1955, volumes 1-4, n.s.) and Zoologické Listy (Folia Zoologica, 1956-1976, volumes 5-25).

Full papers published in Folia Zoologica are available on http://www.ivb.cz/folia-zoologica-archive.html one year after publishing articles. Folia Zoologica is indexed by CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases incl. Scopus, Web of Knowledge by Thomson Reuters and NISC Bibliographic databases. Contents are distributed by EBSCO Publishing.

Folia Zoologica entered into a cooperation agreement with BioOne www.bioone.org, and from next year all manuscripts of Folia Zoologica will be released immediately after acceptance. Folia Zoologica is indexed by CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases incl. Scopus, Web of Knowledge by Thomson Reuters and NISC Bibliographic databases.