Vojtěch Brlík
Position: undergraduate
Research topics: bird migration, bird communities
Department: Research facility Brno
Mobile: +420 723 551 844
E-mail: vojtech.brlik
Twitter: @VojtechBrlik
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.cz/citations?user=RYYs4K0AAAAJ&hl=cs&oi=ao
Bachelor thesis
A meta-analysis of the effects of geolocator application on passerine birds (supervisor P. Procházka).
Diploma thesis
Carry-over effects of the non-breeding ground quality to the subsequent phases of the annual cycle (supervisor P. Procházka).
2018Brlík V., Ilieva M., Lisovski S., Voigt C. C., Procházka P.: First insights into the migration route and migratory connectivity of the Paddyfield Warbler using geolocator tagging and stable isotope analysis, Journal of Ornithology (2018) .
Dimitrov D., Ilieva M., Ivanova K., Brlík V., Zehtindjiev P.: Detecting local transmission of avian malaria and related haemosporidian parasites (Apicomlexa, Haemosporida) at a Special Protection Area of Natura 2000 network, Parasitology Research (2018) .
Procházka P., Brlík V., Yohannes E., Meister B., Auerswald J., Ilieva M., Hahn S.: Across a migratory divide: divergent migration directions and non-breeding grounds of Eurasian reed warblers revealed by geolocators and stable isotopes, Journal of avian biology (2018) .
2015Brlík V., Koleček J.: Využití kompletních seznamů pozorovaných druhů při ornitologickém průzkumu malého území, Sylvia 51 (2015) 23-43.