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Research priorities

Research Facility in Studenec is very dynamic part of the Institute that has significantly evolved in last years. There are modern molecular-genetic, physiological and microscopic laboratories, breeding facility for small mammals, birds and amphibians (currently undergoing substantial reconstruction) and facilities allowing experiments in semi-natural conditions. 

Empirical data from observations, laboratory analyses and experiments (supplemented by simulation modelling) are used for investigating important questions of evolutionary biology of populations. Research activities have mostly a nature of fundamental research but can be applied in biomedicine, species conservation and epidemiology. Examples of research topics are following (model organisms given in parentheses):

  • hybrid zones as barriers against gene flow and their role in speciation (rodents);
  • phylogeography, reconstruction of historical colonization and mechanisms of biodiversity evolution (mainly African rodents and amphibians);
  • study of factors affecting population structure, conservation genetics (fish, rodents, carnivores);
  • mating systems, analysis of reproductive success and factors affecting fitness (passerines);
  • immunogenetics - links between adaptive genetic variation and fitness (rodents, passerines);
  • host-parasite co-evolution, genetic variation of pathogens and their hosts (rodents, bats, pathogenic fungi, helminths, RNA-viruses);
  • mechanisms and evolution of thermal physiology traits in ectotherms (newts);
  • functional approaches in studying morphological adaptations (amphibians and reptiles).

The results of basic and applied research are presented to public in the frame of projects supported by the Vysočina Region, Norway Funds and Ministry of Education.


Studenec 122, 675 02 Koněšín
tel: +420 560 590 601
mail: bryja@brno.cas.cz


Head of the Facility

Bryja Josef, doc. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D., +420 560 590 601, <bryjabrno.cas.cz>, molecular ecology

Full-time Researchers

Albrecht Tomáš, doc. Mgr., Ph.D., +420 560 590 614, <albrechtivb.cz>, evolutionary ecology, ecology of birds

Baird Stuart J.E., Ph.D., +420 560 590 613, <stuartj.e.bairdgmail.com>, evolutionary biology, population genetics

Goüy de Bellocq Joëlle , Ph.D., +420 560 590 613, <Joelle.GouydeBellocqua.ac.be>, molecular epidemiology

Gvoždík Lumír, doc. Mgr., Ph.D., +420 568 422 763, <gvozdikbrno.cas.cz>, Physiological and Evolutionary Ecology

Gvoždík Václav, RNDr., Ph.D., +420 560 590 622, <vaclav.gvozdikivb.cz>, evolutionary history, herpetology

Martínková Natália, Mgr., Ph.D., +420 560 590 605, <martinkovaivb.cz>, phylogeny and phylogeography

Piálek Jaroslav, prom. biol., CSc., +420 560 590 602, <jpialekbrno.cas.cz>, hybrid zones, population genetics

Researchers contracted for particular project

Nürnberger Beate, Ph.D., <bdnurnbergerivb.cz>, evolutionary biology, population genetics, bioinformatics

Research Assistants

Bryjová Anna, Mgr., +420 560 590 621, <bryjovaivb.cz>, molecular genetics

Fornůsková Alena, Mgr., Ph.D., +420 560 590 621, <fornuskovaivb.cz>, host parasite co-evolution

Hájková Petra , Mgr., Ph.D., +420 608 908 285, <hajkovaivb.cz>, conservation genetics

Holánová Eva, Mgr., +420 560 590 607, <EvaRybnickovaseznam.cz >, molecular biology

Šugerková Monika, Mgr., <sugerkovabrno.cas.cz>


Čížková Dagmar, Mgr., Ph.D., +420 568 423 194, <dejshaseznam.cz>, molecular biology and genetics

Ďureje Ľudovít, Mgr., Ph.D., +420 568 627 950, <durejegmail.com>, behavioral genetics and speciation

Hiadlovská Zuzana, Mgr., +420 560 590 612, <328868mail.muni.cz>, behavioural ecology of rodents

Janotová Kateřina, Mgr., Ph.D., +420 560 590 612, <kjanotovaseznam.cz>, behavioral ecology

Javůrková Veronika, Mgr., Ph.D., +420 560 590 621, <veronika.javurkovagmail.com>, ecology and eco-physiolgy of birds

Mikula Ondřej, Mgr., Ph.D., +420 532 290 156, < onmikulagmail.com>, phylogeny and morphology of rodents

Opatová Pavlína, Mgr., Ph.D., +420 560 590 612, <p.opatovagmail.com>, evolutionary ecology and ecophysiology

Smolinský Radovan, Ing., Ph.D. et Ph.D., +420 560 590 608, <radovan.smolinskygmail.com>, thermal biology

Tomášek Oldřich, MVDr., Ph.D., +420 560 590 604, <oltmskgmail.com>, evolutionary ecology and ecophysiology

Vošlajerová Barbora, RNDr., Ph.D., <barabimovacentrum.cz>, behavioural ecology and genetics

Zemanová Barbora, Mgr., Ph.D., +420 560 590 612, <barca_zemanovacentrum.cz>, conservation genetics

PhD Students

Aghová Tatiana, Mgr., +420 560 590 607, <tatiana.aghovagmail.com>, phylogeography of African rodents

Albrechtová Jana, Mgr., <jana.brehovaseznam.cz>, evolutionary biology

Bainová Hana, Mgr., <hanulaygmail.com>, ecological and evol. immunology

Bobek Lukáš, Mgr., <bobek.lvolny.cz>, ecophysiology of birds

Dolinay Matej, Mgr., +420 +42 077 306, <dolinaymgmail.com>, herpetology, phylogeography, phylogenetics

Gast M.Sc. Oliver, +420 560 590 613, <olivergastweb.de>, speciation, population genomics

Janča Martin, <martyjancaseznam.cz>

Kauzál Ondřej , Mgr., +420 560 590 607, <okauzalgmail.com>, ecological and evolutionary endocrinology

Kotasová Adámková Marie, Mgr., <ma.adamkovagmail.com>

Králová Tereza, Mgr., +420 560 590 607, <kralova.terezamail.muni.cz>, immunogenetics

Kumar Anandan Sampath, +420 775 531 797, <sampath.anandanmail.muni.cz>, mechanisms of life-history evolution

Martincová Iva, Mgr., +420 560 590 612, <150438mail.muni.cz>, population genetics and speciation

Těšíková Jana, Mgr., <357079mail.muni.cz>, host-virus co-evolution


Pospíšilová Iva, Bc., <19ipospisilovagmail.com>, behavioural ecology and physiology of mouse

Administrative Staff

Abrahámová Dagmar, +420 560 590 606, <dabrahamovaivb.cz>, administrative officer

Rousková Ludmila, +420 568 627 950, <malalidkaseznam.cz>, administrative officer

Vrbová Komárková Jana, Mgr., +420 775 292 793, <komarkovaivb.cz>, administrative officer

Technician Staff

Labská Lucie, +420 560 590 607, <vlckova.vlckovacentrum.cz>, technician

Podhajský Luděk, Mgr., <LudekPodhajskyemail.cz>, technician


Šoukalová Dagmar, +420 568 627 950, <soukalovadagmarseznam.cz>, charwoman