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Banďouchová H., Bartonička T., Berková H., Brichta J., Kokurewicz T., Kováčová V., Linhart P., Piaček V., Pikula J., Zahradníková Jr. A., Zukal J.: Alterations in the health of hibernating bats under pathogen pressure, Scientific Reports 8 (2018) .

Bartáková V., Bryja J., Reichard M.: Fine-scale genetic structure of the European bitterling at the intersection of three major European watersheds, BMC Evolutionary Biology 18 (2018) .

Blažejová H., Šebesta O., Rettich F., Mendel J., Čabanová V., Miterpáková M., Betášová L., Peško J., Hubálek Z., Kampen H., Rudolf I.: Cryptic species Anopheles daciae (Diptera: Culicidae) found in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Parasitology Research 117 (2018) 315-321.

Blažek R., Polačik M., Smith C., Honza M., Meyer A., Reichard M.: Success of cuckoo catfish brood parasitism reflects coevolutionary history and individual experience of their cichlid hosts, Science Advances 4 (2018) .

Brlík V., Ilieva M., Lisovski S., Voigt C. C., Procházka P.: First insights into the migration route and migratory connectivity of the Paddyfield Warbler using geolocator tagging and stable isotope analysis, Journal of Ornithology 159 (2018) 879-882.

Bryja J., Kostin D., Meheretu Y., Šumbera R., Bryjová A., Kasso M., Mikula O., Lavrenchenko L. A.: Reticulate Pleistocene evolution of Ethiopian rodent genus along remarkable altitudinal gradient, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 118 (2018) 75-87.

Burgstaller J. P., Kolbe T., Havlicek V., Hembach S., Poulton J., Piálek J., Steinborn R., Rülicke T., Brem G., Jones N. S., Johnston I. G.: Large-scale genetic analysis reveals mammalian mtDNA heteroplasmy dynamics and variance increase through lifetimes and generations, Nature Communications 9 (2018) (2018) .

Čabanová V., Miterpáková M., Valentová D., Blažejová H., Rudolf I., Stloukal E., Hurníková Z., Dzidová M.: Urbanization impact on mosquito community and the transmission potential of filarial infection in central Europe, Parasites & Vectors 11 (2018) .

Červená B., Hrazdilová K., Vallo P., Pafčo B., Fenyková T., Petrželková K., Todd A., Tagg N., Wangue N., Lux Hoppe E. G., Duarte Moraes M. F., Lapera I. M., Souza Pollo A., Albuquerque A. C. A., Modrý D.: Diversity of Mammomonogamus (Nematoda: Syngamidae) in large African herbivores, Parasitology Research 117 (2018) 1013-1024.

D'Amico G., Estrada-Pea A., Kalmár Z., Fuh T., Petrželková K., Mihalca A. D.: Redescription of the adult stages of Ixodes (Afrixodes) rasus Neumann 1899, with notes on its phylogenetic position within the genus Ixodes, Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 9 (2018) 654-659.

Dimitrov D., Ilieva M., Ivanova K., Brlík V., Zehtindjiev P.: Detecting local transmission of avian malaria and related haemosporidian parasites (Apicomlexa, Haemosporida) at a Special Protection Area of Natura 2000 network, Parasitology Research 117 (2018) 2187-2199.

Fedorčák J., Pekárik L., Halačka K., Šmiga Ľ., Manko P., Hajdú J., Vetešník L., Koščo J.: Microhabitat preferences of triploid Cobitis fish and diploid progenitors in two streams in Slovakia (Danube River Basin), Limnologica 69 (2018) 59-66.

García D., Loureiro M., Machín E., Reichard M.: Phenology of three coexisting annual fish species: seasonal patterns in hatching dates, Hydrobiologia 809 (2018) 323-337.

Hájková L., Hubálek Z., Kožnarová V., Bartošová L., Možný M.: Flowering of allergenically important plant species in relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation system and thermal time in the Czech Republic, Aerobiologia 34 (2018) 157-169.

Haviernik J., Štefánik M., Fojtíková M., Kali S., Tordo N., Rudolf I., Hubálek Z., Eyer L., Růžek D.: Arbidol (Umifenovir): A broad-spectrum antiviral drug that inhibits medically important arthropod-borne flaviviruses, Viruses 10 (2018) .

Heroldová M., Michalko R., Suchomel J., Zejda J.: Influence of no-tillage versus tillage system on common vole (Microtus arvalis) population density, Pest Management Science 74 (2018) 1346-1350.

Honza M., Požgayová M., Petrželková A., Procházka P.: Does host-absent vocalisation of common cuckoo chicks increase hosts’ food provisioning behaviour?, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72 (2018) .

Hulak B., Kvach Y.: Finding of Pseudobacciger harengulae (Digenea, Faustulidae) in the Mediterranean Horse Mackerel, Trachurus mediterraneus (Actinopterygii, Carangidae), from the Gulf of Odessa, Black Sea, Ukraine, Vestnik zoologii 52 (2018) 47-52.

Janáč M., Roche K., Šlapanský L., Polačik M., Jurajda P.: Long-term monitoring of native bullhead and invasive gobiids in the Danubian rip-rap zone, Hydrobiologia 807 (2018) 263-275.

Jandzik D., Jablonski D., Zinenko O., Kukushkin O. V., Moravec J., Gvoždík V.: Pleistocene extinctions and recent expansions in an anguid lizard of the genus Pseudopus, Zoologica Scripta 47 (2018) 21-32.

Janko K., Pačes J., Wilkinson-Herbots H., Costa R. J., Roslein J., Drozd P., Iakovenko N., Rídl J., Hroudová M., Kočí J., Reifová R., Šlechtová V., Choleva L.: Hybrid asexuality as a primary postzygotic barrier between nascent species: on the interconnection between asexuality, hybridization and speciation, Molecular Ecology 27 (2018) 248-263.

Jelínková E., Krechler I., Jurajda P., Papežíková I., Navrátil S., Marková Z., Palíková M.: Relationship between seasonal dynamics in zooplankton density and ergasilus infection in two reservoirs, Acta veterinaria Brno 87 (2018) 91-98.

Jurajda P., Roche K., Halačka K., Mrkvová M., Zukal J.: Winter activity of common bream (Abramis brama L.) in a European reservoir, Fisheries Management and Ecology 25 (2018) 163-171.

Klvaňa P., Cepák J., Munclinger P., Michálková R., Tomášek O., Albrecht T.: Around the Mediterranean: an extreme example of loop migration in a long-distance migratory passerine, Journal of avian biology 49 (2018) .

Koleček J., Hahn S., Emmenegger T., Procházka P.: Intra-tropical movements as a beneficial strategy for Palearctic migratory birds, Royal Society Open Science 5 (2018) .

Koleček J., Procházka P., Ieronymidou C., Bureld I. J., Reif J.: Non-breeding range size predicts the magnitude of population trends in trans-Saharan migratory passerine birds, Oikos 127 (2018) 599-606.

Kotsakiozi P., Jablonski D., Ilgaz Ç., Kumlutaş Y., Avci A., Meiri S., Itescu Y., Kukushkin O., Gvoždík V., Scillitani G., Roussos S. A., Jandzik D., Kasapidis P., Lymberakis P., Poulakakis N.: Multilocus phylogeny and coalescent species delimitation in Kotschy's gecko, Mediodactylus kotschyi: Hidden diversity and cryptic species, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 125 (2018) 177-187.

Kováčová V., Kolařík M., Banďouchová H., Bartonička T., Berková H., Havelková B., Hrudová E., Kohoutová L., Martínková N., Zukal J., Pikula J.: Recovery of a phytopathogenic bacterium Lonsdalea quercina from a lesser horseshoe bat in Moravian karst, Czech Republic, Forest Pathology 48 (2018) .

Kováčová V., Zukal J., Banďouchová H., Botvinkin A. D., Harazim M., Martínková N., Orlov O. L., Piaček V., Shumkina A. P., Tiunov M. P., Pikula J.: White-nose syndrome detected in bats over an extensive area of Russia, BMC Veterinary Research 14 (2018) (2018) .

Králová T., Albrecht T., Bryja J., Hořák D., Johnsen A., Lifjeld J. T., Novotný M., Sedláček O., Velová H., Vinkler M.: Signatures of diversifying selection and convergence acting on passerine Tolllike receptor 4 in an evolutionary context, Molecular Ecology 27 (2018) 2871-2883.

Krkavcová E., Kreisinger J., Hyánková L., Hyršl P., Javůrková V.: The hidden function of egg white antimicrobials: egg weight-dependent effects of avidin on avian embryo survival and hatchling phenotype, Biology Open 7 (2018) .

Krojerová-Prokešová J., Homolka M., Heroldová M., Barančeková M., Baňař P., Kamler J., Modlinger R., Purchart L., Zejda J., Suchomel J.: Patterns of vole gnawing on saplings in managed clearings in Central European forests, Forest Ecology and Management 408 (2018) 137-147.

Kvach Y., Ondračková M., Kutsokon Y., Dzyziuk N.: New record of monogenean parasites on non-indigenous fishes in the Ukrainian Danube Delta, BioInvasions Records 7 (2018) 65-72.

Kvach Y., Ondračková M., Janáč M., Jurajda P.: Methodological issues affecting the study of fish parasites. III. Effect of fish preservation method, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 127 (2018) 213-224.

Lanés L. E. K., Reichard M., De Moura R. G., Godoy R. S., Maltchik L.: Environmental predictors for annual fish assemblages in subtropical grasslands of South America: the role of landscape and habitat characteristics, Environmental Biology of Fishes 101 (2018) 963-977.

Mahmoudi A., Zima J., Kryštufek B., Darvish J., Aliabadian M., Arslan A.: Systematic relationships within the Microtus arvalis (Rodentia: Cricetidae) group in Iran, inferred from cytogenetic analyses, Zoology in the Middle East 64 (2018) 1-8.

Mariën J., Sluydts V., Borremans B., Gryseels S., Broecke B. V., Sabuni C. A., Katakweba A. A. S., Mulungu L. S., Günther S., Goüy de Bellocq J., Massawe A. W., Leirs H.: Arenavirus infection correlates with lower survival of its natural rodent host in a long-term capture-mark-recapture study, Parasites & Vectors 11 (2018) .

Mazoch V., Mikula O., Bryja J., Konvičková H., Russo I.-R., Verheyen E., Šumbera R.: Phylogeography of a widespread sub-Saharan murid rodent Aethomys chrysophilus: the role of geographic barriers and paleoclimate in the Zambezian bioregion, Mammalia 82 (2018) 373-387.

Mendel J., Jánová K., Palíková M.: Genetically influenced resistance to stress and disease in salmonids in relation to present-day breeding practice - a short review, Acta veterinaria Brno 87 (2018) 35-45.

Mikula P., Hadrava J., Albrecht T., Tryjanowski P.: Large-scale assessment of commensalistic-mutualistic associations between African birds and herbivorous mammals using internet photos, PeerJ 6 (2018) .

Mikulíček P., Jablonski D., Páleník M., Gvoždík V., Jandzik D.: Characterization of microsatellite markers in the genera Anguis and Pseudopus (Reptilia: Anguidae), Salamandra 54 (2018) 158-162.

Morais P., Reichard M.: Cryptic invasions: a review, Science of the Total Environment (2018) 1438-1448.

Pafčo B., Čížková D., Kreisinger J., Hasegawa H., Vallo P., Shutt K., Todd A., Petrželková K., Modrý D.: Metabarcoding analysis of strongylid nematode diversity in two sympatric primate species, Scientific Reports 8 (2018) .

Pafčo B., Tehlárová Z., Jirků-Pomajbíková K., Todd A., Hasegawa H., Petrželková K., Modrý D.: Gastrointestinal protists and helminths of habituated agile mangabeys (Cercocebus agilis) at Bai Hokou, Central African Republic, American Journal of Primatology 80 (2018) .

Pakosta T., Vetešník L., Šimková A.: A Long temporal study of parasitism in asexual-sexual populations of Carassius gibelio: Does the parasite infection support coevolutionary Red Queen dynamics?, BioMed Research International 2018 (2018) (2018) .

Pavliska P. L., Riegert J., Grill S., Šálek M.: The effect of landscape heterogeneity on population density and habitat preferences of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) in contrasting farmlands, Mammalian Biology 88 (2018) 8-15.

Petrová I., Petriláková M., Losík J., Gouveia A., Damugi I. E. D., Tkadlec E.: Density-related pattern of variation in body growth, body size and annual productivity in the common hamster, Mammalian Biology 91 (2018) 34-40.

Petružela J., Šumbera R., Aghová T., Bryjová A., Katakweba A. S., Sabuni C. A., Chitaukali W. N., Bryja J.: Spiny mice of the Zambezian bioregion – phylogeny, biogeography and ecological differentiation within the Acomys spinosissimus complex, Mammalian Biology 91 (2018) 79-90.

Polačik M., Reichard M., Vrtílek M.: Local variation in embryo development rate in annual fish, Journal of Fish Biology 92 (2018) 1359-1370.

Procházka P., Brlík V., Yohannes E., Meister B., Auerswald J., Ilieva M., Hahn S.: Across a migratory divide: divergent migration directions and non-breeding grounds of Eurasian reed warblers revealed by geolocators and stable isotopes, Journal of avian biology 49 (2018) .

Reichard M., Lanés L. E. K., Polačik M., Blažek R., Vrtílek M., Godoy R. S., Maltchik L.: Avian predation mediates size-specific survival in a Neotropical annual fish: a field experiment, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 124 (2018) 56-66.

Ros R., Andreo V., Tagliapietra V., Baráková I., Arnoldi D., Hauffe H. C., Manica M., Rosso F., Blaňarová L., Bona M., Derdáková M., Hamšíková Z., Kazimírová M., Kraljik J., Kocianová E., Mahríková L., Minichová L., Mošanský L., Slovák M., Stanko M., Špitalská E., Ducheyne E., Neteler M., Hubálek Z., Rudolf I., Venclíková K., Silaghi C., Overzier E., Farkas R., Földvári G., Hornok S., Takács N., Rizzoli A.: Effect of climate and land use on the spatio-temporal variability of tick-borne bacteria in Europe, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 (2018) .

Rudolf I., Blažejová H., Šebesta O., Mendel J., Peško J., Betášová L., Straková P., Šikutová S., Hubálek Z.: West Nile virus (linie 2) v komárech na jižní Moravě – očekávání prvních autochtonních lidských případů, Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie (2018) 44-46.

Rudolf I., Blažejová H., Straková P., Šebesta O., Peško J., Mendel J., Šikutová S., Hubálek Z., Kampen H., Schaffner F.: The invasive Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Czech Republic: Repetitive introduction events highlight the need for extended entomological surveillance, Acta Tropica 185 (2018) 239-241.

Sabuni C., Aghová T., Bryjová A., Šumbera R., Bryja J.: Biogeographic implications of small mammals from Northern Highlands in Tanzania with first data from the volcanic Mount Kitumbeine, Mammalia 82 (2018) 360-372.

Sosnovcová K., Koleček J., Požgayová M., Jelínek V., Šulc M., Steidlová P., Honza M., Procházka P.: Timing of natal nests is an important factor affecting return rates of juvenile Great Reed Warblers, Journal of Ornithology 159 (2018) 183-190.

Straková P., Kubánková M., Vašíčková P., Juřicová Z., Rudolf I., Hubálek Z.: Hepatitis E virus in archived sera from wild boars (Sus scrofa), Czech Republic, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (2018) .

Svobodová J., Bauerová P., Eliáš J., Velová H., Vinkler M., Albrecht T.: Sperm variation in Great Tit males (Parus major) is linked to a haematological healthrelated trait, but not ornamentation, Journal of Ornithology 159 (2018) 815-822.

Šálek M., Zeman V., Václav R.: Habitat selection of an endangered European farmland bird, the Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana, in two contrasting landscapes: implications for management, Bird Conservation International (2018) .

Šálek M., Hula V., Kipson M., Daňková R., Niedobová J., Gamero A.: Bringing diversity back to agriculture: Smaller fields and non-crop elements enhance biodiversity in intensively managed arable farmlands, Ecological Indicators 90 (2018) 65-73.

Šálek M., Bažant M., Żmihorski M.: Active farmsteads are year-round strongholds for farmland birds, Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (2018) 1908-1918.

Šumbera R., Krásová J., Lavrenchenko L. A., Mengistu S., Bekele A., Mikula O., Bryja J.: Ethiopian highlands as a cradle of the African fossorial root-rats (genus Tachyoryctes), the genetic evidence, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 126 (2018) 105-115.

Vlčková K., Shutt-Phillips K. A., Heistermann M., Pafčo B., Petrželková K., Todd A., Modrý D., Nelson K. E., Wilson B. A., Stumpf R. M., White B. A., Leigh S. R., Gomez A.: Impact of stress on the gut microbiome of free-ranging western lowland gorillas, Microbiology 164 (2018) 40-44.

Vlčková K., Kreisinger J., Pafčo B., Čížková D., Tagg N., Hehl A. B., Modrý D.: Diversity of Entamoeba spp. in African great apes and humans: an insight from Illumina MiSeq high-throughput sequencing, International Journal for Parasitology 48 (2018) 519-530.

Vlčková K., Pafčo B., Petrželková K., Modrý D., Todd A., Yeoman C. J., Torralba M., Wilson B. A., Stumpf R. M., White B. A., Nelson K. E., Leigh S. R., Gomez A.: Relationships between gastrointestinal parasite infections and the fecal microbiome in free-ranging western lowland gorillas, Frontiers in Microbiology 9 (2018) .

Vrtílek M., Žák J., Polačik M., Blažek R., Reichard M.: Longitudinal demographic study of wild populations of African annual killifish, Scientific Reports 8 (2018) .

Všetičková L., Mikl L., Adámek Z., Prášek V., Roche K., Jurajda P.: The diet of reservoir perch before, during and after establishment of non-native tubenose goby, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 419 (2018) .

Zahradníková Jr. A., Kováčová V., Martínková N., Orlova M. V., Orlov O. L., Piaček V., Zukal J., Pikula J.: Historic and geographic surveillance of Pseudogymnoascus destructans possible from collections of bat parasites, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 65 (2018) 303-308.

Zieba G., Dukowska M., Przybylski M., Fox M. G., Smith C.: Parental care compromises feeding in the pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus), Science of Nature 105 (2018) .

Zieba G., Smith C., Fox M. G., Yavno S., Záhorská E., Przybylski M., Masson G., Cucherousset J., Verreycken H., van Kleef H. H., Copp G. H.: Red operculum spots, body size, maturation and evidence for a satellite male phenotype in non-native European populations of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27 (2018) 874-883.