Accepted Papers
Accepted Papers will successively appear in a
printed version of the journal.
These papers are in preparation and have not been
copyedited yet.
The full on-line version of accepted articles
published as Pre-Press articles
are available in pdf files, prepared by the authors.
Learn more about the Pre-Press articles
The effects of acute hypoxia on tissue oxygenation and circulating alarmins
in healthy adults
Christopher J. Boos, Chris M. Lamb, Mark Midwinter, Adrian Mellor, David R.
Woods, Mark Howley, Tim Stansfield, Mark Foster, John Paul O’hara
Pre-press article
Serum HMGB1 levels and its association with endothelial dysfunction in patients
with polycystic ovary syndrome
Hao-hua Wang, Lin-Min, Guang-da Xiang
Pre-press article
Natural remodeling of the distal anastomosis of an above-knee femoropopliteal
bypass depicted by CT angiography of lower limbs improves geometry of the
Gabriela Grusova, Lukas Lambert, Tomas Grus, Jan Kavan, Alena Lambertova, Andrea
Burgetova, Mikulas Mlcek
Pre-press article
Markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant status in the plasma, urine and
saliva of healthy mice
Marianna Gyurászová, Alexandra Kovalčíková, Katarína Janšáková, Katarína
Šebeková, Peter Celec, Ľubomíra Tóthová
Pre-press article
Ventilation distribution, pulmonary diffusion and peripheral muscle endurance as
determinants of exercise intolerance in elderly patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease
A. J. Lopes, P. S. Vigário, A. L. Hora, C. A. L. Deus, M. S. Soares, F. S.
Guimarães, A. S. Ferreira
Pre-press article
The effect of selected feed mixtures on the duodenal morphology
Peter Makovický, Mária Chrenková, Pavol Makovický, Pavel Fľak, Zuzana Formelová,
Vendula Novosadová, Matúš Rajský, Luca Vannucci
Pre-press article
Fast tonotopy mapping of the rat auditory cortex with a custom-made electrode
Jiří Lindovský, Kateryna Pysanenko, Jiří Popelář, Josef Syka
Pre-press article
Relationship between dynamic expiratory time constant τedyn and parameters of
breathing cycle in pressure support ventilation mode.
Peter Čandik, Dušan Rybár, Filip Depta, Frantisek Sabol, Adrian Kolesár,
Katarína Galková, Pavol Török, Viera Doničová, Štefan Imrecze, Martin Nosáľ,
Viliam Donič
Pre-press article
Prenatal caffeine damaged learning and memory in rat offspring mediated by ARs/PKA/CREB/BDNF
Yongmei Li, Wenna Zhang, Ruixiu Shi, Miao Sun, Lubo Zhang, Na Li, Zhice Xu
Pre-press article
Plethysmographic and biochemical markers in the diagnosis of endothelial
dysfunction in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors – new
Aneta Masopustová, Petr Jehlička, Michal Huml, Tomáš Votava, Ladislav Trefil,
Marcela Kreslová, Josef Sýkora
Pre-press article
Effect of diabetes mellitus type 1 diagnosis on the corneal cell densities and
nerve fibers
Marie Česká Burdová, Michal Kulich, Dagmar Dotřelová, Gabriela Mahelková
Pre-press article
Application of adult mesenchymal stem cells in bone and vascular tissue
Martina Trávníčková, Lucie Bačáková
Pre-press article
Acute toxic effects of telmisartan in spontaneously hypertensive rats fed a high
fructose diet
J. Šilhavý, P. Mlejnek, M. Šimáková, I. Vaněčková, M. Behuliak, O. Kuda, E.
Sticová, M. Jirsa, M. Pravenec
Pre-press article
Serum hepcidin is increased in ANCA-associated vasculitis and correlates with
activity markers
Petr Přikryl, Zdenka Hrušková, Pavel Konopásek, Zuzana Hladinová, Vladimír Tesař,
Martin Vokurka
Pre-press article
Changes in omentin levels and its mRNA expression in epicardial adipose tissue
in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery: the influence of type 2
diabetes and coronary heart disease
Z. Matloch, H. Kratochvílová, A. Cinkajzlová, M. Lipš, P. Kopecký, M. Pořízka,
D. Haluzíková, J. Lindner, M. Mráz, J. Kloučková, Z. Lacinová, M. Haluzík
Pre-press article
Postural changes during quiet stance and gait initiation in slightly obese
Zuzana Hirjaková, Kristína Šuttová, Jana Kimijanová, Diana Bzdúšková, František
Pre-press article
Evaluation of later morphologic alterations in renal artery wall and renal
nerves in response to catheter-based renal denervation in sheep: comparison of
the single-point and multiple-point ablation catheters
Miloš Táborský, David Richter, Zbyněk Tonar, Tereza Kubíková, Aleš Herman, Jan
Peregrin, Zuzana Husková, Libor Kopkan
Pre-press article
Data actualized: 09/11/2018