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The genetic basis of species origin: What can we learn from organisms with female heterogamety? (2018-2020)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D.
Comparative parasite hybrodisation genomics controlling for host divergence (2018-2020)
Investigator: Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq, Ph.D.
Evolution at steep elevational gradients: assessing the role of genetic and ecological factors in speciation process (2018-2020)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
ANGUIOMICS: Genomic insights into the evolutionary history and contact zones of slow-worm lizards (Anguis) (2018-2020)
Investigator: RNDr. Václav Gvoždík, Ph.D.
Consequences of vertebrate microbiota changes due to symbiotic associations with humans (2018-2020)
Investigator: Kreisinger Jakub
Epidemiology and pathological effects of gastrointestinal helminthiases in critically endangered mountain gorillas (2018-2020)
Investigator: Mgr. Klára Petrželková, Ph.D.
Embryo and environment – annual fish as a unique model to study embryo ecology (2018-2020)
Investigator: Mgr. Matej Polačik, Ph.D.
A novel system to understand brood parasitism: the cuckoo catfish parasiting African cichlids (2018-2020)
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Latitudinal and altitudinal patterns in avian pace-of-life syndromes: a study of Afrotropical and European songbirds (2017-2019)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D.
Reproductive strategies of an obligate brood parasite: host selection, offspring sex allocation and individual success (2017-2019)
Investigator: doc. Ing. Marcel Honza, Dr.
Genotypes and phenotypes associated with Y chromosome introgression in the European house mouse hybrid zone: comparison among transects (2017-2019)
Investigator: Stuart J.E. Baird, Ph.D.
Freshwater ectotherms under climate change: the role of phenotypic plasticity in life histories and trophic interactions (2017-2019)
Co-investigator: doc. Mgr. Lumír Gvoždík, Ph.D.
Why and how animals abandon sex? On the causal role of hybridization in triggering asexual reproduction (2017-2019)
Co-investigator: Ing. Karel Halačka, CSc.
The role of Prdm9 allelic variations and activity in hybrid sterility in mice (2017-2019)
Co-investigator: prom. biol. Jaroslav Piálek, CSc.
Physiology of bat hibernation with respect to multistressor impacts (2017-2019)
Co-investigator: Mgr. Natália Martínková, Ph.D.
Hybrid zones: natural laboratories for the study of pathogen emergence (2016-2018)
Investigator: Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq, Ph.D.
Phylogeography, seleciton and mutation rate at genomic level: Inference from mtDNA sequences of the house mouse (2016-2018)
Investigator: prom. biol. Jaroslav Piálek, CSc.
Ageing in the wild: from demography to gene expression (2016-2018)
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Genomic dissection of barriers to gene flow in hybridising fire-bellied toads (2016-2018)
Investigator: Beate Nürnberger, Ph.D.
Genetic diversity and cross-transmissions of strongylid nematodes between African great apes and man (2015-2018)
Investigator: Mgr. Klára Petrželková, Ph.D.
ECIP - European Centre of Ichtyoparasitology (2012-2018)
Co-investigator: Ing. Pavel Jurajda, Dr.
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Petr Koubek, CSc.
Investigator: Ing. Martin Šálek, Ph.D.
Komercializace výsledků zoologického výzkumu - aplikace využitelné v praktické ochraně přírody
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Jan Zukal, Dr., MBA
Application of "top-down" biomanipulation to reduce eutrophication caused by agriculture in reservoirs (2016-2018)
Investigator: Ing. Karel Halačka, CSc.
Investigator: Ing. Karel Halačka, CSc.
Evoluce hlodavců a jejich parazitů v otevřených biotopech východní Afriky (2015-2017)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
Thermal niche: evaluation of current concept in ectothermic vertebrates (2015-2017)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Lumír Gvoždík, Ph.D.
Amphibian species diversification across sky-island and lowland rainforests in a spatial and ecological context: genome-wide and continental transect (2015-2017)
Investigator: RNDr. Václav Gvoždík, Ph.D.
High resolution genomic analysis of introgression across a species barrier (2015-2017)
Investigator: Stuart J.E. Baird, Ph.D.
Biology of ageing: mechanisms and patterns of senescence in free-living birds (2015-2017)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D.
The effects of non-native species on host-parasite relationships (2015-2017)
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Quantifying viral gene capture, and the host’s response, during passage across a species barrier: Murine cytomegalovirus in a house mouse hybrid zone (2014-2016)
Investigator: Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq, Ph.D.
Linking events through the annual cycle: the importance of carry-over effects for the ecology of migratory birds (2013-2017)
Investigator: RNDr. Petr Procházka, Ph.D.
Post-copulatory sexual selection and the biology of sperm: within-population processes and interspecific patterns in passerine birds (2012-2016)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D.
Host-parasite interaction as an extreme form of parent-offspring conflict (2012-2016)
Investigator: doc. Ing. Marcel Honza, Dr.
Evolutionary-immunological and ecological aspects of parasitism in hybrid and polyploid cyprinid fish (2012-2016)
Co-investigator: Ing. Lukáš Vetešník, Ph.D.
The role of parasites during the invasion process of Ponto-Caspian gobies (2012-2014)
Investigator: Mgr. Markéta Ondračková, Ph.D.
Bat adaptations to the fungal disease geomycosis (2012-2015)
Investigator: Mgr. Natália Martínková, Ph.D.
Geographical gradients of avian diversity in sub-Saharan Africa: A life history perspective (2011-2015)
Co-investigator: RNDr. Petr Procházka, Ph.D.
Non-native Goby fishes: exploitation of a free niche or a threat of Central European fishes? (2011-2015)
Investigator: Ing. Pavel Jurajda, Dr.
The evolution and life-history consequences of rapid ageing (2011-2015)
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Adaptive coexistence of distinct life history strategies in fish of the genus Nothobranchius
Investigator: Mgr. Matej Polačik, Ph.D.
Populační struktura, disperze a explorační chování v zóně sekundárního kontaktu myší domácích (2011-2014)
Co-investigator: Mgr. Kateřina Janotová, Ph.D.
Biogeography and evolutionary history of two RNA viruses in Africa
Investigator: Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq, Ph.D.
The role of predator-prey interactions in coadaptation of thermal biology (2010-2013)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Lumír Gvoždík, Ph.D.
Comparative phylogeography of Zambezian region in Southeastern Africa using small mammals as a model (2010-2014)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
Toll-like receptors in passerine birds: description, characterization of polymorphism and evolutionary consequences of allelic variation (2010-2014)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
Genetic structure of sika deer populations in the Czech Republic
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Petr Koubek, CSc.
Demography, metapopulation dynamics and ecology of Nothobranchius fishes in Mozambique
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Revision of the species structure of the genera Gobio and Romanogobio in the Eurasian context
Investigator: Mgr. Jan Mendel, Ph.D.
Genetic diversity and phylogeography of the genus Scotophilus
Investigator: Mgr. Peter Vallo, Ph.D.
The analysis of the selected immune and physiological parameters in Carassius gibelio,species with different ploidy and atypical reproductive strategy
Investigator: Ing. Lukáš Vetešník, Ph.D.
Personalities, male mating tactics and role of females in sexual selection: studies on fish model systems
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Impact of increased contact with humans on diversity and ecology of protozoan parasites of African great apes
Co-investigator: Mgr. Klára Petrželková, Ph.D.
Immunogenetic study of a house mouse hybrid zone (2008-2012)
Investigator: prom. biol. Jaroslav Piálek, CSc.
Components of sexual selection in the monogamous Grey Partridge
Co-investigator: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D.
The ecological importance of set-aside and cultivated crops for the small mammals of agrocenosis
Investigator: Mgr. Eva Jánová, Ph.D.
Intraspecific variability of populations of two cryptic bat species of genus Pipistrellus in Central Europe (2006-2008)
Co-investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
Reproductive isolating mechanisms in Nothobranchius fishes (Aplocheilidae)
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Genetic structure of black grouse populations in the Czech Republic (2006-2008)
Investigator: Ing. Jana Svobodová, Ph.D.
Genetics (2006-2008)
Investigator: prom. biol. Jaroslav Piálek, CSc.
Phenotypic plasticity of thermal physiology traits in newts (2006-2008)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Lumír Gvoždík, Ph.D.
Ciliates of genus Troglodytella: pathogens or endosymbionts? Novel approach towards veterinary care and understanding digestion in apes
Investigator: Mgr. Klára Petrželková, Ph.D.
Importance of Red Fox in Different t Ecosystems of Central Europe (2006-2008)
Investigator: prof. Ing. Jaroslav Červený, CSc.
Extra-pair fertilizations and the strength of sexual selection in socially monogamous passerine
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D.
Genetic, population and reproductive variability of invazive fish species, Carassius
Investigator: Ing. Lukáš Vetešník, Ph.D.
Evolutionary ecological analysis of biological systems: research centrum for PhD studies
Investigator: Ing. Pavel Jurajda, Dr.
Parasitism and invasive species: effect of parasite infection on the biology of Neogobius kessleri in its native and introduced range
Investigator: Mgr. Markéta Ondračková, Ph.D.
Research activity for young people
Investigator: Mgr. Alena Fornůsková, Ph.D.
Cues, recognition and responses in a coevolutionary arms race between brood parasites and their hosts
Investigator: doc. Ing. Marcel Honza, Dr.
Ectoparasites associated with mountain birds in Costa Rica: linking ecology, biodiversity and genetics
Co-investigator: Ing. Miroslav Čapek, CSc.
The European bitterling - endangered or non-native species in central Europe?
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Biology of African mole-rats from mesic tropic areas (2008-2011)
Co-investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
Genetic consequences of population decline in Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) populations in the Czech and Slovak Republics
Investigator: Mgr. Petra Hájková, Ph.D.
Variation in resource allocation between reproductive phases in waterfowl
Co-investigator: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D.
Qunatitative trait loci (QTL) for male aggression in the house mouse (2007-2009)
Investigator: prom. biol. Jaroslav Piálek, CSc.
Evolution of antiparasitic strategies of selected hosts towards avian brood parasitism
Investigator: doc. Ing. Marcel Honza, Dr.
The role of MHC in sexual selection - observational and experimental study in three model vertebrate species (2006-2008)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
Genetic structure of chamois populations in Central Europe (2006-2009)
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Jan Zima, DrSc.
(Re)emerging mosquito-borne virus diseases
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc.
Phylogeography and evolutionary history of a semi-fossorial rodent Microtus subterraneus (2006-2008)
Investigator: Mgr. Natália Martínková, Ph.D.
Feeding behaviour, parasite infections and self-medicative abilities of an introduced chimpanzee population, Rubondo Island National Park, Tanzania
Investigator: Mgr. Klára Petrželková, Ph.D.
Diversity of cultivable microorganisms of ixodid ticks, recognized vectors of vertebrate pathogens
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Ivo Rudolf, Ph.D.
Behavioral and genetic study of prezygotic barriers in the house mouse hybrid zone (2005-2008)
Investigator: prom. biol. Jaroslav Piálek, CSc.
Population and genetic structure of brown trout and grayling as groundwork for efficient management of fisheries in salmonid waters
Co-investigator: Ing. Karel Halačka, CSc.
The impact of mating tactics on individual reproductive success and population parameters in the European bitterling: behavioural and genetic approach
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
European Reed Warbler populations across a migratory divide: insights into migration by analyses of DNA sequences, stable isotopes and ringing recoveries
Investigator: RNDr. Petr Procházka, Ph.D.
Species diversity and ecology of selected West African vertebrates
Co-investigator: prof. RNDr. Petr Koubek, CSc.
Feeding behavior and possible medicinal plant use in a chimpanzee population in Rubondo Island National Park, Tanzania
Investigator: Mgr. Klára Petrželková, Ph.D.
Diurnal and seasonal patterns of singing activity in Acrocephalus warblers
Investigator: Ing. Miroslav Čapek, CSc.
The importance of migratory connectivity for the population ecology of long-distance migrants: a model study on the Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) (2012-2015)
Investigator: RNDr. Petr Procházka, Ph.D.
An investigation and comparison of fluorescent activity among three classes of bast: naive, presumed survivors, and European (2012-2013)
Investigator: Mgr. Natália Martínková, Ph.D.
Monitoring of large carnivores in SCI Beskydy (2011-2014)
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Petr Koubek, CSc.
Genetic structure of the freshwater pearl mussel in the Czech Republic (2009-2010)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
Reproductive isolating mechanisms in Nothobranchius annual fishes - the roles of mate choice, ecological divergence and vicariance
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Host specialization and host-race formation in the European bitterling
Co-investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
The possible roles of ciliate Troglodytella abrassarti in chimpanzee hind gut fermentation
Investigator: Mgr. Klára Petrželková, Ph.D.
African and Central European Vertebrates: Discoverability of Genomic Samples Located at the IVB
Investigator: Mgr. Petra Hájková, Ph.D.
VectorNet: A European network for sharing data on the geographic distribution of arthropod vectors, transmitting human and animal disease agents (2014-2017)
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc.
EDENext: Biology and Control of Vector-borne Infections in Europe (2011-2015)
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc.
EuroWestNile (European West Nile Collaborative Project) (2011-2014)
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc.
Utilization of genetic resources for effective corservation of endangered species (2010-2012)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
VBORNET (European Network for Arthropod Vector Surveillance for Human Public Health) (2010-2014)
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc.
Molecular biodiversity inventory of the ichthyofauna of the Czech Republic
Investigator: Mgr. Jan Mendel, Ph.D.
Marie Curie research training network SEXASEX Sex to asex: a case study on transitions and coexistence between sexual and asexual reproduction (2006-2008)
Co-investigator: prof. RNDr. Jan Zima, DrSc.
Marie Curie intra-European fellowship PHYLOMICROTUS (2006-2008)
Investigator: Mgr. Natália Martínková, Ph.D.
Models for assesing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Co-investigator: Ing. Pavel Jurajda, Dr.
A multidisciplinary study of hybrid zones in the common shrew (2004-2007)
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Jan Zima, DrSc.
Emerging diseases in a changing European environment
Co-investigator: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc.
Intengrated consortium on ticks and tick-borne diseases
Co-investigator: prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Hubálek, DrSc.
Rodents as important factor influencing forest regeneration
Investigator: RNDr. Miloslav Homolka, CSc.
Development of new methods of rearing selected promising species for aquaculture using non-traditional technologies (207-2011)
Investigator: Ing. Miroslav Prokeš, CSc.
Development of new technologies of rearing commercially important riverine species of fish and crayfish endangered by environment degradation (2003-2007)
Investigator: Ing. Miroslav Prokeš, CSc.
Harmonization with the EU in application of the principles of pharmacovigilancy in aquaculture in the Czech Republic
Investigator: Ing. Miroslav Prokeš, CSc.
Evolution of sexual ornaments and their information content: a comparative study in isolated populations with divergent signal traits and preferences (2014-2016)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Albrecht, Ph.D.
Projekt: „Integrace experimentální a populační biologie pomocí nových metod v mezioborové problematice - cesta k excellenci s mladými vědci“ (2012-2015)
Investigator: doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Science for all senses (2012-2014)
Investigator: Mgr. Anna Bryjová
Next-generation technologies in evolutionary genetics (2012-2015)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
PROVAZ: PROpojení Vzdělávání A nových přístupů v Zoologicko-ekologickém výzkumu - od teorie k praxi (2011-2014)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
TTM Project
Co-investigator: Ing. Miroslav Čapek, CSc.
Conservation genetics of selected vertebrates in the Western Balkans (2008-2009)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
Changes of mosquito biodiversity - vectores of pathogenic agents in relationship with weather changeability (2008-2011)
Investigator: RNDr. Jiří Halouzka, Ph.D.
Gastrointestinal ciliates and their role in digestion of great apes
Investigator: Mgr. Klára Petrželková, Ph.D.
Ichtyoparasitology Research Center
Co-investigator: Ing. Pavel Jurajda, Dr.
Biodiversity Research Center (2005-2011)
Co-investigator: prof. RNDr. Jan Zima, DrSc.
Management plan for Eurasian lynx, grey wolf, and brown bear in the Czech Republic (2015-2016)
Investigator: prof. RNDr. Petr Koubek, CSc.
BIOM: Vzdělávací centrum pro biodiverzitu – Mohelský mlýn (2015-2016)
Investigator: doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Bryja, Ph.D.
Zpracování odborných podkladů pro rozhodnutí o ZPZCHD pro druhy sýček obecný (Athene noctua) a strnad zahradní (Emberiza hortulana) (2015-2016)
Investigator: Ing. Martin Šálek, Ph.D.
Filling gaps in knowledge of biology and ecology of Eurasian otter: ecological modelling (2008-2010)
Investigator: Mgr. Petra Hájková, Ph.D.
The biological and ecological requirements of fishes: factors determining the function of fish ladders
Investigator: doc. ing. Stanislav Lusk, CSc.
Fish biodiversity in the Morava and Dyje confluence area – supporting and stabilization of rare and endangered species populations
Investigator: Ing. Karel Halačka, CSc.
Genetic diversity of endangered fish species-base of effective protection of biodiversity
Investigator: Mgr. Jan Mendel, Ph.D.