Mgr. Jakub Žák

Position: PhD student
Research topics: evolutionary ecology of fish
Department: Research facility Brno


  • 2017-present: PhD study: Zoology of Vertebrates, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Topic: The Biology of aging in annual killifish of genus Nothobranchius, (supervisor: M.Reichard). 
  • 2017: MSc. study: Zoology of Vertebrates, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Topic:  Thesis: The Sexual Segregation of Cyprinids in Rimov reservoir, (supervisor: M.Prchalová).
  • 2015: Bc. study: Fishery, Faculty of fisheries and protection of waters, University of South Bohemia in České Budejovice, Thesis: The influence of hormonal stimulant on artificial spawning of weather loach  (Misgurnus fossilis), (supervisor: B.Drozd).
  • 2014: Bc. study: Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Thesis: Methods of study habitats and microhabitats preferences of freshwater fishes of Central Europe, (supervisor: M.Švátora). 


  • 2017 – present: IVB CAS Brno - technician.

Mezinárodní zkušenosti

  • 7-8/2017 – internship in Tom van Doorens laboratory, ECOTRON (St, Pierre les Neours), France. 
  • Field experiences from Mosambique, Netherlands, Slovakia. 



Vrtílek M., Žák J., Polačik M., Blažek R., Reichard M.: Longitudinal demographic study of wild populations of African annual killifish, Scientific Reports 8 (2018) .

Vrtílek M., Žák J., Pšenička M., Reichard M.: Extremely rapid maturation of a wild African annual fish, Current Biology 28 (2018) .

Žák J., Reichard M., Gvoždík L.: Limited differentiation of fundamental thermal niches within the killifish assemblage from shallow temporary waters, Journal of Thermal Biology 78 (2018) 257-262.