Department of Theoretical Physics

Strangeness Nuclear Physics:

Strangeness nuclear physics bears a broad impact on contemporary physics since it lies at the intersection of nuclear and particle physics and astrophysics. It is of fundamental importance in our understanding of the strong interaction.
A hyperon embedded in the nuclear medium presents a unique probe of the deep nuclear interior which makes it possible to study a variety of otherwise inaccessible nuclear phenomena, and thereby test nuclear models. The added strange hadron, whether hyperon or antikaon, introduces an SU(3)-flavor dimension to traditional nuclear physics. It enables us to study directly models of baryon-baryon and meson-baryon interactions as well as effective field theory approaches which encode the basic ingredients of QCD at low energy.

"In spite of its 'age' of over 50 years, Strangeness Nuclear Physics has not lost its charm and beauty.
On the contrary, it keeps up to its young spirit in addressing new challenging problems and questions."

(P. Bydzovsky, A. Gal, J. Mares, LNP724)


Our Group:

Our group is known worldwide as it has been contributing significantly to the development of the field since eighties. The group has on-going international collaborations with key-figures both in theory and experiment from leading world laboratories in Japan, USA, Israel, Italy, Germany, Russia.
Our members have been taking an active part in the preparation of proposals and interpretation of experiments at JLab (USA), Tohoku University (Japan) and MAMI at Mainz (Germany).

L. Majling, J. Mares, O. Richter, M. Sotona and J. Zofka won the Award of the Czech. Academy of Sciences 1992.
D. Gazda won the CAS O. Wichterle Award for outstanding young Scientists 2018.
A. Cieply won the CAS O. Wichterle Award for outstanding young Scientists 2002.
D.Gazda was awarded Josef Hlavka Prize 2013, Werner for Siemens Excellence Award 2013 for the best doctoral thesis, and Award of the Rector of CTU in Prague.
J. Hrtankova was awarded Prix Becquerel de Physique Nucleaire 2017 and M. Odehnal Award 2018.
Members of the group won several times the Award of Nuclear Physics Institute for the best published work: 2nd prize in 2001 and 1st prize in 2007, 2009, 2012, 2014, and 2017.