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Laboratory of Nuclear Analytical Methods
Research topics:

   The study of metal diffusion (Ag, Au) into the polymer foils (PET, LDPE, HDPE). The prepared samples was modified by plasma discharge using various substrate temperature and various properties of plasma discharge. The depth profiles were analysed using the RBS. The RBS results were compared to the morphology determined AFM, to the chemical bonds on metal surface determined XPS. TEM gives us information about the size and numbers of metal particles at metal/polymer interfaces. RBS and AFM study of Ag and Au diffusion into PET foils influenced by plasma treatment

       Recent publications:
  1. Macková A.,Švorčík V., Strýhal Z., Pavlík J., Malinský P.: RBS, XPS and AFM Study of Ag Thin Films and Polyethylene Foils Interface Modified by Plasma Treatment, 16th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes, Book of Abstracts, 219 – 220, Podbanské (2007)
  2. Macková A.,Švorčík V., Sajdl P., Strýhal Z., Pavlík J.,Šlouf M.,Malinský P.: RBS, XPS and TEM Study of Metal and Polymer Interface Modified by Plasma Treatment, JointVacuum Conference 11, Book of Abstracts, 95 – 95, Praha (2006), přijato pro publikaci v časopise Vacuum, Czech Vacuum Society
  3. Macková A., Švorčík V., Strýhal Z., Pavlík J.: RBS and AFM study of Ag and Au diffusion into PET foils influenced by plasma treatment, Surface and Interface Analysis, 38, 4: 335-338 (2006)

   The study of the grow, modification and structure of thin layers or multilayers used in microelectronics, optics, optoelectronics and biomedicine. Study of interaction and interface properties of polymers and metals. Systems prepared by ion implantation, ion beam mixing, ion beam assisted deposition, ion degradation, plasma deposition are studied using nuclear analytical methods (RBS, ERDA etc.)

       Recent publications:
  1. Mackova A., Perina V., Krumeich J. and Kolouch A., RBS and XPS study of TiOx layers prepared by PVD technique, Surface and Interface Analysis, 36 (2004) 1171-1173.
  2. Mackova A, Perina V, Hnatowicz V, Biederman H, Slavinska D, Choukourov A. Investigation of plasma polymer and nano composite polymer films by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry and by Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis analytical methods, Acta Physica Slovaca, 54 (1), 2004.

   RBS-channeling is used to study crystalline materials and host atom positions , the fundamental studies concerning stopping power of channeled ions are realized.

       Recent publications:
  1. A. Mackova, R. Groetzschel, F. Eichhorn, P. Nekvindova, J. Spirkova, Characterization of Er: LiNbO3 and APE:.Er:LiNbO3 by RBS-channeling and XRD techniques, Surface and Interface Analysis, 36 (2004) 949-951

   The combined study of the organosilicon films by RBS, ERDA and AFM analytical methods obtained from PECVD and PACVD

       Recent publications:
  1. Mackova A, Perina V, Stryhal Z, Pavlik J, Svec M, Quede A, Supiot P, Borvon G, Granier A, Raynaud P, The combined study of the organosilicon films by RBS, ERDA and AFM analytical methods obtained from PECVD and PACVD Surface Science, 566: 1143-1146 Part 2, SEP 20 2004

   Ion-beam method characterization of erbium incorporation into glass surface for photonics applications

       Recent publications:
  1. Mackova A, Perina V, Havranek V, Tresnakova-Nebolova P, Spirkova J, Telezhnikova O, Ion-beam method characterization of erbium incorporation into glass surface for photonics applications Surface Science, 566: 111-114 Part 1, SEP 20 2004

   Magnetron sputtered superhard Si-B-C-N films

       Recent publications:
  1. J. Vlček, M. Kormunda , J. Čížek, Z. Soukup, V. Peřina, J.Zemek, Diamond and related Materials 12 (2003) 1287
  2. J. Vlček, M. Kormunda, J. Čížek, V. Peřina, J.Zemek, Surface & Coatings Technology 160 (1) (2002) 74