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«2015 2018 2019
5 captures
11 Apr 15 - 8 Dec 18
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COST Action MP1204

SMMO Conference


We would like to invite you to participate in the forthcoming

SMMO2015 - 6th International Conference on Semiconductor Mid-IR Materials and Optics
held jointly with the
3rd Annual Conference of COST Action MP1204.

The joint event is based on progress reports from the Working Groups (WGs) of COST ACTION MP1204 and is complemented by contributions from members external to the ACTION. The sessions are open to all participants, promoting a unique opportunity to share experience and discuss a wide range of subjects related to both MIR and THz optoelectronic devices. All participants are stimulated to propose new joint projects and to bring proposal outlines if they are searching for proposal submission partners, notably to Horizon 2020.


Please read the information about the temporary suspension of the tram service around Kobylisy station.

The Book of Abstracts is now available online:

Click to open [PDF]

The conference programme was announced. Please follow the link.

All attendees are requested to register (even those who will attend the event as a listeners without any contribution!). Please follow the link.