MR scanner 9.4 T / 30 cm |
console, magnet, electronics | Bruker Biospec 94/30 USR, Avance III | |
RF shielded room | | Faraday cage room |
high power gradient system | | gradients 300 mT/m (sample diam. < 154 mm), 660 mT/m (s. d. < 60 mm) |
RF coils | | |
RF coil 1H 198/154mm CP TR AD | RF RES 400 1H 198/154 QSN TR AD | |
RF coil 1H 112/86mm CP TR AD | RF RES 400 1H 112/086 QSN TO AD | |
RF coil 1H 89/60mm CP TR | RF RES 400 1H 089/060 QSN TR | |
RF coil 1H 75/40mm CP TR (rat head, mouse body) | RF RES 400 1H 075/040 QSN TR | |
RF coil 1H surface CP R AD (mouse brain) | RF SUC 400 1H M.BR. QSN RO AD | |
RF coil 1H maticová 2x2 L R AD (mouse brain) | RF ARR 400 1H M.BR. LIN RO AD | |
RF coil 1H surface CP R (rat mozek) | RF SUC 400 1H R.BR. QSN RO AD | |
RF coil 1H array 2x2 L R AD (rat brain) | RF ARR 400 1H R.BR LIN RO AD | |
RF coil 1H planar surface 10mm L R AD | RF SUC 400 1H ID=10 LNA | |
RF coil 1H planar surface 20mm L R AD | RF SUC 400 1H ID=20 LNA | |
RF coil 1H planar surface 30mm L R AD | RF SUC 400 1H ID=30 LNA | |
RF coil 1H/13C 75/40mm LL TR (rat head, mouse body) | RF RES 400 1H/13C 075/040 LIN/LIN TR | |
RF coil 1H/19F 75/40mm LL TR (rat head, mouse body) | RF RES 400 1H/19F 075/040 LIN/LIN TR | |
RF coil 1H/23Na 75/40mm LL TR (rat head, mouse body) | RF RES 400 1H/23Na 075/040 LIN/LIN TR | |
RF coil 1H/31P 75/40mm LL TR (rat head, mouse body) | RF RES 400 1H/31P 075/040 LIN/LIN TR | |
RF coil 1H/129Xe 75/40mm LL TR (rat head, mouse body) | RF RES 400 1H/129Xe 075/040 LIN/LIN TR | |
RF coil 1H/13C surface 20mm LL TR | RF SUC 400 1H/13C ID=20 LIN/LIN TR SIM | |
RF coil 1H-19F surface 20mm L TR | RF SUC 400 1G-19F ID=20 LIN TR | |
RF coil 1H/23Na surface 20mm LL TR | RF SUC 400 1H/23Na ID=20 LIN/LIN TR SIM | |
RF coil 1H/129Xe surface 20mm LL TR | RF SUC 400 1H/129Xe ID=20 LIN/LIN TR SIM | |
RF coil 1H/31P surface 20mm LL TR | RF SUC 400 1H/31P ID=20 LIN/LIN TR SIM | |
Animal care | | |
Physiology monitoring and gating | SA Instruments, Inc., model 1030 | fibre-optics thermometer, ECG, respiration, capnography, ventilator |
Syringe pump | Harvard Apparatus PHD 22/2000 | remote-controlled precise power injector for contrast agent administration |
Isoflurane anesthesia | | |
MR scanner 4.7 T / 20 cm |
console, magnet, electronics | MR Solutions Ltd., Magnex Sci. Ltd., CPC Amps, IECO | |
Animal care | | |
Physiology monitoring and gating | SA Instruments, Inc., model 1025 | thermocouple thermometer, ECG, respiration |
RF coils | | home made for 1H, 23Na, 13C, 19F, 129Xe |
Isoflurane anesthesia | | |
Electronics |
Network analyzer | Rohde & Schwarz ZVL3 | |
Oscilloscope | Rohde & Schwarz RTM 2054 | |
Animal facility |
animal rooms | mouse room, rat room, service room | 4 Pa overpressure, access via hygienic loop from the technical room, autoclave, sterile chamber, UV sterilization, HEPA filtering, A/C |
equipment | individually ventilated cages, laminar flow box | |
technical rooms | washing room, storage | < 4 Pa overpressure, limited access, HEPA filtering, A/C |
experiment preparation room | veterinary operating table, laminar flow box | |
deep freezer | | for samples |
fume hood | | for biochemical work |