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Department of Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale

 Scientific Meetings   Seminars   Ph.D. studies  

Scientific Meetings

Forthcoming Scientific Meetings Organized or Co-organized by the Institute
Jetřichovice , 20-24 May, 2019, A
Organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2019 52nd Heyrovský Discussion
The baroque castle (chateau) Liblice, 16 - 20 June 2019, A
Organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

Recent Scientific Meetings Organized or Co-organized by the Institute
2018 Odpoledne s elektrochemií
UFCHJH, 10. 12. 2018, spolupořadatelé -Metrohm ČR a odborná skupina elektrochemie ČSCH
Organizer: Mgr. HROMADOVÁ Magdaléna, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. SOKOLOVÁ Romana

2018 Potlach č. V o vybraných kapitolách z (bio)elektroanalytické chemie aneb pojďme společně lépe rozumět tomu, co děláme
v posluchárně Ústavu fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, v.v.i., 10. října 2018, 10:00-16:00, A
Organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2018 38th Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice, 21-25 May, 2018
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2017 Odpoledne s elektrochemií
Sál Rudolfa Brdičky, ÚFCH JH, 11. prosince 2017 od 13 hodin
Organizer: Mgr. HROMADOVÁ Magdaléna, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. SOKOLOVÁ Romana

2017 37th Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice, 15-19 May, 2017
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2016 Odpoledne s elektrochemií
Sál Rudolfa Brdičky, ÚFCH JH, 12.12. 2016 od 13 hodin
Organizers: Mgr. HROMADOVÁ Magdaléna, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. SOKOLOVÁ Romana

2016 36th International Conference on Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice, 23 - 27 May 2016
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2015 Odpoledne s elektrochemií
Přednáškový sál R. Brdičky, ÚFCH J. Heyrovského, 7.12.2015
Organizer: Mgr. HROMADOVÁ Magdaléna, Ph.D., Dr. Mgr. SOKOLOVÁ Romana

2015 35th International Conference on Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice, 18 - 22 May 2015
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2014 47th Heyrovský Discussion-Electrochemistry of Organic and Bioactive Compounds
Conference Centre of ASCR in chateau Třešť (near Jihlava), 25-29 May, 2014
Organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2014 34th International Conference on Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice, 19 - 23 May 2014
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2013 33rd International Conference on Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice, 20 - 24 May 2013
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2012 45th Heyrovský Discussion: Electrochemistry of Biopolymers and Bioactive Compounds
Brno, 13-17 August, 2012
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2012 32ndInternational Conference on Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice in Nothern Bohemia, 21-25 May 2012
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2011 31stInternational Conference on Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice in Nothern Bohemia, 23-27 May 2011
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2010 30th International Seminar on Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice, 24 – 28 May 2010
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2009 29th International Seminar on Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice, 21 – 25 May 2009
Organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2008 41st Heyrovský Discussion - Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Třešť u Jihlavy (Conference centre of the AS CR) , 15 -19 June 2008
Organizer: doc. RNDr. POSPÍŠIL Lubomír, CSc.

2008 ESEAC 2008 - 12th International Conference on Electroanalysis
Prague, 16-19 June 2008
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2008 28stInternational Seminar on Modern Electrochemical Methods
Jetřichovice, 26 – 29 May 2008
Organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2007 27th International Seminar on Modern Electrochemical Methods.
Jetřichovice, 21. – 24. 5. 2007
Organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2006 39th Heyrovský Discussions and 7th Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance.
Trešť, 4 - 6 June 2006, 41 participants including 35 from abroad.
Organizer: doc. RNDr. POSPÍŠIL Lubomír, CSc.

2006 26th International Seminar on Modern Electrochemical Methods.
Jetřichovice, 9 - 12 May 2006, 50 participants including 5 from abroad.
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2005 25th International Seminar on Modern Electrochemical Methods.
Jetřichovice, 23 -26 May 2005, 55 participants.
Co-organizer: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš

2002 35th Heyrovský Discussion together with the 6th International Microsymposium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis.
Trešť, 9 -13 June 2002, 46 participants including 28 from abroad.
Organizer: doc. RNDr. POSPÍŠIL Lubomír, CSc.

2001 US-CZ Workshop on Electrochemical Sensors.
Prague, 19 - 22 June 2001, 44 participants including 14 from abroad.
Co-organizers: doc. Dr. Ing. NAVRÁTIL Tomáš, Novotný L.

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